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The Rebel Raid Into Pennsylvania

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Tiio official inetrueitona f' tíen. Icb t. Gen. StUQl't, iiie p.ibiUlicd in tbo Bicbmood po er: QBNJtRAL LTK T) IUJS RUIJKL IVAK DE TAÜTJIEXT. Ilead'jtuno'.'s li't of Northern Virginia, I Octotwr 18, 1362. ] Gen. S. Cuopei, Adj't and Inspector Qeueral : Gknkkai, : ín (oiwarding tlio report of Mnjor-Gimc'i'al Stüfirt, of nis expedition int'o Penn'sylvanin, I take occasion to fprosa to the Depoitrffënt my penre of ilio boldness, jfldgment, and prudence hu displayed in its execution, and corriialiy joju with hun in bis commondations of lbo conduct and endurunce of the brave men he commanded. ïo his skill and tbeir forliiuilb, ander the guidiince of nn overruling Providence, is tbeir suceess die. I have the honor to be, mout reepeoliully, your most obedient seiv'.it, K E. LEE, General. OEX. Ul'i 1NSTKUCT10NS. Headqnarters, Army of Northern Virginia, ) Camp near Winchester, Va., Oct. 8. ) Major-Gen. J. E. B. Stiuut, Coimnanding Civahy. d.c. General - An e.vpoiliiion into M;utht'id wilh a detaohment of cavalry, if it can bo Buocessfü'lly exeented, is at this timo desirflble. You wil), there tore, forra a detatctiment "f from twelve to til'tcen hundred vs ell muunted raen, suitablo fur. s'jch an t-xpidiüon, and hould the infonnation froin yoa'r scouts load yon to euppope tbat your move ment can be cuooealttd from bodies oí the enemy that vou!d bo able to resist it, yon aro dècnrod to cross the Potomae :ibove Wülanisport, leavo }Iigcrítown and Grecncastlu on you right, and enÜeávof to destroy the rnilroad bridge over the bronch of tbe Ooocoöbeague. Any other damage that you can infiict npon the enemy or his meaos of traniiortíition you will also execute - Yon are dosired to g11''! all the inforniation of tha posilion, forcé and probable intention of the enemy wbicn you can. nnd ín your pfógress into Pennsylvania you will take me&earea to in form yourself of the various routes that you may tako on your return to Virginia To keep your movements secret, it will be neoessury tbr you to arrest all citizena that may give informaüon to the enemy; nnd should you meet witli uitizens of Pennsylvunia holding State or Government offices, t will b desirablo, if convenient, to brin tbem with you that they may be use .1 as hostages, r the means of e.xchanje for our own citizens that have beeo carried off by the onemv. Such persons will, oi OOuree, be treaa-d with all the respect and consideratioo that ciicumstancus . Imit. Should it be in your power to stipply yrwpsölf with horses, or other neceasary articles on the list of legal capture, you are anthoiized todoeo. Havmg aeoompüsbed your errand, you will lejoin this army as soon as practicable. Heliance is placed upon your skill and judgment in the execution of this plan, and it is not intended or desii't'd that you should jeopirdize Uie Büfety of your comrnand, or go farthcr than your good jnijgmeut and pradence may díctate. Col. lmboden has been desired to attract the attention of the enemy towarda Cumberland, ro that the rivet between that point ;nd vvhere vou may recross may be less gnarded. You will, of coiirsp, keep out your scouts to ive you iniormalion, and takt) every other precaution to Becore the sncces8 and ïaiely of the expedi:ion. Should you be led bo far east 03 to make it better, in your opinión, to continue around to the Potomae, you will have to cross the rivet in the vicinity oí Leesbnrg. I run, with great respect, your obedient servan t.


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