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-- 5 Estáte of Bben T. Whittelsey. STATE OF MICIHG tf Waíntéi.., At ii sessioí nf I he Prolntu Cnurt rr tlie ConniV :■■.-,. ulli-c, n i],,. X."' of Ano Arbor, on Werlnesdav, ti ,,' ,. , "' ■■'■ iwht liondttd iá sixtj-r.v ■■ .1,1. Y!, UM NinU, JudeofPr,tot. ín thcmnitoror th ülalo ol ' ■.',,_ ■ ion, dulr rol-Mol i .nllft2 '' jmntea to Sarah H. ffbltto!.. f ock ñ the forenow etitioD,„ndth.t3 H "ti..r iion,UL Aml;t Ufurllw Ordercd, that aaid prtitioner sin ■■ '■: Ín saíd esteta .tu ■ Tf saidnetiUoDjand the hearing thereof bt pablihediDtS Mlkhifan g9j nowsi. . :i:i(i efrculatlZ previous tos; klday (A true copy.) THOMAS NIN'DK, Judgc of Probate. Chancerj Notice. OTATE nrMIí-irií;.xN.K..Üríh Judicial n.atrictof IV ■ 7 Stateol Michigan, tg iu the Circuit Cou ror WashtenaTv Connty, n Chancory, William II W1D. iplamgnt, iml Mary Aun Vínty, defendant t lüD AtWt, on (he fiVl.tli .!RV (.f OctöW, A D. lSfiJ i ■ ■ K Law hee. at chambei. It aitnr. ffidavit that Mary Aun Wanty ís nnt a resi.icnt ■ M of the sute "f Illinois, on motion ofTwitchell & Frazer solicito? foroomplafnant, ít U ordered thiit the said Mnry" An wanty apar fn this cause ai .. . ■ r ti ■■ Bl I plaint therein witbtn u dateof thi rder, and tliat I ,.; ijy jaw in the Michigan Argus. E. raWRENCE, Circuit Jud, Tynraau. kTzz9t Solicitors for ÜompWnaBt :. uet. 10, 162 7.1 w9 Mprtgagp Sale. WHETIEAS dcfaúU has I-cn mafïo tn ihp cnn-ll. li":is ■ -.!■. i i mortgAge exectt . S. Haywood apaUope Haywoqd.of SaIIm, ■ WásUtenn Ooanty, UidiifpEin, on tho íirst i;y of Juy : A.J). 1 vhich mortgage w duly pecorded on thc píli daj of" Aucuat, A, i. 1852, Utér 'i. 1". óf Afoi !. ,n Mif iífgiatrT : i t ■ i [ Bounty ,,'j Wachten iw1 an i liereas theté i now dae and oupai i !i i í.i'jfj 1 ii':."'nnp;tnviiig tho -sainé the simí of lii.H thon-íani . .,- dallad aml nin centí ($4,055.29), Includiug reason;bfe i tor an altord . io smt ut law orfi ecLuit) h.uiíi'í l-(;n iuslituted to recpvcp; Üu .same ot ■i thereóf, n'ow therefore, notice is herëby giren o] a püjih r iií.-iiN' cootalned in BtldmonJ i gage, I símil sol tal puulic anction to tho highest biddíj on Sal ih av el D-'tinber next, al 1 oclück al opon of Baid4ay7at tho front dwr oi the County ('■■!■! House ib tfri City nf Aun Áübot ín mH : CouDty and öt :;;.-es k'scribcl in sail tuorl' wit: AU t). ■ ■■ nnrili-wf-t qbartet i ■ m "H" in towaship Jour son tb of range B(b Mil juni boimded as foUows, tó-WH : On the sotitn bv tbt "Jalt 9jw ü;tho vi-'. aod northby lan-isowned by ' , dn Ilie east by lamls owned hy Theron Foi4, aaposód to contain thirtytwo acres oí land, in beíiiff the proper ty ou wliich tho Schuylet Hdls are located. B VrAN I f'-SAX, Mortgage, t W, A. Moobb, Att'v for Mortgasoe. l:iio-, Detroitj, Hept, C. 1662, ' Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT linvínji been irudc íd the payment of t suin uí m ney Eccured bya mi ;ted by John W. Maynard sin'l M;iry J. his wife, to CharlesjS. Cattcr, dated I , of December, A. D. 18W, and lecordüd in thc oñicc of the lïegibter of Decds of iho Couuty of Washtcuaw íd the State of Michigan, in I.ih.r o. 26 of Mortgagèa at p'age 702, on the efëveth l;iv of Aprilj A. 1). LSI i' ;a twenty minuten past ónj o'flock, P, M.,by wl trof &.