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A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR. IiÜPONCÖ'S GOLDEN TILLS m FEMALES. Infallible in correctlng, reftulating and removing 11 ohstruclioní, lroip whatcvci causo, aiiil aln-ays sucüessful fts a preventive. The combination o' ingredients n Dr. Duponco's Golden PMs Tor Tcnmle are wrfe-tly harmhss. They hnve been used inlhe privato praotloe of Dr. Duponco over L0 years, and trious-md of ladle can testify to their great aml Oever laüing success !n almost erery case in correcting rre;ularttics, reüeving painful and .lislresaing roenstruation, particularly at the change af life. Trom ÍW to ten pills will cure tbat common J-et ■Ireailful complaint, the Whites Nearly every fefliale in the land xufTers fr m this complaint. The above MI has permanently cured thousands, and tlioy will cure j ou if you use them. They can not harm you; on the contrary. they remove all obstructions, re store nature to its proper cliaimel, and nvigorato the whole ST.tem. Lndles whosc health will not permit an, Inoraua of fnmilv. will flnd thsse pills a successful preventive. I, lie ,- I J"i v Mtuated, or those j (MMfalg théákMlTBB BS, „Im'uH not ufe theEe Pills dmiog ' tho ftrst three, na they are certnin to i, siníwarrliq!, l'aftw Mei aditfmitiop" U.e I prietor Mumea no respousibilify, aHliough t',eir DP..HS will prevent an injury to healtli. The ingf Vnt; j :;g theabove Pilis ure made kqown to T'ry Agent, and thev will te'l you they are safo and will perfiTii aü claimed íor them. Price $1 per box Sold in ANN ARBOR, by STEBBUISfc WILPOX. Bruggists, VT. A. HÏJXT, Druggist. Ladies tiving ai a rtistnnee by sending them $1,00 through th Ann Arbor I'ostoffice, can have tbe PUls sent (confidentially) 4,y mil, to any part of Vhe fpltry free of postage. N. B - Beyqre of a. haft covterfcü of that Pillí. - Vou' can buy 'tile counterfut article at nny price from 25 to 76 cer,ts h box (duar at that). Ladies your Uves and healtn are of tuo muoli Talue ti bi" triflíd wilh, besidea being imposed upun wilh'a wnrthlcss art ele. Tlie.l'6f"re, any eme oflVrn3p vou ihose rillsfor less tjian $] a bnxy avoid them as you would poienri. They are hogus. Knne arsgenuine unless the name of S. D. HOWE la on every box wbich has recf-ntly been adde'l.on account of the Pills boinï oouterfeited. Sold aiso, hy K;NNK k =MTTH, Ypsilanli. BLIS3 & UEEBEJackson, andby one druftfist !n every village and city in the DniteS í-tates, andby KARRAND.SHEE1EY & CQ.. General State Agents, Detroit. Ê. ü IiaWf:. SpleProprietor. 8p7yr.-2 -Snw Vokk. 'MPORTANTto FEMALES THE HEALTH AND LIFE OP W0MAM1 Iscotltiaiialh' in poril if -slie N mal enoujrh to nogleei or malt.out tbtiiie mxu1 .r.