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PR1NTLNG I OF ALL KTJfnS Neatly Executed AT THE AllGÜS OFFICE. ju, ea NVE ARE l'REPARED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IN' THE LINE OF PRINTING AT TUE 21OST EEASONABLE RATES, We have recently purclmscd BXTGQLES ROTARY CARD PRESS, INVITAT1ON CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, V1S1TING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. ín the netitest stylo. ana ft (lhp- Wï pttrtd to print TOSTERS, KANDBILLö, BLANKS, WLL I1EADS,? CITICÜLATIS, TAMPnLETS rc, BOOK BINDERY Is in charge of a. FIRST CLAS8 WORKMAN, LEDGERS, KECORDS, JOüRNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RÜLED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufnctured in best sttle at New York Prioee, Periodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Ee-Bound. All Work warranted to give ontiro satisfaction. E. B. POND, Propr. Office anJ Bindery, cor. Main A Hurón Sts. TQE (i RE AT CAUSE OF HUMAN MfiSERY! Just Publishid, in a SenUd Envclope. Price Siz Cents A I.KiTl'RK BY D. CUI.VKRWELL, ON' THE CAÜPE AND CUBE of permatoriho, 'CouíumpUon, M nti ahc Phyriwtl Iebiliiy, Vervou np, Kílcpsy.lropiiired Xutritiunof tlH'lialy. UftMltofr, Wciikticss oí' tlif'Limbn íiutl the Snok, In lUposUlon nnd Incüpacity lo.sduly a mi Iil)o:t of Approbeiulon, 1-oss of emorv, Iv er?iiiHi to 8oc!etT. Lbve of Sotrtune, Timidlty, Sclf ( %. tfñi, Dizziuo-i-;. Mcadaclp', Alf'Ctions f tbo Kyus. I'imjih-s ■ j ti t'.ic r.ii--, ]]i(iluntiry EmlsskDs, ny i tíejtpai Incap.flity, the Caseq. tocw of Yonthiul lüdiauetion, ftc ítc, ígs, T!ii femiráblc l.ecdir eloarij proves tlial tho ibuvo ontnr.'rntfl. ftvi st'li-atïlictecl evils, nistv be w i!V)V'"l without danLrooa sui'Kical operationt, and gboutd. tiO rcad bv t-very jouth and overjr man in Ihé Und. S ut nnior scil, in a plain envelnpp, to any addrwij OD tin !■■;?;; '. uf iÍ3i cajeta, j]T Uví titiuVgo Ktaiups, Ity -iOg, Pr. OriAS. -T. C. KI.IN'K, 127 Bowery. Píew York, Port Office Box , 4586 WILLIA.M ACTON. OITY BIi.Ii POSTER. Orders fcft at tlia Argus Office prottiptly attended lo. Ayer's Cathartic Pilis. 1 - ■ CBk, Empire wPBÖ 1 S3m$ book sTeasi . J. R. WEBSTER M , ■'' & Co„ t3 -J EB Opposite tile 'S p' %jfeiï Frankiin Housü -}"[' -i 'r A ii il Arïoi . l'.h NOW i.r.MM;. i !.;!■ i FKOJ1 PITBIJ A AM) Mauuïucturerii.a Newaud CXmpktastock ol LAW & WiuUiCAL ÜUOK, Schoot BooUi, Miscdlancous Boots, Mank hioks. duit sjxija.rixc3xri3JE;i.--: Wall aud Witiil'1-.v !':i]if-r, Drawi uoatlcal Instrumente. Music, Juveuilfi Ubrarii -, fcjivwioj v, Ink.s and . GOLD And all olltcr kinds vj Pens and Pencils Wit:!.