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ftotice to ITlcrcliants. npilE Subscribers encouraged by the patronJ_ -'.ge ilioy have hiiherio reccived in He whu.esiilc depanmmtof thcir busincbs. will tnp . rst da'y of May next. open the store now oi-cu;SiccI by Gco. 'Grenvillc. fronting on lluro., streot, and comiccimg with thcir presciu stort in ilio rear. cxclusivcly Cor a TTEOLB SALES EOOM, whcré ihoy sviil koop at all times a lul i assortnieiu of Brij GootU. Bools, fy Siocs Carpelitg Hals, Caps, Paper f Jan gin gs, BonnelCrockerybythe CralCy ' Hardware ond Groceries, (:. fe. %á :ill of wliich wil] bc snldon fis goorl terms as at anypoiiit tliis s.deofJVevv York Cuy. y l G. D. III LL& CO. Ann Arhor. March SO, 1S44. 'l,-'tf. TÓE followingimlispensable innnly remedies mny bc found at Maynauu's Druggiei Store, in Ann Aibor, vborc none will bc solt! unless known tü be of the best kind nnd no counteireitarticlo ever oflfoced, patent medicine invariably proeured of the orig.'n il inventor or bis regular sucecpsor: [TT No fimUy should bc a weck without these remedies. JQ BALDNESS. Balm of Co'uinbia, for the Huir, which wil stop it if falling out, or restore iton bnld places: ñnd on children mak e it grow rnpidly, or on those vho havo Iostfliehnir from any cause. ALL VJERMIN that tnfest the hends of' chil.Iren in schools., ai e prevented or killed by ii ai onoe. Find ike rmnïe or COMSTOCK on n or never try it. Eevicvibcr this alicays. PILES, &c. are wholly prevented, or governcd ifthe nUack baa come on, iiyouuse the onlij irue Hays' Linimknt, from Conistock & Co. All SORES, and every thing relieved by it that adniits of an outwardapplication. Jt actslike a chaim. Use ' 'rHEUMATISM AND LAMENFSS positivelvcured; all slirivelled musclesand limbsnre restored. in the old or young. by the Indian Vegetable Elíxir and Nene and Bnve Liniment - but never without the name of Comstock & Co. on ' KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE willcradicate all WORMS in ehildren or adults wilh a cortnimy quite astonishing. TOOTH DROPS. Kmnks- cures effectually AnnArbor, Feb. f, 184-1. 41WmGHT'S tlédiratcd Piaster, spread , for immetliate use. i PRICE OXLY ONE SHILLING, IN ORDER TO PLACE THEM WITHIN THE MEANS OF ALL. 1 IN slight ?il(ncnt3, orwheretbe patiënt preters a less cxpensive article than the "Auti-inllamatory and Rhcwnatic Piaster," these willbe lound highly benelicial. Being already spread for immedinte applicajion, they vvill be found very conyenient for WEAK BACKS, Pain or Wcnkness in the Side. Brenst, Stornach, betwecn the Shoulders. or wheiever there is Pain, or whcre a Piaster is needed. They may be rendered more serviceable by pasting a piece of cloth on the back of them before they are applied. Multitudes'have been relieved of pain and suflering by these Cheap Piasters. For Sale" at Moboiy's Bookstore, and by J. T. Stocking, Travelling Agent for Michigan. J6-ly L. B. WALKER'S PATENT SMUT MACHINE. rriHE öubscribers take this meihod of informX. ing all such as are engaged in the Milling business in the State of Michigan, that they are now manufacturing in Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan, L. B. VValker's Patant Sinut Macliinc, %vhch they would recommend to take the Snuit orï oi whoat as wéll or better than any other machine. This machine is a horizental machine - it retains all the fnciion of the wheat. and uniting sirnplicity wiih durability, it combines the oeating, scouring, and blowing principies, discharging the dust and smpt as fast as separated from the wheat. This machine is perfectly securo from fire, and runs much lighter than any other machnie in use.. For farther information, see large bilis. Shop in Lower Town. Prices tg agree vrith. tbc times. All orders for Machines will be promptly attended to. Address, E. O. & A. CRÍTTENDEN. Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co., Mich. July 8,1844. U6mThe Birney Portraits. TtíE Subscriber8 have on hand a quantity of these large and splendid engravings.beautiully executed on siecl an excellent artist. rom a paintiner by E. W. Goodwin Esq., of Al,any, Ni Y. Thcyare a striking likenessof thk Mían, and make an elegant ornament for the arlor. For solé, wholesale and retad, at $8 per dozen, r 1 00 éach, by A. McFarren. Bookseller, Detroit, and by BECKLEY & FOSTER. Ann Arbor, Nov. 1, 1844. 28 tfWOOXi! WOOL! CLOTH! CLOTH!! TliE Subscribers would inform the Public tliat they will continue to manufacture good it iheir Manufactory, two and a half miles weet of Ann Arbor, on the Huron, on the following TERMS. Until die first day oí November. A. D. 1844, the price will be 37 cents per yard, or half the cloth the wool will inake. From the Ist of November to the 15th of Hay, 1 845, the price will be 30 cenis per yard, or ninc twentieths of the cloih the wool will make, thatis, 45 yards out of 100 manufactured. The wool will be manufactured in turn is t may come into the iactory, as near as may be wiih reference to the different qualitics. Any person who will furnish oae or more parcele of wool from 80 to 100 pounds oi one quality can have it manufactured by itself. Wool will be rece ved at Scio. VVool sent by Itailroad willbe attended toin the same manner as iftheowner were to' come wi'th it- it should be carefully marked. We have mnnufactured cloth cluring the past year lor i yery largo number of customers, to whom wc belteve wc have given very general satisfadion With these facts and the advantages oii'ered by the low price at which we offer to manufacture cloth, we h.jpeforalargeshareot pairórifge. SAMUEL W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, Washtenaw Co.; July 25, 1844. 3-tfNew Hat Store. JAMES G. CRANE would respectfully inform the Tublic, (hat ho has opcncd a fine stocfc of Bate, Caps, Stocks, Cravats, Scarfs, Collars, TJmbrellas and Gloves, atNo. J 05, Jêfferson Avenue, Detroit, nearly opposite the U. S. Couit Room and Post Office, vvhero he will be l:appy lo see his fnends and supplv them wiil na good an article in lus line as can be procured, eiihor heie or at theeast, and as cficap. . r Gentlemen in the interior, wislnng a firat rate fnshionabic article of Hats or Capa, can be supoüed hy sending therrsize or have any style (urhishcd to order in a lew hours. nnd rcarrantcd lo f Caüandsee-i.y.vodojr. Detroit,. July 13 1844. ]3-6in DRABBROAD CLvTH for cnrrmge trim32 tf 148 JciTcrson Avenue. Detroit. WANTED, .., nëm ÍÍ Ann Arbor, Nov. 2S, I8. -"WKSftHT'S FOOR MAN'S PILkS, An excellent vegetable lamily Medicino, in cases ol Indigestión, Dyepcpsia, Livcr Comiliints or Jaunilico. Aguo and Fever. Coatod rongiic. Sickness at the Stomat-h, Stek Hondiche. Këniitidnt a'nd'Inerniittent Fevers.Coughs.' Cold's, Catarrh, &c. &.c. Emuely vegetable, lliey areernphaiicnHv JKÊTURWS JF'BIEJVQ., isondiicing to hcalth and cöu'ntcraclirig riisóase by purifying tlie blood, clennsing the pystem ol vitintcd liumors, remóving cbstruclioits, atiniuating tlie organs of secretion, mingling wilh the fuod and acting every way in harmony wilh the 8 y stom. Kor Inflnmatory disfiases ned in connection wiih the 'Rlieumatie laster" thcy willbe i'ound grea'ly tq nid ín die renioyol of disensos for which the Piaster is nbovc reeominenrlcd, and particularly aru they calculatcd for all derangenients of thé Digeshve and Biliitrt Organs, the primary oriin ota niuiiitude of disenecs. Piice - 25 cents and 50 cents a Box. For