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Insiuess ilMrtrtnTTi. CA.RDS! CARDSM C1ABDSÜ! lavinir narchased a Ausoles Rotary DUHOXti Card Press witbuflne nsortmen of Oard tvpe, the ARCrp Office'ii prépartfl to print OardR of all kinds in the leatoitDn'isihlpylo and ut a grent rkdlution frnm ',irmfr iricos.inoíndinfr Ruslnes! Carrts men "f al iTiWatlolU in irnfessions, Rail. Wedding, and VMtlBf Crin, ttc. ato. Cali. ;ive as vours orders and see how it is donO All Losses proinplly adjustejl MERCHANTS' INSURANCE CO,, OF HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Capital, $200,000. total Assets, Jan. Int , 1802, $Ü3",3SÏ 05 I.iabilities, .... 1-5.834.U9 MARK H0WAKD, President. E. Tnos. Lobdeil, Secy. The undprBigneil hap been appcinted Agent for tjie .Dove reliable Company, and ;'A effect irjsurance lljraiaat losse by fire at reasonableiates. 6 E. B. POND. Ann Arbor,June2, IS.,3. S50tf j. -w. ysiisiio-ttrr, Agent for tle Phffinix Insurance Company OF HARTFORD CT., AND THE CONWAY INS., COMPANY OF BOSTON MAF8. ï.osses Ilonorably adjusted and prrmptly paid at tliis Agency. Office Corner Main and Huren Street, over the Store oi 1ÏACU & PiersoN", Aun Arbor. Ann Arbor, Sept . 19, 1862. RAYMOND'S Pliptogvapliic aiifl Fine Art GALLERY X.os. 2D5 and S07 Jelferson Avenue, DETROIT, hotograph?, Life Size, colored or plain, cabinet , imicrial Melainotvpes, lloguerreotypes, Amhrotypss, te -CABU PldDRfcü by the Uiten r fhouland. . 809-vl Surveycr & Civil Engineor. WWKtKS, turreyor and Cjvjl tngin-w. centin . ues togive immediate attention 1" all order- a; his reidence at the corner oi Ciithenue and f huver stroctB. Ann Arlor, fept. 10, 1862. 19L9 I. O. O. F. ITTASIITENAW LOI1GE N"o. 0, of the In'lopendent V orlcrof Odd Felloivs ineot at their Lodg Kooiu, very Fridav eveninjz, at 7á o'cïocli. E. RICHAKLIMÜN, N. O. S. Bo.vdheim, ec'y' L. sTUBBS. ÏITiloi.KaAi.K and Betail Dealer in Tobacco, Cigars So,, VV Main t. siRn of " B.g [odian," Kranklin Bleek, Inn Arbor, Mirh3. G BBTHERLAND, ,fc BO, "JfTHOLHSlÈE AND RETAII. Grocrrs and Commission n ilerchants, Kast sirle Máiníítre! Ann.iriJi.r V - J. M. SCOTT. Vmbrotvpe J: Piioto'jhi'H Artists, in the roopis formerlvoccuijied by Oirdky,overlhe slore of Sperry kMoorc Perfect satistaction guaranteed. ' RTSDON & HENDERSON, DEALERS in Bardware, Moves, honai furnishinggnods, Tin Ware !cc. te., Ne Bloek.Maln Stféet. A. P. MILLS, D KALER in Stap'„j Dry Gooils, Groceries, Boots and Shoes and l'.taJy Made Clolliiug, Huron Street Ann trbor I1IRAM. JBEAKEs. 4TTORNEVS i. COUNSELLORS AT I_tAW, SLUÖ. Sfi'ÏCÜ 'irs in Chansery. Office in City Hall HIocíí, over Web1er JCo's Bonii títore, Jn.j Vrhor HÍÑGSLEY & "(1OR&AN, 4 TTORSEYS, Counsellors, Solicitors, niid NutariesPub TL lic, haveooks and Plats showing tilles dfall fonds Ij the ounty, and itiend töcooreyancingand collecting smands,and to paying taxf-s and ncbool interest in atiy 'rt of the State. Officeeastsi-e of the Square. Ann Ar)"r. Wii. LKW1TT, M. D , Physiciax k SURf,Eoi. Office at hia residence, North sida of Hurón street, aDd 2d house Wesl cl División lreet, Anti Arbor. O. COLLIER, fAxurAcrnEER and dea'.er in Boots aud Shoea. 1 lVJL door West of üie l'ost I ffice. in Urbor, Micli. MC O RE & LOOM1.Í. If ixufacturebs an'l dealer in Boots and Sboes, VI Plioenix IJlock, Main Stmet, WP door North ol Vabington. M. GUITERMAN cfe CO , ITTbolesaik and Rutail dealers and manufacturen of VV ReadyMadeClothing, Importcrs of Cloths, Ciissiere-i. Uoeekins, &o. No. 5, New Bluck, Am Arfcor. C. E. PORTEE, MUM- "■ ■fti. Scrheon De.vtist. Office corDer of Slain SSL fe ud Huron strects, over P. BacU's store, TKVBb Ann Arbor. Michigan. .l t f T t April, 1859, Wm. WAGNER, DBALjsb o Bcaá3' Míide Clothing Cloths, CaBsimers and Vesting, Hats, Capa, ïrunks, CarpelBags, &c. Haiu it t Ann Arbor. ' BAGH & riERÖON." Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Boots & "Shofes, 'Jee, Main stret, AnnArbor. SLAWSON & GEEE, "1 rockrs, Provisión & Coministiion Merchante, and i;.rJT lernm Watkr Lime, Lakd FlasTSb, and ï'lastkh of Afttá.oVie door Eafitot Cioji's Hotel. C. BLISS, D kaler inClocks, Watches, Jewelry. and Faücy Gnod, t thesign of thü Big Watch, No zT. r renix Block T.cTwatts7 DSALRRinClocks, Watcbes, Jewelry andSilver Waie No 22. Xew lilock, Anp Kthar. T. B. FEEEMAN. PARBER arjd Fashiooable Huir Dresser, Main Ptreet, Ana Arbor, Mich. Iïair Fronts and Curls kept nnsliiiitly oq iiand. SC H OFF & MH.L E R. Dealers in Mitcsllaneou, School, and Blanï Eooks Sta tionery, l'aper llangiiigs. &c, Main piret Ano {.fbor. D. DeFOREST. iTTnoLrsALE and Retail Dealerin Lumber, Laih, Sh!n'f gles, Sash,Dooxs, IJlinds, Water Lime, Grand River lastor, riMter Prls, and Nails of all sizes. A full a-9'J perfect a-isovtment of the abovt-, and all othor f.iá'ís of building materinlfi cnnstantly on hnpd al the lowftt poasihfe rates, on ietroit treet, a fpw rods frepi the EUilrood Depot. Aïo operating extensivcly in the patent Cciacut Hoofic. WASUTENiUVCflUNTY BÜJLE SOCIETY. DïPOSiTnRT if BiMcs and Teslnmpnt at the Seeietj priccs atW. C. VonrTiela'. CHAPÍN rWÖÖD & CO., SUCKSCOB B To fjTJ3XriD, CHAPINcfc Oo MANUFACTnKFR? Of Iriiit? Bools., ANT) - GOLORED MEDIUMS. ASÍ ABHOH MICH.


Old News
Michigan Argus