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PRINTING OK ALL KINDS I Neatly Executed AT TUE AftGUS OFFICE. WE ARE PREPARED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IN TUE LINE OK PRINTING AT THE ilOST REASONABLE RATES. We have reoently purchased BTTGGLES ROTARY CARD PRESS, and have ndded the UUst stylea of Card Type, whioh enables us to print IXVITATION CAEDS, WEDDING CARDS, V1S1TING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. ia the ncfitest, styles, and as chcnp as any otlier house in the State. We are alao preparcd to priot POSTERS, HANDBILLS, BLANKS, WLL I1EADS,] CIRCULAR?, PAMPHLETS &c, TUS A.HC3-TJS BOOK BINDERY ig in charge of a FIRST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JODRNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufacturad in best sttli at' New York Prlces, Feriodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Re-Bound. All Work wan-anted to give entrr 6atisfactioD. E. B. PONO, Prop'i Offico and Bindery, oor. Main ít Hurón Sts THE GREAÏ CAUSE OP HUMAN MESERY Jusl Publishtd, in a Sealed Envelope. PrU Six Cents. A I.ECTÜRE BY Dn. CU1.VKRWKLL, OS THE CAUP AND GTHK nf Ppprmntorrhoea, Consumiition, 5fet)ta aa&PKjslosl 1'cbilit.v, N'orvouuness, KpUp,Impin Xutritiüiiof theBjd, Ilassitadc, Weakness I.imi aad Uu1 ü.ick, te4ippItlon nn Incapacity tostudy in Ubör, Dullness of Appreliension, Losb of emory, At crsiou '. s,-i.-;y.I..,ve of Solitud?, Ttmidiy, S,..lf Ui trust, Dizzinc!,'Hcaho)io, Aifcptiops of the Kyes, Piru pief oo the Faco, Invülunlary Kmissions, :inl oxtial I eanacity, tho Cumcqucnces of Youthful lndüicretio bf. &c. j, Thi a'lmirahlc Loctnrr aleorly prove tnat th above'Uí'.-l. uUan soll-aHlicted evtts, may bc re moved without CMBgéroua BÜrgloal oporations, an should bo read hy every youtb and cvery man in tl land. StMitiin'ler sca, in a plaio envelopo, to any adilref on tljo r&ceiftof feUt cents, or two poatage stamp8tb, arldrcssin?, PB. CHAS. J. C. KLINK, 12? Bonery, New York, l'ost Otlico Box , 458 WILLIAM ACTON. ÜITlt BILL POSTER Orders left at the Argus Offic promptly attendod to. Ayer's Oherry Peetorai HtsTv v-J y R1CNOW ul'hN'INC. ÜIRKCT l i:)M PÜBMSHKRP I AM) M;inuf:icturci3,ii New and CoinpleU atocle ot L.AW & MEDICAL UOÜKS, cWi licokt, Misceüancous Books, Slank liooks, dan 'all and Winduw Pjijiit, Drairinjj and M.ithciii.iüinl Insfrumoots. usic, Juvonile Librarles, Envelopes, Iuks and ('aids. [pÍL;L3."-55?Sf; í.:,:tz-, -5GOLD [nd all otiier kinds of Pen and Pencis . Wmiloiv öorolce, Shades and Fbcturk, POCKET CUTLERY! ïiduvorythin piirtaininiï tn the trade, nnd moro to v.hichüu-y vuuIcM&tIU the ut tention Ot the ocïuntry. In eonductitijr nur bi'Slñoss, wc shall do all thntcan edone,so fchat no rcaaonable man, wömao or child lml! nd any fmilt. W ]osso8s factlïtics whicli will us to Rupply ur siomer.'j at ihu Lowest Possible Figures. We propose ío scll for READY PAT, ata small advance. ' oxpt'ct;i pryfit on our guods, but ash Sales will Admit of Low riGUSES. Thp "EsiriRtlinoH &rOK,"ía mannfd by agond 'crew,' d they will nhvayg be fouud on thfl "quurtpr deck," ady and williog to atlond to all with pluasurc, wUo wil! avor them with a cali. temember the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. Ann Artor, Mar, 1860. 