-. Corñice, Símelos ani Fixturo, BQCKET CUTLERY! AndovoryMiini: pertaininp to tlip trntic, fttjrfl more to wliU . i.vüe tho attenticu ot the Country. In conducf ingour bi Bine we -huil d" all ' hp lon6,9i tluit no rc!iKonubl; m:in, womatj or cl; ñi any fault. r [ii-ses fiicilitios whlcli will ciiftble us to upjjly aurntüiners ai FBe Lowest Possiblo Figures. Wc proposo toell for REAPY PAT, ata amali a il vanee. We ezpoct a protit tm oor tjools, but Cash Sales wiil Admit of I-ow FIGUEES. TIip tfRiiPTERBooii STOtRB'lfl iiKiniiofl by apood 'crew,' nd thcy irR] ;luays be fouod on "quartï dook,'9 read j &nd willin to atteuü to all witb plpasufe. v,Lo will fav(H" them wíih n cali. Ivemernber tho "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co Ann Ar'jor. f:iy,1860. 7Jf Chicago Book Trade. The l'lace to Bvy Sclwol Jiool'a WHOI,1;SAI,E Book & Statioiieiy House S. C. GR1GGS & CO. PllïLISH Sanders Progrpssive Readers, wlth newand origina) lliwtralloiisj are thfl most buautirul As well a the in-sl 1k.oI;s e.lant I. Siiü.'i-rs' Alii!;::l-.ct Cnrds, 0 ir. a set S :ü ". S; n icai-de, 1 6n ]H v;:j]i;irs' r:nt:iiy SpeUing Buuïi 1-2 IV Sanders' New l) Bner 15 tul.a 'puivïisui Kugliali Wurds, SO VI. Sander's l'ictitrialVr.racrj-fbouiitl) l-)4 Vil Snnden1 (.erni:m and fajagltsh Trimcr 20 VIII ï: 15 IX Sanfl . -' N ,, Pecond Reaaéi ; X s.itKtcT.-' New Tbird Reader, 40 XI. Rinden1 XcvKuurtL Reader, 83 XII. Sanders' New r'ifth KcatïCT, . ?; XIII. P ! Keader 8u XIV. ïinlfrs Voupk LaUis' Re&uer, BS XV. indei ] oo xvi. Saoiiei . 3 15 radprj are di rictly ptogretiwc ckaracter and practiculailsjitalicnto tlio young. They hare bwsn rpceivid wnh unprrcedrotrd (;iv i aod who bitve trHil theïrniiir.ils in tbc Fclio I i. i hobinson'3 Ccurse of Matüemalics. i:ï HORATIO N. RüDl.NSOS', 1.1. D. Lite Professor oí Mathemaltc in the U. S. Navy ï "■' ■ ' . riiuarj' AritLuietic. "■ B' ■ .!i1j. 111 ' i. .'i IV. Kobinsou's Prog Mire Practical Arhh. o V. BobiLson'x Hejr to Practical AriUimrtic, 50 VI. 1!..;mi ..i.'; i'r ffresiiiveHigher Arilhmitlc, 76 MI. ü .■-.: ii..n s K y tu Higher Anthmetto, 75 V11I. Robinst u's ■ ■.■. ; . ;.;il( -} IX. U binsuii's K. .!■, Algebta, 7i I' Ijrft, 1 25 XI. !:'... :i -.:i. Ki ; ü'niversity Algebra, 1 co ■■ '■-.-. 1 .: Xlil Robtnóji'a turvfj-ing and N'avtgation. 150 XIV Rob n.-rii's Analytical Geometry and Conic 1 50 XV RobinMoq'.s-liüTerential and lutegral CaJcubifl 1 50 XVI ■ lary AtitrOQi iny, ■ 75 XVIi Kobiusontt L'itiveivitj Astronotay, 1 75 XVIII Rnbintton's MathcxnHtica] Üperatiuns, 25 XIX K-v 'o Algebra, Ui-ometry, Surjng?f! , 1 5U èormtogu ::;.]. MATHEMAïir.M. rciT.-i:. tml !!.!; in tSe Hlgl ematics. r'or exteatiif research, ;tacMtym illuMtratii n aod practical uclulnesd, ti;' autiio-j of thia sri:i pnsseri bj no müliu n thia country. Xbia.aeries halbeen recojomended by the best mat'icluns in all sectinns of the ooiiol ). Gray's Series of Botantes, six books. Hit -hcin-k's School Anatomy and Physiofogy, SI. Hitclicock's Geology, one book. cll's ürtMiiniara, tivo boofca Well'a Soientifio Series, including C'liemistry, Phjlosophj, uto Three" bo.