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The cure ot Diseases of the Stomaoh and Liveris an ensy matter, ïf HOOFLAND'S GERMÁN BITTERS are used necording to tbe directions. Kead the advertUement in another column. Seea woman, in another column, plcking Snmbuci Grupes for SrEEK's Wlne. It ■ is an admirable arlicle, used in hospitals and by families in Paria, London, and New York, in pirferenee to old port wina. It is worth a trial, as it gives great satifaction. The Douglas utmoriuJ. The diploma of menibership f the ftouglas MoDument Association, beautlfully entfraved cm steel, about nine by twclve inches in dimensions is now rcady for distributiün to the subscribersto the monument fund. To all pei-son.s forwsrding to the Aroociation One Dollar or more will be sent one of these Diplomas, properly executed. To contritutorsin tho sum of TWO Dollars or more will lH furiiishe'J grantuously, beeides the Diploma, a beaulifut imperial ?ze SÏÏCEt, KNGRAVIMfl OF JÜDGE EOUGLAS, L1 'y 17 in:hes, pabliabed by ftfarah, Bowfl & Co. Coniribulüis in the sum of one dollar will becorne life mom bars of the Douglai Monument Association ; in the sum of twenty dullars.honorary Ufe memlers ; and n the sum qf one hundred dollars, honor&ry Üfo members of tbc Board uf Trustoos. Lool rwemrera and soHcJtprs for contributions are beiiiQ-fiuthorized in States. I'amphlets aud circul.irs cuotainmg the Orgamzation, Conntitution, Byl„w , and' tbe A p peal uf the Association, will bc sent to a.11 who will firwaid their sddress. Comiminicationt should be Öirected to the "fiettvttxy D. M. Ass'n, Chica go ra." AU edffeon who will inert thta card in thoir daily, wech'.y ta tri-weekly issues three months, witb. an occasional notice to advance the obje-ct in view, will have for warded to thom immediafely Diplomas as Honorp.iy Lifj Jïembera cf fehis Asbociation, also a copy of the abovo Portrnii, upolj the rfiC?lpt 'hy Booiffty of a copy of tliRir paper contaiïiing this announceniont. W ALTER B. SCATES, President. Lkonaed W. Volk, Pecrelary. 85Cm3 A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR. HUPONÖÖ'S GOLDEN riLLSFOR FEMALES. [nialliblo in correct Ing, regulfttiag anrl removing all ob gtFij.ctioj)í, irom whatcver cnupe, and ahvays Biicoeasful as a pteventive. The combi nati on o' ingredients in Dr. Duponco's Golden Pilis for Pernales are pcrfe-:tly harmhss. They nave been used inllie private practice of Dr. Duponco over 20 years, and thousnnds of ladies can testify to their great and oever failing success ín almost every case in correcting irreularities, relievmg painful jmd distressing raenstruation, particularly at the change of fa. Trom dve to ten pijls vill oure that eommon yet Ireadful coniplaint, the Whites Nearly every female n tiic land juffers fn m this compbiint. The above Pili has permanently cured thousands, and they will cure jou ïfj'ou use them. They can not harm you; pn, the contjary. they remove all obstruotions, re store natuiii to its proper cliancel, and Ovigórate the whoU system. Ladies whose health will not permit an increase of fa mil ƒ , will find these pills a successful preventivo. Ladies pepuüarly situated, or tlose suppoflíng themselven so, should not use these Pilis during the f)rst three mnnths, as they are cprtain to produce miscarriagÊ, "after which admonition" the proprietor asumes no responsibility, altl,ough their mildness wiil prevent an injury to hualtti. The ingredients composing the above i'ills are ïnade known to every Agent, and they will teil you they are safe and will perfVrm all elaimed lor tta-in. Prit-.e $1 per box áold in STEBB1NS k WILSON, Druggists, W. A. HU'XT, Dcuggist. Ladies living at a distauce by sending them $1,00 through the Ann Arbor Postoffice, can have the Pilis sent (confidt-niirtlly) by mail, to any part of the country free of postage. N. Ti. - Beware, of a base countcreit of these Pilis.