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GREAT.G&KA'rikv ff,LA'i BilíGAINS EVER OFI'KULD 1859. r;)!859. a.-;.;n U'ii fík fi-i. ilg& JL: Iu tliisOity.nvp uow being offered ut llia CIlÉArCLOCK,WATCU, k F O JV = X a-y StorerxiH5 StibiorlbT vouldsay to thPeltisnitflol Ann Ar I lnii,i ■ pnrticular, nd th reM of Wfuhirnaw Cnunti in ueniT!.. thél ln lm., jüst IMPOKPED PIREflTLY rum MT.OFK. Treinenilrius Stek of Watclics! Ali of wlilcli I Krtfrcti-11 rHKPEH than i ot Now York City. Opon I : niti 81' to 610 Hn do I ' it ! i !o ' to I Ilnnting (',. n„ ,„ .;,, 14 ,,, 3;i 1 i' 1 Cylin Itr do di) 9 to ■ au to 150 "■ELEIWlATED mWMl MATCHES, wliicfi I wlll wil Ur 435. F.veryVvatch warrantud to tq ;.' i!,or Uh' imm.'y rcfunded. Cloc!t, jRwelry, I'lnted Wr, Fancy Qoof l Qold Pen, Iluslca] Instrumenta and tütiiDflb, Uutlóry, ftc, tnd i'1 !'■■' I 1 pflrlery opvery fiitut iiniiMÍy frrpYjy Jew cI-:ib 1:1111 ■ ■ be oext ninoty daj? t vur O W N "RICES.! PürBOim bo?lnt' Htiythinc fit this wril known oitlii"ttirte 11 r can -Hy upnn avtti'ig aocwN rxwVy reprcsfiit H, rey rrfondcd. Cal)tarly and -■- cure th bf'Si lim vaina ever uttï'rt'rt in thi ity One word in roard ro Rcpairing : We nrn pn'pwnvl (o mnke any reoulra oiiñnp. or cnmmon Wfttohea, pvpi to ra kiaacfT the eume nt!', f nocestary. Rpnirinj nf t locka Rd Ji-u-f'rv )■-' llBUfil. Also t')' niHnntitctiiriPt' ui klN(; UROOrj!'-", or nuyfhi'iL' rt8red, frnm Chiu Tiiin Gold onsKortnp !trc. EograTJpg In Hjüts t-rauthtisovot'ated wirl . ripir. netiiaiiddisjintuh, J C. WVTTP. Anu Arho--, Jhii, SPthlPCÖ. 7f4w Important National Works, v D. ATTLKTON & CO., 34G AND 3-JS BHOADW-Y NEW YORK Tho follnwing works are scntto SubAcritera in anv Ari of thi country, (upou receitJt !' retail price,) by maf or pxpn . ■ THB KKVV AMKRIAIV C YCTOPJKniA ■ J Popular J'i';.: y of Ot'Utifl Iviuiwït (Jko. Kh'i.iiy and f"ti.HtNA. Mana, aíded by a humcroiA nuLeci corpH of wrltom in all bratii l.. . f iSciencos, Afi and literatura, nrorh is betng publfcfaml n aboai 15 lurf oc'avii volume (tapli couliüliiliit ïaU hm ootumi pniren I., II., 111., IV. V.. VI . Vil. V1I!.,V1. des. Au aadltïonA] rolume will be publlsbed onco h aboat tbKc ïmmihM. lpice,in tUth, ?; Flwp, Í3.50; Half Russia, 4 00 each. The Xpw Amcricj n ('ycli])ili: is pojular withqut Ik inp superficial, lenrtioi! without beiug tJt!;nUi eomprtIicnsivi : , , niTsonnl ptqin and part) pn . b ;.;: ' pol accurate, it ;. complet gtfttPnicDi of all tlmi is known upón every ino portii nl topic witltin ihe Bcopeof hoinan iotolli I'viTv iDipoi I .. ;t has btpit specially wntta fr 18 1 ■ lOiities upou n wliicli thcy lípeak, Tln-y arerequiredto brina luí naDject up to tlif prenent moment; to state ju$1 how [1 itands nnu. All tUe .tatistiual iaiormatim froni tin íftí n'pnrts; til---. .!