ïks. Wilsons Series of Histories, (íve boka Pasquelle's French Series, ejght books. Wooiibury's Germán Serios, seven books. Brjfant & Stratton's Series of Uook-kceph), threo books. Speneeriau System of Penmanship, niue books. And Many ohr Vlinljtc Boulu. Whülesalo Dcaleis and Retail Purcliasers Wil] Bnd .at our slorp over Fmir Tlinusanfl tïiircrcnt arLtclea "oí Statfonery and Tlirce lluudrcd ThnuHand VulanM of bookn, Cnnn whlch t' m:i]io tlicir feiectioD, eomprislnz an nssorlmei i uot rivalod üther buuk buube in the Uui'pJ f tute. S. C. GkIGGS & CO. Aro Spociul AgenU fop Mcssrs Harper & I?ro's Publications. " .1). Appl ton & Co"s " " Tieknor & FielJ's " " Gould & Lincoln's " " J B. Lippincott & Co'a " And furnish uil '.hoir l!;nks at BRftTD price for ensh. N'ote Papera Letter Papers and Cop Papers, Blank Books, Pass Books, And all kinds of tTAHOMKRTfi "t t'io lowest nriecs. SLÏKi5 bjr tlio iloi;tiior cae. (MStraiigénanii travelcra li-itinu Cliictifio w;i find it iniareAÜDg to litigt-r for an liöór umlj inteiminable 1 Uob of literature at39 and 41 l.nke Street S. C. URJGG-S & Co. Agenta Wanted . y Foraücostly m:l vahüiblv Subflcriptlop MTork, or niiv nobla wort opon Religión, Utoratan, .Science, ur Art, iddress 8. C.ÜKIGüS CO. F&BAfifi UKMF.MnER That tlicre ís no bookwtore in thia country kof-píníja better pr njoro exieasive aapoi tment tb in i- alwa;4 fouud at i-öanU-ilLuke snert. Tliat Public or Private I.ibririos oan bc supliod witb flrst clafls Standard Work ly S. U.'G. ft 6. upou bctter lerms tbaQ to BGQd I st int paj Iri'iglit fWostcro Literary and Prerfturtonal mon.Tencher!, 8oholani lu all departments óf of th world of u-tters, iirtiinviii-.l to make ; 'J tp i 41 Laire streut Uwir place oj resurtió motneaUof leisure. S. C GRIGGS 8c CO.f Wholesale and Bet ai) iio.;; tatinstirs ;9 & tí take Street, Chicago. 8. C, QjtlGGS ■ ' . E. L JAKSK.X. POR S-A.LE. W. S. SAUNDERS cfï'crs liis Uomesteart For Snlc. Will bc in Ann Arbor the last week in epteinber, Prico 4,xic3l Tersaas Con bc ohlaihcd hy caling at Ihis Oirr. 1862, 1863. NEW FALL GOODS ! Xow opening, .i ipiemlid itQ9 af ifw Gooda fr tha q. h. miLLütu's mmi? sii3s añ?p& -Abc Ar'oor Popiembcr IJ, 182. 870if S'JHUFÍ ""& MlLLKKi l R9STH.L ON'IU:;;" si tUoirold Stand, No. 2, Franklin Bleek, wiih the ■ ■ i orín. vut cf Books and Stationes-y, FANCY GÜOD.S WALL AND WINDOVv' PAPEftS, Shides, KOLLERg, COTÏDS, TASSELS, GIJrCOliNIGES, CURTA INS, IIOOKS AND PIN, STEREO5COPE3 & VIEWS &c. Ever offored in this Murkct ! aöil they would suggtjet iu pur.-uit tfanythingin S A N TA C LA JJS ' L 1 f7 E tbat tliey can secura Doublé Chrisimas Present ! V.j P'ircliastrig fr)in tliis slock, as csch purchaser get Li ional ijri-.ivnt oí Jewelry, ie. , líanging invaluo trom 50 cte. to $50, jfty Tlu'ytrust that their lng exp-sriauce In sclectinti o. ■■:.-. rn iiiis marlet, and itrict attentu n to tja of ('uitoiui'i-H. maj uniitk' tb om to a lüxiüib:tïe o, P&tronage, Aun Ktbor.Dec. 5. 1860 777tf LIFE IWUKaNOI The Connecticut Mutual Life Insuvanca Company. Accumulated Capital, - 83,500,000. ÏXTÏI.LINëDRELTVÉS foi ány amóunt not exceedhi VV $ ..■■'.'■. '..■■ ft .■■■■.■ it-i-pi .ïf '..f u tt-'ï'in !