-le conlaïned in si. une qpentire; and oo uit or procoeding haring been instituted :ti law to recover ■ed thereby, or any part theroof and ai of ftve tliousand am! tiurfy-t-i-ht dollars being dow clatmexl to be due tbereon. Kotic is tbeiefore I ■:■,■ w,) CoircNjieti bjn sale of the mortgagí"! i femiaes, iz : "All tiu%e cvrtaic pioces oí pareéis oí land tí toatO lyinjr au1, being in f ol Auo Arbor, County of V;il,tt-naw ani . bonnded ainl (Ipscribed as :ollowst to-v!t: Coinmoncing onehundred mixteen feel aqd oat lüilf nonh irnin tfié south-caeC contar of block Xo. one (l) qorth of bcee ;jj eas) thenc west onc hun. :: I two f et. thence nortls Öf'een nnd a hlf fcet, ■ r.iti of lot No. eïght, (S) in said block thrnco fst thfrty t"íft tn he wcsf line of s;iil lot, aorth and ;t haj QlPJQS t'1 land, and alnng tlu south line of Citarles Tltay er 's stort in Mundy's M"ck to Mitin streel, thenci uth to the place of béginDtag us dfegcribed y deed trom John Lookwood and wife to John W. Maxnard ; also tin.' f olio ving described parel i' land : BeginniDg nt U;e centre tf thc bighwaj wbich rui) on the t-ast line .f tho flrst taid nul villagi of Ann Arbur, t,t tv ■ ' corner of tluj honii l by George Jtwett ainl u' owned by E. Well(and thew ; north Lo thi - uth-wesl corner of a lot of laad belonging to Ian It. Mincnuot poda (9) thence e,aterly on said Billér's line twenïy-tw roda (2-)j thc-iK-i; .outherly parallel with r-nid biSphwM rly parallel to safd MjUer'i linótitputy-two rod (32), contri nï eg one acre oeíng tho same lol of lan ! convtyed by George V. J; -:i ;m 1 wtfe to -ti'liii V. Uaya&rd by Der-d hearing date :. 16'T." or Bome part threof, t public vendsi at Ine Court Hoüsèin the City of Ann ArVoi íd aaU eouoty.on the ighth day of November #iext at noon. CHARLES C'l"lTER,Mortgagee. Obo r.wr.iirni, Attv, Dati-il, August H. 62. 863td Qbancery Sale. BV viJKTUKol a decretal order made in the Circuit 1 1 for the Connty ui' fVasb Leiu . fitting ip se wherein Ira Parkíría complainjiiit fuidiieñrj Bausjaiigh, Uana.'C. lïimslaugh, Charlei Kitchen, and James F. Averj ■ re defendenia. 1 sliall wl at public auctnui it the irnn! door ol the Gonjrt House, in the cfiyol Ann Arbor, in the county aforesnid, ("n tb t'-nili .L y oí N'iM'i-.ibT. ,V. J. eighteen hundred and sixty-two, at ten o'clock in tho forenoon of that day, all that eertaia ir;iri orparcel of Umi deneribed iu said decretal oraer as follows: "All that ci tJï n jiart or tr: et of land, to-wit, sitíate in the coucty "f WaphttDawaud Sta té of Michigan, fcnown and describes as fol(.■■.'.