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II ü HACE WATERS, G A O E N T B 3 ;t 3 lïroadway, N c w Y o v k FublUher of Mudle and tiuslc Ilooks ÁSfí 1 KA Ï.KR IN Pinnos, Melodeons, Al ex and re Organs Oigan Accordeons, MartinV cvlobrated undother Guitars, Violins, Tenor Yiols, VioliiKiullos, Accordeons. Flutinas, it Flutes, Fifcs, TrianglopClarhncttp, Timing Forks, Pipes ancfííarnrnera, Vioíiu Bcws, bost 1 1 tJ ian Striags, Jïass Instrumento rr for ÜunJs, Piano Staofs, - and covers, and all rL kinds of Musical Inatrmncnta. A11 JS lx o o t 3M xx S i o, [■'[ii:n :)[ the JMlbll&hejrfl :i U Ui . , líi-rtim' HiintinV, :in! Modecn Üchoftl, uu) ftU kinds of ïnstroctioa Booka iju fur &bove inMruxoent; CUqrcb Uutric liookit; Haaic elegantlj bouiid; Mu.sic paper, and all kiudü uf (;i) Att heLowest P rices. New Pianos, At $17.% $200, $206, $2öO, and up to Í800. Second A Hand Pianos Croin $25 up to 16O: New Melodeons, 40,' wi, $Q0, $7L,$100,and Ufi to 200; Sóqond Band Melodeona peí f rom $íiü to S8H; lexandre Organs, with five stops. $160, 226;thirtEen - i - , $050, $275 and $800; Brteen stops, $3S0 anti :;;f; A liberal discount ■. vi. ■[), Churches, Sabbath School. Seminaries Mu and Tteticheïfl. The Traae su]ipliod ut the usuul tracle discouota anc Testimoniáis of Mie Hornee Witters Planos iviitl Mclortcoiift John Hewett, of Carthage, Kflw TTork, who has liad one ii' the ] ïorac v. ■ . ■■. riten as rollpwa : - Pe! 11 A frtend of mine wishes mo t.. purchaae a piano for Hst her. 8he tlkoa tbO one yon eoW me n December, IS.")';, res My piano is becomint; popularin tl ! i Üáak I cui can introduco onc oí two more; they will be more popto Lar 1. 1 : : it ;uiy other ni:il;i-.'' "We havo two of Waters' Planos In agetn oiirSem1 yv nrtry, one cf whjch haa becn scverelv tesfed for tbjree v ais. and ve can tesüfyto tbeir good quality aml ÍJ?0 bility."- Wood . Gregory, Monnt Cnrroll, TU. "II, U':itiT-í. !■:■■ j. - I i au Snt: HaTtng nsed onoof your Piano Fortoa for two years BftgL I have fonud itavery ..r( superior fnstrumntt. Aloxsco GTJKay, Prinr.ipnl lirooktfn ïleightü Semiiiary. "Tha Piano I received fromrjrou continúen to , isfaction. 1 regard ít as one Aifnö best nstrumeutn in the plac. ' FausIm Clakkk, Charleston., Va. 'Tlie llelodeon has Bafely an íd, 1 feel oblíged to yon fory our liberal dipcount.'? Rct. J. M. McC'okmk];. YartuesmlUS, C. "The piano wna dttly reeelved. Itcamp in excellent 34 condition, nnd is very much admirad by my numeroui fjiinily Accept my tlüinUs for your prorapUiess.'.1 - ROBEKT COOPKBj Wárrmham, Jirodjoed Co. Pa. 1 "Your piani. pleasee ua ireít. I! Ia the bet. tn our oí Conníy."- Tiimmjis A. I.vtuam, Camphell'on, 0a. or "'Vi' :i .- - ry mud 1 ■ for"hBvld(f iwnl . í SHch a Ane instrument for $250." - I!