7J(t Chicago Book Tiade, The l'lace to Buy ScJwol Bcoka WíJOI.ESALJS Book & Stationt'iy Jlonse. S. C. GR1GGS & CO. prmasH Sanders Progressive Readers, ewly Elfctrotyped, with newnnd original Ilustro f ons, ro the must. beautiful as woll as the beat lfJi8 extaut. I. Saudcrs' Alphabct C.'trds, 6 iu a H0t $ 0 TI. Snadf rs1 l'rlntary ch') Chdrtp, 8 o l corda, I fin II! Sanders' Prima Bouk, V2 IV. Sandoi1.!1 Xtw 8] ciliT and Ui iiner, , )5 V. s' -n:ilysib i Knglisfa W f. -, fiQ VI. Sander'a Piciorial Primer, (bound) 12 Vil. Sanders' üoraann and English I'rinicr '0 VIII. Pander--' New First Reader, i?s IX. Sanders New Second Readrva 38 X. Bandént1 lícw Tliinl Reader, 40 XI. Buidftrs1 XewFoarth Reader W XII. Síanders' New Fiflh Header 7f XIII. Samlers' High-íchcol Reader, fj) XIV. Santen Youag Ladies' Reader, 8S XV. Saflders' SohoolSpeaker,., l 00 XVI. Sanders' Elocutionfirj Chrt,., 3 O Tliese readers are dtetinguished for thelr ;- restire characler and practical adapt afun to Ihe young. 'hey havo boen reccived with unprecedenled favor, and y no class moro favorabt; tlmn by Fractieal Tvachcri? ho have ti-sted theirmcrits in the scheel room. Robinson's Course of Mathematics. BY H0KAT1O N. ROBINSON, Lt, D. Late Professor of iíiithoraatics ín tlie U. 3, Naw I. Robiifson ProgrcasiTo I'rimary Aiit 1-metic, II. Robiuson's Progressive Intcllectiiiil Arith, III. Hobiuson's Ruaiments of wrilten Arith. 5 Roblason'a Progrossive Practica! Arith. 6 V. Robit.scu'.-i Key to Practical Aritbmetfc, 50 VI. Robinnon'fl Pr grewivtí Rfghèr Arithmttic, - 75 VII, Kibinson s K y to lliher Arithnetfc, 75 VIII. Kobin.son's Nl w Lk iii'-ntary Algebra,. .75 IJÍ, RwbiniSün's Key to Kleinetitary Aigvbra, 75 X. Robinson's Univcisity Algebra, 1 25 XI. Robin&OD'a Key to University Algebra, l 00 XII Robinson'sGoometry and Trigonurnetry. 1 50 XJU KobironN Survyin:ind Xavig;ition, 1 60 XIV Rubuii-on's Aualyticul Gcometry and Couic SecUons, l 50 XV Robinaon'n PifTerential and Integral CüloulUis 1 50 XVI Robiiison's F.lementary Astronomy, 75 XVII Robloson's Univeisit Astróooïny, 1 75 XV11I Rpbifison's Mathematica] Operations, üs XIX Robinscn's Ky to Algebra, Geometry, Sur veying, kc.t 1 50 Forminga Fl'LL IIA-THEMATICAL COl'RSE, embracing Arithmctic and Text Book- iu the lüghoi MathematicB. For exteat of research, facility and aptnoss of lllustraüon. anO practical usefulóftu. the linthor of thie BerïcB isBurpassed by no matlu-matical writc-r in this country. Thi seríes has bown rocouimendeil by_lhe best Mathematicians in all sectimisot the country. " Gray's Series of Botánica, sïx boota. Hitchcock's School Auatomy and IMijaiology, 81. Hitchcock's Geology, one book. Well's Granimars, two books WelPs Scientific Series, iucluding Chemistry, Plnlosophy, etc Three books. Wilson's Series of' Histories, Jve books. Fasquelle's Frcnch Soriee, eirlit books. Woodbury's Germán Series, scveu books. Bryant & Stratton's Series of Book-keeping, tbree books. Spencerian System of Peninanshïp, nine