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II GUACE WATURS, a a x i t 3 3 3 n r o a d w a y , V e w Y o r k 1' ti b !. l t: r til' ."! is.-íí1 itnvl Mnulc líoolis A.j) UEALBt ÍN Pianos, Melodeons, Átexandre Organa Oi'gun A-coordtíODe, llalli m'k cflebntted and uther Guitars, Violins, Tenor Yiols, Violincelloe, Accordeons Flutinas, Flutes,Jrife, TrianglesClarnnetts, Tmiing Forks, Pipes andllammera, Viofiu Bows, bestltalian Strings, Base Instruments for Bands, Piano Stóols, and aovara, und all kinds of Musical Instruments. JS Ín. o o t UVE xx S i o, f rom all the publtshers in the U. S., Bert mi's Huntiu's, and Modem School, and all kinds of Iimlrnction Boekfl for the abovti mntrumcnt.s; Chorcb Hule lionlts; Muslo elc-trantly bnund; Ifqslé gapt} twd nil lííud of Music ...lii.p, A t t heLowest Prices. New Planos, At $175, $200, 9225, $200, ana up to $800. ieooud Hsnd Pianos froin $25 up to S1M; N.w Kelodeon, $45,' 60, $75, $!;, and up tu Í2ÜU; Secónd tfand Mflodeons from íoO to $80; tlexandreOrgans, witb livo t)s, $k;o, nlno stops, $188 and $--5; thfrteen stops, $?5o, $2b and $300: liftciMi stnps, 5:3-20 aiul $375; A liberal discount tu Ctergyrocji, Ghurche, Sabbath Schoqlg, Seminaries .uní Teachers, Tfco ' tmpplied at theufiUai trade dÍ30ourt Tcstlmonlula of iïif Horace Waters Planos UlttI iil'liït;uil. John lïewett, of Carthiijíc 'ew Yurk, who has had one of the HoracoWatew Planos, writctas ('ollows- "A fricnd o f mino wishes me to parchase a piano Tor lier. She likcs the one you sold me ín Decumber, 1856. My piano ft becoming popular In tliís plap. and I thüik I enn Introduce one or two more; they will ha mure populai thaii any olber niafc6-" íiWe hatfl fcwo of Watore' Pianos ín usein o'jrSemi. miry, ouc of wlnch Las been isevercly tcHted (or tte reara, and we can testityt1 tli-.r good ]itilily aiid durabllltj." - Wood & Gregory, Mount Carrollt IÍI. "lí, Water, Esq. - Dbab Bib: Having ustd oneof your riinn rnrtrn frir tiro jenw prt I havo fonod ii a vtry s uperioi1 1 11 Hr ntnen t. A LOKZO (J k. y, }t-inc):itl BrM&ty Rñ#kis Stminary. "The Piano I reeeived iioui yon eootusoea to gireaat isfaction. 1 regard Itaa me of the behl instrumenta in the place." JAMBSU Clakkk, Charleston, Va. 'f he Melodcnn has safnly arrited. I fepl oblicit to you fory qojr liberal diccount." Kev. J. ii. McCoj'.mii.:;, YarqufsvilUS, C. "The piano ai duly reeeived. licaiue In cxoc-lUni condition, and ia vwy much admlréd bymy imineío'.ií f;nni]y. Accept mv th;inl;á lov yorr promptllöM." - Robükt Coo!'ha( Wárrenham, Iir,idjoed Co. ia. "Vour piano pleases ub wcll. It i. tlie be-t onc in our CQiinty.",- TuoMas A. ïuCtHAil, CamphclUon, Qa. i(Ve are very much oblíged to you forhavióg acnt such a fitie lastrninent for $-50." - Bka#k,Hku & Co., Eujfalo Democrat. "The Boiaco Vfatwa Pianos are known aparaong the vpry bet W'y aro enabled to speak of these infíirumcnlg with confidenec. frona pefWHiaJ Icnowledffe of thfir excellftnt tono ui'l durablp quality." - N. Y. KvangtUst. "We can epeak of the meritfl of ihc Horace Watera pianosfrütn personal knowledge, as boing the very liuest ijuitlity."- 'Chrittfan Inteüxgenccr. "The I lora ce Watera planos are Dufltof the best and most thoroughly Reanoned roatorUil We Iictc no doubt that burers can do as wcll,pprhapa botter, at tota han at any otherhouso in the UnlOD." - Advócate ai,d Journal. Waters' pianos and nxelodeona challenge oomparison wiih the finest niade any where Inthe country." - Home Journal "Horace Waters' Plano Fortes are of fult, rich and even tone, and powerful - N. Y. Musical RenUw. "Our frienda will tind at Mr. Waters' store tho vi-ry best ftsBortmeni oT Hualc and of l'iano ü he fonna iu the C ui tod State,and we utge our aonthern and western friendfl I" Sv1b airo n cali whcuever they go to Xcw Yrk." - Grakam'ê Magaiine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. SabbathSchool Bell, 100,000 Issced in ten Months. TIip unprecedented wiie of thisbook has inducfd the publisherto add sorae 30 nev