- Yon c&n buy the counterftit art iele at anj price f rom 25 tr 76 cents a box (dear at that). Lap.iks your Uves and healtii are of too much valué t1 bp trifled with, besídea beini; mpoaed upon with a worth lsn art ele. Therofore, anv one oifcrinx yon tbfBe PiÜsfor less th&n $1 % box, : v - i i . b em as ynu wonld poiseU. They nro bogus. None aregenuine uníess the name of 8. D. HÜWE is on every boa whiob has recejytly bwn added.on account of the Pills being ojuterfuUed. Sold also, by KtNNE & -MITH, Ypsilanti. BLT?3 & ÜEEBEJackson, andby one drugj ist in ererv village and city in the United States, and bj i-'AmLÁND(SHEELEY& C0..Gencial ítate Agents, Detroit. S. D H0WL, ÖoJePfoprietor, B6Tyra Skw York. 'MPORTANTtoFEMALES THE HEALTH AND LIFE OF WOMAN Ib ODDiaually inperijif she is mad enough to neglect or maltreat thoe sexual inegularitio's to which twoth'nls of hersex are more or less subji-ct. DR. CHEESEMAN'S PILIS, Mepurel from the same Formula wliioh tlie inventor. ''ORXELIUS L. CHEESEMN M. n.,nf Xew-fork, has for twenty yeurs useil !!,v ip an extendeii privatepractice- immciliately ■ : tho;it pal?, al) distorljttBces of the peiiortical discharse.wheUierariKing from velaxation or suppression. Thpy íict lik a ebftriD in removing the pains that accrmpnny nlffloáit or immoi-lerate me'Struation, and are thf only safeand roliahlí remedy for Flushea, Sick Headactie. I'.iíub in the Loins. Back and Sides, Palpitatiou of the Heart Nerveus Tremors, Hystericfi, Ppasms, Broken Slwp apd otm r n,,, asant and dansceroua elTects of an unnaíur'al condition ' nf tile sexual ruBtstlana In the worst cases of Fluor Albun or Whites, they effect a speedy cure. To WIVKS and MATRONS. DK.CHEF.-EMV.Víil'II.I.Sareofre-edas the only safe iDpaDi ol renevtoginterruptsd menstruaíion, but. NADIES MUST BKAR 1 MIIVD Them is mecovdinon uf the female system in which tlu Pili r.ciunox. bê taken wrhnnt pradit.cnig a PECULIAR RESULT. ThecmidUhmreftTTeáto i'PltEONANCY- the nnút, MISCA 1UI1AÜE. SuchU the irrrsutible tvndmcy of the me.dic.hit.torcstorn the. serval fiinctions to a normal nnwlitiot, that even the reproductive power nf vat ure rnv'ir.t rrzist il. ErpUrit directions stnting whent and ichen they shonld nol be used, with o ich Box.- tha Price Oue Doilar each liox, ''.öntaining 50 Pills. A raluahla Ph nphlat. to be had free oí the Agents. Pille nent bij mail ptomptly, Uy enclosinc; pnce to any Agent. Sot; by Dr . il y. K. B. UUTCHlXfiP. Propretor. 20 Cedar-St.', Nem York. For ?ale by MAYMARD STF.BBINd k W1I.SON and 'iKENVILI.E & SUU,EB. FARM FOR SALE. Tlie unïersigned willscll, on ten ycars time if desired 80 Acres of Land In Webster, Adjnlning thetlie farm o( L. Boydis. The farm is well ienced, in a fine state ofcult viition, has a lranied ti'Mise, ;i young and thritty orchani, anci ia convepieut to market Terms given on applicalion. d. krmiBM. Dn Arbor, Scpt. 18th, 1862. 870m3 Howard Association, miLADELPHIA. For the relirf of the Stek and Dittreuecd, nfficted mith V'ru'fn and Ckronic Diseases, and espccially for the Oure of ÜLseasf." of the Sexual Organt MEDICAL ADVICK given gratis, bj the Acting Sur. geVALUABI.E REPORTS on Spermaforrhrea.and other D-iseaesof the Sexna.lOrgans.and on thf NEW REMEDIES erapWol In the llispensary, ncnt in sealed lettel pnvt'iofies, fre of charge. Two or thret staraps foi postagfacceptable. Addtcsf-, Dr. J. SKILLIN II0UGHTÜN', Hovav! AMOcbMo, !