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I tu fcji,'.1 SAMBUCl WINE, PURE, AND FOL'R ÏKAB3 OI.O, Of Ctioice Opor'o r'rult, FOR PHYSICIANS' USE, FOR PEÍALES, WEAKfJ PEftSONS & INVALID: IB! Every family, at th9 season, should use tbo 8A.MBÜCI W1HE, CWebrated ín Europe for íir medicinal and bcneflci quíilitiofl as a gentle rtimuliint, Tocic, líiurttic and Si dnrific, liígL.ltr esteemed by eminent pbyfsicianB, used i Europennand Airerican HotpitRlB.andby scme ot ti flrst families of Europe and America. AS A TOMC, Jt lias no equal, oausing an ajpetite and building u of the systcm being entirely 8 pura wine of a moi valuublu A,S A DltTIiiTIC, It imparts a healthy action to tlie Glanda and Kidney and t'rinary Organn, very beneQcialin iíropsy, Gout,an Rheuuiatic afiections, SPEER'S WINE ís not a mixture ormanufactured article. but U pui from the juiceoftlie Portugal SambucusgrapB.cuHivatl n N'cw Jersey, recommendedbyCiiemists and Physioi&r aB possessing medical propertiis superior to anv oth( Win? in use, and ai. excellent article for all weak an debilituted persons, and the aged and inflrm, improvin the U'uetiíe, and benefiting Iadie3 and children. A LADIES WIN'E, Bccíiurc it wiU not intoxícate as othcr wiue, as contain no mixture of sniriis or liquors, and is admire foritsrich, peculiar fiador, nd nutritive proportie! impartlng a healthy tone to the digestive organSjand blooming, soft and healthy eUiti aii,i complexion. WE REFER TO A few wrll hnown gentlemen andphysiíiaas, who hav triedíbe Wine:- Gen. WinfleldScott, U.S. A. Dr. WiWon, ljlhst., N. Tí üoy. Morgan, N. Y. btate Dr. Wardi ílewark, N. J, Br.J II. Chilton,N. Y. Citr. í)r. Doughcjty, " " D. Parker, N Y. City. Dr. Pariah, EilÜRdelpliia Drs. Darcy and NichoH, Newark, N. J And many others too numerous to pnTjllsh. JSfNpae gí-nuine the signature ot "AlfFRE SI'EER, PasHaic, N. J.," isorer the cork o eacü bpttlt 4SMAKE ONE TEIAL OF THIS WINK. For Sale by ilny narcl, Stehblng Sí WImiui 4pn Arbor. Trade supplied in Detroit by H. & L. SIMONEAVA. SPEER, Proprietor. V1NEYAR1), Passaic, New Jersaj OFFICE, 308 Droadway, N. Y. JOHN LA FOV, Paiis, S31m6 Agent forFranceand Germany. RISDON&HEN DERS0i PavO tliO 3E3 1J O XSL E3 TE" JE3 CRAIN DRBLL: and 0rass Seed Sower, Manufactursd ?t Springfield, Ohio. rpiIE VEIi Y I.ATEST IMPRflVEMEBT nnd better tha: X all oihfsrsj ichipteó1 tó sowing Whtj Kye, Oats Bailey aad Grasa oci. lí. It Aas a Rotary Fcedev. id. Wül sow all kinds of Qrnh and Grasa Seed. Bd. Never huncltes the Grain íth. Never hreahs the Grain. 5t7i. Sows Grass Seed hroadcast he hindthe Drill, Sf-h. Has high wheefa and long Hoes 7h. Has long and wide steel points ith. Jt has a land measure or Sur veyor. ith, It has doublé and single ranl drills. IOííA, It has a self adjusliug shut of) üide. It is neatly and substantially made There is hardly a Drill offered in thfi inarkut but caí aoast of more or less FJRST PREMIUMSP They are about ai indiperimiDíitely bestowed as the titl af lt Profe.9tiO7't:j which ís ao me ti mea Hpplied to thi lJiddler" or l' booiblach." They cease to convey th dea o f merit. The Bueküje Drill has boen on Exhibition at quite L lumber of State and County Fairs, Ana without seekixi] 'avor at the hands of any Commiftee, bas received it !"u]l shaj-e of Premiums, TESTIMONIÁIS : We give the following Dames of a few Farrnfrs in tji riciuity wo have hought and used the BuckeyeDrill : Godfrsy Millcr, Scio. Jacob Polheroua (' JiicobTremper, (í Thomas White, Northfield, John Brokaw, " ChristlftD Kapp, (í Edward Boyden, Webster. Jamos 'freadwell, Ann Arbor, Daniel O'Hara, " " John G. Cook, Ijodi. O. A. Marshall, ( L. tdtuon''s, Saline, George Cropaey, Green Oak, Liv.Co, We arealso Agents for the Ohio Heaper & Mower, icknowledged te be the cvy best in use. "We are just in receipt of 100 Grain Cradies Which we -will sell cheap, Also alargeassortment p Grrass And the largest and best selected stock of BENT STTJFF FOR CAKRIAGES ever before offprsd íq this market, "We also keep a large and fu 11 AILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAIÑaad LINSEED OIL. A complete assoitment of STOVES, TINWAKE, IMD EAVE TR0ÜG1IS always on hand and put up al th hortost notice. RISDON & IIENDERSON. Ann Arbor, Jane 2Jth.l86J 859tf FARM FOB SALÊT "he under.signed will sell, on ten years timo if desirtíd 0 Acres of Land In Webster, Adjoining the the farro oí L. Boyden. The farm ú i-ell lenced, in a fme state of cult vatiou, han a framed loqse, fi yoting ftud thrifty urcliiird, and in couvenifiit o market Tertná given on appiication. D. HEN'NING. Add Arl)0F, Sept. lStb, 1802. 8T0m3 S .ü A.T O A. BMPIKE WATER FOR ndi?PRtion or Djspep&ia, Conf tipation, Kervom Dni)ilit,y, í-oks of Appetite, Cnmmon Cold. rlistaseí of thu Luags, Iloaüacbe, and Fvorish State oí thl systera. Sold by MAYNAKD, STEBBIN'i t WILSON ant ihEKBACH CO., Ann Art.or. 13x28. Ayer Catliartic Pilis,


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