bookfl, Al Mfny othcr Valuable Book. Wbolesalo Dealers and Iïetail Pureb asers Will find at our over Four Thousand different artifilea &? Stationery.and Tlirce Huudrad Thousand Volumes of books, froni which to mako their telection, comprising an assortmeLt not r. valed by any othcr book house in the Uui'ed itatea. S. C. GRIGGS & CO. Are Special AgenU for Messrs. Harper & Bro'a Publioations. " D. Appleton & Co's " " Ticknor & Field's " " Gould & Lineolu's " " J. JJ. Lippincott & Co's " And furaish all their lïooks at Eastern pricen for cash. Note Papers, Letter Papers, and Cap Papers, Blank Books, Pass Books, And all kinds of 8T4TI0NERT, at tho lov.est price. SLATES by the dozen or caso. fla.SIpangefsnnd travelcrs visiting Chicapo win flnd it interestiDg to lingor for an hour amid the interminable piles of litcrature at oO and 41 L;iko Street. S. C. GRIGGS &: Co. Agents Wanted. For al' costly aqd valuablo SubRcriptic#i Workp or any noble work ion Rolígion, Literatura, Science, o Art, Address tí. C. GHIQGS & CO. PLEASE REMEMBER That thero ifi no bookstoro in th'm ecmotrj keeping a bet ter or more extensivo asKortmunt thau a ahvaya fouu at 59 aud 41 1.;tke strect. REMKMBER. That Public or Private Libraries cn be supplicti wüb firat class Standard Works by C.G. &Co. upon better ternis than to send Kast am pay íreifílit W&. Western Literary and Professional men.ToaohiTs, Scholars in all deputneBd af of the vovld of letterw, Hreinvited to make ;,9 anil 41 Lae strent their place of resort o mumontsof leisure. S. C. GRIGGS & CO., Wholesale and Iíetaü Booktellerj and stationeri 39 & 41 Lake Street, Chicago. s. c, O&IGG9 84Sm8 k. v ansbx. . Oval Picture Frames AIXSIZES, STYLES acd PRICE3 just received and feríale cheapat OHOFF & MILLER'S. 1860.Dec.25. 780tf Demand Treasury NoteB? For which we pay M. GUITERMAN Co., Ano Arbor Octobcr 3, J862, ïaoa. Ï8aa. NEW FALL SOODS ! Now opening, a tpiendïd stock of Xow Goodj fpf the Fall Trade at C. H. MILLEN'S mm mm $wm Ann Arbor ?!■. ■ 18Í2. ITOtf SCHöJfT "4 MIL LEU A RE.ST1U. ON HAN Dt tMirold Stand, No. 2, Franklin Block, wltli the most complete assortment of Books and Stationery, PERFUMERIES, FAtfCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SU AD ES, ROLLERS, COR DS, TASSELS, GILT CORNIGES, CUUTAINS, IIOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever ofte red in thts Market ! and they would sugg'.'st in pursuit cf ;uiytliinLÍii SANTA CL A US' LINE that they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purcliasiiii from tlusfiincl:, au 'ach purcliuiicr getc .in ailditiunu! prusent of Jewelry, A:c. , llanging invalue trom 50 ets. to $50. tST Tli?ytrut that tlicirluns eperience in mlettlng ! oocIn fnrtliis market, umi ütrlot ivltODtton to thu waat.f Cu. tT.ners, may (ntiüe tbeni to a liborul bhare Oj 'ai ronoge. Alm Arbor, I)ec. 5. 