■';.■. cal Ac pnce wi til . the fstettt explorationrt; Listorical mattere inctudc Ui rraphical QAtfcef ode alt n I I tbedead butalsoof tlic living, it is a hbrary .f teOU A RI!KiF.?IET OP THE DRRATKS OF _oí;iíKSS Being a Political Hfrtory of the Unita Slat vs, froir Llifl nrga nizalion of the firsi re loral i '"■iiïreftöin 178 l tedanrlcompiled iv Un. Tim H.m i! : The-.v. : h 15 royal octavu vulumj of 760 pages-eaeh, 11 ofwhich mv now ready. An nX ditlonal rol urne il! be publfithed once in three monthi $ö; Uw taieep, ttüf Mor., $4; Hal Cnlf. $4.50 tch. A WA Y OFPRUCÜPTVG THECYCLOPiEplA OR DKB,TÏ- Furm : "!uU oF four, ami rcniïï tho price of f bookft. aiul live cjie$ -, il be -t ni il the irju.llci's expeiibi fm e; or for ten ■ even copie wiil hüfnt al oiir expenso rr c i To Aifi t ts. No otber work wil! bo libei%iiy reward the exertion of yu,eills. .N A(í(í.T'ANTKtí i.i Tli)-i OuCSTY TiTms n;;i'U' Mj"'.vr mi iippÜCntioo to t!"Ann Arbor March. 186. "(Tti Be? Th is. Wriubt, agont at Kinne K Smiths lï-M.;k ötore, V] ■■ Blackwood'á Magazine AND tïIE Uritish Ifeviews. SUBSCRIBE! PREïïïüMSand HEDJCiiaiMS. L. SCOlTJt ''-, NKW YOltK,cnÜni-.e to publish tht follo'.viiii' leading Britïsli Rcrodicais, viz: 1 TflE L0ND0N QÜABTERLY (Consjrvaiive). TIIKKDINRUliCII I1F.V1MV (WUÏg), THKNORTII BR1T1SH KhVIEW (FipeChurclO. THE WCSTMIN'STER REVIEW (Uberai) BLA0KWO0I'3 KDIXBÜRtíH MAGAZINE (Tory). The r .i state of Elurnppaa wíl) ronder ilic-é publjCiuiooa unusually itHerfstinfj Juriitft i che forthcfimidg ye r. They wïll oecupy a een ihe liastijy writfuii nrws-ii'-ni-. tTudi rfjjffulutiims, and fiyir.e;Tuniirs of the laily, Joiironl. and !hf )0ii'WrrU' rmne nl t'ie futme historian, wnttei. a'U V liïc living interuft and yxcthnioiit t the grea' Kl!tie:il evennft nf lime fchatl hHy piused awny. l , ÍB tO thfl l'fliuli(;;lU X:', li-:xU-, QÜt lOOfe fOT Ui unlyreo.11.? intvlligiblu md reliable liifry ol curtvn ■ civeuts. ii:td as . stscti fn'addrtion to tltet; we lps'abUhed ■ litoniry, scier.tilií. and theutogical cliiintc'er, we uigc .lirm upon Mm-C' n-i'!i-raii(.in)t the reatlfoK public. The receii#t rtf Advniu-e Slirt-ts Innn Hriti.-l: i pnl.ü ; a In o nal raluo Ihese Reprints, ir-iiniT' li :if thcy cruinow bé plficCd in Ihe hands et - subscribe ib)utaa aoonasthq original c4itiou. TEUMS. (Regular Pricw) Por nnn. Forapv nneof tíie foiirRevíewrt. - - - $:i no ' K.t riïti dl l he feur Rt-viens, - - 5 0' r For Rny three of il;e nnrReviowB - 7 1 o Korjtll loui i'i thft Iteviews, - . - - - 8 00 For ]!l:ieknol M ■gíir.ino, .... 30' l':-i !■ muí. !■;,-■. i, Wj . . . 5 0 1 pur lïi:iit.'.M n ;unl 1 n ücvitnv. - - - 7 '.: i Fr i.:ii.v uoi] un.! ifaree PevtewH, - - ■ íoo Kor Uliifku Lm ■ t:,(. iourl:rvicv.. - . 