Ï0 2 S Kistb St., Phils,. ''fi.'s.Pa. SÏ51 THE OLD CORNER With sstew stook:, NEW GOODS, &C, FARMERS' IW CASH STORE (4t the old stand of Thompson & Millón.) I atn now opening a parefully SELECTEP STOCK OF STAPLE DRY GOODS CONS1STINQ OF DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, BROWN & BLEACJIED 3HEETINGS, CASSÏMERES, FLANMELS, &o. and everything that is kept in a Poraestio IXpuse, also u fine assortment of BOOTS fc SHOES! AND YANKEE JSOTlONSj A full stock of aBOCERIES constantly on hand. FAHMER'S PRODUCE Bouglit and Sold. Thankfii] to old fiiends and customers foi pust favors, I liope to raerit a f hare of thoir patronage, by dwaling justly with all. C. B. THOMPSON, (formerly with C. H. Mijlen fr Cq.) Arbor, Oct. 1, 1862. 872tf X am Bound for M GUITERMAN CO'S 1 Q n i i_ Dispute tbe fact if you can, ít takes thoTAILOlt after alltogive appearance to tjie outcr man, If you wish to appear wcll You must accordiugly Dresi Well. Go to W. Gu'terman & Co's., There you vvill find things exactly SO. SONDHEI üf alwgys ready to take your meusure, GÜITERMAN wil] sell you Goods with great pleasure, At figures LÖWER than you will find in ihe State, Tuke heed - calí, eauly, else vou are too LATE. The iNDUCEMENTS are now greater than ever, Our Clerks you will find obliging and cjever, Wo will show you good CLOTHING of our own oettinq up, FillLng our Store from Bottom to top. STUDENTS especially will find it to TH BIB ADVANTAGE, For it tafceo but LITTLE MONEY to replenish. 1500 0VERQ3ATS of Cloth, Beaver, and Bear, Warranted for altnoat ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Qaseimere of our own importation, Forwarded through our New York relations. Froin England, Belgium, (Jermany and France, Such as you can stand up in, or wbah, at the dance. Piuits ! Pa ii ts ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fancy C4SSIMERES and ÜOESKIN of everv grade, We sell them froin ONE DOLLAR up lO KIGIIT. VETS, &C, of every description, You will find it eo without fiction, Furnidhing apparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all wre say now, Therefore we niake our bow. Yours truly, ever so, M GÜITERMAN. & Co., 150 BUSHBLS TIMOTHY SBED For Salo toy BACH&PIERSON. Ann Arbor Octohor 1,1862. Money to Lend. ÍCAN rüBNJSH MQNEY on rcaBonablo 1erm nd long time on good Farm securjty . E. W. MORGAN. Ar,u Aflc, ."a'yïS 15F3. 2f Grreat Books in Press. THRILLING INCIDENTS OF THE GBEAT REBEUION; OR TheÏÏeroism ixfo.yr Soldierst Sailors., lvoí}far%e 12 mp. Price, $1.25. The critica and th,e pubc ara rigbt ín predictingthat this will surpiiKSjip grUptity naiTRtive, exciting interest, a_d t'xtensive populanty, ail other historien of tlie War forthe Union 18 tieno 11 be the heroic dttiing, palient suflerings, and hair-breadth escapes of our solviera and sailors, and its iucid,eitt8 will fernj the themeofconversaUon at innuiiieritVle Cresi'ck's'íoí ye ars lo come. It will BOnt&iD, ïd addiÜftn to Í(a Eti$?ing details, the philosophical Amilysis of the Causes' of tlie War, by JoHN Lüthrof ioTLKY, LL. D , Author of "The liifle of the Dutcli Pïcpublic," etc, tbe dates uf all the unpoitant evenis f rum the John Brown raid, nnd au accurate .tttd revised account of the p,riucijiaV bUles, VUU epgrav;ng 8. One thinl the proceeds of aU8u,,ripUon sent direct to ub will be given for the Relief of lïisablod 3liíI'a and all persons who wish a copy üf the w'ork, d also to benefit the stldie s,ahould send theit naaie and address at once Also, any officer or pri vatoor person in any ection o( the country, haring knowledge of ?i heroic act or BtfjrtQg incident, will obligo us by stmdig us I an account of it. Booksellers, Postmasters, and Canvassing Agents wili be furnisluid with a Subscriptiona Prospectus, on applicatíon to the PublisLern. fjU A liberal comraís.siongivpnto soldier desirïng to actas agenta in takingsubiscriptiens, n. TJIE HISTORY OF AMERICAN MANXJFACTUKES, frow 1608 to 1860. By Dr. J . Leasr Bishop. 2 vob, 8 vo. Vol I. now ready, Vol II. nearly ready. This is probahly the largest and most important oyk now in the Ammcaji peñs. We have also just pnblished new editions oí tha fúllowing usfuland popular books: The Business Man's Legal Adviser ; Or, How to Savo MonejT, by Conducting Eusinoss accordingtolaw as expounded by the Befct and Latest Authorities. 