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'S CC gr fi SS H IS g 3 tf:g5M8 j i s J OS b & i M: : ï 5 1 ra 1 S f1? Jf I E }'} i ! o w i] s S i "í í ÜJ E oa v 'S THE REBELLION ON HIGH PRICES FOtt CLOTHIXQ. HAS CüMMENCED AT THE CLO & RELÏABLE C LOTH I IM C MPQKIITM ! j No. 3 PHCENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. 't T AM now opening a large and varied assortmcnt of 1 Srr.nKandSumm.TÜoul3, and in view oí the rebel - ion . n high pr!, genera lly, 111 ottir tl.em to my fnends k„ ci-tom. r= at the very lowest figurea fur Those in want of a uiirioi árpele o' C)atbí, Cassr meres. of Beady-Made Olóthing, -will cali onWM. WAGNER, who has just rturned frnm the East, wlth ft latge asortniefit of SPRING & SU MM ER GOODS whicli liavebtcn purchnsecl at tlic late LOW PRICES! and can offer them at a inwer figure than evtr before. Among my Assortment maj be foi(h4 BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMKRES, DOESKTNS, VESTINGS of alldesmptions, togetliT with a superior assortjnent ol Itcndy-Mude Clullilug, ------.TRÜNKS, CAEPET BAO?, Pl ÜMBRELLAS, and HBUeiithMücn's F urn i li i ng CSrOOIDJS?, jrljh numeious other articles i}sual!y fmina il? similnr estab,liabnwnts. As an ' EMPORIUM OF PASHION, i the subsriber flatters himself, that liis lons experience and gentrul auccesa, will euable him to give the greateit satisfaction to all who may truat him in the way ol , EF Manufacturing Garments to order. ■VVM-WAGN'ER. AnArbor,ApH19thl862. 80if SLORIOUa News from "Dixieï" i The RebelJion about Crushed ! A. c C. LOEB, OF THE ' CLEVELAND GL0THING HOUSE Returu their sincere thanks to theïr numeroua , FRIEND8 AND PATllOíVS, i For the liberal manner in whicl thi'y hayo , tofure pfttronizeil them, aud beg leave tp aiinounce that tlipy ai e AGAIK ON HAND With a Large and well solected Stock of SPRING St, SUMMER CLOTHING! GENTS' FURNISÍIIXG GOODS, Hals, Caps & ïruuks, whlch they will Bell at Astonishing Low Prices ! For further particular Oall a, ml d S O O for yourselveB, and you will not goaway dUsatUfied. A. & C. LOEB, Hurón Street, a few floors west of Cook's Hotel. Aun Arbor, Mny, 1868. 3n851 150 BÜSHELS TIMOTHY SEED 3F"oi Salo "fcy BACII &P1EKSON. Ann Arbor Qctober 1,1362. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigncd will sell, on ten years time if desired 80 Acres of Lam! lii Webster, Adjoining thetlie farm tti L. BovHen. The farm is well lenend, ina fino stute of itt vution, has a i'nimed house, a young and tliriity ort-hard, nnfi is convenient to markc-t TermB given on ajiplication. D HKXXING. Ann Arbor, Sopt. 18th, 1862. 870m3 TT !E3 EMPIKE WATER FOR In!iestion or HyspepsiH, Comtipation, NervonJ Dehility, I.okb of Apiictire. Comraon CoMs, diKfeftpPs of thü Lungs, Hea'Iache, and Feveri&h state oí the sïïr"by MAYNARP, STKBB1N3 t iriLSON and FPPBACH ï CO , Ann Arbor. 16!S.


Michigan Argus
Old News