■' yeara, i b fiheniost fftv ■ X. B ï'lie Cgmpany Is purely mutual and the pplicy ■t all liit: surplus over tlie&ï&ct cost ol anca 11 accomodittea the n nrod in tbe settlemebi ol their [ remlunif tN .YY. PÜI4C1&9, if desirefl, by tuklog a note fur oue half the amunt, bearing taterost at six liercent, per nnnuin. Dividends are Dedared Annually! mul iloce tliey njv aiïiount to fipty per ccut cin tbeprenkium cAsh. aod aot, and uro inoreasiog they maj bc apatid to oancöl the notes. iLT The ra (en of premiums areaslow as any other renponftlble Company and the la rge accu tn uta ted fund of -.. ■ i'. ia .ivüi't y iuvoi tul, is iitiiv bfi slh'h by rttVrébw to thestatemeni i igto' Law, on ii'.t? in t-.hcüfiice of the County CIerk,at Ann Arbir.=a JAMES GOODWIN', Prest. GuyR, rirau -. ! ■■,-. FVrpniUcniarapply to JAMES C. WATSOV, 7Üüvl Agfint at Ann Arbcr, Miei;. Great Beduction in the Price of SINGKR & CO.'S Standard Bfëachmes . Well knovm to be the Dest for Mmvjacturing Purpoie. No. 1, St:indiirtl Shuttlo ftfaohïhe, formerly wld at 90, rouiicod to 70. No. 2. ot' same kind of Machino, for merly so!d at 8100, reclueed to $75. SINGER'S LETTER A MACH INE Is tbc bost Machine in tbe world for Family Sewiotf and Miuiuf.trturinff I'urposea : Hcui Hemvier) and bvautifuüy ornamonted MÍO, 'J'bo Non. 1 i' 2 Machines are of great cupaclly and appilcation tot man jfacturinir pur poten.. UurNo. are ertpccially adaptad to all kinds of ügbt and 1kmv Leather Vork, in C;iri-ia Ihi.iif.s Makínjr,ctc.,etc. Tht-y art1 of cx'ra siw, hu1 nith n irni 6rf enougb to ■ lashes. Tlierc ! ie aoarcely any part "i :i Crian o ; ;::;:t cacnot bi doofi rtiili them (ban by hjThí ; so, too '.be sa ving ol time mi1 is ve-y great. Thetableof ■ .. i.s 21 mches Long, and tbe shuttle wil) rUelacgi iniicUino wórka asfastw malí ones. We wouló uBk for oyr Letter A Machines, the spepialatUintion of Vei Haker-saml I . . and 11 I for ligHmtin pcx. Tiu-y cinl-miy the pHdelpies of the si Dauphin es, making tiketht m tl:cn;-.-l.n.-l.(( ditch, ind are (lestiood t; be asoeVebi . W v Swixo atd í,?íí maiuilíiCt uring purposes as our standard níacbinen are f1 man uiactu ring pur pose in genra] -taiwayöon hand, iikmmj.m; OAt?nit!ï,STt.iï i "■ i i fS N AND OülTOS TURBAD, OH . ..s, BESI -M-LtllNli Wr manufacture our owti Needlr3tAiid wonM wamnll poiüon-; Uíing ouruaai a'y nnyolhcrs. We know thiit theru are oeedtea ttold of Vit wiost inferior ■ set higher piiooa tlnn reoWtij l foï Wie &ei. The needies old bjna are mmufoctured speciajly frr our ma 1 .iut'i. A bad necdle may render tkt best machine almo&t ustlef. Uur oustomet may rest aísuredííiatat ''ur Üranch Uffice arefurntshed withtne " genüineMCiIjïd " - may bo sco n postale stamps, or banli noii ■;. Cdrrespondeattí wjl] pífano write their ñames disíirctly. It . rtant wa Bhóuld, ïneuciio;..