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Caprices Of The Empress Eugenie

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Louis Napoleon's spouse is as capricious as slie is pretty. The Loop skirt isone of her notions, and on the whole is a beneficial one. Embroiderod petticoats were anotber of the Emprcas' whims, engendeved by her pity for the distreased searastresses of Paris. A sudden and uoroyal-like visit to London was another aprice, causing a quarrel with Louis and other family troubles. Becoming distrossingly pious was another imperial notion ; promising to have a second baby, soother. But tho queorest and most startling feminine faney was publishing a newspaper. La Franee is the Empresa' organ, which Europe reads wich interest, on whosc couteuts the stock-liolders epcculatc, and which forms the new " sensatiun " of Paris. It !ia.-( an enormous circulation and is impertiaeat aud assuming. Fancy Eugenie's lovely hands soilcd with tho ink of proof shuets. - Imagine her selecting, clipping, revising, arranging and iuditing; conoeiving leaders instead of children, and arranging ideas instead of colors. All the pocket money she can squeezo out of her grim lord is wasted in types ; all her time is passed in selecting editors and prescribing copy. Louis Napoleon, the " Sphinx," will become desperately savago. Ile will stretch forth hia morally hugo paw, and like an eggsholl, lus wife's nowspaper will crackle aud uisappear. Tliey have a vcry quiet aud eificient way of regulatiug the presa of Paris. J5P The Back ol Mexico is already canvassed and counselled in Paria, and the booty distributed, in anticipation, amongst those having the best claims Ui the pillager8. A great eavant and bookworm writes to hia son, a Lieut. in tho Zouaves now in Mexico. " When you march inio the city, my dear boy, ncvor pause, as your comrades will do, no doubt, to fill your pooküts wit'n gold and silver, but take a guide Immediately, and make the best ol your way to tho public library, Go up the staircaso, turn to the lelt, stop iu the recoss looking towards the street, there (upou the fourth shelf) you will see a smáll oblong volume; takc it, coneoal it somehow beneath your cloak, and go quietly to rest. You need not care then for ;ill the gold and jewel which tbe whole of Mexico may contain ; you will havo in your posession a splendid fortuno whorewitfa you may enrioh us all. It is tho volume ill ufstrated by Giulio Romano, of which bul that one perfect copy exista in the wholo world-. The govorriments of Kaagva, ol Great Jiritain, n:iy, the Pope himsell, would Wil'inglv give a million ol franca for iU nose88ion ; thorefore, do not hesitate, but actas I advise and our fortune will ba tnado." L3C" T a gathering of learned frioiidH, Adam Sinith. saiti, as he was dyinür, " I boliovü we must adjourn tbid meetinto another place. n i a in ■■ -


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