tuuaaond hymn.s toits pres ent size, without Axtva charge, 6xecpt on the chcap edltion Amopg tta manv beuutiful tunes and hymns added may be fmïnd:- "I ought to love my mother;" "O I'II be a good child, indeed I will." These and eight othera from the Hell,were ;,t the 5undoy School Anniversar? the CniircE ;tt the Academy of Music, with tl&fjse ïhe oearly 200 t.mes and hymns, and isone of the best colloctiona everiaftued. Price 18c: S'ïO peí huodred, postase 4c Llegaiuly bound, embossed gilt, '25c, $"0 per lüO lt bas beun ia&oduoed intomanyof the Public He' ■!?. Tho e is publlshed in Mnall numbers cntitled Annivcr.-ai y nnd Sunday Schoiil Mu%ic Boots, Noft. 1, 2, 3, k 4, in ordei to nocummodatc the nolllion; pricc $2 & $3 per hundréd BTó. 5 will soonbé issuod-coinnieuceini at ol book. A' n. Revival MqeIc I!ünkfitNo,l Í: ', prieft $1 fc f2 por 100. postage 1c. More thn.i 300,000 copies of tho above boókB hare boon Issued the pn&i eighteen menths, and the demand israpidly increaalng Piiblithed bv HORACE WATERS, Agnt, S33 liroadway.N. V. 3VJC-13.ÍSÍÍC, Publised by Horace Watei's No. 333 Broadway, New York Vocal, "Kind can neverdie;" ''The Angels told mo so;" "Wilds of the IrVitjf "Thoaghta uf God;" ('Git me back my tfonntatn Étoma;" "lby nreuosf LHandy CocfcRobïn;" "1'm with thee still; liPetnames;" "There's no darilnp like mine;" (tSaiah Jane Lee;""iïvÖT öf t'tioe;'' "I"]" lea ving thee in Sorrow;" "Bïrtof Beauty;" "Home of our birtb;" "flrftve of RosabeV and 'Wake, .lady, wake,.' price '5c, each. 1 iNMKL-siKNT.M,- ' (i'ülace Garden, or Pinging Bird Polka," 40o; líSwínging Bafcottische;" "ilirabei Pchottisch;" 'Thomas Uüker's Schottiflche;" "Pict-.olomini l'olka, 35 ceuts each. The abovepieoo-havebeantiful Ftgnettee "ffebnex Polka;' "Arabian Wai cryMarch,' the very last; "Vaasoviapna l'oniells Mazurka; "Hea-1; ni Polla;" "Crinoline Waltz," ancl 'Laaeers? Qua ddlle," "bc tach. "The Kmpjieof Reich's Quadrille;" a new dance, and "The Ilibrniitii Quadrille," Sficeach. Many of theao pieoea aie played by Üaker's oelebrated OrchVst ra with grofit apnlrusCj&ap1 i(ald free. A lai'gelut of ï'oreigu Musio at half price. planos, Meiorïeous nd Organs. The Horace Waters Pinnos and Melodeons, for dopth, purity of tone and durability, are nnsurpassed. Prices very low econd Hand Pianos and Melodeons from $25 to $150. Music and Musical Instrucción of all kinds, attbe lowost prices. HORACK WATERS, Agent, No. ;j;;y Bröadvay.N. V, TKSTToxiAia; - "Th Hornee Waters I'iauos are known as anong the very best.' - fcvangrttst. 'Wecan apoak of thcir morits from personal knowledge." - Christian Inttlu geneer. 'Nothingat the Fair dinplayöd greater excelíence -" - Chnrckman. Waters' Pianos and Meloaeons challenge copiparison Wltb the finest made any where in the country." - ijmi Journal, 719tf LOOMIS & TRIPP, Succe.isors to Oliapin & Loomis.andChdpin, Tripp A Loomu TUF. dhove flrm of Loomis & Tripp having puvchasw the en!m ntpiest of t!ie formcr oompinlw w'coctinue the business at iho old .-.t.ui.U. wl.oie they wil! bo ready, on the shorti'fit noticc, to üllall orüers ia thi line of Castings and MacMnery, in the most workmanlikw manner, and on a libera torro as any other shop in the State.Among the vari oua art iele? manu facturad by uu, wo would enuraerate STEAMÊNGINES of all kinds; Mili Gearing and Fixtures, wroughtand cast; all the various cantinas forniaking and repairiqg HorsePowcrs &Threslnng Machines Buch as are ar present, or have furmerly been in use in thiB part of the State, a well U all the various kinds of castings and machine vork called for by farmers and mechanics inthis section of thft coi:iury. of ali the vaious pnttorns, up in sizesandpriccfi. will be kep constantly on hand, got the most modern and improved siylrs. Thankful for former patronage to the old firmn, we would soltflit a ontinuïince from old frionds, and atrial by all wishingforanything in our lineof bnslneM. LOOMIS & TRIPr. AnnArbor.May 18th, 1859. 