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DO YOU WANT WHKiKERSf DO yOUWANTA MOUSTACHBl If so, parchase one bottle of E.E. Champion-1 EXCELSIOE. INVIGCHWVO$ The world renowned toilet, - the only articíe rf thí 'án3, ever offered the peoule of the lïnited Fr.iff-. Thv atoT anille ia the only one uaed by the Frouch ; m I.onÖea and Paria it is in universal use. THE EXCELSIOR WHISKER INVIGOBATOR ! 1 Isa Beau ti ful, Eüt-nomical, Hoothinjr, yct Stmult!s{ Compound, acting as if by magic apon the root, catm inga bfüxi+iful fcrowth o t Luisa riant Beard. If nplii to the Scalp,it will cure Balin'ess, r.ud if applied ccoríing to directionts, it will canse to prig up ín baid spots a fine growtu of soft fresb haie The Celébrate! EXCSLSIO R IN VIG 012 TOlt Ia ín ndwpáneable Alticle in every Oentleman'i Tollít, and aítr ne w?e}3 use titpy woulfl not, ior any cinniileratlon be withoiii i;. Tbe abovc nrticle will io from Four lo Ki,"'it Weeks', bïiag out a thick set of Whiski; or tfOCKTAOU. Tli suliscribers ori the oqlj Agenta fortuoabova rtiolein theüulted.-'ateï. Thcy wouH also annouuc to tte nUo tbivt tb are agentH for Napoleon's Hair Toilet i The only article over offerfd to thoFiench pcuple tha would cruL straight air I the above Toilet being íníiíufactured for the ole Vafluflt o Louis Napoleon I wiijil article is now indispen.siible In bis Toilet room, The subaerfbers tíonfiflentthat this Toilet must leceHflarily take the place of all othera ever offi-red tp the public, they take ple4èué in expraiS'iig their confltitihee in the article, gaining itfrom practidal ase. tÜP NAPOLEON HAIR TOILET. Wüi'Qjrl Straight HAimin Sort;, SiUen,Flowinfi CurU( that vYnrremain inshape fur oné day or one veelt tCdelired, or ny longer penod, if the directions. are íit;ici}gr fol lowêd, which are very impïe actl fiasy . ThfsHalr Toilet does not n any raannerinterfere wítíi the Natural Softvess of the Hair. Tt neither acorche nor dyes it'; but gives 'he hair a uflí; thrifty appearance. It atao prevenís the hair fr .."-i falling oO aod turning gray . THE NAPOLEON nAITv TOILET ÏI;i= boen boforettie pubTcbuta ;h' rttíirQí.an'í has itl ready been tested by over onc Hiousand ;jersp;3) T nd they testify th:u the Napoleon Hair Toilet t.'the v!st"Boautifior everoff'Ted to the American ptcpl' To prevent, thia Toilet irom beiog counterfeftiq cr bitated by unprinciplert persons, we do not offert hW at any Urugt1s in the United States. Therewre, ao Lady or Gentleman who deairoS Soft, I-uxuriant Hair and Cuils, and Long, Soft WbUkers or Moustackc, can f procure tbe Invigorator or Toilet, either one,fot éu dollar -enclosed in a letter, witü their addreia. i% C, F. SPF.XY &CO., Box. Iö3,0ollinsville, Hartford Co., Cuna' Ano [t Hillbe carefullv sent by return mail. DR. HOOFLAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL, For the speedy cure of Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Croup, Hoanenesi, Bronchitis, Pneumonía, Diceases of the Bovels, arining from Caict, Inüwnt fosumption, and for the teiiefarid (Ü ' at allposxible) cure of Patients ' in advanced stages of thi latler disease. mHEBalsamic Cordial in entirely a Vegetable prodae4- tion., copibming tlie heaüng properties oi the Balsam, withfhe'vn;SgOr$tmgqualtie8 of a Cordial, produciuga conjbinat on so weïl adapttd to the purpocA intended, that there are but few cases of disease which Win not, at an early period, succumb to Itf healingaud üfegiving properties. Kor age.