-írulj.rities to which twotbírdfl f h#rmx nrc wmor less subjept. iR. CíiKESKUN'Js 'I'lï.i.. pr?pnrel from the same formula tWiioh the inventor. r'URVELlUí ■ QHESEMN, M. I.,nf NíiWiork, lias fop twenty years used sucoefsfui'.y inanexlnfled pri va c practico - hnipecHtelj relieve without pain, all listurbuncs of tbs perioflical 'lischiirsc wlielher iiriHíng from relaxftíípn or snppressinn. Thpy act likfi a eharm inremoving the pnins that accfmpany difTicuít or i inin adérate íue'Struahon, anfi are the only afeard ryliabl? remefiy for Flushes, Rick IleaibicliP. Pain5 inthe L'iina. Hiick aivl Sides, Palpita tion of the Heart ervcus Tremors, Hvsterics, Rpasnis, Brokea Sl6p and otñer inglñaani anrl daiidruf1 effect p rf an uniiíifiral floqdltlon cif tlie sf-xual functi'ins In the vorst cases of Finar Albus or Whites, they iíect a -ípeedy curo. To WIVES and IVTATROISTS. DS.CHEE-UMvy'SPII.lJiare.iffe-erl as the only safe iRpans of renewing:interrupted tnenstru&tión, but. IiADIBS JIÜST BK.AR ÍS MI!VD There. ?n nnt Cúltdltiün ti f the ft. malí', system hi ipliicli tht Pilh r.a-mox beiakev loilmitt praduent " PECULIAR riESULV. rhrr,;;,linn„ retrmd iü i' PÜEOPÍANCY- thr ruult, MISCMtlllA(jE. SuckU the irrrsistibh tendeney nf tlie medicine ari?Urs Ow serna! fii'-cttQtis In a unrmaí cnii'litio'i . líat even the reproductive power nf unture. cainint rrsist i' Explirit direction Malhi e rch en , n n d wken thcy nhould ■natbe used, wilh eich Bnx,- ihe Price One Dollar each Box, fdntaiiihig 50 PUI. A ralunMe l'a uphlet (o be liad free of the Agents. Pilis sri}t bit mnü promntly, by enclosing pnce to any Acant. Sold by Dtuggi'siB ijeiieral y. b B. B. HÜT0H1N08. Proprietor. '20 Cedar-St., Neta York. For Salf by MATVARD STEBBINS & WILSON , and '3RENVIIJ.E & IULI.ER. Howard Assoeiation, PI1ILAÜELPHIA. Fnrlhr. re'irf of ihe Stcli and Distremeed , tiffltcted ipilh V'riL'f.nx and Crnnic Pisenie!, and especially for thl Cure ofDutatfA nflhe SíTual Org,m, MKUI'JAl. AI1VICE given gpatia. hy the Actiug Surr VAI.UABI.E REPORTS on Sp8rma1orrhoa.and other Diraes of the Sexual Orgn.ns.Hnd on thf NEW KKMEDIEP emplnyed in the Dispensary, sent in seale.1 lett'T envelopes. frre of charge. Two or threí stamps foi posliigevcceotable. Address, Dr. J. RKII.I.IN' IIOL'GHTON', Howard Associttion, N'o 2 S. Nintjl ?t.. l'hiladelphia.Pa. 850)1 THE RO0TS AND THE LE AVES WILL be for the Healii.g of the Xations. BiUs. Prof. ar. LYOws, THE GREAT ANTI) DEl-EBRATED PHY9IC14N of the THROAT,LUNGS, HEART, LIVtR ANÜ TUE BLÜÜD, Known all over the country as the rKLERRATFD I2TX5I-A.ISr ÏÏEKB DOCTOR 1 Of 28-2 Baperfor Street, Clevelan.i, Ohio. Will vïsit the following places, viz A?POlNTMEXTaF0K180', 1863 and 1864. Prol K. J. Lyon can be consuHelat thfl fnllowing places evfi-y month, viz: Datrolt, RuBBttl Hoase, eacli moath, 18 th and liith. Ann Arbnr. Monitor House, each month, 20th. .lacksnn, Hibbard House, each month, 21, Adrián, liracket house, each ment fa :2d a:idïJ3d. Toledo, Oiiio.Cullins iiuuse,euya njonth, Slth, ?5th, and Söth. HilUdate, ilich., Hjllsdale House, each mth,27th Culd "tier, Mii:h. . SuuJüiern MicUiuu Ho une, tach mouth, 28th. Klkhart, tikhart House, each rnonth, 29tn. South iïend, InU , SL. Ju. lhtfl, each inonth, 30. La pono, Ind., ïeö Garden Hppse, each month 31st. Wooster, Uhio, Craijdell Exchange, each inonth, 7th and 8th. Uansfield, Oliio, Wüer House, each montb, 9th and lOth. Mt. Vernop, Kenyon Jlouse, each month, llth and 12th. ewark, Ohio, Holton House, each m nth, 13th and 14th, lJainesyil!e, Ohio, Cowles Ijrupe, each month, 2d. CLKVK1.AN1), )HO. RkflltlMSfc ANu OFFICE, 282 SUPEHJOK. ÖTHEET, EEast ol' tiie public square, opposite the PuHtuJttec. Office da;a each moiith, l--t; Üd, 4th, 5th, tth, láih. - Oiïice huurs irum 9 A. . túl' M, aui l'rum 2 I'. Al. to 4 P. U, UnÖunday froni 9 lo UA. it.