sale at Mosely's Boukstore. and by J. T. Stocking, Travelling Agent íor Michigan. Certifi cates. VVuoDscocK, Lknawkk Co.. } Aug. 2U. lf4X $ For twelvc yars I have been noublcd with a rhe. inatic affection in my bnek, so that 1 have baruly ever been (ree froni pain during the wliole tim and wiilnn tvvelve hours afior I had npptiec some of Wright's Rheumnlie Flnster. I was peri'( itly easy, nnd have had no pnin atice. STEPHKN CARY. Jackson Co.. Cot.umijia, Aug. 2), 1844. _ S This may certify that I kave used Wris;ht'p Piüs in my lamily in violent attacks of chili nnd ibllious fcver: and havo fotind them to be the best Pilis that I ever uscd. nnd would recomniend every taniily to keep thcni on hand. JAMES AWARTOUT. Thompson, Gkavga Co.. Ohio, ? April 28tli. 1844. { This may certify thnt I have usod Wrights' Poor Man's Puls and Rhcumntic Plnster in my practice, and would gay to the public that they can ■ rel y upon thcir recüininendation with the utmost confidence; in short, thcy only nccd trying to recommend themselve?. REV. R. R. SCOTT, M. D. Loraine Co., GkkKiV, May 16, 1843. This may certify that I have u&ed Wright's Poor Man's Pilis in my practice, nnd find them to be one of, ifnot entirely. the best pills now in use; and would recommend every family to keep them on hand, cspecially those who live near low, marshy land, or mili ponds, or in au unhealthy climate.JOSHUA BASCOMB, M. D. Without adding more testimony of tíie efficacy )f the above mentioned medicine, wedo not hestate to say that we are not afraicí to have iis virosa tested by the side of any other of the kind hat ever has been offered to an American pubc, and we will let it. stand upon itsown meritsFor sale at Mosley's Bookstore. Ann Arbor. By Kellogg & Brothers, White Pigeon. R. Williams, Jr., &Co., Sturges Prairie Simeón Gaget, Quincy, Brancíi couney. A. K. Hall, " " W. A. Rliss, Jamestovvn. Ind. Elisha Steer, Anpola. t( Chcster Moss, Albion. Michigan. A. P. Mann &R. Sibley, Marshall, Mich. A. Callender. ;' E. Packer, Battle Creek, " C. W. Vining, Galesburgh, Capt. Brown, Prairieville, M D. H. Medwood, Adrián, u Quackenboss, &. More, Tecumseh " S. A. Rowley. Jonesvillc, " Hí Oilbert. Manchester, " W.H. Palterson. Saline, LHarmon & Cook, Brooklyn, " Pierre Teller, Wholesale Agent for Detroit. Geo. P. Wright & Co., sole proprietors for the United States, and Upper and Lowcr Crnada. All orders and business letters for the present, may be directed to Geo. P. Wright, Columbia P. O., Jackson Co.. Mich. It is for sale alao at Moa roe, Mt. Clemens. Utica. Pontiac, and by Dubois & Wright. Jcflcrson. Ágentsfor the State of Michigan. 'KiLGORK. Carrol Co., O., Jan. 25, 1841. Ten years since, I was taken with the Scrofula, so that I had no relief day or night. my limbs being much swelled and covered with Ulccss, my breast and back in great pain. and nerves much 8hattered. I npplied to different Physicians, all of whom said there was no help for me, and all the remedies I triecl proved unavaiünc uiuil ] made use of Wright' s Anti Inflam. and Rheum. Piaster, which reduced the inflamaiion, iealed the ulcers. broughl the skin to m natural color, and relieved the pain. I would recommend it to all similarly afflicted, and ara sure they wil! be sausfien after givins it a fair trial. CATHARINE ALLENSWORTH. Thompson, Geauga Co., Ohio, April 20, 1843. I certify that my Hule boy put hls arms into joiling water, noarly to thc elboAU so ihat when :he dress wa-) taken off the skin cninc withit; ifter applying several remedies to no purposn - the arm becoming much swollen and the child n groat pain. I applied "Wright's Anti Inflamrnatory and Rheumatic Piaster." and within two hours he was pcrfectly easy, and