ï, has the treaiment of pultnonary diaeatei occupied the greater portion of the attentiftjf ' of tb scicntiflc of the medical vrortd, but none acquir'ecl mor erninencein his trejtroent ,of these diseases, thai'l celebrate'11'ruEsían. Dr. iio'jflanrt, the orignator 01 tftf, EjalsamlsCoriial. Hislife was 'diTotécl to the prodaction of reméaMvS tliiit would stand unrlvallod. How well he has succecdctl, the American peopleare ablc to judge: and we posiiively assért, that ïio preparationi that have ever been placed before tht-uijiiave conferrisl the same amount of benelits on suttcr-iig Immanity, or have elicitfd so many conimendatiopa"froïi 'all clames of society, as the remedies of Dr. Hoiíflandjntf pared by Dr. C. M. Jackson & Co., of Philadilphia'. ' The Cordial is dosigneilfor a clais 'of dUe%Mt more genera) and more fatal tban auy'otber to whic the people of this country are subject - thoie springlni; from a "slight eold." That eminëfil authorityVItr. Bell.says: "I will not.iay lliat Colas are "l'o Our kUaVilants what the Plague and Ytllow Fcvcr' are' to tliota Ql ,'t;ier countrie; but I can aver confidently ttaHboy usl;er in disease of greuteicoinplicity and murtli'i thn t'4eselatter." Entirely Ycqetahlo. No Alcqholio Prejtaration. DR. II JOFLAND'S CFXEBKATED &BRMA2I BITTERS Pw nred by DR. C. M. JACKSON & CO., Philadelphia, I'a. ÏI1 elToctually cure LIVEK COMÏ'LAIXT, DYSPKPMA, JAÜNDK'E,Chrnnic or Xeivous Debllïty, DiseaseaoftlM Kidueyn, and &U nsiag fnnn a O.ihurdwnd Li ver or Stomach. Soches Constipa tion, In ward Piles, Fulness or IUwd to the Ilcac, Ac'dity ot the Stomacb, Nausen, Heartburn, Pisgust lor Food, Fulm . iks Swmacli.Sour Eructi! .■ , .u.-m or 'Vutft'rln at' Ui Tit of the Stoipach, Hv,innuihg of the HeaU Hurried and Difficujt Bratlnng,' Fluttt-ring ut the Heart, Choking qj SuliocaiDg sensations when in a lying puturp, Dim oeu ui Vision, Doti of weba beforethe sight, Ftver nJ Dull Pain inthe tiead, Deöciency of Perspiration, YelIowcse of theSkiu and Eyes. Pain in the tfi'le, Rack, Chesf. LlmVi &c, Sutlden Flushesof Heat, Buruingiii the (Flöflb," Constant maginines of eviï, and great Iopressiors uf Spirits, and irül positively prevent YKLLOW FEVF.R, BILLIOUS F EVER, &c. die Proprietor in calling the attention of tfa public to tbis prpantion, does bo with a feelinp pf thentrnont coníiflcncein it.s virtucH anl adaptation to xhÜ 'aisèaiei Lor which it is recorr.iuendcd Itisnonew and nutsled article, bot oriïtliat lia stood the test of a Iwelve years' trian tféiure the' American people,andits reputation ;ml kqjp ttf uurivalltü by any similar preparations ex'iit. ïbe tefitini'niy iñ iti Eatq giveu by the most pFonfunent and wpll-kno n Phy.-ic.i;ins Lind individuals in al) parta of the country in immense, and a careful poruwil of the Almanac, pHlished annually by the Proprietors, and to be bai grati ■ of any of their Agoms. cannot üuL atisly the BMt pkeptical thatth's remetiy is realíy deseiving the rent celebrity it uaobiaint4 Kt ad tUii Eltïcnro trom J.iewton Brown D.. . Editox oftLc ZcyclopUia of Reltgious Knowldgr. Although notdiftposed Lp favnr qr ecinm;nd I'atent Medicines in general, thrqngli dj.-iírust of their npre4iept.-i and effecu,I yet kooiy q{ po sufficientreason by aWaniftynQt tpstifytüfiil.eiientbe believen liiuiHlf tobayp W'Cöiyptlfit'iiJ uy simple preparation, in the hope th at lift laay fhus contribute to the btnt'Qt of othera. Idothisthe more readily in regard to "HooíUnd' Germán íiitters,'" prepared byl)r. C. .ï. Jaekson, ol thit city, because I was prejudiced against them for yearn, un'der the impreseion that they were chiefly an alcobolic mixture. 1 atn indebted to myfiieiul Hobert Shoemaker, Esq.;for tbcremoval of this projudice by proper tcsí-:,íinl for encouragementto try them, when sulferïng from great and long eoBlinuea dcbili'fy. Tho use of three bottlca of thqj fitters, at thi bpinnihg' of the present year, was f pllorp-i TiV vid at r lief, m) restoration tu h. Jrjiröi! cf bcliiy &v. 