6Ö7tf ÏHRESIIING MACHÍN ES. PATK.N'TED AXD MAN'L'l'ACTUKKl) ÜY Nichols & Sheppard, Battie Crcck, Mich. Iinproved for the Season of 1862 In this Sopar-ator the srtin Isseparated from tïie straw by mHi 6t llfrfugihigerB, that toss (be. tra w up and down wlih asudden wotion from tho lime it loare the cvlimN-r untit il paaseá Lo thestacker, and tlie Ar''-'iii falla tnroughftbpttOJV made oi slats, olear from the straw. ïhe partn contaiaicg these fingera and the tight grain bottoui are made to vibrato r swing back waru and forwat-d, wi;"n:h worka the straw to the staekei and the grain'otln' aieves. Tho supüntsrity of tni niachine otw :i 1 1 others coñsUfs i" t Perfect er at lont Ion of Graln iromStraw, Great siniplicity, havine no plckeru or boaers to clog up, and les inacbineiy than any other machine now mi'lf. Qreat capaclty, aait v.-ill not waste vhen crovdpd. Perfect cleaner, having larger selvea than any othor. I'itsv dralï , botier conwucteü, simple and durahk, rcnnsylvania Iron Ilorse Power. Warranted to be the best Hrse Power in se. Made wilh wood o] irin fr.init' is proferí ed Farmer and Thrèahew o( Michigan 1 oRVr you the BEST MACHINE IN USK. Bet? than l'i W, liall's i'nwl lvIüc, or nny ïnncliinc UuiU p$ their prhi" ■ If you intond bufl&g Á Biaí UH Ol ..nv kiu.i gal a pamphfet of ns or our Agent, and natUfy yourndt",-.Pamphlet sent f:ec. Cali and see, or ad Iress XICHOLS t SHEPPARD, Battlc Hi-eek, Michigan. Or M. R0GÉf&, or MYRON KAS11, Agt-nts, Ann Albor; or I. V. Wakiíma.v, áffCBl, Dsxter. 830fll3 Ayer's Ague Cur. G RE AT. GREATER GRE ATEST i BAIíGAIiS'B EVER OFFEREÜ j 1859. JpjLr)l59. In tli i s City, aro uow be'mg offered at the CHEAP, CLOCK, WATCH, & 3" g-3%7 OXry StoreriiHR Subscribo r wouldsny to thncitizaneol Ann Ar L bor. I particular, anií the rest oi Wnsblf imw Cnuntv in irenftrnl. thnt hehnsjuet ÏMPOKI'ED PIRKCTI.Y from KUROPK. Tretnendous Stock of Watches! All of whlch he blnds lilmself to ell CHKAPKR than chd be boutrbt wesr of Now York City. Open Face Cylinder Wntches Irom éG to $10 do do Lever do do 8 to 21 Huntlng Caeo do do do 14 to 35 i do dn OyUndor do do 9 to l'fïolil Watehes fVorn 30 to 150 I Lave aliío Itlo CELE BR AT El) AMEWCAN WATCHES, whlch I wlH sen h.r $3ft. Kvry Vvateh warrantud to pcrfürm wcll, or the mont;y elunded. Clockg, Jewelry, Piated Waw, Fnncy Goods. Gold Pent, Mufica] Instruments and Stringe, Cutlery, êcc, 5nd Ín Tact n variuf.y of evpry.hin usually kcp by Jcwel;rs enn be bouglu'forthe next ninety days at vi)ur O W N P 11 I C E S ! Persono buying auything Ht thia woll known etablieiima ut can reiy.upngettlng good? exnct'y as representad, orthemunpy refunded. Oalloarly und secure the best bargains ever otïered in thif City. One word in regard to Repairing : We nre preparnd to mske any repairs onfine or common VVatchea, even to indhinco er the entlrc watch f nnccsè'try. Kopnirinpr of Clocks and Jowclry hJ uaiml. Also tbp maaofacturlnff of RINGS, BROOCH?, or auything des í red, from Califirniii Gold on short notlce. Enprrmpe Ín allita brancheaexeented wlthneat. oejja and diejuttch. J C. WATTS. Anu Arbor, Jnn. 2fthlf!59. 7L-íw Important National Works, PublUhed by D. APPLETON & CO.t 346 AND 343 BROADWY NEW YORK The followiiifr works are sentto Subscribers in any part of Mi-j country, (upon reccipt of retail nrice,) by mal] ir aotpróss. prftpaiu : THKM:VAMERIA1V CYCLOPDïA; A Popular i)i'.-tiüuary of Cyiierr.l Knowledge, Editcd bv Gko. Riplet anti Cuakles a. Dana, aided by a namerooe select corps of v.iitcrs in all bnintLóe oi Sciences, Arl and Lilernturt?. Thfa vork is b0ing publtsbedia aboul 15 large octavo volumes, tach containinjr 75Otvo-co]umn pagea V61, t., II., III., iv. V., VI.,Vli., vni.