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Constitutional Amendments

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But very few votet were polled in tliis County, at the recent eiectio, on the several auieiiduieuts to the (Jonstitution . Wo append tlií resuit of the cauviiss : Amenduient aa to Banks - tei, 5 " " " no, 26 Amendmont as to Regenta of Univcvsity, - yes, 9 " " " w, 14? Aineudujout as to Klection ia Upper Pcuiiisula - yes, 18 HO, 25 Amcndment nu to Constitution, - yeê, 21 " ' " ng, 80 The pcnple of Wuslitenuw aro ' ly opposcd to tainperiiig with tliu Contitu! lui, buliuving tlie priginal bad onough and i!i;t itwil! not be improved ly tacking ou aiiiciiduieiits so Urn none but a lawyer can keep track of tljfin We presLiiue, howcver, tbat tho Slato ciiuvass will show tliat the gdvcval aiiteiid-' meiits, or at lu;ist all snvu tho One ïolativc to Banks huvu bet-n uxloBUd. L3L It is intiiiiati'd tliat Gr'V, Mor tus, of [i. diana is willing In resíírn his civil position, and. acwpl i yor-Goueral'ii eonimisiion, provided tliat. it is "datfd biok ' su thiit lm muy rank "11 otlier offiwrs scrvi.ig in thu Wt'st.- And he mny jet it on liis own ternis, for " llien: iü uo telling whert) lightuiug will etrike." ;3jf Tlie oiïid-rs if thö New York Society lüivü oiinclnilod Ihnt it is nut ii'ivitiable tal have an anniviTsarv mi)pfer the present ve-ir, ind tiave calli-d ilie iinnnal meeiing fur the ttlèotion nf olficeiv, to hu held ut tlie Monitor ptl lbo evenmg of the 2ölh, Sou imtice of Suoietary. iht' Firèt G"ngre.-iiinal district is 192 ñatead of 93- iia the tabla we gave last vjk niado it. Thu error was iht.' Dolroit Tnhum's and was inaciti in Ui ting tho maji'iily in VVayna oounty. J A meeting ol tlio newspaper publishei-6 of Philadelphia viaa held on tbc 19th iust .tind a uimniinoU3 atrrei'inent niadt: to raise the prieos of sub-uripti u. Every paper in theoouiltry will be -pu-dily c .inpelled to dn the saino. L'taT The Twenly 8jrth Kegimcnt ïliclngHH I iifaiitry, v. ol. KAR, BOW in rendrzviius at Jaoks m ia under marcliing orders, a..d will probably leavo uext week. We undersUud it jjoea to Meuipiiis, -Itev. L. D Buhch, of thisci-y, bas been unaniuiously elected Cbaplaio of this regiiiit. (3t At the Tnstanoe of tlio Democratie maioherd of the Board of Aidermeu, uu kijbnotion has been served on Mayor Spook and Bïuon Grbkx, elaiining to act ft Recorder, restraiuing tliem froni issuing any city orders, and on Treasurct lliiDON piohibiting liini püjiiig tt'iy or ders tliat iu;iy have buiin issuod by such partios The applioation f'r the injum-. tion sets forth, wo belitve, that Mr (;,;i;i:.n is not Recorder, having buen lio gally cltC'tcd, and a'so that no bilis liavo been prop.ily i'l.nvfd by tho Cüuncil on wuich orders ca.; be drawn. The hearing on tho injuuction is sst dowu for De ceiuber first In the (ueantirae workmon á.'id others vbo bac trus ed tliQ city must vvait for their pay.


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