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---- , ö ftk Empire ' _ 3Pl BOOX STORE Sji ÉfiSHjsL Franklin House J "" V il K I: Am: xow ori-.Ni.M;. iuhkct fkom PUBijkhkrs AND Manufacturera, :i New and Complete Ktocfc of liAW & MEDICAL 1ÍOOKSS, ScAoüZ Büoí, u Micfllaneóu$ Itooks, Blank Books, dan & statxowery: ;Ii Wall :iti i VTlndo% I'-tffTj nni MatbanMi kal Instruments. 7" Mumc, Juvenile Librarlo., Knvelopes, Inis and Catdti. ■- GOLD IJ aZ of"5gi Udê of Pens and Pencih ■ Ii ■ ow Corntce, Shadêfl nii'l "siure, POCKET CUTLEKY! 5 Andererythlngportaining to tb traile, ,J hok td P whiclithey wuuld mvU thtó MU'ntion of the country. Incondiietir.pour bu sinos, we shaTldii all ihat can hBd6ne,so no rcasODable man. woinanorchiUI hall fia.iany fault. Vt oipomoss ;■!■■;' i ion whleb will enable us to supply T our stomers at the Jjowest Possiblo Figures. We rjroriosc to.sell fOT TCK.UY TAV. ata smal! advance. W expect a profit on our gootls. l-nt Cash Sales will Admit of Low y FIGURES. - The í!Kui'iRinoOKSTORK,'í!s mann"l by vgniri 'fflw,' '? nil thi'v ïtIH nhvuys befouüonthe "qimrtcr deck," ready and willfng lo attend to ;itl with pleaAarotwfeo will fnvor them with a cal). Kemenilier the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. " Aan Arbor. May, 1860. yj !!i Chicago Book Trade. The riace to Buy Bcfwol Boofa WHQ] i:sat,k Cook &, Stat iontry House S. C. GRIGGS & CO. ; PUBLJtSH Sanders Progressive Readers, Newly KI' c.truh n ü, s ii, aowand origina) illu-straiions, C are tbemost beau t i ful aswcllns the b ■ ,u. & I.. S ' S cO ■ e :-;, 1 &) ■ . : ' ig IV.. . . ,-t ]5 . V. SamlryW ■'■ i .. LUh Wntdtc, fio VI. Sanders Pïci nal lr mer, fbouud) ]-iy, VU 'o V II J ■ Sandets' Nofl Ftr t Reader ïj J IX. Sai Headci, ii X. Sanders1 N w Third Reader 40 XI. Sm lor] N'-. Pourtfa Reader í5 SIL Sacdcrsí' Kom li JíeíwJcr, 7ö k Kil. &aod i !■■:■ cr 80 r.s XIV. S:m'. ■ ; gL (j X". Sanders' Sch ■ ] dO in XVI. Sai , i li&rtj a Q TheM roaders are dteUhgaished for tholr Btrfcti; ƒ#- aI grenstrc eharacter ñn practical adaptathmto the youn. They have boea received wt4i unprecedontad favor and nl by Boctass moro ravorably than 'y Practical Teachers V? -. ; o nare tested theïr luerlts ;n the school room. ' Robinsou's Course of Mathematics. '" BY HOKATÍO }}. ROBIXfON, T-!. D, Late Professor oí Mathematioa ift.tlw L". ?. t{,vf ti I. Rotinstm's Progri 3si ve rr.'mary Airlbinc'.ic, 1" II. Koblngon' intellectua] Aiiili. '" 1H. Kobinsoo' Bod 5 IV. Robinson iri Practical Arjth. Ó "■' V. Robitson'a Kcy to Prft(jticl Arithntetic, r.'i tl VI. KdIiimmim's Trogri -..iic, 7.1 " VII. ; il,in-,,n ï K, y to Iii.!.,.. .f.:l , . 75 111 VIII. Robín on's Now Eli 1 . 7.-, ai IX. R,l)inson's Kcyí.iív Aiixl'ra, ;S M X. Robinsou's University Alcbra, 123 c' XI. RoWnsoD'e Koj to üulversity Algiuro, 1 co XII Rfjijinsiin's (it .in.' iomtrj. 