1860 777tf j JLIFE IÍNSUKaNCE. The Connocticut Mutual Life Insurance Company. Accuraulated Capital, - 83,500,000. ' WILT.INSURK LÏVES for any amount uot oxceedlng S.C-OOC:;: whple ternt ofL'.fo orfor a term oi irs, on the must Fsvoiiï'blo Iimui-. N.B The Cumpiiny Ís purely mutual and the policy toldera get all the surplus over iLouxact cost of . mee Lt ACOOlDOdftf 68 the insnred in the sirUleiiH-n t ol premiums pN UFE POUCIES, f deairedj by takiog noto for one half the amouat, beafing ioterust at üx cr cent, per anaum. Dividend are Dcdarctl AnnuaVy! n3 f ince they now amount tü xikty por cent on i iiuci, cash and note, and are increasing they may be , pplied to cancel the notes. ïL$ï The ratert ol preiuiums ai'oas low as any otlier reponftlbleComp&ny and theLtrge nccumulated fimd of 3,óUÜ,000 is securely nvested, as may be seen by rfltèr ( iice to the statement maiïo accordingto law, on Ijle in heofliceof the County CIerL,at Ann Arbop.'gft JAMKS GOODWIX, 1' GurR.rrOiLPS(SecT. Fur paiticulara&prV lo JAMES C. WATSOK, 763 1 Agent at Ann Avbor, Mich. . Great Reduction in the Price of ■ SINGKR & CO.'S Standard Machines. H'ell kuowi to be the Best for Minufactwing Purpose. No. I, SÍandárd Shuttle Machino, (oftnerly sold at $90, reducud to 870. So. 2, of same kind of Machine, for merly sold at $100, reduced to 75. SINGER'S LETTER A MACHINE the best Machino iu the vorld for Family Sewing and ,ight ManufactUrfng Purposes : (xotih Hcmtter,) and jtautifuUy ornamented S50. N'.is. 3 and 9 Ma?Uii;p are ot' great capaoityaad i,pjri,j,tiün Tir ma.n-.if'act uring piupo&es. Our Ño. ' Machines are especfally adapted toall kinda t' ligbi and htav.v Letthev Vork, in Carriae Triiuring, Bcrnt and írhoe Makíng, Haruess Mako,ir,etc, etc. 'hevaicof extra slze, ai:d wilh n arm long enouLh to ake it andstltcb ihc largcsi sisedavoes. Therfl I scarcely any part oraTrimraors' Stitching thatcannot be bptter done v.ilji thoui iban by hand ; so, too, the aving of timo and Uiiior Ís vtiry gioaí. Tl:o tableof bese machines i.s 24 iuehes Inn, and thesbuttlc will ! íold Rix timofithe usual qiyrotitjfof tincad. Thelarge machino worlís as fast M Binall nnes. We would ask tor our 1-ettcr A Maclunes, the special niteiition of Vest Makers and Dresa Haberaand all hose who want tlasbinwfor ligMmanufaeturingptitjoácft. They c.abody the pridciples of the st nachines, Diakiog likethem. theintevlockod sitch( and are döatiped to bc as celebrated for I'amh.y Skwino at. d igkt manufacturing purposes as Jour standard machinen ure fox nuLiiuíacturing ín general. V.'c li&TÏ ü'wayson hand, iü-:mmim; oatces ,si; k tvist LINKN AND OOTTOS 'filüKAD , OS Sl'oOl.3, JïEdT UACUIrf E OlL ín Krttlen, etc, etc. We manufacture our üwn Xrodlcs, ar.d would warnnll tersonn uüinjf ouf machines nottoliuy anyothers. We tiiow that there are needlcs sold af the moet inferior jnaWy at highor prices than vo ofaarftt for the best. The ueedles sold by iis are manufacturad npecially for our ma. hiñes. A bad nttdle may render tkt best machine almost ueh$. Our oustomers may rest a;ured that al. 'ïur 1 ranch Offices are furnished with the ki gcuuine activa " In case of mail purchases, tho tnoney may bö sent ín loatae stamp, or bank notes. Correspondent wilt please write tlcir ñames din I i net - y. It is all inpnrtant that we should, meaencase, novv the Poet Office, County, and State, jO All persons requiriug iaformation about Sewing Machines, theirsizo, P100S, WOrklng canacities, and tfie jest methoáa of purchaaing, canobtaip it by sondinjjto us, or any of or Cranch Offices for a copy of I. M. Singer & Co.V Gazette, Which is a beautiful Pictorial Paper eïltiroly devoted to the subject- It will bc sent gratis. 