( k IX. are now ready, cach containing nr-nr lí.500original urti cíes. An ftdditional volume wül be published once in about threo months. Price,in Cloth,; Slieep, $G.5O; ilalf Russia, $4.60 each. The New American Cyclopaïdia íj popular without benf) Búperflelál, Itaraed wiibuut btiiug pedantic, compre :;:isiv( but suUiciftntly detailed, free from personal pique 3 pMiJudicö, froüh and yet accuraio. It i : oompiètfl staïement of all tliat is known upon every imQiOrtant topic witliin the scojio of human inielligeuce. - Elvery important ariiele iuit has been specially written Tor itH pagea by njeñ who are authorities upon thetopic on whicli they speáfc. Thty are required to bnni; tho sutiject up to t!io present moment; tostate just hQW i: tands 7ifw. All tho statistic&l information i-s from the laiest reporls; the geographical accounts keep pace ivitli tlic Isteat erploratlonsj histórica] mattere include tlurreshebt jasi "rtews; 1 lift bïographicaJ notices oüs ab ooi only of the dwad b.ut :ilso üf tho living. It is a hbraiy of taelf abiudgebiJcnt of tiiedebatesof CONOUESS Beinj; a Poliíical History of the Unitcrt t;;s, !ïoin tlio oriiniz.iiton of the first Federal t'niD6M In 178" to 1856. EHitedand compUed bv Hen. Tm Hakt Ií:xlí'N,íV'hii tbe -Official Recordé of CÖngress. Tho work will be coinpletetl in 15 roya) octavo volume of 750 pagotièach, 11 oivhfcb -arO dow ready. An aaditional volQiufl wfU bo ublishnl onee ia three months. Cloth,; $3; Lnw Sheep, Half Mor., $i; Hal) r;lit', Si.')0 each. A WAY OF PR0CÜBTNG ÏIIKCYCLOPDIA 0RDEBATl- Form a club of tour, and remit thepriceof four books. and live copies will be sent at theremitttr's expennet'or ■, ur ftir tjii Mib-scribers, eloven 04ptet wiil b geut at our expense tbr carriniï. To Aii.'t. Ifp (itlicr Work will bo LiberUy reward the exrti'-ns of vgeuta. An Agent wanted in th38 Cocnty Terma m;i'lt known uu aplJoatïon to the Publishers. Ann Arbor, Uarcb. 1859. 6902a oit -=ÍG9L Bev. Thos. Wriuut, agent at Klnue A: Smitha Boor: Store, YpsÜanti. Blackwood's Magazine AND THE Rritish Reviews. GBEATISDI'CEÏEXT-SÜBSCBIBE! PREMIUMS and REDUCTIOlvS. l. SCOTTC-, NKW YORK.contintic to publish tbt followiny loading British Perodicais, vtz; 1 T1IELQXDON QUARTERLY (Conairvativc), O THEEDINBUHGII REVIEW (Whig), 3 TIUCNORTH BRITISH RKVIEW (Free ChurcU). THE WESTJIIXSÏEH REVIEW (Liberal) 5 BLACKWOOD'S EDINBÜRGH MAGAZINE (Tory). The present eritical state of Eurnpean afluir will rentier thee pubheations unusualJy interesting dortog tbo forthcoiniüg y e-ar. They will occupy a middltgromul between the hfistily written ncw8-itöm, ermif (ipeoulatíops, and Qytog ruiQori of the dally Journal, and the ponderoun Tome of the future historian, w ritten arter the living and excitement of the grent GfODts of the time shall havo passed avvay. II ia to these Pertodicab fchat readers oust look for thf only really intelligible and reliiible liístory oí curnn' events. and as sucli in arlditionto theh weiï-esiablislied litermy, MlettlflC, anti theological character, we urge ;hem upon theconsitlttration of the leading public. The receijjt of Ailvancc Sheets from the British puhUslifirs gives adOitiopal valup {o these Repriirto, fnaamuch as they can now bo placed i?, the handtt of subscribersabjut as soonastbo original editions. TËltMS. (Regular Frices ) Per anD, Forany oneof the four Reviews, - - - $3 00 Fflr any two of the four Reviews, - - - 5 00 For any thrae of the :our Revjpws, - - - 7 CO Foralffour oí lbo Uoviews, 8 00 Jor Black wood'i Magaiine, - - . - S 0;) Kor lïlacliwood and one Review, - - - 5 00 For Blückwood and two Reviews. - - 7 00 For ïïlack woud arrl llirpc Peviews, . . - 0 00 For liïaokwoodand the fourlieviews, - - 10 00 Moncy currtnt i the Slalt whtrt issucd will be reccived at par. PO STAGE. The Postage to any part of the United Ptatca will be bqt Cent a year for " Blarkwood,11 ard but Fourtcen Cents a ycar tor each of the Hdvlews, At the abovo prices the Periodicals will be furniflhed for 1862. AND AS A Premium to New Subscrifoers, the Nos oflh e amo Periodicals for 1860 willbefurniahed complete, without áddttional charge. Unlike the mor-ï ephemoral Magazines of the day, the)t Poi iodicals lose little by age. Henee, a futí year of the Nos. for 1860, niay berej;arded nearly as valuablt as for 1862. Subscribirá wishing alfio the Xos. for 