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-3 CARDS! CAEDSÜ CARPSÜt Hvinfrprchased 8 RrGGl.Ef ROTARV PliMOM) Card PrtiBfi -í(li a fme.issor1ment of Card ty]e. the AHGUfl Office'is prepared to print Carclp of all kiml in the aeatestpossiblestvle and at a great reduction from ormer prices,incl"dr,g BusirrEí Cards formen nf all ivocationBsndprofessions, Ball. Wedding, and Vlsttirg Ods, etc., etc. Cali gire us yours orders and see fcowitisí'ne .___ All Losses promptly adjusted MERCHANTS' INSURANCE CO,, OE HARTFORD, CONIí. Cash Capital, " $200,000. Total Assets, Jan. U , 1862, 23'387 .05 Uabilities, - l"5,834.O9 MARK H0WARD, President. E. Thos. Lobdell, Secy. The undersigne 1 lins been appcinted Agent f(ir the .óore relinble Compa",y, and will effect iosurance gaijat lossej by fire at roasopablorts. Ann Arbor , June 2 , 1862 . 85Btf j. -w. isiisriotiT, Agent for the Phoenix Insurance Company OF HARTFORD CT., AND THE CONWAY INS., COMPANY OF BOSTON MASS. Losses Honorably adjusted and promptly pnlil at tliis Agency. Office Corner Jlaip anJ Huron Street, over tho Btore of Bach & Piebson, Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor, Bept . 10, 1862. HAYMOND'S Photograpliic and Fine Art GALLERY. Kos. 205 and 307 Jefferson Aveuue, DF-TROIT. ■ttoraphs,LfeSize,colored or plain, cabinet, imiil Molainotypes, Llagaerreotypes, Ajpbrotypu, lic. CABD 1'IClüRES hy the Dezen riioul&nd. __ Surveyor & Civil Engineer. W WEEKS, Surveyor and Civil Enginrer, contin t ue to git-e ïminediate attention to all orders.- Office a: bis residenco at the corner of Cathenne ana Thayer streets. _ QrQ ift Artar. Sept. 10,1862, 8e9 I. O. O. F. ITTASHTEN'AVV LODGE No. 9, of the Independent W order of Odd Fellou-s meet at their Room, rery Friday eveninfr, !it 7á o'clock, E. RICHARDSON, N. G. S. So.vdbeim, Sec y. L. STUBBS, and Rotail Dealer in Tobacco, gars &c., W Maiuát.- aign of " Big Indian." Franklin Blsck, Inn Arbor, - - - M":"D. DeFOEEST. WaOLKSALE and Retail Pealerin Lumber, I.ath, Shinlies Sash, Doorn, Blinds, Water Lime, Grand River 1ater, iMaster Paris, and N'ails of all iras. A full ad perfect aisoitment of the aboye, and all other tind of building materials óonBtantly on hnd at the lowest possible rates, on Itetroit Street, a bv rds from (he Railroad Depot. Also operating extnsively )n the ftent Cement Roofing, ____ J. M. SCOTT. 1 icbbottpr & Pbotogei'H Artists, in the rooms formerlv occupiod by Cordley, over the store of Sperry Moore Perfect satisfaction guaraiitoed. EISDON & HENDERSON, DEALER9in Hardware, Stoves, house furninhing geoda, Tin Ware &c. te, Ne Bloot, Main Street. A. R MILLS, Dealer i Stapie Dry Goodg, Grocerics, Boots and Shoes and Keady Made Clothing, Huron Street Ann 4rborj ___ HIRAM. J BEAKEÖ. A TTORNEYS & Counsellors at Ï.AW, and Soiicitors in t. Chaneery. Office in City Hall Block, over Webster fcCo's Boon Store, Alm Vvbnr KINGSLEY & MORGAN", 4 TTBïS Couuscllors, Solicitors, and Notarles Pub . lic, have Books and Plats showing ütles of all lands lthe jOUBty,andattend toconveyancingand collecting .imande, and to paying taxes and school interest in aby rt of the State. Office east si ie of the Square. Anp Aror- ______ Wh. LEWITT, M,D, rBTClA!f & ScroïOS. Offioe at Lis rr.FidLn;e, North T sid ofHuron Street, apd2d house West of División reet, Ann Arbor. O. COLLIETt, T-SCFACTCRER and dealer in Boot and Shoes. } lYl door Wist of tbo Post Gflce. uin Arbor, MOORE & LOOMIR. TtxrrACTUKKBS awi iialcr in Boot and Sboes, VL "Phoenix Block, Main Street, one door North of Vaehlngton. _________-_--- mTguiterman & co.., tI7B0LESAi.B and Retail dealers and mannfaeturers of W ReadyJf4d,iilCÏothmg, Importcrs of Clotlis, (;,,.. .ore,,DQ6tiM7&c. Xo. 5, New Block, Ann Arbor. Ö. B. PORTER. i mi Sorgeo.v Dkntist. Office corner of Main K S ln(i Huron streets, over V. Bach's store, JJYrfQ Ann Arbor, Michigan. Wji. WAGNER, Dkalkr in Ready Made Clothing Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Girpet Bags, _c. Main 4 , Ann Arbor. " BACH PIERSON. DKALERsinDry Goods, Groceric-s, ïaiduare, Boots & Shoes, ie. , Main streot, Ann Arbor. SLAWSON & GEEE, l- ROCKRS, Provisiox & Cominiseion Merphants.andrteaJT lersin Watek LlMH, Land PLAST?, and Piastek OF ARls.ono door Eastof Cook's fjotel. C. BLISS, rufALiRinClocks, Watehes, Jewelry. and Fancy Goods J t tho8ign of thei3ig Watch, No. 2 . ?h03nix BLock J. C. WATTS. PKALRRinClocks, Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware No ■22, New Kloek, Ann Arbor. T. B. FREPMAN. BAJIBHR and Fashionable Hair Di.esser, Main Street, Ann Arbor, Micb. Hair Froats apd Curlg kept onstantly on nand. SCHOFF & MILLER. DpilEKs iQ Miscellaneous, School, and Blank Books Sta tioncry, Paper Hangings. &c, Main Street Ann 4rbor. WAïilTGNAW COUMTY B!LE SOCIETY. DüPosiTORT of Bihles and Testameats at the Society prices atW. C. Voorheis'. CHAPIÑWOOD & CO. suscEseoas yo tTTIirXJ, CHAPISTA do MANUFACT'.'RERP OF 3fllXt, BOOkL, AND - COLOREO MEDIUMS, XM v &L? pijtxs Paper,c.


Old News
Michigan Argus