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ARE NOW OPENIXO, DIRECT FROM PDBUSHERS AN'I) Manufacturera New uirl Complete stock f LAW & MEDICAL 11OOKS, School Bookê, Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books, dan 8TATIONERT! Wall and Wlndow Pnpor, Prmng ftnd MftilirriMicalTnstrumPnts. Musíc, Juvenil) LibuirU-, Euvelopes, luía and Carda. And all otler kinds of Pens and Pencis Wini'.inv CornJce, Shades aml Fixture, POCKET CUTLEEY! Andeverytbinj; iiortaininp to the tratle, and more to whichthcy wmld ir.vitw thu attention of tho C'Müïtry. Incomluctingour business, we ttballdo all thnt can bedone(so tliat no rc:ison;ible man, womffl orcliiM shall find any fault. We possen facilities vhicli will malle s to supply o ur stomers at the Lowest Possible Figures. We propose ío cll Tov KKADY T'AY, ata nmalladrance. W expect ; proSt on our gooda. but Cash Sales will Admit of Low riGURES. Tbf( Kmi'irrBookStohk'ís mannod by apood 'crew,' nd tbey wiJl r.lwuys bfi íouiul oo th "qnartOT 4eok, ' ready and wiUing to ittcml lu all vrilh pleasare)wko wili favor tbcm with a cali. Remember the i(Empiro Book Storo." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. Ann Arbor, May, 1860. 76 Chicago Book Trade. The l'lace to Buy School Boohe WIIOT.KSAKB Book & Stationery House. S. C. GR1GGS & CO. I 1'IRUSH Sanders Progressive Readers, Newly Kloet ro typ M, witta new and original UlustntlODS] are the most, beautiful au weü as the best book extaiit. I I. Sanders' AlphaVt Cards, 6 iu a set, $ 30 II. SamU'is' Primary Sch'l Charta, 8 ou 4 canta, 1 00 III. Sandrr.-ï' Primary SpelliAg Boot 12 IV. Sanders' New Speller anq Definor, 15 j V. Sanilc.s' Analysuof English Wofdtt, 5j ■ VI. Saoder's Pictoria] Primer, (bóund) 12K Vil. Sanders1 Germán and EnHsh Primer 20 VIII. Sanders' Nw 1 ir-t Reader, 15 IX. Sanders New Second Reader, 38 X. Sanders' New TbJrd Reader, 40 XI. Simlers' Xeiv Fourth Rcailyr, -. (J5 . XII. Sanders' New Fifth Reader, 75 ' XIII. Sandors High-Schcol Reader. 81) ] XIV'. Youog Ladiea' Reader, 8S XV. Sanders' School Speaker,.,. 1 00 i XVI. Sanders' Elocutionnry Cliart, 3 O These roailer. are distiüpuisliod for their strlctly ' fressive ckaracter anl practical adaptationto Ihe young. hej hare been received with unprecedented fav by no ciass more Huorably than by Practical Teachers ] who liave testfld theirmerfts in the school room. Robinson's Course of Mathematica, i m HORATIÓ N. ROBINSON, LL. P.' Ite Professor of Mathematica ín tlie ü. S. Navy I. Robinsou-'B Progrcsutve Primary Arithimtic, II. Robinson'a Progressive laleHectual Arith. III. RoWnson's Ruaiments of v.riiti-u Arith. 5 IV. Rebfnsott's Progressive Pnteiloa) Arith. o V. Rubii.son's Ki-y t;i Practical Aiiüimelic, 50 VI. Robiniton'e Progressive Higher Aritlunttic, 7íi VII. IVibinsoii b Kf y to rJUyhex Arithmetic, 7fi VIII. Robinson'fl Ji-w Ecmentau Algebra, V6 IX, Robmson's Key to l'Jetnentavy Algebra, 75 X. Roblnson's Unj bra, 1 SÍ5 Robinson'fj Key to University Algebra, 1 00 XII Robinson's Geomctry ftntl TrijfODOinetry. 