18fïl, will bo suppüed attbe toUowmgEXTKEMEi.Y lowkates. Splendid Offers for 1860, '61, & '62 Together. For Blackwood's Magazine, the three yoars, $5 00 { For any one Review, - - " 5 00 For any two Reviews, " "8 00 For Black wood and one Review, ' ( 8 00 Foi Blaclvwood and two Reviews, " l l'Z 00 For three Reviews, ' n 1100 For Blackwüf! and three Reviews, " ' 15 00 For ihe four Reviews , - - " ( 13 00 For DIackwnod and the tour Reviews, " 17 00 Any of tho above works will aUo be furnished to New Subtcribers ('or the y ur lSófi-í ( ö, and 0, At Oae Huif the Regalar Subscription Prices. Thus a Neto Subscribcr may obtain tho Reprinta of tht Four Reviews and Blackwood. Seven Consecutive Year for $37 ! ! ! Which s but little moro thün tho prico of the original wovlïs for4no jear. As we shH uevcr ogain l-.e ükely to offer suck ii'Uicoinvul as tl'.ose berc prepented. Now is the time to Subscribe ! ! L Remittances musí, in all cjists, bo mulo dircl to llir. Publishcrs, for at these prices no commission can beallowedto ageuts. LEONARD SCOTT & CO. Ho : 64 Gold trect New York Ann Arbor Marble Works. Ty. Oi Batolielcler II AS ou hand a flne aasortmont of American and 1TAL1AN MA E B L L wlnchkoia prepared to manufacture into il O N U V ■■■ "$ MENTS. BEAD V ' STONES t o m n #ffm r TAnLES inallthBir vniietioa, WOBKMANUKÏ mannrr Haring had conldrbl epeiience in the tusinosi he Ilatlers himaalf that hu will be able to pla :t;i win may favor me with their orf'er.. liis pricef L O WASTIIELOWEST. ESSiïÉÊ ani thiDïiRmiaDAuKi:K:Aan Arhor. May 20, 1861. 801t' TO HLiET. TUK BMOR I10UH iTiílIíarn now oceupioil bv Olnry II.iwkins.T-Nq ., on Detroit streot, Aun Arbor, possession elven tüo jto AprUi Ai-.: stoiM ainl ronmn in Buohoi'a Iilock to et t.."f,orl stoaily tT,r.,ts nt a very low rentjimmodiaie possessiongivcn. Inquireof h.K. VVr.m%. Ano Arbor. Hard) 28, 1S tf I -A.YJ!n'S Sarsaparüla FOR PUEIFYING THE BLOOD, A ml fur the upcedy curo of tlio MIowíhk complot tita a Kcrqfuln und Scroftilons AítV t ion s ,s u H as Tumor, liters, Sores, BrnptltntH, I' imples, l'usíu). s, ii(1!iti, iiüil.s, liiain-t, mul al( SUui JLMseascs. Oaki.and, Ind., Gilí June, 1869. J. C. Ayer & Co. Gents: I feo) it my duty to acknowleilra víliat your ËayaaparUla has 'done "íor me. IIlí:i inliL-iitvíl n Scröfuloua iiiftctldb, I have auflerud from it in vuiioub ways fot rea. Sometimos it burst out in tJioé'n o my fuuiwi atid arpas; Botuetliuea it : tuiíitid inwiud uud lUstTftMtd mu ut tile rfoniacb. 'l'wu yLnir go it broto out on my íiead aiul covered my sculp ana bah witli oue tvvv, wliích hs pabifitl aud (wüisopie beyond descrlptlon. ] trlI many medicines and wyetúl , uljyijeiaiift, bnt without tpucli relu'ft'iom uny thing. J fact, the Duurder grew worsc. At lungtli I vas rqjolced tu nii'l in tliú yospvl Mettengurf tlmt yon liad preparad mi Allerfctlve (Sanutporilla), for I knewiroui your reputatlon ttmt any Uiiug you mude must Uo gopd. 1 suijt to dndiiuailandgót it, und uaed it til) it cured J took it, as yon tuhibe, in binall don of n tonopoonnii Qver a mouth, and umd almost threo bottloe, Nw and healtby ■kfu non bogari to funn uuder th scal, whMi aftör vliilo fel I olí. .My fik'm is ntiv cloor, and 1 know by my feüUus tlint the cHfeaue liad o" íVom my sjfltam. You CftU wel I bbliuvo tbut 1 fuel wliat I uní Miying wIiq I toll you, tluit I huid yuu to be ono uf thu apuatlua of tho Le. aud réntelo over giutefully. Yours, ALFlíKI) H. TAIXEX". St. AnthoiiyN Pire. Rose or Kryslnelaft, Tettvr und Sn!