went to sleep. After to or three dnys I removed the piaster, and applied another, and when thai was removed the arm was healed, except a place the size of a shilling which was soon well. I believe it to be the best article foraburn that cun be produced, and would recomraend all to. keep it on hand in case of accidents. ELTZABETH BROUGHTON. NERVOliS D1SEASES are greatly benefit ted by the use of these pills;- asNervons Head ache, Tic Doloroux, St. Vitus' Dance, &c. thcir tendency being to soothc thc irrit;,bility of the system. allay pain. nnd induce quiet and repose. Those ailiicted with Coughs, Cokle, lnilucnza, &c., wül find relief from ihe use of these pills. Exposure to cold closes tbc pores of the thc skin, check s perspiration, retards the circulation, and produces varions inflammatory dis eases. Does any one percetve a cold coming upor hitn? Let him on going to'bcd. tnke sumcient to opérate smnrtly, and then every nipht. take enongli to produce a niüd opcration till thc discase abates. In case of Worms, let a tea ol Pink be (aken freely for 12 hours, and then ndminister Pills sufficient to produce a brisk cathartic operation. 20-1 v.DR. OSGOOD'S INDIA CHOLAGCaUE. the most valuable qualities ot thit medicine, is its restoring influence upon constituüons inïpaired and injured by previous altacks ot bilüous iever, or fever and nguc; or by n Iongresïdence in those climntcs whieli produce them. Thero are many constitutions which becomc gradunlly undermined by a miasma l influence. without even u day's actual conKnerncnt. In sucli cases, the Cholagoguë acls like a charm thesallow complexión, loss of appetitc, languor, weariness and depression of spirits, with öther unpleasant symptoms wliich rendcr lifc :i burden. all yield to thisremcdy when í'íiiililully used according to the directions of theaccornpanying pamphlct. It is entircly a vegetable piep aration, and nmybe laken wuh perfect scfetyunder all circurnstances of tire systcm. For sale by 36 W. S. .t J. W. MAYNARD, sole Agent, for Ann Arborand vicinity.SINCLAIR & CHASE, TTOBjYEYS AND COUJYSELLOSS AT LAWí (OFFTCE LOWEIt TOWN, ANN ARBOR,) Will tioml ío all business in thcir profession vvilh aíiclclity antl deepatch. l'aricular ottention will be givcn to collcctng. ROBERTP. PINCI,AIR, EDWAUD R. CHASE Mareh20, 1844, 4B-ly. MRS C. BUFFINGTON.would roppectfully infonu the Ladiesof Ann Arbor nnd ns vicinity that sh'e lias receivecí tlic fail and winterfashions. MRS. c BUFFINGT0N. Nov. 14, 1844; 3!)tf. i Flax Sccd Vantcd ! ! "" THE Snbscribcr will pny ONE DOLLA1. -íft cash for good Flax Sccd dehvered at lh I store of lSeckley &, f licks in Ann Albor, ur C C-Wal(l0at?0mÍaí.L. LATOURETTE. I Feb. lat, 1845. 41-3(1!THE MJSSES Cl.AHKS' Yoiuig ïiadics' Semïnary ANN AIUiOR, MICHIGAN. MAR Y II. CLARK, Principal. CBLOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. M. L. WALTER, Teacher of Musio on il" Piano. EMMY BEURMAÑN, Teacher of Germán nnd the Guitar. UIIOUY E. CLAUK, Teacher of Juvcnile Dcp.-iiuncnt. F. MARSH, Teacher of Mathematics and Vocal Music. ; , . ÍI. F. SCÍ1OFF, Teacher of Frcnch and Classics. TH1S lnfltitutinn has been inopevaiion sincc Novmihor 18, 1,83,9. Thescholastic yuar embrncin forly-cighl weeks, two terms. eonipnslng two qnafters each- iwelve weecks in a quartcr - a general exainination nt the close of caen Icrm- in Febniary and August. The last qunncr of the present term com menec'd November 2ö. TEtM.s of Tuition. - For llie Enjjlish branches, $2,50 to $5 per quartcr. No rcduction mace lor nlisencc. except in case of sickness, and no pupil taken for lessthan a qiiartor. Extra chnrges are made for music on ihe Piano, wiüitlir use o' the instrument, íjfiS.OO Frcnch, ,00 Latin, 