1 50 Xllï Robinson's i?urveyingnnd Navig&tlon, 1 50 XIV Bobinson'fl Auabtical (eometry and Conic tiectiotirt, 1 50 XV Rohinxon'sDifferontia] .nul Integral Calculusl 50 XV) li'ibinsoa's KlenuMitiii-y Astronoiny, 75 XVII Roliitison's Uuivorsit, Astronomy, 1 75 XVlll Robinson's Mathematica] OKM-atúm 25 XIX Robinson's Key to Algebra, Geometry, Survejlng, &e., 1 50 Forminsr a Fl'I.L MATHEMATICA!, COURSE, mbracing Arithinetic and Text Booki in tlie Highei liathematicíi. Kor exteiit of rvseareh, facility and aptfieM (1 illustratirm. and ptaotloal oaefulness, the anthor :f thiB serieH isKurpassed hy no mathoniatical writer in this country. Tbls series has Int-n rcommended by_the best Mathematician in all sections of the country. Gray's Series of Botanies, six books. Hitchcock's School Anatomy and Phj-siology, $1. Hitchcock's Geology, one book. WelPs Grainmars, two books. Well's Scicntific Series, including Chemistrj, Philosophy, etc, Three books. Wilson's Series of Histories, five books. Fasquelle's Fronch Series, eigbt books. Woodbury'fi Gemían Series, eeven books. Bryant & Stratton's Series of Book-keepiiig, three books. Spencerian System of Penraansbip, nine books. .A ml ."Vlaiiy otlicr Valuablc Books. Wholesale Dealers and Retail Purcl lasers Will find at our store over Four Thousand different nrticles of .Stationery, an'l Thr-' Btandred Thousand Volumes of books, trom vrhtob. to make their .ylection, compritting an a-ssortmont not rivalüd by any other book house in the Uui+ed StateB. S. C. GRIGGS & CO. Aro Spodal Apeut3 for Messrs. Harpcr & Bro'a Publications. " D. Appletou & Co's " " Ticknor & Fiold's " " Gould & Lincoln's " J . li. liippincott & Uo'a " And furnish uil their Books at Kastfrn prices for cash. Noto Papers, Letter Papers, and Cap Papers, Blank Books, Pass Books, And all kimls of 8TATI0NERY, At the lowest prices. SLATI'S by the dozen or case. $3.Strn,ngorsanl travWi'rs rteltlng Chicago wiil find it intcresting to liuger fnr an hour amtd the interminable pilos of litoriiture ito'.i nut -tl UÜBO Street. S. C. GR1G-G-S & Co. Agents "Wanted. SfiF I'nr all coiiiiy ;inl nilaable Bubaeriptíon Wetka or auy noble wurk upnn Keli{;iunr l.ituratun, Solonoe, or Art, Addresfl S. C. GRJGGS & CO. ri-KASE HEMEMIiKR Thattlicro tfl no bookatore In tliis country kcepinfjabetter or more exteosive assortinent thun i alwya found at S9 ;iud Jl Liike strect. REMEMBER. That Public nr Private Llbmrleè can be upplitM Trftb first clnsK Standard Works liy 8. C,(l. & Co. upon bttter trnis than to sojid East anc pay freight O,W-t-rn i.iicniry and Professional nren, Teachers, Schotarfl in ui departniontfl of of the world of letters, are Invlted to make 80 an-1 41 Iac atreet tbeir ptece f resort iii momenUof li S. C. GRIGGS Sc CO.( Wholesaloaml Retall Bookwllen and stationcrA 89 . 41 I.nko Street, Chicago. s. c. origcs M9m3 k. l 150 BUSHELS OF TIMOTHY SEED DF'os Sftlo 1337BACH & PIERSON. Ann ArborOctobcr 1,1802. FARM FOB SALE. Tho undcrttigiK'ii will mll, ou tin yoars time if dosired 80 Acres ui' Land In Webster, Ailjoining Uw the farm of L. Hny.lrn. The fnrm is welHenoeiï, ina lint1 statP of cult;vation, bas a framed hou se, a yonng andjtlnifty orebanï, and is convenient tomarket. Tcthik givon on appllo&tlon, D. IIKNNIN'G. Ann Arbor, Sopt. 18th, 1862. 870in3 TJSBE EMPIRE WATER FOR ïnrtisfPBtion or Pyspepuln , Coni tipatinn , Nervoui DèbTtity, Lom of Ad petste, Common Gnlds, djeasaé of the pangi, lloatlatho, and SVYerMb tate oí the iysfem. SoW by MAYWAKI), STEIÍBIN3 & "VIISON nnd KBEIiÜACli k CO., AunArbor. .lJ8.


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