( IÍIhiui;. Scnld iltutl, Ringworm, So re Kyc, lrupMy. Dr. Robert M. Preble irrites (hun Balein, X. Y., 12lh 8epf., 1800; (bttt he han cured an invetérate caso of Dropsy, ivhich t!nc;iti;iifd tp tiTiniíiiite fatally, by tlie persovering nsg of our B&rsAparftla, and iilso a. duugerom Aíaliffnant Erysipdas by large doees of the sume; saya ho euros tbo cummon Britptiottt by it constan tly. QroncUocelc, Oolire or Swellctl NccU. Zebulon Sloan of Prwpect, 'JVxas, wrÜM : uThreo buttleb of your Saraa)pr]Ua cureJ mo from a O'"üre - a bJdeous swelling ou tho neck, wlilcli I liad auflm-d from over two yeara." Leucorilioea orWhltca.Ovm-inn tFiemory Uterino 1, t rntioii. l-Unalc Dlticuses. Dr. J. B. S. Chimniíif;, of New York City, writes ; " I most cheerfuljy comily witli tho requeot of yonr ngent U sayinI liave founrl your Surniparillu a most excellent a Ut rat ivo in thu ïmnjerous complaínts for whtotl we employ sneb a remedy, bnt especially in Pkmafc Distases of the i'PifuldUh iliiiilitr-is. 1 buvo CUMd nmny invvtcrate cases of liCncorrbcea by it, and nomo where thu complaint was caosed by tUcerat ion of tho tUcrus. The ulcaration itself was hoou cured. Nothiiiíí wïtfain iny kuowledjjo oqualH it for (heno femalu deraiiKcmenta." Edwird S. Mnnow, of Neybnry, Ala., writes, " A dan gerous ovarían tumor on one of tbo feiniilen in my family, wliicb luid deflod all Ihe remedies we conld employ, hna at lengtb bce coniiiletely cured by yonr Kxtract of Sareapaillla. Our physician thougbt nothin luit extirpatton oüuld fïi)}-(i relief, but be adv sed the trial of vuur Sarsaparilta M tlM last ifnoit beforo cutting, and it proved efTectnal. A ft er lakliigyouc icmerty cihL weeks DO 8ymp(om of the disefwe rc-maiiid." SyphiHs and Mercurial Dlscnse. New 0ri.kan3, 251 li Augnxt, 1859. Dn. J. C. Atkr: S(r, T clieerfuUy coinply wlth (hó roJiK'st of your nuent, nud report to you orno of the cfiecU havo realized with ytuir Siirsupiuilln. I have ciued with it, in my piuctico, most of tito complalnta for whlcli it is recoinniended, nnd have Jbund its eiïects truly vponderfnl in the cure of Vkaertaand Mercurial Diswse. Orif! of my pati(.'nts had Syphilitic ulcera Ín bis tbioat, which ere coiiaaüilng hla palatè nnd tbo top of liifl nioulli. Your SairinpariHa, steadily taken, cured him 1 live weeks. wnx uttacked by secontluiy symptoins in IiIh nqse, tmd ttie ulceration bitd eatün away a tonüidei-ablo part of it, so tlmt I tadieve the i disorder vtould soon nacli bis brui it and kill bini. Hut it ' yielded to my admiuihtration of your BnrsapifriMa; the ulceiB liealed,and hu in well ngain( not of eourse without nomo disliguralion to bis fnce. A womnn wlio bad been treated for the same disorder by nieu-ury vas butTurjog from tliis ooison in lier boikét Tbey h:ul become o Keufiitlve to tb wt)ier (bat on ti damp dy abe sufTeicd excruciatiuK pain in lier Julutaaod bo&ei. She, ico, was cured entiteJy by your Sarsnparillii in u fw ireeks. I know front ita funnula, whlcli your agent gave me, tïiat tlüs FreparaUon from your bilnnalory iniiet beu uwut remedy; consequently, these truly reawrSjOik n-üults with it buvo uut surpiiíied me. f ïaternully jours, G.'V. LAItlMEIl, M. D, Rlieumatlsm, Gout, I.iver Complaint Indei'Exdbnck, Preston Co., V;t.. 8Ui jiiïy; 1S59. Dr. J. C. Aïkb: SIr, I have bevn nillicled witli a painful cbn.uic Itjieumatism for i long time, which bailled tho skill of i.bysifiiins, ud sliitk to me in pite of all tbe remedieál eöntd flud, imtll I trfwJ yoar Sarüapmlla, One bottle cimd iiio in two weeks, and restored my general healtli 80 ranch tlmt Í am far botter than beforo I was attacked. 1 tbink itu wonderful medkine. J. FIUfiAM. Juloa Y. Cetcbell, of St. Louis, ritos i "I Imva beeu aHlictod for years witb au affectton ' the. J.ncr, whioh df8ti'oyed my hcalth. J trled everjr tl. ing. and every (liing füilf.l to relieve me; and ] have been a broken-dowu man for finí' yeara froiu no oLher cause than dtruiigtwtttt of tht Livtr. My bi-loved pastor, tbe ltev. Mr. Kspy. adVIsed Ue to try yoor Sjarsapai illn, becauee he said lie Krew you, aud any Uilriff yoii mode as woi Ui trylng. Hy the bleesing of Ood it bas curud me, and lm so puritied my blood as to iiiïtko ii uew mail of me. I ft-el young agaln. Tbe btist tlmt eau hu múd of you i.s not huif good enougb." ScHirrus, Cáncer Tumors, Kulai -etnent l'lcer tion, Curies aud Kxl'ollutioik of tlie Buitcs A grci.t variety of oases liavebcen reported to us where cureaof tluse firJuTdalle complainta have rcbulted