339 Drriwiiiír nnd Painting, 59( FanovWork, "- Board. ïnciuding' wnshinjr, lifrlii-s. &c. $1.75 per week if jmid va advnnco, or $'2, 00 per week ifpnid at the close of the qu;iricr. Parcnts and cuardians are invited fo visit the school evcry Friday, -vvhen the studies of the week are reviewed- a'so scnii-monthly on Wed: ncsday afici-noon, at readingof the weekly cömpositions. Ilaving purchased a healihy and commodious builiüngin a pleasant and corjyenient nart of the village, no pnins or expense shail be spnrcd to , fncilitate the studies and render the situution o! the voung laóics profitable and agreeable. Youngladies desirous of ontering the school and pureuing the regular coursc of study, woiild do well to commenee at tho bcgining of the qunrter. Belonging to the school are a Library of be-É rween three and folir hundred volumes, and Phiosophical Apparatus. Elcctrical Machine, Globes, &c Scicntific lectures are delivered befóre the: school at proper intervals. The Misses Clark will endenvor. nut only to promote the intelloctusl culture of their pupils but will atiend strictly to their moral deportment.With adecpsenscor religioos responsiontiy. thcv wou ld give such.a tone to chnvactcr, ns shall renderit practicnlly fittcd lor every staiiou- yielding toduty but firm to principie. Among the books uscd in the school nrc, Abercrombie on ilie jfhtèlléclual nnd Morol Powors -Kane's Elements óf Cri:icisni- Wayland's Moral Science - JNewmnn's Rhetorio - Ileilge's Logic - iPaley's Natural Theology and F.vidcnccs of Christianity - Comstock'a Chemistty and Natural Philosophy - Combo's Physiology - Mrs. Lincoln's Botany - Eaton6 Manual of BotanyBurritt's Geograpby of the Heavcns- First. Sec ond and Third Books of History- Mrs. Wil linrd's Rcpnblic of Amcricn - Fhclps' Legal Classics - Playfair's Eucliclj and Davie's Algebra and Arilhmetic - Parker's Natural Philosophy. The Misses Clork have tnui:ht n Yonng Lndies School for scveral years in the Ciiy of New York. and are furnishcd with testimoniáis frojt] Rt. Rev. Benjamin Onderdonk. D. D-; and Jclin M. Griscon, M. D.. óf New Ycrk, Rev. J. L. Blake.ofBiooklyn, and Mrs. Emma Willard, ol Troy, N. Y. ; aiso, roference is made. by perjr.ission. to the followinr gcntlrnun : Rt. Rev. S. A. McCoskry. D. D.. Robert Runiscy nndL. B. Misner. Esqrs., Rev. Isaac o. Ketcham. Centrevillo ; Rev. J. Hiulson. White Pigeon , Rev. J. P. 'Cleveland, awl pop, Ketchum, Marshall ; IIoji. Wm. R. Del umi. Jack son; Paul B. Ring, Michigan Centre; E. H. VVinan. Adrián: Daniel Ilixson, Clinton: Gardine. W heel er. M. D.. HoiveU'; Rcv. F. H. Cumirig. Grand Rapids; Rev. H. Colclñzer, Rev. A. M. Fitch, S. Dentón, M. D., P. Bnghatn. M. D.; Hon. Wm. A. Fleicher, Hon. Wm. R. Thompson. E. Mundy, Esq.. John Allen. Esq.. Gco. W. Jowett. Esq., Col. Thojnns MopcIv, Cnpt. J. Perkins. Thomas M. Ladd, F. Sawycr. Jr.. Esq-, late Superintendent of" Public ïnsmiction. Professors Whitinff, Williams nnd Iloughton. o! the University of Michigan, A nn A rlior : James Birdsall and Rcv. John, Flint; Amos Moad, Eso., Fnrmington. The foll'owinc gentlemen, Rcv U. Colc!;r.u; ' Rev. O. C. Comstock, Rev. A. M. Fitch. Rev. Mr. Curtiss. Professors Whitiny and Williams; of the University of Michim, and F. Sawyer. Jr.. late Superintendent of Public ïrrstYuciion. have consented tonet as a visiting committon of the school to be present when the wcckly suuiics are reviewed; luit especinlly to attend during thesemi-annual exnminations. August 9. 1844. 