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From The Army In Virginia

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Pliiludelphm, Nov. 3. Tbë Washington ays : " Last night the advunce of the Arrqy of tho Poiomno, ander Gen. Burmrfda, Fiiz Jnhn I'iMler aiiti others, doobtlesfl bivouacked pon the ine ofhu Alcxiindcia and Winchester turnpike f'rotn Uppei'ville, Uiree milos in front, or btdow Aehley'a Gap dowa to Middloburg, :i distance of ten miles. Thuir cavalry mast b:ivè halted lor the night vévy oear, if riot on tha line oi Ihe Mannussas Gap ruil röad, somewhero between Front Koyal and Thoroiighfure Gap. 11 The foros ol ISigel which touk up the line of march early ycstorday, must have ui vüik" 1 upon tho line of iho samo raüfoad to Thoroughfure Gaf) ere nightfall, if nnt beyoncl ihat poinrt, whilo uiiothur división of thu armv in front of Wnhnigton, o rider Sicktas, at Ibü KOWMJ UriHi was dnubllose ádviincíng in rear of Sigel and at night was within aupporting distance of hun. " Such wo judge f'rotn our tnowledge oí the country roadfi, &e.. to havo neeossarily boen tho movenienta east of tlie Blue Rtdg yesterday. The march ol Gen. 8icklw división yestorday from Alt'xaiidria almost lo tho extreme front reflsots gret uredil on it. " Up to 2.30 P. M. to-day we have not been ablo to learn tliat the eneniy had appeaied in front of Sigel's oom mand in any forco. Wo would have leurned the facls had they ventured an attack c.n our forous in that quarter. " This mornin we think Lee's front has been tutned." New York, Nov. 2. A Ilarper's Ferry dispatch of llio 2d says '' Nonemy opposed our ad vanee uolil it reached Snickersvillo, when thoy retreated to the nortborn side. " As our column reached the crost of the bil], a body of the rebel cavalry, a battery and two brigades of fnfantfy emerged from the woods in the dlrection ol Winchester. A Parott battery sent an effective shell amongst Ibem, vvhen they retreated to the woods not sinco emorginar " A body of them have remained on the banks of the Shenaudoah, two miles ff, airaid to retreat in the taco of the battery. " Snickervillians state that Stuart with tinto tbousand rebel cavalry passed througb tho Gap on Thursday, "The impreasion 3 general that a great battle will bo fought to morrow. " Our farces aro in full posession oí tho Gap. The rebels intendad to dispute the pofaeesion of the Gap, but were about an hour behind time." New York, Nov, 4. A Headqunrters dispatch to the HeralcL, clated Wheatlancl, Nov. 2, oontains tlie fiHlowing ; General M.cCK-11 an reconnoitered the eneniy from the front lliis aftui'tiooii. "Gen. Plesanton's cavalry, supported by a brigade of Doubleday's división, is driving tht rebels irom their positions and oontesling tlie ground with oongiderable spirit. " The rebels east of the Blue Rido designad retreating through tho G.p near Uppervillt. " Jaokaon and Longstreet are just bevond Snioker's Gap with a large force. Oannonachng is now going on. The troops are in exooüant oondition and eagor for a battle, A general engagOT ment is expeoted to morrow." llKAnQrAHTKRS Armv of tho Potomac, Í Hl nlirld Vu , 7 I' M. Nov. 8. ƒ The adyance of the Armv of the Potomac, up the valley, to tho loft side of the BUio Ridge is being pushed forward itb all despatch. Gen. Pleasanton occupied Upperville this afterpoon afternoon, aftera spirited cngagomonl with the eoemy fef about four hours. U'o had none killed but several were wounded. Tho rebels left ihreo oi their killed on the field. Upperville is four miles from Ashby's Gip, which the rebels are endeavoring to hold. üur troops now hold all iho Gaps up to Ashby's with every prospect of havir.g that to morrow. There was soino forco of the enemy to-day in front of Snickner's Gap, upon the left bank of the Shenandoah, to dis. pute our passage at that point. ïhe ruinors of the invasión oi Maryland ly way of Downsville, is not beliéved. The last reporta show thse rumors are tinlounded. The arrny is ready and prepared to fight a general battle when the rebels tnay soo proper to meet them. The army is in better condition than it haa ever been, with tho exeeption oí the want of more cavalry - a want that is greatly feit.


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