#apü 1 to 3 V. M, J8r5f Aíaxin;s striú'.ly adherecí tu- I irive 5uch balm iü haye no strife, Witü nature ot tía l.i.s oí 'i(et With bloodmy hands I never stain, Nor poison men toeawe theirpiiin. He is a jihysician indeed, who Cares. Tbe In'.ian iJoctur, lt. J. LYO.XS, cures the fol luiyin eompiaipta n the most obstinate biabes of their exisüncfc, viz: Uiseases uf the Throat, Lungs, Heart, Liver, Stomach, Dropsy intheCheat, RhuaaatíuQ, Nvurilgia, Kits, or Falliofi nicknes.s,ai]dall othur UMF"ua fierangemvots. AUo all diseaie-sof the blOod sucji asricruiula, Lryaipels, Canieis. Fever rioros, Leprusy , ind all utiier cumpllcated chrunic oomplalniti AUforxMof iemalo diflicultics atie'ied to with the h-ippife.-t resulta. lt is hoped ïhat no one wjll despair of a cure until they have rtven tbe ludían IL-ru lioctor's lladiuinw a ffiir and faithful trial. tfgDuring the Doctor' t travel iu Kurope, West Indie;-, uuth Ameiica. and the ÜDited States, he has been ihe instrument in Uod'a hand, t o restore to healtu and vigor thtmaands who wert given up aal pranouuced incurable by the most eminent old schuol phyaicians; uay, more, thou-ands why were on the verge of the ffrave, are now living moi.unints to the Indi;, n llerb'u l'octor'ü skill and moowaful trcAimpt,atidar duily ejciainjing: "B'essed bc ih-day whtn flrut we tav and partouk of the Indfan llerb Doctor's medion." p aiistactuj-y rcferenfCh ol' cares will be gladly and cherrfully gnen henever requircd., Thloclor piedles h word nd boooy, that he will ia no wirte, ilirect! jf or indiit-ctly, induce or catite any invíilid to take his medioio without ihe strungeat probabiüty of a cure Mode of examination, which is entlrely difft-rent frum the faculty, J;r. Lyiu profL-sses tu discern dineasfs by Ihe oye. Il I hirefww asks nu questions, nor doeshe reqijirfc patiënt to explaln symptom. t-'ail one and uil, ;ml have the HymptooH anl lucatiim of your di-e-'ise explained free of charge JJThe peorxball be Uberslly considered. jaaPü8tolIlce adüresi. box '2663. R. J. LYONS, M P. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 25. 1862. ly80 HIUE8, ] iiiES. The hjghcat niarkefc price paid for all kinds „f PELTS SC JrXJflSi I shall vis"t dilVcrent U.K-ah.His in Ihi.s county the cum ing winte1". and w.U pay ihe HIGIIEST MARkET TRICE IN CASH For all kiniU ot Hidto and luis. 1 &haU bü iu this ciiy evw; S&turday . ANSEL GREKN. Ann Arbor Nov 2j, 1E6ü. lniSSU Uyal Picture I raines, STYI.KE and PRICES just rceeivud and forsale cheapat CHOFP & MILLER'S. ISOO.Dpc 25 780tf TO LET. pHE BP.ICK HOUSE and Barn now ocoupied by Olnoy I IJawkins.lísq., on Detroit street, Ann Arbor, possession iivt'ii Ihe lt of April. Alosev,.,al stote And r.nimi in Uuclioz' Block to j et tog'iod atencjj tenants 4t a low reot.imin' dia te possession given. Inquircof L.R. BCCHOZ. Ano Arbor:March 2Í, 1861. 845tf Ayer's Agüe Cure.


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