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General Mcclellan At Trenton

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Tiii; correspondent of the IJorid, in Saturdayn isU'.. writesa detailed account of tlio receptio!) of tl lieroic cliief of tlie rmy of the Poi,:wae .t Treuton. - Tliu ciliz-jna Vien alinost wíld $tb de liglit at setiug Iiinj, and tliey rent tliC Wi'lkin with t h c i p t'lieem. The ladies wcre no lesa enthusiastic. The General was hiinsi lf visibly moved by. tlie spontaucuus and unmiskikublc ouiburst of feel ing, and besan bis remarks ni a tconibling al thouírh cleir and ringiug tone.-Uu spoke as fullow" : ' My Fiuknds - For T feel that yon are all my frirnds, I Btatid liere bef re yon i!Ot :a a maker "f spceche?, Bot as a poli tician, but simply as a soldier. I come iimmg ynu to soek quiet and repi'sefor a brief peiiod, and siuco tlie moment of my arrival I liave received nothing but evidences of the deepcst fríéiidbhip I Mavo bi-en too lonj; é'ss)ÓÍated with tha íiallant troops oí Nt-w Jer ey n tlie ñt'ld to feel niygelf a straner hoie. Fiom the instant when I tirst assumed comniiind the sons of your noble State weie wiib nif. From i he ieg of Yurktuwn 10 tlie battle of Antietani they were ever brave, fai hful and i'fficient On nu inerous occasions I witneísed thcir undaunted courage, nnd th:it of the ever trua and daring Taylor, and the g lhint, t ho intiepid, thp iii)jetum Kearm'y, who sealcd with th-jir ufe b"od llieir dtvotiou to tl.eir State and country." [Here tho deuionstration of tlie im tiHi.c concouroe bic;i ni! so uncontrolhible that tho Qeueral was obligod lo demst froui spcaking, md t was niany brear lilcss n.inutes belore he could resume 1 - reuiaiks At lengtli silunce was partially res' ore J, and tlie Gcucrul tima oonulu dod:j "I h:ivts but one word m"re, my frieuds, to say, it is to advisi' yoli, uhile your snldies use figh'ing in Hit' field, to see that i he war is proseeuted lor its proper objects - tho prcreí vatiou of fehf Union a nd the cmsutution, and tbu uiaiiitenanee of your nationnlity and your Clglits as citizens! '' ïhis is a verbiituu report o( General McCU'Hau'R speech, and it difFers, iu some eïS'iitial particulars, f'roai tbe basty languaye of tbo telogr:iph


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Michigan Argus