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What A Spunky Woman Did

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Tho Washington correspondent of ' th(s New York Independent gives ih'J foliowing tcöoünt of i great reform . coinpiishlid in oiioot the hospital tt city, by a New Engiabd woman : " An infceresting case has cuino lo my knowledffo v hin a Jay or two, wherd a New England vort:at), alono and i'iii.'mllosp, aehieved a fcreat reform n Ötia riï o.ur hospital. The sur. having charge of th is particular hospitti 1 was a bruto, trefcÜDg the men in his charge, lhevisitora, anti indeed the surgeons benenth hirn. with eonteiiipUiutis cruulty. Having politica] int'ucnce, it wus not an easy matter to remove hini, th'ough thero were a hundred acts of' hie, íiny one of whiota would or hould be conrtidered snflioient causo (or bis instant disrnisfal from the service. But every ono beneath him was a'raid to tuke the first ti'.ep, for toar tho brutal man would turn npon the porson beginning tho coinplaint, and with his superior position and influenco orush the complainant. One da_v a New England vvoman came to the hospital to seo lier sick son. She soon met the ohief surgeon, aiui wns treated with coarso vioionce. If ho cou'id have hiaway, he said, he would not pennit a womr.n to come near the hospita!. It was in vain thatslie nrged that ühe bad not seen her son for long montbs, and that he whs now very il! aod perhaps dying. The moiipter oon tinoed to revile her, but darèa not refuse tidmittance to nee her een. Flio soon fi'iind the tiurgeon in immediute aitendance upon her boy, and told Ii'pii of the trealuient slie had reci.'ived from the ehief surtreon. He ivplied that. he was not at all surprised - the ehief ffur? ireon treated everybody brutully. - uWhy, then, do you subniit to such oruel outrage?" was the spirited woidhii's question "I eupppse we are all of us afraid to máke the eoniplaint against hiin," was the reply The woman fonnd that her son vas ineurably ill and was the proper subject of a discharge. The asyistant aurgeSn bo informed her She sought the ehief surgeou and askcd hiai to rcake a report tó tho ( trenn General unon the condition of hor son. He refused, with an oath. - J New England's grit in tlie woman's heart took fire, "You stand tlieie and jeer at sorrow. You use languagá i wui'd rne thut i benst would be ashatnod ] of. But let me teil you that, puor and ( friendlwss as I um, I ara more power ful than you, and will not leuve , ton until I hnve exposed your brutali tv !" She was sa good as her word. - j Shn went at once to Secretary Starrton. , IJe referred hm' to the Buigeon General, with a request that ba would look earefully into the oaee, and il the (acts warranted hor asaertions, that he Wóiild meto out rigid justice to the hospital snrgeon. The 'first act of the Surgeon General was to order the surgeon in charge to make a report upop tlio oase of the woman's son. The report was returned tha very next day, and its langmge was insoleut in the extreme, The surgeon was angry at the wornan's ipterference.- : "Thia is enough"(iaid theSurgoon Gen eral. "Aman who will send me such a report, is papable of all you charge against tiim. I will nottake the trouble to examine the case. Heshall be di=raiseed from tho Berviee!" That very night, aa the chief surgeon ot blank Hospital Ríit with his assistants around hirn, indnlging in his usual bluster, a pleasant-faced cpntleman appeared at the door and inquired for Surgeon , in charge of the hospital. That person was speedüy pointed out to (urn. "I am direoted to "hand this to you' by the Surgeon General," said thó stranger. The surgeon opened it and iound that it ordered him to hand ovar the hospitals nnd Bupplies to the bearer, who would take charge oí them, and, to conclude, dismissei tho service. - The New England woman had tri umphed at last.


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