fiom the use of ihiu reniedy, but onr space here wili nut adinit them. Somc of tliom may bc fouuü in our Aiiiiih;iii Abnaimc, which tlics agents bolow uaincd aro pleosed to furuish gialla to all who culi íw them. Dyspcpsin, II art Dlsense, Fits, Epllepsy, .1J ■hincho! y , IVcuralgla Many reinuilmble cures of these afiecliou havo been made by the alterativo power of this medicine. It siimulates the vital funclions iuto vlgorons action, and tl.u.s overcomos duurden wliicli would be supposed beymid ita reiU'b. Snuit u tciiudy ba long beon rt-quired by the n cessitieo of the people, and we are coulidcuL tbat tUia will do for theni all tliat medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE UAPID CUItE OF CougUSt Col ds Infl ut n z ii, I loarse nes Sj Crpupf UroiicUitis, Ineipieitt f oniiaiiilioii, nnd for the K Utl of Coiisumptlve Patients in ndvaiicetl Stngett of tíxe Distas f. Thiit U & retnedy so uuivciaatly knowrv to Mirpass Any other for the euro of tlicoat and lnng complaints, tbat it is uselestj boie to publieh tbo evidence of ils vii Uns. Ita unrivalled excellence for coughs and colds, and its truly wonderful cures of pulmonary dtsease, have made it known tïivougltout the civilized nations of tbe earth, Few aro the communlties, or even families, finiong tliem who havo ïiot som o personal experience of itsefTects- ome living trophy in Muir nrídst of its victoiy over the Bubtle and dangeious disorder? of tbr tlnoat and lungs. As all know the dreadful fhUlity of these disorders, and as tbey know, too, the eflects of this remedy, we need not do more than to nssure them tbat it lias now all the virtiicn tliat it did havo when niaking cures T.lticli Laye won eo strongly upon tbo confidonce of mankind. Frcared by Dr. J. C. AYEK 6u GO., Lowell, Mass. Au i t i -iitie by Maynard, Stebbms & Wüsoo, FARRANl), SHELEY k CO., Hetrult 809yl J H. BUBKIIX, Travelling Agent. NEW COODS For the Spring, 1862. JIACK & SCHUD Would respectfully aunounce to tbe Citizen 8 of Washtenaw and adjoining Counties that wo are now receiving Direct from the Eastern Markets, A full and complete supply of Staplo and Fancy DEY GOUDS, Ladies' & Childrens' Shoes, GKOCEKIES, CKOCKERY, &c. Purohasedby onp of our firm for ash, aod notwithst&iulicg tho hard tiinea wenbail coutiuuc ta Add Weekly Additions To our stock n order T& Accommodate our Ousiamers! with every tlitng th?y may need toask for. Aud we will farther pltídgo ourseïvea to soll as clieap AS TIMES WÍLL TEKMIT and which is alwayi as -A.s Low as tlie Lowest. At thp samo tiniR we hopoour fiiends nnd oustoraerswillDar in niiudihat thp times ccmpel us to sell our gooda For Cash or Ready Pay. Ann Arbor,March28,lS61. tf Fruit and Ornamental TREES, A.T LO'VvT PEICBSnrtHK SÓBSCRIBEKS-aro now propardd to rpceive or. JL der for all kjp4 of Fruit end Orauestal Trut, SAruba, l'lnnts, Fli%ér "'! Vm.s of every aercrlpfton Utd vari. tv. lm the Fll of IS 'J nd Spring of 18W.- We havo a large stock now srowing, aü'l intenu tf inaka larn niloitations iro]a time tutimoM the wants of the cm.ntrv demaml. We invite the peoplo to make UNnuwlTwaeouaJntcdwitliouf faoiUUMfor oguines beroropiirbTilUIngolsowhirc. We warrant all vu. , tM tel to nune, an.l to bc rMyroul ar.l henlthT WIK-f Inwna . All commi-.nicitinn il be promptIt reriQne - Öurofficei" " ogois Ajrlcuttur&l Store, Uetcoit st., Anu Arlor, Mich. ]),BOIS, CAlfR &C0. nn Arl ar, Jom il.isfi?. 8W Chauaory Xotice. QTATROF MICHIGAN ;Foartb Judicial District of th# ötM 61 ) chTgai , soit penOtog ín the Circuit Court íor Wiifhtenaw Cunty, n Ghaocvfji Wü'.inm II. Wantj . cnmplaiuaut. and l:ry Aun wtatjr, defendía nt ; it Add Arbor, on llie dglitli dv .f Octubrr. A D. 18C2 befre tböHon K. Lnwrtnce. at chamberí, ït jj,fr. mg by nffidavit that Mary Aon WnDty U pol a remdent ol tbeStatftof Michigan hul is a rvsident f the State f llliïi iis, cm inr.iion of Twilchcll & Frater olicitpr for (■'■i:i]taiijHi]t, i is ordered tbat the a&iá Mary Ana Wantv ïpp'-ar in i- pause :md nauwer tlie