4. j 4" We have made th above REpUCTION IN PRICES with the two-f-l."l view of beneliting the public and ourselves. The public have been swindledby spurious machines made in imitation of ourrf. Tne metal inthem, f rom the iron casting to the smalletit pcice, isot poor qiiiility. Their Rifikprs have n.ot the. meanu to do their vork well, 'i'hcy are bid away in söcret plaaes, where ii. would be impossïble to have at their command the proper mechanical appliances. It is only by doing a mat business, and havingMïxtensive manufacturing ost&blifth ments, that eood machines can be roadö at moderatprices, Tho bestdesigned macliines, BADLY MADK, aio always hable to get out of order, and aresure lo cost considerable trcmble anti monoy to Ueop (hem in npalre The qualities to be looked tor in a Machine are : certainty of correct action at nll ratos of vpeed, sïmplicity of construction, great durability, and rnpidity of operation, with the least labor. Machines to combine these ossential qualitics, must be roadeof the best me:al and finiht-d to perffction. We have tho way and means, on a grand scale, to do tkris, The purchasers of machines, wliosodaily beaditmay concern, will Snd'that thbse haviogthe abovcqufilities not only M'ork wcll at rapid as well as alow ratea ol speed, but last Ion per in tlift f i nest possiblc working order. Our machines, as mado by us, 11 efirr. more money with less lab'or than any others whether in imitation oí oursornot. Infaet, tliey are cheaner than any other machinesas agift, í. M. SINGER & CO., 458 Droadway New York. flEB Detroit Office, 58 Woodward Avenue, (Merrill Block.) Slltf M. H. GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. BOOTS SHOES MOüHE & LOOMIS Aro now receíving a large assortmcnt of Boots and ïühocs and , TT S B E K. S 1 Whioh thoy propoio to sell 50 ptr cent below former pricetfor cath. Men' good Kip Boots, from $l,r0 to $3,00 Men'a good Thick Boots, from 2,00 to 3,00 Men' good Calf Boota, from 2,50 to 3,75 Boy's Calf, Kip and Thick Boots, 88 to 1,75 Lodie' Gniteo, from 44 to 1;25 Ladies' Morocap Bootees, fioin 75 to 1,25 And an rnillcs.s variety of Smal Shoes from Fancy Balmoralii to lofants' Creeping Shoes. We are alsoMatinfactifrllig all fclnds of WARBANTED BOOTS & snOES. Mens Fine Frenen Calf Jioots Pegged and Seircd. Fo (jiro s a oall boforö {tirchaintr olswlipro. as wo are boonS tn l,o undeixold. lyilíCI'AIKIXG DONK ON SHORT NOTICE. jg(r MOORE & LOOMÏS Main St., Ann Albor, Mich . S20lf Ana Arbor City Ice House for Sale CUeap. THE subscrihpr oífors for sale his Ice House, witli Stato bics nnllií4l nttíiched, h lí.wolling ITotis, :i:i'l nlmiil 'J.l imi "i IftBd MljoininK , togetlier with iív■sJ Wngons, Toóle, ice , verj cijcip. Hutu naa róportton roquireá down añil thc balr.nce can remaio on tira1. ;owc ci.n;:"M a. toomtsojí.


Old News
Michigan Argus