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Grreat IBooks in Press. THRILUNG INCIDENTS or the GREAT REBELLION; OR TheHcroism of ouvSoWiei'StfeSailttj'S; 1 voljargc 12 mo Price, $1.25, The critica and the public art right in predictingthat Ihis wUl surpiis?, ín grnphlfl narrativo, exciting interest, and BXténsivw popul4trtly,aU othcr histories of tlic War forthe Union Hê theine will be tin horoic dtirinr, pUeol suüerings.and hair-breadth e-cnpes nf nr soldiors and sailois, and iib iiiciJeiits will ferm the tUPinu of conversa :ion at innumerable flresides tor years to como. It will eoDfiuip. in aildition to it ntirrieg details, the philosophietil Anal) ñis of the Causen of the War, by Joli.v I.othrop n'oTi.hY, IX. D , Authur of "The Kise of the Dutch Itepublk1," etc, the dates ufa.ll the important evento froin the John Brown raid, and an nccnnite . .ud rfviscd account of the principal battles, with eugravns. One thlid the proceeds of all Subscriptions sent direct to U8 will be given lor the Relief of' Lisabled Soldiei-8, and all persons who wish a copy of the work, and also to benefit the atldie n,.should send their nitme and sddio.s.s !it onpri. Also, any offleer or priv:ifr or person in any sectjuu. of the country, haring knowledge of a hornic act or BtfrriQj incident, will ubligt? us by aending us an accouutof it. Bookselers, PostmistcrSj and Canvaasing Agents v,-ill be furnished wilh a Subscriptions Prospectus, on applieation to the i'ublisLers, tjf, A liberal commissiogivpn to soldiera d,psifinj íd actas agpnt.s in taking subscripfiops, il, THE HISTORY OF AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, from 1608 to 1860. By Tr. J.Lrander Bisnop. 2 vols, S vo. Vol I. npw ready, Vol II. nearly ready. This is probably the largest and most important work now ir the American prens. Wo hin also just publislied ijew editiops ol tha followïng qsefuland popular booka : The Business Man's Legal Adviser ; Or, FIow to Save Money, by Conductiog Buainess apcordingto law as expounded by the Best and latest Autjiorities. 00 pp , sieep. Price $1. 0PPORTUNIÏIES for INDUSTRY ; or, A Tkousand Chances to Muke Money. Gloth, $1 This has been republisUed in England Every bijsinessniapand clerk =hould have these books. íbiey will pay the buvrr a hundred fold. Eféry parent should get them tor their Bons. 4.U these b,ooks are mailcd, potpaid, on receipt of price. ye pay papticulac attention to mailing books, irapp!ng thrüi earefulty, and will procure and Ktod, postpaid, any book anywhere, on receipt of publitihtTs' price. AddrL'.s.s FREEJJLEY & CO., gfiltf Triljmií) Builáings, New York. THEThOUSEKEEPKR'íT NEW FURNITURE POLISII P?epq.rBd fron) an iniproved pecipe by the propriefcor of tlis 13rothe# Jonathan POUBX," Ij certificó by all the leading New York Kurniture Dealers and pianoForte Makers to De the best in the world for Removtng Scratches, Marks, and pirt, and restoring a high and lasling {TÏoss to al kinds of Varniábed yor, from Furn; 'ure to Lcathci:. t ís cheaper and better than Varnish. dries iininediafoly. ;i it 1 is easflj applied. Wtth n piece of Ctnton Flannel and and a bottle or two of thia Npw PuB.viTURp Poi-ííQ. $ JIou?eke;:per can ijork magie in the urniture of a house and keep i looUJn like new. Now 8 the time to "ahine up)J your Tablea, Cbairs, Desks, ianos, fieture Frames; Carriage, c!c, and inake thni ook 50 per cent. better. This is true economy. For sale by Furniture Dealersan 1 Ötorekeepera p nTny. - 'rice 5 and 50 cents a bottle. Depot Xo. l Spruce St ., Vew Yofc, Special Agenta Wanted. Address, Box 1972, New Vork P. O. The Hou-ekeeper's New Furniture Polish ía for sale at Aun Arbor by NEW F ALL GOODS! BACH PIERSON Have just opened a Clioico Stock of WOOL, C0TT0N& S1LK E3rC OX m tot Ladies' and Gentlemens Wear, also a stock of Best Family Groceries, whicb will be acid CHEAP FOR CASH. Gold, received at 16 per cent. prem. Silwir, " " 14 " " " Canada, " " 14 " " Old demand ïreasury notes, at 10 per eent. prera, BACII k PIERSOIi. Aan Arbor, Sept. 22, 1L62. Üifle Factory! Beutier & Traver, [Successors to A. J Sutherland,] Manufacturera of and Dealers in Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Tlasks, Poaehet Game Bags, afid Every other article in tbat Line. AU kinds of RFAIRIKTOone at the shortest notice, and ïnthcbest manner. full assortment always kept on hand and made order. t). Shop on 11 u run street. Ano Arbor, Uct. 8, 1362. % 873tf JNow is the Time. : gay, iiow is the Urne to settle Accouuts. TAM detmnined for the next six weeks to "uring the unsettlfed accounts on my books to a close. As my ebts must bo paid, and all business men are raaking hort credits, and short settlements, I im compelledtu olio v snit. It you cao't pay the raoney down, you must pass jrooc uoIjj with inierest on Bliort tiuie, as I have todo. No man is so poor that he can 't nettle any ime. Durinif the seafiiin, I made tne time for p yments bout the fint of October, that time has goae by, and iut few have responded. Now, ia Gonclusion I say to all delinquents t, the expipation of the above speciSed ime, you must expecta visit from a proper officerto ender the last cali. M. ROGERSAnn Arbor, October 13, 1862, 5m874 . Üuctioueers JSTotice. ByijON" CREEN, baving applied for a license, now holds himself ip readine.3f to altend to all calis - iaving hadexperisnee, heis positivo he can give good atUfaction. All cahs prorgptly attended to. Cbtuges leasQDable. Apply at the Frauklin House. BYRON GREEN. Ann Arbor, Oct. 34, 1562. 85tf "pERPOXS who wishto buy a Piano of the best mafeer? X will be shown how they can save a haudsoroe sunj o he pureba 6e if tbey aádiess P:5.o, car JöT, Cttllti Co. 'ublishtij' AgtBtfjXm Tori ÍP1 tí


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