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Army Movements

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New Yiirk, Nov. 18 ïho Washington c n espoWence of the Pont, duted the 17tli, qajfK '■ ïlie froui the front is iiniiurtnut tliis moruing. The wliole uruiy is in mutioji towards Fredorioki-burg W'liat is tliu place of operationa fier Frtderiokoburg fball be held is a base nf supplies does nut appuar. Tho oonditioo f tliu anny is bucli is to givu its Gfiierujs grem coufideiice in the reduit of tliu iii'jjt batile VVa have moro troops thau tho rubela believe, bilt it ly no 1110:11 ts impo.-siblt: tliat Lw timy u nnmbur lJiniisule wlu-u lio steps to tjglit VV.itli Fieiit-ricksbuig as the ln'adquartera of oür arniy, it wijl bo i'cinpai itivi'ly easv to lui'' i.-li it with supplics bj lliu wuy of Aquia ürcek and tliu railroad fruni tliat poiiit to FreduricK'sbiir;. "TI10 Wiir D paitmetit will liqreaftcr insist tliat sisbatitutes sliall bu (ouipulltd tu onter tlit' pld reirinieiits, to ïcinain tur iiine mout!-.-, wi:h ibis DiiderátÁnding, tliat tliu govofiimeni will prctl-r snbsiiÉUtes to tliu original drafled atrii. "It s bclicvud Itere tliat au altack upoii Charleston ü '■■"■ bo longpontj imud Tli'e ribfla !:ove bx;en initkuVg pre-pafutions lor tliè atiaik f r several wct-ks; aiiij, if tliev aru to bu bclievud, will nut I tho _■ i t y , niiüi-ty btcause tlioy mas lie at 1 lie IJIeróí ot' One ut' oitr iron I iLkIs. 'I lio i 11 li ibitituts wil! bu urd,ei'ed 10 le.iv1, .'ind tlie tci wii, it 1 icei'ss 1 r , will be burned riitiiör tliau be -unciutiu d. - Su far a I éaii learn, Ivtli nnny and u;i vy (lu.-ne the rebels Minulii 'ake preeisil}' this ouurso. fecling tliat it woulil be til tti.d pro, er tlnit tb.s eiiy sliouid be dtstroyed. Tlie prepn'ra:nns foratUick are f perfect tliat tliere can bu 110 doubt ihat oue or more e.iids wil jiuccei d i) pf nmölifng the' towu at least wi.bin -lit liinj distance.' Hkadquahtbhs Armyofthe Potomc. ) arreiiton, Nov. 15. Tb'is inorning 'he lid anuy corps moir-ul tu tilt' front. I bey are proba bly de? I tineil for F' edericK.-bur, bnt niay go to Culpe per U. II. Gist, ór at least near tliat pniut. TIe otlier coiiim.iiids will iiiqvo is rap idlv as poesibfe. My lieadqnarttrs yfill move tn-ni'iri"W Col. Iniiall's Clilef Quarternuister h,;i& guie to Wasliingtou tur tile, purpose of . 11 g (Int vvork al cstablislung ! niuiiication via .(juia Cneb. Üilier ,' Qiiarteri)i!-ter8 havo gone 00 tlie auuu liiuess and wa sliall 80011 liuvo tbe oUl line of C' 'iiiniuiiioatiuu open. Tbc biiiiges over :lie Potouiaó "Teek! and tbe Kappnliatiiiüois iiru bing rebuilt and tliis ruad bryoud Vaiento:i Juuctinu alianiloned. In tact I not tbink it is designad tu b'ilil t lus lace lifter the 111:1111 b tdy uf ïlie ui my Uaves. Washington, Nov IStli. Up to iiino o'clock tliis evoiiinjj intelligenec at Heailijuart.i'iii ui the nnny runs to this 1 ll-'it, 11 II quii't a.lpng tlit front liuinni's pievnij or uu eng igeiiieut be twoiiiour re;.r column ard i(t uiieipy, tiut dlHttéiit inquiry falla to üorrubuiate ihe reporta, wliicli ave believed to be groundless. BM I ■. - I ■ ►■►■a


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