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"the Old Merchants Of New York"

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We recentlv notieed a gossipiri! book called "ïlie'Old Merchanta of Jfew York." Tho following aneodotca are specimeDs of inany inore which vrill be found in its pages Tho hero of the subjoined is Nathaniel Prime, of Primé, Ward & King uotoriety : Robert Kermit once Mar'ed a liue of "saiDt1' ships. Ho ovrned the ship St. George, and ha persuaded Stephen Whitney and old Nat Prime to bccome owners jn a new sliip oalled the St. Audrew. The line never succeeded, lthough tho latter once made a very sliort passage in the year }834, and brQuglit the inttllïgence of au advancc in theprice o! cotton in Liverpool. She carne iu lata one Christmas eve. Old Mr. Primo Üvedat that time t the corner of Broadiray and , Marketfiield street (uow liattery Flaee). Mr. Whitney lived only a few steps diatant, on the corner of State street and Bowling Green row f bee old heads and two er three youngeï ones had the exclusive uews, and they in tundee} to make the most of it. It was certain not to bo made public until the day after Christinas. Letters of credit were prepared in the front parlor of Jio. 1 Broadway, for one million of dollars. Waltcr Burrett was selected to leave nest morning for New Orieans, by way of Wheeling, hoping that ho would outstrip the great Southern mail, leaving two days nfaead, earrying these credita in favor of Thomas Jjarrett and John Hagan, of New Orieans, both eminent mercuants in those days The letters ordered cotton to be bought as long as there was a ble in fit si hands ia New Orieans Mr. Barrett, the be;irer of credits and orders, was toid to spare no expenga in order to beat the mail, It was uow eleven o'olouk Christmas eve. Nc one had thought about money for the expense of the messonger to New Orieans. Banks were all shut - brokers too. Mr. Prime saized a blank eheclj, aud went up with it to the City Hotel " Willard, for what amount can jou cash my check to-night 1 " " IIow iijtjchdoyou wish, Mr. Prime?" " One thouiand dollars." Mr. Willard h;id the money, and gave ït to Mr. l'nme. it was in the pocket of Mr. Walter Barrett the next morning, when lie embarked at six o clook in the boat for Aniboy, cQmmanded f,lien by tlie since famous Captain Alexander Schultz. The messeuger, by bnbing stagedrivers. paying Af ississippi boat captains 50 or $75 not to stop and receive freight, Feipbed New Orleaus. a eleven duys. ' [t was dayiiglit vhen l;e got into the old City Hotel in New Orleans, kept tben by Mr. Bishop. Two houra after, John Hagan and Thomas Burrett had the letters of credit and orders to purohase cottem. The Southern mail did not arrive for three days, Before night over 50,000 bales of cottoa had beeu purohased at l tQ 12 cents, or about $60 per bale. The cotton was sold at 17 und 18 cents, when cotton went up a few days after. - Some was sent to Liverpool The profit was on some lots over $30 a bale, and ras diyided up ainong the líew Orleans houses of Barrett & Co., and John Ha gan & Co., and the New York opertor3. The messenger had the profits of 200 ales awarded him and his expenses paid.


Old News
Michigan Argus