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The Indian War In Minnesota

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HEADQUaTEn Depaíitme t of the Vo!ïTmn:ïr. ' St. Paul, JSiinn , Oct. 27, 18Ö2. ƒ j j General Orders 'r. IL] . Tho Major General commanding takf-s ] great pleasure iu acknowiediiii'g the akill and bravery of brigadier General Sitiley ' and of the troopa under his comtmmd, during the recent e:iinp:ii;n against the Iiiduuc, '.vbicb Las resulted so suocssfuliy. The Major General crminandlng desires particuhiily to acknowledge the trullantry and good conduet of thu tronps at (he battle of Wond Lake, on Sept. 22d ; of tho 'J'liird Minnesota Voliui teers under Major Weloli who was woinded in the beginping of tho bat: e, r,t' iiieut Olin w!,:i took cointuaiid when Major Welch was obliged to quit the fiuld, ard of Sergts. Morse. Pierce Ak.'rs and Densiiiore, wlio iu coiumand of cwnpanies, behaved with gnl.antry and skill ; alao to Jiieift. Gormmi nd tho Rwiville Guarda, 'to Lieut. Colonel Marshall and Major Urüdley of thöSevontb Miimegol, to Captain Sterrett and liis cavalry, to Captain Hendricka who rendered efBcient serviee with his battery, to two com panies of the Sixtli who Mipportiid hiin, to Major McLaren, to Captain Wilson who was woundcd, to Capts. Grant and BrOMley of the Seventh, to Assistant Si1' Rpigneuret, and the medical itaff of llie diilerent regiments for their skill and diligence, to Lieut. Colonel Fowler and Major Furbps, Mt'sgrs. Pa tel), Greig, McLeod, and Major Brmvn, of the Stati uf the Brigadier General Ooinmandlng, and to the Rev. Mr. Higgs, for their activity and seal To Brigadier GenoralSibley, espeeially, the tliankeof tliegovornnicnt are due tor the vigor, skill and good management which havo charactenzed all the operatior.s under l,;s coniinand ; it Las teen fi sat.isfae'ion to the Major Genei ai ïnariümg !o do everytlang in lus power to push fo ward reiniorcements and supplies to an officer wlio luis used tliciu go jiuliciously. Peacc has been rcsiored to tlie f.-ontierof tliis State through the operatioiis of General Siblcy, Colonel Flandroau, and olliere, engaged in he ciunpaign agaitist the Indians, and it is hoped that the largo forcu wliicli will be retained in Minnesota aid Iowa for opernfions ngainst the Indians dtiiing the $p(ipg a-id súmmer will completely prevent the reeurfence of any outbieak in the future. The Majar Genera! oommanding anti eipated but. a short term of service in tlns lepariinen', when d o it, nt)(J !,c io g-;iíiLed to have been here long enough to bi-a'r testinmny to tbcgallantry and gopd eonduct of the tfaops engaged n these Indian Campaigns. Sliould lio be called awaj 'beforo the opening of the campaign in the spring, he fceis assnred trom his knnwjedgn of the troops of this State that the stibsuquent prepurutions (or the enfiro sul-jupation of the Indian uill be con ducted to the satisfa;tion of the sovern inent, and tu the prosperity and seoutity of Ui.' State By Cíjmiuaní of 3I;ij -Gen. Pot)9.


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Michigan Argus