-, knovc the l'osi (Müce, Oönntj. iiud SlAie. p A.l pernöna foqotring ittfornrotidn abfttH Sewiag Machines -sit, pnce, working capacitie, anO the best metbod? i , canobtain it by sc-ntliug to US, orany af our B'anoh Üllices iora copy OX I. M. Singer & Co .V Gazetto, Which i a beautiful Pieioria] Paper eötirely devotetl to tbe subject- U vUI bc sent gratis, -U- - ■ ■ ■ tSfWehiLre made the abuveiiÊDÜCfTONÏNPRIjCEi wiili the two-fold view of benefiMng i lic publicandpurBel ves. The public hftTe been swmdlod by ■■' pujrioua machinea made m imitation of "I'. e (ttetal in tlicni, from the iron casting to the mftUest peice, is ot poor qurtliiy. Tlifir conkers Uevy not tl-e noeans lo fio their ivork reil. Thoy arehid uway in ttecrtH plaie, vfhere it wouM bc tmpOSHibte to have ni tlïeïr co'nlmahdlïwproper niecli.mical applfeqOM. 11 i unlj by doing R L'iiat busincis .:i nd baving extennve man(ifacturng estabfisu meotu, iliat Bood puicbiufia can I pricea, The best designed machines, 1ÍAÍLY HA alwnys leíble to gft put of ojrdor, and are urt tofeost ei 'nsjiïe: ü Ijl. tronUle and monov u, keep tbt-m in repaire The qu&Uties to be lokod tot, m i MucbjiH'iire : c rI a int y of errect ïicl;rn :-t :ï rales ot sp-eil, -;ini[ilici1y ■ . and i apdity ot operation , wit ji tbe leaajt labor. Machine to cunbiaü tUcüe eitRrntial qualitien, nuit 1)6 inadeuf tLebot linishi d to ]crfi elion. Wc have ilie way jitiü mcau8,oa ;l ftr.'iM'i RClC to do tiii--. lliepurchasersof machine, whopcaüy bread Itmny concern, wiil flnd that those bavfDirifie Vvfqualittes iicii only voi!; rell at rapid :is well is sjow vates .f speed ,Jbut last ltnger in iho (tnest pmwible workinor-ler. Our maohines, as mado by us, wiil eiirn nmre money with tesa labor tbana} otbra yrhether m iuytation n' oxtTt ot not. In fact, they aro-!inir1b:in any other machinen na gift. I. M. SÏNGER ft CO., 4 Broadway MewYork. Petroit Üfiice, 58 Woodrrd Avenuf, (Merrill Block.) Slllf M. II. GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. BÖÖTS SHOËS MOOME & LOOMIS Are receiving a largo asgoríment of Goots and Shui-H and RUBBERS! Which tlipy irojiose to scll 50 per end ielowormer pricesfor cash. Men's gool Kip Boots, from $l,r0 to $3,fi0 Men's good TUiok Boots, from 2.00 to 3,00 Men's good Calf Boots, froin 2,50 to 3,75 Boy's Cilf, Kip and Thick Boots, 88 to 1,75 Ladies' Gaitero, from 44 to 1,25 Lndies' Jlorocco Bootees, from 75 to 1,26 Aniï an eridlc! varicty of Sjjial Kboos from F;inc}' Efnlmorálfl (o Tnfants' Óreeping SIlOOH. Wc mi also üiaiinfpctnrlng all ulmH of WAIIRANTED BQQTS & S1IOES. iens Fine Freneh Calf Boots l3egged mifl 8ewed. íif (flve un a ciitl befoT ptirchasfnj oIsouhoYe, r. we air boundnoi tobe unclersold. fi.KEPAllííNC PONB ON tfliuKT XOTICK. _g MiMiKE & LOOMIS Mnin St., Aniï Arbor, Mich . [ ,Q 820t Aun Arbor City loe House fúr Sale Cheap. rIlHK subscriber (Terr; for salhis fTnuo. with ?i-.i 1 ! .. ■ ati'l.-!icl ittacUed, h'rj Dwfilluig Uuiuj RÍW a bout '-J a crea r land MtJoming, together wlth ihirwes, V:nions, Totílí", ice , ven chcap. .-'■on required down anl tbc balm remaín pn Íim. ci.rMENT ft. TQP5TP3OX.


Old News
Michigan Argus