Bill of (ViapUlot thtn-iii wilhin süc weeks from the datvuf tbiurder, and that tlns order ba pubüshed aa requfred by law ü tlit; Michigan Argus. E. LAWRENCE, Circuit Judgp. TwiTCiiKr.L & Frazjcr, Sülicitura far OfLuipldnani lïaU-J, wet. 10,16-J p7üwO Mortgage Male. X7l4KiïA8 dcl;uilt bafl boen mit'le ia tho conrJJVV tionn of ft certaiu indenturc o f liurtgaf;e extcuted by David S. Haywood ánl Hoe ííaywoodtrjf Saline, Ylm-n:iw rminty, Mit:bi.LMii, Oü tbo tirxt Uay of July, 12, to t!ic undyrsiifiieil, whicli mor tg age w ilaljr fcbrded oa tbc öth day of Autfust, A. i. Iti. in Liber N'o. IS of Moi tgages on p.tge 443 iu the KfftUtry of Deed and UortgAgM, u anU lor the aid cuuty of Washtcnaw; uud vvliereas tbere is now due aod uupaid upon Siüd moitagcaud bon'l accompanyln tho naro the sum of four-tfaousol an 1 iifty-five dollars and tvronty nlno cents ($4.055.29), includiiig rcanooftbl charges lor au ftc,aDd do auit at law oria equir 6ea inslituted to recover tlic same or atiy part Uierëof, now thoreforo, notico in h roby ffr"n thut by virt of a power of sale contained in s-.iid mortgnge, I Sblll wllbt puollo auetion to tlie highest biJOcr on tititurday the xth day ol TVfiember next, at 12 o'clo :k ■'-'■ i 0 of .s;id 'liiy, ut the front door ol tho Cuunty CÖUTt House In tilt City of Anti Ar.bor ín ai-1 Coutity and íta.t. tíie prcmiHPii despriMii said mor(gage, to wit: All that part f tuo notth-w8 quarter of s.-i'ti'iiKii-o iu (ovnship ïouï .Honth of range flveeait, and bounded rh followa, to-wit: On the suuth th alt Sjtring reserve, o tbe west and north by laudownpi by Kiissell Brifjs, on tho east by Innds owncd b.v Thoron Ford, supuse J to cotiUiin thirty-two acre of -.n, to beinj? tho property on whloh tbc SchuyUr Mills are locutud. CALKB VAN Hl'SAN', Mortfftgec. Wx, A.MoorK, Att'y for Mortee. Datoa, Detroit, ïtept. 6, 1HG2, THE OLD CORNER ISTE'V STOOIS, NEWGOODS,&C. FARMERS' IW CASH STORE (At the oíd stand of Thompson & Millen.) I am now opening a carefully SELECTED STOCK OF STAPLE DRY GOODS COXSISTINQ Oï DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, BROWN & BLEACHED 3HEETINGS, CASSIMEREg, FLANNELS, &c. aud everything that is kept in a Ioxi3LOstio Kouse also a flue assortment of BOOTS SHOES ! AND YANKEE JVOT1ONS, A full stock of GEOCERIES constantly on hand. FARMER'S PKODÜCE Bonglit and Sold, Thankful to old friends and customer for past favors, I hope to tnerit a sbare of their patronage, by dealing justly with all. C. B. THOMPSON, (formerly with C. H. Millen & Cck) Ann Arbor, Oot. 1, 1862. 872tf ANOTHEE & ARKIVAL AT THE áíÍ OLD AND RELIA BLE iïflgl CLOTHIKt emporiumü HL-M.3sr o. a PHCBNIX BLOCK, MAIN STREET. ■Wm. -xTV-A-ca-KrETH. hasjlet loturnod ír-'in the Eastcin Cities, with a larg and desirable .stock of F ALL AND AV INTER Gr O O X S ï wliich ho a now ofTcring at umuuiaUy Amoug bi Aanortmcnt may be found BROAPC LOTUS, ÜASS1MERES, DOESKÍNS, & VESTINGS, of üMdescriptiosi, onpcci&lly for FALL AND WINTER WEAR l wh!ch he is cutting !1 tnaking to order, in tholatwt } best styles, together with e. sujwrior assortment of RE AD Y MADE CL0TH1NG! TRUNKS CARI'ET BAGS, UMUHELI.AS, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, witli nomeron'i othr art'.olu uaalIy found in nimilst L;iblíhKients. As ANEMPOBIÜM OFFASHION, the subscriber Halters hiraself, that hislong experirnri and Renera. succpsK.will eiuiblc liira to give the grctcl salisfartion toall wlio raay tms' imiii the way of manDfacturiuggarnicntsto order. ,..„ Dissoltuïon. NOTICF. !s herebv ïiven thnt tlie co-partnersliip tlit hcresofoie exintwi UDder Uicnar.ioand s'vle of Jniii and Villiam'iin(ïhrnlpn is tln ilay riissolved by mutual consent ; nn that klldemnndii dtio to nd Irorn theaald flrm willhc nettli-ri by Jolm Vaudchaden, who i dulr authorited to Bettle the si:ne. JOIFN VANDEHAnrv, W1LUAM VANDEUHtYr'EN'. AanArtior, Aur 2S. Iifi2. gg The luminess uf ninking and selling bridk win b continuad a„dcarr:e,l on us usuby Ayer's Sarsaparilla.


Old News
Michigan Argus