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The Greatness Of America United--the Policy Of England

The Greatness Of America United--the Policy Of England image
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Fwn theiPIchiijond E.iiiiiiiaur, . Xixv.8. The grealne.s o!" AiiK'iica is :i reoont ro-velaüou to EuruIU. Whh the Xoilh :md South eoufi'deK:ltc un, k-r lita olil iovcniinent, the Uniled Stututf p' ;i military power and an ;ibiml.iiu'(j oí' resource of wl.ich hor citizv4is, évu 'm the c&ocas of ihcic peltcdMiilkhiwHey, ov6ï ureamed. lint, lew niindí in Europe had any idea of tle power ot' the Yöung uiaut of iho "YcMi-r;i wovld. One or twu of -ilieir public twen, as C'aur or Napoleon, ïnjght. have approliendcd, ly the torce i'; jienius, the inilU;iry in:ignituile of America. 13ut iu was gnerally a dim npeeulation in ELurpe. Onr biipis of military powers werci; riiliciilcd by the English. pvoss and passeil a- tnuii-'-Atliintic feltr'. lut tliis, war h:8 shown that oven tliesu hoasis l'ell far short ot' tho reality. It lias revealod to tlic world au ciiormous power Vhat eversbadowed whatcver tliöro is of military display in inodcru histpvy, and lias ainnictl Uic u:jï arrogant nations of Europo. Within eignteen nioii.üia of Uc w, tljp IprÜ) ryul Suuth liavc vaiscil armies lsvrgev than thosc oí' tho first Najioleon ; irou-clad Ikets hay.e been iniiiicheil capable of lU'-sUaving tlie combincd navios of EJnglaud anl Franco; two milljons üfiücu havo been {)llt in the üold ; and yot the inlnnal systcin of the imliistry of the country and llie ordinaiy purautts of peace have been bul little interropted uníess froin tlie exci-'ptional cause uftbe blockade of the Southern seacoait. Ihnl tiiv North and Sculh continned as one nation thero could scarcely have been any liinits to the ac'uieveii)nts of their rnilttp.ry power. Englund could liever have obeeked it. We confr] have overrun the continent, taken Canada in the teetb of a couibination of all the European Powers, and crushed England alone as an egg sht'U uiulcr the ham■W. 'jliiO. und happy revetatioa Jviiph. thjs.war has made of enormous inilitaryrosoui-ces has naturally given tfi.Euiope, and espeeially to EngTand, au extraordinary interest in ils contiuuation. Nothing could bc more contrary to the wishes aud policy of England" than the war shoukl end in reuniting the North and South, and consoHdatiiig and renewiug in rivali-y to her a mUivary power whicb is now wasted in intenieoino stvU'o, Tliat the Uniou never shall bo rostorod is a, fore goue aud settled conclusión witli the ijritish Government. It woulJ not now ísitate. for a momeut to rucognizo the Südtli, unlef-s firmly pnrsuaded of our ability and reaolntiou to carrv on the war, and unless it had auother object to gain beside th;jS oí' a permanent división in the natuaiiility and power of her oíd rival. Tliat object is the exliaastioo of both North and South. England MopoAS6 to effect the contiuuation of tliis vyar, as far as possible, to tlie mutual ruin ol' tlio two nations engaged in it, by standing aside aivl trusting that, aftec vftst expendiUire of blood and waste of resources, the separation of the Union vill be quite ;is surely accomplished by the self-devotiou of toreigu intervimtioü,. To the advantages she hopos to gain, trom tliis sitparation she desires to add Uujse which she expects from loss and. ruin to both North and South in r, loug war. Her present policy of neutrality vith referencc to the war, is founded jn the confidence that the South is ablef.o achieve her indepondence, and ihat fli.e prolongatiou of hostilities does not ísk k-pr ulijuyntion. ín this ujitihiistian and inhuman calculutioo, Jidglaud Las rightly estimated the spirit and resolution of the South. We are prepared to win our indepeudonce with the great prioea and suffei-ing that England bas named. But we understand her in tliis matter. Behind hor inaskof conscience and pharsacial üpptí&ion there lurks a hideous aud 4i"'ï;I purpose.


Old News
Michigan Argus