í:axk,IIki.d & Co#, !' filíenlo Pnuur.rat. Gk "The Hornee Waters PiaffÖBHure known aïramonfr the el very best Wc aro 1 i peak of these I ostroan menta Mi conSdeapo, froci pemopal k no wiedde of tlifír 15 excellent tone and rturaWe qualityl" - N. Y. Evanftitst, paj "Wecíin speak of ihemerftiB ofthí Horace Watera piar kQOsfrom personal ! , aabí :i.i-r tbe very flnost de (pi:ií:tv." - ChrislhiH Itütílizcncer. ai'i "The Hörace Watera pianos ara nnüt ,f the Mít and 1 must thoroughíj 8eanpned materiaL We luí vi do doubt ea tbat boyera can da as wcU,perhap betit-r, at tbisthan ;it nnv otliortiouse in the Union."' - Advocate and Journal. nn Waters1 pianos and melodeona challenge eomparinon hei with the Önest maöe anywhere in the country." - Home at Journal cni Iloraoc Waters' Plano Portea are of fniT, rich and i even tone, and powerf ui - 2f. i'. Musical Rtdew. Bv ':Our friöndsviU findatMr. Waters' Btor the very foi bes1 aésortmeni of Hunfe and oi' Waboa to be found in on the United Btateafand we aim our soathern and western su; friencU l i've him 1 c;ill whenever they go to New tn York."- Grattam's Magazive, lat Warchouse 333 Bioadway3 N. Y. fre Sa b b a t h S c h o o 1 Bell, üf 100,000 Issued in ten Months. Sl. The unltroceileutcd salo of tlu book lina nduced -' publislior t" addsome 80 new tuncsandhjmnstoili ) ent ai.e without extra oharge, exeept on thecheapedjtion- AmoiiK themany bcautifal tumis andliymns ndrlert i„av be C.i.n.l: - "I ujrlit t l.ivi-iny in..tliir:" "O Ml "" bc a good ohUd, Indeed I wiU." These and ciiflit others from ti I I'. v.rrc nu at tbe Sunday Sebool Anniver. '-!i sary of the M. E. Churcli at the Aoademj f Muslo, wlth great applause. Beü coutajuB nearly,200 pd bymns.aml is one of best colloctions ever issued. an Price 13c; $10 perlimnhia. pustnRf 4c Klogantly linund. ca erabossed gilt, ■-■5c, Í20 pev 100 It has been Intruduced se into many of tho I'ublic Scl .)1. Tlie 'e. i jmblislied in smaiï numbors entltled Annu vetsftry and Snnday School Musio Books,.Nos. 1,2, 3,1c 4, in or.ïer to accommodate the million; price 52 k 83 ptr of hoadréd Ko. 5 will obnbe IsmKid- ommeneomentof mi another book. Also, Revival Muhïc Hooks, X, 1 k -, pricn 1 & Í2 per 100, postage lc. More tha-.i 300,000 copies of the abovo books have !tvpn issued the ]ast Bt eigbteen months, and the _ Published by HORACE WATEKS, Aftent, 333 Droadway, N. V. Publised by Horaco Waters „ Tío. 333 Broadway, New York. u Vocal "Kind Wordscan neverdie;" "The Angels told me so;" "WiMs of lhi West;" "Thoughti of God;" . "QiTO mebaell njy Mountein Hnine;" ';]ay [treamn;" ' (,'ock Kobin;" "I'm with thee still;"l'e1 names;" "TbeiVs no darihig like niiiu:;" 'SSnah Jane I-eu;': "Mver of thee;" "I'm leaving thee in Sorrow;" "Bird of Beauty;" "Home of out birth;" "Grave of Rosabel,'' and 'Wake, lady, wake, ' price 25c each. ' IssTïuJrBSTAI, - ' 'Palace tiarden, or PlBKing Bird Polka ' 40o; "Swinging BctóttUclW;" "MliaBel Sckotasch;" 'Thomas Saker'i Schotüache;'1 "l'icwilomini l'olka, 35 cents eac-h. Tiiu .ni'pii-ci-ihavhrautiftl YÏgnettee. "Welnwr Polka, "Arabfan Wai cryMarch," the very last; " Doniellfl MazuiUa; "Real: ing l'olïca;" "Crinoline Waltz," an.l "Lancers' Qua drille," 2fic eacb. "The Kmpire of Rcichs Quadrille;V.a new danco, and "ITie Hibernian Quadrille," 3ficeae.h. ri Many of these piece are played by üaker's eelebrated {1 orchest ra with great applruse.ftj Mailed freo. A g argelot of Foreign Music at half price. nj Planos, Mcloilcons and Organs. The Horacé Waters Pianos and Mt'lodeon, f"r Iepth, ,. putity of tone and darability, are uxuurpassed. Prices o very inw Sec.diid Band l'ianos'and Melodeona hom 2i to c $150. ïusic and Musical Instruciions of all kinds, atthe ij lowest pricos. HORACE WATERS, Agent, No. 3:a Broadway, K. Y. TfSTiMONiAls; - "The lïorace Waters Pianos are known p as among the very best.' - Evangelist. , "Wecan Bpeak of their meril from personal K edge." - Ciristian Inlchtgcncer. "Xothingat the Fair displayed greater excellence -"- ChUTckman. 