1000 Mitneycnmnt iu tie State wlt re issucd will be received ! í par. POSTAtí E. Tlio Post.icf to nny j.rirt of t!l r-ito;l St.itis ivill be ! Uut Tuniyfniít Cint-J a ypur Cor ■■Ubi kwu(id." , iiilil t.ut tfoiuiii-ii Ceuta i j:lr lor cach uf Úw At Ihe aliovo priecs the IVriodicalM wili be furnishc! for 180-.'. AND AS A Premium to NdW Subsorbers, the Xos of the same l'erinfJic.ils for 18tO will bofurnihoú ' complete, teitaont ddldtmai chome.. r Uulike the ni"!1 1 c Ín i;n;al Magazines oí tlie dajf, I i'f lodicoJK twr MtUe b. ?i 'ni yar of tlu1 No, fot L&60, nía y be reganTed nearly as vul ua bit ns I Subfteriberi IshiQg ftls t he Kcb. for I86f, will be &UUed lt tile MÍWlllg KXTltKMEl V F.OWRATEB. i Spleiidid Offers tor 1800, '61, & '62 1 'Igeí,hcr. For Blackwood's Ungazlue, the three years, $5 00 for aiyr one Review, ■ - " I 0 e, Foruny IWoKvvievva, - - " " 8 00 For Blackwooíi artd oneReriev, ' " R 0 For Black n I nndtwu Reríew, ' L( 12 00 Forihret' Reviwv-t. ■ ■ - lí " 110) e Foi Blackwo'od'aiiii íhree RèrléVra, " " 100 1 For four RvvJcwí, " " LB 00 For Black Wi uu and the tour RerlBws, " 17 (lü Anyof tho aboye workaiU.aUo ha rurnislioJ to iVtto Snbitrribus for the v ar Ifllft-, t. and o, - At üue Ilalí' the Rotular tíubscriplion Primos. Tima JV5 Sufacibsr may obtaln tho Roprints of tlw Fuur líe vic w. nad Ulactvoud. Seveu Consecuiive Year $37 ! ! ! Which i rui; little tuore thau tbe piicv of the original As vre iihali never agaïn bc likel; to offer such induce iH'iit-. as tl'ow' ben presen ted Now is the time to Subscribe ! ! f"3 ReinittaDceR muttt, in all cants, be ínutle direct to Un Vitb i-'m-s, Eor U Uiese prieea ao cninmission can beallowcii Lo agonts LBONAROSCOTT dói No. 64 Hold streel New York , Ann Arbor Marble WorSi Iöato;fcLolcaLO:r l i Á&bn luuil a Une assortment ot' American and 1 T A L I A N MA ti B L L i which lio is prepared to mnufacluto lato ! ; O N U A % MENTSt . Ac, te. Sxj "-'■'L'' áte, ác, inallMiftir mrietie. undína Wi'HKMAN'UKK manneij ' Ilnving h:id ronsideriible -ji"i ienen in the bustnem liineif tiiüt he will he able to pleaM all ylio may favor nwwtth their orwr?. lí. pj cei . LÏ) W AS T TI F LOWE8T. tljoso wishlTilf nny tliing in tny lïne nre rpspfi:tfnh ; n-itedto onll 1). C. BATCHI-.Í.I i:l. Aon Ailxir. Hay 20. 1 801. 80111 TO LET. TBE HIUCK UüUSE and Bau now occujiied by Olncy Hiuvlí'ns, 1C ■]., on Petroít sLl'üCt,Ann Arbor, pos(fcssidn íiv'H íhp l"ft of April. Alitoseveml stoi and rmuns io Buohoz'H Iilock to et togood -;,■ i.i tenante at a very íow rcntiuiuediato j]üs.-ifssioii giren, luquireof L.R. Bt'CHOZ, Ann Arbor March 28, 1S6Í. 8i5:f


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