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BuBiutss 3$irertniit. CARDS! CARDS! ! OARDSII! WriDí nrchaed a Robóles Rotary Diamond Cnrd Prejs.ifithanne usortraent ofCaril type, the Argür OTicei" prepared to print Cardp of all kinds in the oetetpo8siblestyle and at a great reduction from 'ormer ptices.includinjt BusinesF Cards farjnep of jll Toetionsindprnfesslons, Ball. Wedding, and Viultinf Crdg, etc.. etc. Cali, ?ive us youra orders and seo how i t Ís done. All Losses promptly adjusted MERCHANTS' INSURANCE CO,, OF HAB.TFORD, CONN. Cash Capital, $200,000. Tota Aísets, Jan. luí, 1862, $237,38105 Llabilities, .... l'.,834.09 HARK H0WARD, President. E. Tnos. Lobdsll, Secy. The undersigned has been appcintcd Agent for the .6oTe reliable Comjiaiy, and will effect insuraHCe Kiast losse by fire at reasonablerates. E. B. POND. Ann Arbor, Junc2, 1862. 8S5tf r. -w. icisria-KLX, 2gent for tlie Phoanix Insurance Company OF HARTFORD CT., AND THE CONWAY INS., COMPANY OF BOSTON MASS. Loases Honorably adjusted and prcmptly paid at this Agincy. Office Comer llain and {Jurón Slreet, over the of Bacu & Pieeso , Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor, Sept . 1, 1802. RAYMONDS Fhotograpliic and Fine Art GALLERY. Nofl. 205 and 207 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. ■tisiographs.LifeSiie.colored or plain, cabinet, im.riil Melainotypes, llai-urriioU-fei , Aml.rotypas, ,ic ',3. CARD WClüaKS by the Dctcu or Thouitd. 809-vl Burveyor & Civil Fngineer. WWKF.Kt1, Survcvor and Civil F.nginft-r. conttn ue to give immediate attcutiou to all orders.- Office at bis residence at the corner of Calherine and T haver streeta, Ann. Art or, Sept. 10, 1802 l.'8C9 I. O. O. F. lïTASHTENAVy LOD.GE Xo. 9, of the Independent W oiinrof Odd Fellows meot at their Lodg. Boom, rery Friday evening, at 7i o'cinck, E. RICHARDSON, N. G. S. Sokdheix, Sec'y. ' L. ÜTUBBST" ÏTnoLKSiLB and Retail Dealer in TobaCjM, CigarK c, W MainSt.- aign oí ' Big Indi." Frankli Block, nn Arbor, Mtc1'?. G SUTHËIiLAND & "sÖN, TTHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocers and Commission fV Merchants,Eastside Main Street Ann Arbor. ' J. M. SCOTT. VJCBXOTTrS & PaOTOGRPB ART1ST3, in the rooms formerly occupied by Cordley , over tlie store of Spe iry k Mooro Porfec t satisfaction guaranteed. ' RISDON&HENDERSON, DEALERS in Hardware, Stores, ho;isfefurnishinggood8, Tin Ware Sc. ie. , Ne Block, 5Iain Street. ' A. P. ÏIILLS, D salir in St[jl Dry .Gowis, Groceries, Boots and Shx3 wkJ Rfidy iüie Clothing, Huron Street Ann iftar I1IRAM. J BEAKES. 4 TTORSKYS & Cou.vseli.ors AT I.AW, and Solicitar in A. Chaneery. Office in City Hall Block, over Webster Co' s Book Store, Ann Irbor KINGSLEY & MORGAN, A TTORXKT3, Counsellorn, Solicitors, aufl KotariesPub M. Hc, h&ve Books and l'lata Éhovlng titles of all lande If the ountj, andatU-nrl toconvryaiicingand coliecting M4-dB) "-nd to payin.? taxes and school interest in any Art oí the Bta.te. Olttüfc east üi-",e of the Square. Ann Aror. Wm. LEWITT, M. D., PHTSiaji & Surgkon. Office at his reskleucc, Xorth iide of Huron stwt, aptj 2d luee Westof División reet, Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER, JkyTANUFACTCRER and dealer in Boots and Shoes. 1 fjj. door Westof the Tost íiflícfí. j.nn Arbor, Mich. MOORE & LOOMLS. ifixi-FACTTHKBS ami Jealer in Bootj and Sboes, VI. Phoeniï Block, Ifain Street, one door Nofth of Vaftaington. M. GUIÏERMAN & CO-, ITTholesai and Retail dealers and manufacturera of VV Ready Made Clothiug, Imuorters of Cloths, Cassire, Doeükius, &c. No. 6, New Biock, un trhpr. C. B. PORTER, k Surgiiov DpynsT. OijQe poroer of itain fe tnd Huruii tpffifits. over P. lïach's stüre, {ffHBB Ano Arbor, Michigan. ' Wm. WAGNER, D kaler in Ready Macli CJothiugCJjOths.Cassinieres and Vesting, Wats, Caps, Trunks, Carpe Bags, &o. Main l , Ann Arbor. ' JJACH& PIERSON. D8XLERH in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Boots k Shoes, te, Main street, Ann Arbor. 8LAWSON & GEER, niQöKRS, Provisión & Commiasion Merchant,anddea JT lersin Water Limk, Lasd Plastes, and Plasteu of Ris,one door Kast of Cook's Hotel. C. BLISS, DBALERinClocks, Watches, Jewelry. andFancy Gopds at the aign of the Big Watcb, N'o, 27:?r.oeñx Block J. C. WATTS. rBALBBinClocks, Watehes, Jewelry and Silver Ware No J 22, New Block, Anu Arbor. T. B. FBEEMAN. BARflPR and F&öhionable Hair Dresser, Main Street, Ann Arljcr, MÍLU. Hair FrunU and Curia kcpt ft nstmntt y on tiund. chöfF&"mïli7e r. Pkalers inMiscellancouR, School, and Blank Books Sta tionery, Paper ilangiogs, &c , Main Street Ann 4rbor. D. DkFOREST. yuotwSALK and Iïetail Doalerin Lnmber, I.alh, Shin glei Sash, Doors, Iilinds, Water Linie, Grand River U$ter, l'la.ster Faris, and Nails of all sïzes. A full fco'ï perfect maortment of the abay.e, nnd all othcr iind oT building raaterialsconatantly on hand at the lowest )DRHihlo rates, on Detroit Stroet, a few rods from kU Rallroad Tppot. Also operating extensively in the patent Cment Roofing. WASIlTEXAVciiOTY BI BLE SOCIÊTyT DIPOaiTORT of BiWus aal Teiiaments at the Society price at W. C. VoorheU'. CHAPÍN, WOOÍT& CO., sü;cesoeb to f#UND, CBAFIKT c?o MANÜFACTÍ'KF.BS OF Print) Bools., AND - 6OLORED MEDIUMS, WP"#-tijr3iaa.E; Pnper,c. i.yy AHPfM MICH.


Old News
Michigan Argus