34tfWRIG-IIT'S ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AND 7 MATIC PLASTER, ; AN efficiënt remedy for Rheumatism, Fcvcr Sores, White Swellins, Felons, Pain 01 q vvenkness in the Back, Breost, Side or Lmibs. [ Burns. Bruises, Cramps, Cliilblains, Livcr and ( Lnng aflfeclions. Indolent Tumors, Spinul aflecliosn. InfiamedEyes, &c. &. It is unsuspassed in all Inilarmnatory diseases. eitlier Chronic or Acute, as it operotes by counteracting and redvcivg lnflamation. allaying Pain, Sweating t,Lo parts aflectcd, and by its strcngthening and Anodyne propertics givihg speedy relief. Alwo invaluable as an anti-mercurial plnstcr. Price ?5 cents per IW.- For further particulars, sec circulating Pamphlel.") For sale ni Moseley's BooU store, Ann Aibnr, and J. T. Stocking, travelling agent for Michigtn.. ]G-1y ' THÉ TRUE PAIN WHICHcureslikea charm all UURNS by fire or water, and cvery cxternsl SORrPAÍN. INFLAMSÍATION, ACHK or 1TCHING "ever yet found upon the human fainily. t w'.iich it has been applied, must ahvaysbe sought g 'nuine from Comstock and Co., of New YoiJ?, or iheir nuthonzed agents. All a:e cautioneo against aiiy spurious articles, which may nlwayi bc avoidedby knowingthe one you buy comes Irom Cometock & Co , who are now the o.ily proprietors and manufacturers. Inquire forConnel's. which is warranied to do all il ever vonld when' callcd by nny other name, or the pnce shall be refundcd in any case Í it does not plcafe. To place it within reach of all, the pnce has been reduccd more than four fold, and is now sold for 25 cents, the formerpnee being too exorbitant. The Éent Te now conioins ioui times is much as the lormer, and the ijl size near ten times as mitcli. Nö tamily that has any tule to hiimnnity, WW ■fail to have Connei.'s Pa.n Extractor Oniüncnt nlwavsat hand. to save life, allscars, and reduce all hVétry from any burn in five minutes, providcdrhchaveseenitusedrwill bcheve those whchavcusedit. COMgTOCK & c0.? 2Í. CotirtlamlStrrot. rrr Bc sure. therefbre. andask foi Conni i.'s Acent for Ann Arbór; Ov _ i -JEstray . sifiiü propcny, lay fcfef H. lllaclt Salís, f ECKLEYDICKS. Aun Arbor, LowcrTown. (' _---- - - WOOD ! WOOD' ! WL: want 9ome írotn subscribcrsiuinicdiuuly Ocl 1844.tóew Goods ! Bïew Goods ! ! 1 THK untlersigncd has just received his euprily of Fall Goods froniN.Y. City. Besidee a (ii sr nue assortmcnt of Slieetings, Coiton Yarn Pulled Cloihs, Biund Clollis, nnd oihur Siaplc Goods. he is just opening a splcndid lot of Rich, Woostcd Damask Shawls, let (junlity, Brocho, do do Kaliy!, do do Caslimorc, do Fashionnble Cravais. llich Bonnet Ribhons, Fashionablt! hcad tfitñ'mings, Velvct il ALSO. '■&■ X BKAUTIFUL ASSORT.MKNT 01" DRKSS STÜFFS ;,UCH A3 Caslimore D'Ecossc, Muslin DcLainu, Parissenncs, Robroy Plaid, Prints of every deecription, Plain, black Alnpaca, fïguicd, black AJnpaca, Plain. colorod Alapaca, figurcd, col'd AlapacaPlaid, and Changeable A!;ipnca. The undeitigncd has in addip'on to a firsl rale tifsortmont of Stap'.c and Fancy Diy Goods,. a clioice lot of Teas ana Coflee, for faniily us. AIso, a larga lot of Gecic Feathers, Paper Hang ings and Travelling Baskets. His Stock is well suitcd 10 boih city and country tradc. Country peopleareinvited to cail and look and sutisly thenisclves that his stock wil! boar comparison eiihor in qnality or pricc wiih any oiher in the western country. W. A. RAYMOD. 1 -18 Jeficrson Avenue, Detroit. Oct. 14. 