'incntal tigbr wl'Sch I had pqt feit (pi aix montea : ...A aliust irpartc4 of règaining. I therfo'rothank God nnd my friènSThr óirecting mVto the useof thorn. J. NEWTON7 BKON. Read what tlie emineut Glass Manufacturer, JOHS H. WHITALL, Bfcys of tbe BALSAMIC CííÍVíl!' Dfi. C. Jackso.v- Respectad Ffieviú; Uaving for a long time been acqainied with tñe virtiu1?, of tb. y BhIsamtc Cordial in Cou.hs, Colda, Inflamniation of tilt Lung, ifC I tbus frf -ily bcQ.r testunony to lts eflicary. For scypralyears 1 havp neyet beon without it ín uit family' It alsogives mo 'pipas ure to state tbat I have iiscd it wifche,i;tire succ-:ss in the treatment of 3owel ïiij' Crieii'l truly. JOHN' M. WIIITALI-, Fifth Ho. 1", lft3, Eacetítreetboveíth, Tliil. These medicines are for sale by all respectante Hrnp gis'ta and dealers in mecl'cines in the United tatos, 3tXïsh ProvinceHjaiKl Westlndies,at 75 cents per bottle - le ure andget the genuine, witb the sigiialure o.l C. Mi .Tackson on the urapper oi each boltle; all otkers art counterftit. Principal Office and Maufaotory,419 Arch Street. Philadeiphia, Fa. 30jl 600,000 ggA LLOYD'S NEW STEF.I. T'L.vTE 'C0L7JTY COLORED MAP Oí' THE Ufcll '!■ 1) SÏATF3, ' " ' CAÑADAS, AtyÜ NKW Br.lWSWICK. From recent survojs, complLteil Aujr. 10, 1SR2 ; coflt $20,000 to engraveiV and una year'a timo. Superior to"any$lümap ever made by Cülton or Mitohell, and setl( at t.e low price of fifty centi; 'SW.Offy. names are enjrraved on this uiap. Itia nolonly a County Map, but it is also -a EUNTY AND RAILROAD MAP Qf the United Statos and Cañadas corabiuert ín ot, giriny EVEKY KAILROAD RTÜTIQ" and distarles beU . Gaviranlee any wc man or man S3 t 5 per day, and wtll tako back all maps tbat canuut bc sold and refiidc} tho money. Send fov SI werth tp tty. l'rir.ted lnstri? :V'ons how to canvass vellj frp'sije J all our agen1.' , !".. ■ :'la Agenta for onr Ma p In fTi-rj StateVlii"1"11' ' Qglattd, Krancc? an'l Cubi V'n!1 niiv be' ïnacie wíth a íev huudreá d-.'l!nra . Ño Corrptkian. f. T. Ll.OYD, No. 1CI Brodivay, ow Yor. TlieWar Dopnriment ccunfl our Map of Virginia, Mar.rland, and TennBylvania, cost $1(10.000, on wliich maiked+Btitm.ercie1k.ShxpsbaÈs,WillianièortFerrjr, Bhoremillfl, Noland't l'ord.and all otbers oh tiicivt-mac, and e-vexy place in MarylancJ, Virg.nia, lui i cíasylv;iDÍa, or ítiuney irefundflQ. LLOYD'S TOrQGRArilIC'AL MAP OF KENTUKV, OHIO, INDIANA, and ILLINOIS, iatheonly auUiority for Gen.Buell and tbe War Departpiont. Money refundeil to any ono flnding ancApl in it. i'rice 50 cents. From tbc Aua. S. "LLOYD'S MAP OK VIBGIHIA, MARYMP ANTI J'lvNYI.VANIA Wm lar.v . Ifi rl i but 35 cents, and it is (ie best whicii caji tfgffcktêté," LLOYD'SGBEAT-MAPOi' THE MIsá81PPÍ RTVER- .From Actual Önrve-rt by ('apt. lian úiiil Wnt. Howin, JII83sipp River I'üots of St.Louij Mo. , shows every man's plantation am! own-r's "Yrm froru St. l.ouifi to the Oulf of 1 S."0 mi. ..'-'■■■: y snd bnr, Island, town, laoJini, and al! 20 railes back fioro the river, colortd inounlïos';ind Statu . Prio,81 In fh#ta. $2, porkt foim, l.nd, $2,50 on linnen, witii roller. Eeady Sept. 20. Njivt DtfJilTMlNT, Washi.m.ton ceit. 17, 18B.T X. : Scjud me Ton r Map of ths JIIsi-Hsippi Uivcr, witli price per bundrtd copies. Rear-Acluvra! Obaries H. Davis, cowmanninjj ibe MIwIfMPP ivundron is autbonzed tn purchase as inaoy aK re re qulred for the use of that squadron. 872w3 GIDFllN' WELLES, fcciotaty ojtheNavj.


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