-, ui wit: beginping af tfaequ&rtJer poet 'iftwt-en s'i ■!,- ... :iiil six. thence north tt degrecs cast iite [hteep (IS.) iinlïrf, thence north (iftT-tlim t.S'ïJ U'grops and tifteon minutes cusí eighteen ehiM north thröe chaina andsixty tfñka, thence weit live cliiiins and ilnity two links (82) , thence, BonV fo'ty' ■ 'v-Iivt' i..ii:ut-s west nirn-lten (19) chaina and tirelve (12) links, tbence &qni broudop hall" ("2) degrees i-a-t i nc (bain and seventy thrtl Imks to the place of begiDöing, being i part of tlm irest qnarter of the north-weat quarter of sec ii, townsbfp Ni. one sqnth oí rang 'S"six [6] east. and Bïeeptfng and réserving therefrnm abont one üftb of an ac; of land b.eretofore ÜfieAfA VJ Albfrt s.ephcns to Joseph Haren as tog ether with tw herediUnieuts and appurtenances thcreunto bcloDgii or in any wiw aiMiortaining. p. S. TW.ITCHELL, Circuit f,i;!i't Oomimsslonei for the County of Waash teimw, MicliigauO. HaWkinh, ?lïcïtor for Complamant. Ann irbtr, September 2. BTU ANOTlfEU a % AREIVA11 AT THE íí0LD AND HELIA BLE i irnB CLOTHINt EMPOEITJM!! WVJL O. a PÏÏCElsriX BLOCK, MAIN STREET. Wm. vv"JLC33JJE3l. has just returned Erom t]e Eaatera CiWee, with a larg rabie stock of F ALL AND WINTER O O X S J v!ich he is now offering at unusunily LOW PH.ICBS } Amongliis ANortment may be foatd BROADOLOTHS, CASSIMERES, DOESK1NS, & VESTINGS, of aM iiescriptions, especially for PALL AND "WINTER WEAR I which he is cuttin;: and nuüdng to order, in thelatestaqi best styles, tpgetbt-r with a suierior assortpnt of RE AD Y MADE CLOTÜJNGl TKUXKS CARl'ET BAGS, UMBRELI-AS, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goodtfj - il!i M-imcronsoilicr nrtlclos OSOallj founil in sirail! ANEMPOBIÜM OFFASHIOA', the subscriber flatters liimself.that hïsiong expérfenrt oto '-'ve the gWatef B&:tiBlactioq Tuiiil irho may trust liimiu the way ofniftQ: ufaeluriiíggarmentíi tO ortfor. 7G9tf WM. WAGXKIÏ. Howard Association, PIIILADELPIIIA. For the relief of t h c Stek and Distrcsscerf. fijptctfft wUÏ Viru'na and Chronic Piteases, and espexially for tkt Cure of PUeases nfthr. Serttal órgortf, MEDICAL A1VÍCK given gratis. UJ V Arting Surr ;''■"". VAI.l'AIü.F REPORT? on SperM'6rrliren anfl .ii thi NEW EDIES employed in thc Dispi-nsorj' in t n sealc ,.,;velo i Two or (lir,l,lr.s Dr.J.SKILUN Hül'UHTOK, Uofard Associjli"", N'o 2 ij. Nmtb St., l'liil' dclphin,!-.!. 860vl Dissolution. ■VTÖÏ10B is iereiy givtn tl.:il the copaiinprsliip tin' [ herel ■ ■' underthenanDd f 'vip af JoM :i:i:l W]lliym ':.u Ir'.!,. !c!i i liüs ■ 1.1 V CÜSBolved by mutilé i: lenl ; ata t thal 11 dem mis duo to ami Irom t] lirm willbe scttlcil tiy Julin Vandi'IiaiU'U, wlio is duV authorised '.o st-ttlc the sume. JOHN VAXHKIIAPEN, WILJJAM AM)! KUl-.VDKN'. AnaArbor. Aaft 2;i, TSt2. Thc biiKi ■ of in' an I telling brick willw continuad and carrted on au u ,k:ii:-. v a!ii:iiai.)KN. L J ; _- Ayer's Cherry Pectoral


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Michigan Argus