400 pp , sheep. Price $1, OPPORTÜNITIES for INDUSTEY ; or, A Thousand Chances to $ake Monfy. Cloth., SI Tbis has 'oeea repubüshed in EngSand. Eyery business man and clerk should have these books. They will pay the buyer a hundred fold. Kvery parent , shoulU get them ior their aons. All tfiSM books are mailed. po.sfpaid, on receipt of price. We pay p;irticul;ir attention tú. iiuiüng books, ff rapping tlum caielully, and wiil procuro anti eend, poslpuid, auy book anywhere, on receipt ot publisher-i1 price. A4drss FKBKIJLEY & CO., 861tf Tribune, 1JW York. THE HOIJSEKEEPER'S " NEW rURNITUREPOLISH Prepired from an improvpd recipe by the proprietr of ths ''Brothkr Jonathan 1'ci.ih," 5 i;erliLed by all the leading New Ycrk Furniturè Dealers áud piano Korte Makers to oc' the heÁ 'rt the woi-M for Renioving [.Í .; Uu, u.-A ifit. and restoring a liigh iind lasiing filóss vo al kinds oï Var'nished voil;, from Fttroiture to Leather. It is che;iper and better than Varoi.-h, immediaiely. m 1 is ejisily applied. aplace of Centón Fhmncl and anrt a bottle or two ot' thia NW FcRNnrius Polwh. a Houekeeper can work magie in the furnitüre of a house and keep tlooUing like new. Now is tlm time to '-shineup" your T.iblea, Chairs, Pesks, Pianos, Pictuie Friines. Cairiüges, etc., and muke them look SO per better. Thi.s true eemnmy. Fr sale by turniture Pealersanl StoiokeperB geueraUr. - Hrice 5 and 50 cenu aboUle. Depot I Sruce SL , New Yotk. Special Agents Waqted. Addj-ess. Box 1972, New Vork P. O The Hou-ekeeper's New Furniturè Polish ia for sale at Ann Arbor by NEW.FALL GOODS! BACH $c PIERSON Have just opened a Clioico Stock of WOOL, C0TT0N& S1LK for Ladies' and Gentlemens Wear, also a etock of Best Family G-aroceries, which will be acid CHEAP FOR CASH. Gold, received at 16 per cent. prem. Sijyer, " " H " " " Ganada, " " 14 " " " Oíd deipínd Treasury notes, at 10 per cent, pretu. BACH & PIERSON. Ann Arbor, Sfipt. 23, If62. Hiile Factory! Beutier & Traver, [Successor8 to A. J Sutherlantl,] Miuififaotijrers of bdíJ Dealers in Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Pouihes Game Bags, and Everyother article in that Line. All kindf cf done at tho shortust notice, und ia tho best nmnner. a full assorlment a'.ways kept on hand and made order. &%. Shop on Uurori street. Ann Arbor, Uct. 8, l?62. 873tf JNow is the Time. I say, ïiow is tlie tima to settle Accounts. ÍA5I aetermnod for the next mx weeks to bring th; j :}i' lied accounts on my bookB to a clnse. As my flebts rjriust be pai'l, and all business men are maliing short credits. and snuit settli-mfnts, I atn eompelled tu foiïoTBUlt. It you can't ]ay the money down, you must pa6.s yaur note wilh interest on Bliorl time, as I have todo. No mas is lo poot that he ean't wttle any tinie. Durin? The season, I mini' 1-:ni time for p vmcnfï aboutlho first of Octcber, that time has gone by, and but tew haye responded. Now, in conclusión I MfT to all dl!n [uints it1 , the expimtiop of the above ipediOed time, you must expect a visit from a proper ollicerto tender the last calí. 51. KOÜERS. Ann Arbor, October 13, 1802, 2m87i. Üuctioneers Notice. BYRON GREEN", havin applied for a license, uow holds bimselt in readiness tf altend tp al) calis - Havioghadeipejiïnc, huis positivo hc eau give good satisfactiou. All cal.s promptly atteuded to. Chaigi-s leasonable. Apply at the Franklin Hnuse. BVRON GREEN. Ann Arbor, Oct. 2!. 1S62. e"5lf PIANOS. "OERPON'S who wish to buya Piano of tbe best maker? J, willbe Bhnwn how they c:in svea humldome suco o the purebate if tbey addirens Piano, care Ja?, Oe 4;


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Michigan Argus