1814. tf, AliWAirS-OIV HAND. GLi r I ll IE subscriber has rcgU3aL -- moved bis Shop to Main Í=%kL" Street opposite II. BeckfC 'lÍá ''r'8 r'c'5 Store, where tffj) ia llla ie may 'e 'ounJ rendy to ggJvW ! iíLLi wafí upo n all tliat may givo 3üLrit&?Fv&& 1 Inving just receivod dject from New York an elegant siock oi' J23W2LRY, ind Fncy Anieles, wliicli hc iniends lo eel 'moer tlian 1 jas ever been sold west of' Buil'alo for Rcadij Pdy Ovl.ij. Amoiig wlrch may hc fonnd a pood asportmeni ot Gold and Coinnion Watch Keye, Gold Fingcr Iiines and Bosom Tins. Guiird Chains, Silver Ten and Table Spoons, Sugïir Toiigrs, Butter Knivcs. Silver Pencil cases. Silver and'Cpmnïön Thinibles, Silver Spectöèles, Gerninn. do. Steel, do. Uair Bruslies, Clothrs. do. 1'ooih. do. Lnther, do. Fine llazors nnd Pocket Km' vos, Fine Sliear ynd Séissors. I.niher Boxes. Rnzor Strops, Walletts. Furses. Viölins and Bows. Flutcs. Violin and Bass Viol Stiings, Claronct P.eeds. Percussion Cnpp. Pocket Pi.siols. Briltnnnia Candlcsticks. Waiches', Letter Slflinps. Snel Pens and iPwcezers, Snufl' and Tobacco Boxes, Fine Conils. Drepsing. do. Side, do. Back. do, Shell, do. NeccÜrs nnd Ca$es, AVater Paints, Toy VVatches. Kid Dolls, a prcat varietv o'f Toys too nnnierous to nicnüon, Beüd?, Nctklaces, Fanry Boxes, &e. &■ Ci.ocks and Watciiks oï every desrription repoired and warramed; also. Jcwelry repairedon slioit noli cc. CALVIN BÍ.ISS. N. B. Cash taid for OLD GOLD AND SILVER. C, B. Anri Arbor, Oet. 24. 1844. 28-if. U. & 3. li. ÏAVI1SO]V, TTAVË now oh hand a complete assortment of F ALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, SUELF-HAIIDVARE, fC. Q'C. whieh thcy will sell eheap for ready pay. Tlio hiphest inarket price paid at all times ior Pork and all ot.her kinds 'ofprodnnc. Ann Arbor, L'dwöf Town, Nov. 20. 1844. 31 Ten öoilars Keward. LOST on the 1 Hh inst. probably betwern Crnnes and Coons in iho vicinity of Plymouihasnmll, black JVIorocco Pocket Bok, containing nliont $50.0') hnnk notes on Canada. - Any person findinji the sanio nnd lea ving il at the office of'the Signal of Liberty shall receivo the above ïcvvard. KEAMEY. Ann Arl ór Deo, 19. 18U. 3w-óTReady Made Clothingüï Til iO JLA li.GiST and bost assortmeni oí rea(y inacle clotliing $ er befare oflcred in (hia 3i;iic iiinv opening, and lor rale, Wholesale or ictail, at tlic CKiihing Etnporium ol ihe eub;cribers, consisting in 'paft of plain and fancy Beaver, Pilot. iiroad Cloths and othcr styles of Dver Coais. Tweed Cnssirnerc, Beayer, Pilot, DonicsticCloth. Union Cassuncre ünd öatiiiett Frock and ïusincss Conts. Fine. l'kiin nnd Fancy Cnssimcrc, Blue and Blnck Brood Cloth, Twccds and othcr stylcs of nntniuons. Plain and fancy Silk and Silk Velvet, Woolm Velvct Merino, Sai'm and Cassimere Vcsts, Are &c'. &i-. together wítn a ve'ry large stock of common low pviced Over Coats. Business Cnats, Pantaloons and Vcsis. sneh os blue and black Flushiii", Snïinet, Kcniücky Jeans, Commoa Tvveeds, &c. &c Aiso, an exiensive aesortnient ol Mosicry. Stocks, Scarfs, Handkerchiefs Collars. I.amb's Wool and Merino Drawers and Sbins. Con.forteis. Gluves, &c. &c. oll of whiofc will bc solil very low for Cash. Thcy vou.cS respect tul! y invite all in want of ready mad oarments to cali and examine their stock beíoremnchasinp clsowhere, os it hos been selected vim great raie nïhé Éaslern markets, and ninnuiac lurcd in the fötèst aty1e% and moM durable manner. JJALLOCK &-RAYMOND, Corner oí .Iciïcrson and Avenues Detroit. Oct. ]0. 1844. 3m85 NEW BOOT, SH0EJ1ND LEJTHER STORE, Ann Arbor, Lower Town. SFELCÍÍ baa removed . hs establishment Iron "S the Upncr tü the Lower Villo'gé; No. 4, Huron Block, MA-jfcwhero he holds himsell m _readincss lo 'dress the "vnflcril'indhigs" of every Man . Wonian and Child who will g give him a cali. in the neatest, and best mannor can be done f LEA TH ER and ÏINDINGS ol all Kina COnwANÍKD,hW...H HM in W;l?.?_ , - : - ; " - Weslcvan IJooKs. mnB Subscribe have jus. '{J? J pnpply ofWosIeyan Books f om the so!v(-s. A T 1844 '.53 -6w Ann Arbor, LoWer TpWn, jgMgf "Cïrass Secd! WANTEUby 5 Ann Ailinr. Lowcr Tówit. Ashcs, Aslics! TOanyamOimlBECKdLEyy&Hi(-KS. Ann Arbor, ■ Lowcr Toiwa.


Old News
Signal of Liberty