1 Waters' Pianos and Melodeons challenge comparison ■ with the linest made anywherein the country." - Homt. Jnurnsl. 11'Jtf LOOMIS & TRIPP, Succe.sors to Chapiu t Looai8,aiHlChapin, Tripp A Looioif 1 rpHEabove (irm of Loomis Í: Tripp having purchasei ' L tin entire interest of the farmer comprnics wil ' continue the bu ine lat theóldstandéiwhere they wil! 1 1 bc ready, on tho ahortest notice, to fill all order in the n Castingsand Machinery, , 1 In the most workmanlike mannor, and on :m libera terms ns any'otherihop in tiie Htate.Amon the vari ous arttolesnuuMifaMiwd by us,wewould enumérate STEAMÉNGINES : of all kimls; Mili Goaring and Flxturea, wroiiplitund cast; iilltho parious oafltings for makfilg and repairiug ITorse Powcrs & Threshiug Machines such as ft re itt préseni , or Imvc formerly Iteon in use in thiB part of the State, aa well as aUAhe various kin.s oi oastinga and madibiQ wort calledforby farmers and mechanica ïnthls seetíon of tbe country. 3 'ML JWM7'tB& 9 of all tin1 vnrifma pattcrnH, up In sizesami priccs. wilt be keptcunslantiy on hand, got the most modem and improved styles. Thankfui for fermer patronage totheold flrms,irt wou UI solicit a continuíinco f rom M fricmlSjHiid atrial bvall wwhinjcforanytliinif inour lim-ni' businessLÜOlfIS k TRirr. Ann Arbor.llAy 18th, 1859. 697 tf THRESHING MACHINES. PATENTAD AXI1 MAXUKACTURED BY Nichols & Sheppard7 Bnttie Creek, Mich. Improvedfor the Season of 1862 In this Sparator the i'r.'in Isaenarated trom the vtrair nu ;m-i ui' lifiingllngcrrt, tlmt loss the stratf up aiid dowo wllh asDdden uoUoq front the lime Í1 leave the cvüTnirr it paaaeö lo the stadeer, and ttae graln falla thraugh 6 böttota made of slateolear firom the itrav. Thepartfl oontalntfcg these ftngpra and the Ughl graln bnttomare made to vibnitr r swing baokward and foxwand. whloh worka the t:lv to the Btaclcec and the graintothe Rioves. ïlio Kuponority f Om machine over alt i.Uhts consista in itfi ivi-retit erationtton of Grain iromStittVj Great Blmpliclty, having no piokew or bflfttoM to dog ap.andittM nuichinery ihan any ether louchme uuw mmlc, Great capacitv, asit will notw:iste when orowded. Perfect oloaner, bavfng laiot Bdivea tha.n ;"■ nther. Easy dialt, betler oonstraeted, nnipto and iiurable. Pciinsylvania Iron Horse Power. Warrantajñ.to-b the beat Hnrse Power in use. Made with wood 01 hon frame bs preferí cd Farmers and Threshera oi Michigan! we offt-r ynu iT MACHIM' INT.K. Better Ihan Ff to', Halla Fotrlèn IMe, or anv machine bHlt o their prioclpl$a. H vu mtend buing (i machino ■[ aoy kind fet a pamphtfti of ui r ()lir Agntj and sntisfy yourgflf. - I'ainnhli't sent fsce. Cfall and se, or addi on NICHOI.3 &SEEPPAKD, Battle Creek, Michigan. Or II. WDGER3, r MYRON RASH, Agentw, Ann Arbfr;or I. V. T"! :"'" ,'&"". iK'Xtcr. S50m3 Ayer's Cathartic Pilis.


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