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Matice. Post Office, Ank Arbor, Dec. 10. Persons mailing letters will please givo their attentiou to the conditioD nf the stamp uiüii the same, as all letters hearing stampa s diM'accd as to render it difficult to teil whether tliey have before been used, will bo trealed the same as unpaid letters. JNO. I. THOMPSON, P. M. MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD Passenger traina oow Ierre Detroit and the ever Stations in thiCuunty,s follows : U O I N G f 13 T . Ijnvo. MaiJ. N. Y. Kx. .lack.Ac. NightEl. IVtroit. 7S0A.M. J0 A.M. 6,1." P. 930 P. U. Ytnitantl, 9.00 " H.25 ' .ïO " ■' n Arbor, 9 20 '■ 11. 4S ' 7 05 " il 10 " Dexter. 9.50 " 12.10 p.m. 7.35 " Hï8 ' Chelan, 10.10 " l?.ao " 8.00 " 11.5S " Ar.Chictgo, 10-30 " 10.05 . .. The muil train gnos only to Michigan City. GO ING E A S T . Leavo. MffatEx. Jack. Ac. N.T.B. Mil. Cbleuo, 6.45 P.M. 6.3OA. si CIhIh,;,. 6.ÍSAM. 0.'Dot, '■"'i ;' ■ ftíí" ; Ann Arbor, 6.08. ■ 7 S5 " S4ar. M. 8.1i '; YpathaU, :.-.' " Ï-M " 4,05 " 6A0. " Ar. Jtetroit, 6.45 " 9.20 " 5 1 " 8.09 " Tho mail (rain starts frcm llichicai City. Trains ilo not stop at stations wliew figuré re omrt-, tetl in Chf table. ( Ann Arbnr & Lodi Plank Road Co rpHE INHUAL meetiog of tlie PtocVhoW?ts "f ',li? I Ann Arbor and Loli l'lanli Uoa.l Co., for the -1-iv tlon o Director for the opsnelog ya-, timl tm such otlicr business os projferljr como helorc the n"-ling wiil be held t the OfS: cf Iho Co., in Ann Arbor on TucRdny, Uic GtH Dn y of Jnnnary1803 at 2 o-clock P. B. taHff. Ann ArUor, Dec. Jd 1S62 . .Auction. fcale. rpHK s„ fin.ling he DM more Stock than la prottrtUi to keep, propows to sell atPublir Awti,ra thl. MUI, known k tho K.l!" M lis, .m m(to deaoribcd iiersomil pri'r'y, tu wlt : i2nmi, 1 Ef'fS01 ai" "''" 3 Yok of Qxf Sl.-ichs, 3 Tok of thrco year M gHfera , - r.innbi'r Wlgent, (ermnof Durh.iman.1 ■i Light I.umbvr Wagon!, E?T0?.' __,, ,„ 9 BumIm, 1 Vonriin; Buil (Hari Cutte, ''■"") Wlth a larso lol of otlicr farol prop".1"XEJtMS '"'T " s"m" r'vt'r """ l""'11"1' ■' ■ráLS-fcr" :;-■--- Ann Arbor, Decv Ayer's Cherry Pectoral