1 óü L1 XIII Uobin N'jtvigation, l 50 ' X! V Rob'HMMi's Aunljtical U i.mrtiy and Conlc :'cctioQfl, 1 30 P' XV Robli [jal Calculas J 50 X'! BobiusoD8 Klementiifj A8trcmomy, 73 ff XVII Kobiqson's Univei.siU Astiuuopiy, 1 75 ï XylII i.p." M ;i]Minaii( :il Operatlon'fl, 'J.T " XIX Robinson'a Key to Algebra, Qtometrj, Sn reying, Kc , 1 58 tomimfi Füli MXTHElLiTlCAX coriisv:. einbracing irfthmetic and T.'i l!o,k i:i the Higbei „ ematio. Porcxtedl oí re sareb, facllity and aptnew.of llustratira. and practical uselulnesa, tUe author pi thi , eerleRisaarpiissea bjr uo malhematical v'it(..r in tliia country. Thi Bertas bas been 1 1 min' rf ;,- 1 by c in: best Malhematlelans in all sectmna of tbe country. u b Gray's Sorics of Botnnies, six booka. 'j Ilitchcock's School Anatomy and Phjèiv ology, $1. 1 Hltchc'ock's (jeology, 011c bonk. Well's U ram mars. two books Well's Scientifie Series, inoloding Uhem isti-y, Philosophy, etc Tliree' books. r' Wilson 's Series of Histories, five books. 'i Pasquelle's Frcnch Series, eight books. Woodbury's Germán Series, seven books. . Bryant & Stratton's Series of Book-keep" ing, three books. ■ Spenceriau System üf Peninanship, nine ü booka. A1 Olany uflicr Valnablc Bookg. e Wholesale Dealers and Ketail ' chasers c Will and at our storoover Fuur Thnusand different nr" ticles of staliunery , and Tbrec Hnndred Thouaand Vel' umes of books, from wl.irh tn mako their telection, ( oin] ■■rtmcr.t riyaled by anyotlicr boni. house in tbc Pnjted Statta. " S. C. GRIGGS & CO. Are Special Agenta for Jlessrs. Harper & Bro's Publieatlons. " D. Applcton & Co'a " " Ticknor & Ficld'a " " Gould & Lineoln's " " J. B. Lippincott & Co's " And rurnish all their Bookn at Eautern prlces for casb. Note Papers, Letter Papers, and Cap Papers, Blank Books, Pass Book, And all kinds or STATION'ERY, at tbe lowcst prices. SLATES by tbe dozenor ca-e. KSIranoMand.trAvoIers viiUng Cliicago will find it Intereflthigto Iluger for an bouranud the iqtcriumable piles of iiteraturi' :U3an!4l Lake Street. S. C. GRIGG-S & Co. Agents "Wantod. ' 4V For all 0O8tly and raluable Snliscription Work, or anj nuble ivork apon Religión, Lltsratare, Science, or Art, AddrutsS. C. UKKiiiS ,v CO. PISASE i:i-.Mi:::. That therc is no bookators 11 t lus country keeping a ' ter or more extensivo asaortmsnt thau is alnays fouud , at 80 and Jl Lake sfreei. ' remembeh: That l'uUiio ot Prlyata Librarles. can be laspUad ítttb ' Urstclas Standard Works y S. C, 6. ftCo. öpon better terras tlian to send Eêkat arn pay Ireigiit ■ rn Llterory and Professional men, Teachers, Scholars in 11 departmopts if of the worjd of letters, . areinvitr-,1 n, ,:,.!.,. 'i ;II11] 41 iA,e (treet their place of '. reaortin momeutsof lelnure. S. C. GRIGGS & CO., Wholesale aml Retail Bookaellers and Statloner r.'O it 41 Lake Strest. Chicago. S. C. CHICOS MamS E. I. JAN8K.V. 1 - , FOtt SALE. W. S. SAUNDERS 1 cffers bis Homestcad For Sale. Will be in Ann Arbor the last week in September, , Prioe iixcai Torms Can Le oltained by calling al this i, Office. 1862. 1862. 6 NEW FALL GOODS ! Now opening, a spionriH slnrk of New Goods fur tbc I'ul! Tradoat . O. H. MILLBN'S Ann Arboi Pfp'ember 15; ltca. STOtf


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