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Apprentice Wanted

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Wanted at this office, an notivo, mdustrious and intelligent boy, fifteen or sixteen yenre old, as an apprentïce. To sucli a lad, and ono wbo would be disposed to make himself generally useful, a good opportunity is offered. 13P The November number of Blachtoood's Edinlurgh Magazine have the follovring papers : Caxtonia, The Scot in France, Chronicles of Carlingford, Clough's Poems, Tho Land Revenue of India, Thiers on Waterloo, A Pefttbless Love, The Crisis of the American War. For terms of Blackwood and the four leading Quarterlies see prospectus in another column. L. Scott & Co., New York, American publishera. The last article is pro rebel, takes Btrong ground in favor of the South, aud urges the duty of the Euglish govern ment to acknowledge the " Confedérate gtates," and to follow acknowledgment by armed interveution. JL3" We have roueived the January number of Godey's Lady's Booc. It ia profusely and magificently illustrated. "A New Year'á Gift" is a supurb plato, aud will please all but confirmed old bachelors and rrnids; the , atic titlo page is a real gem, while the numerous lasbion plates appoal especially to the ladiea. The. table of contenta is varied aod excellent, and promises much for the volume. Godey enters upon the new year with f uil colora flying, determined to weather the storm, and he will do it. Now is the time to subscribe. 3 a year ; two eopies 5; three copies 86. Address L. A. Godky, Philadelphia. Godey and the Anaus ior $3.50 a year. l" We have before ua "etersorCs f Mag'z'ne tor January, and a model number t is. "I'm Going to J marama'Sj" frorn the fuble of Red-Ri ding ICoolI, a mezzotint by Surtaia is uoh a gom as is nnt often seon in Magazines, and "The Kittens" comes near]y up to it. The fashion and working plates are numerous and wa suppose just tho style, whüe the contenta are 8uch as Petersons ahvays gives, yaiiud and enterlaining. Thii U tbe initial number of a new volume and promises well. Now is the time to subscribe,-$2ayear; three copies S5 ; eight copies $10. Address Chas. J. Pbterson, 306 Ohestnut stteet, Philadelphia. - Peterson and the Argü3 for $2.75 a vear. JG33T The December number of the Eclectio Magazine, completing the fiftyseventh volume, bas reaehed our tabla. - It bas eigbteen papers, besides a biographical sketch of Rer. Albert Barnes, accompanying an excellent steel portrait of tbat eminent divine, and tha table of Miscellanies. These papers are gatbered from twelve of the foreign quarterlies and monthlies, and include " The DePortal Family," " Treatment of the iDsane," " The Thoory of Cromwell's Life " " The Great French Problem,1' " Uur new Ironsides," " Italy and f ranee," " The Crisis in Prussia," ' Anglo-Saxon Christianity," etc. The JEpkctic is beautifully printed, and niakes three volymes a year of about 600 pages ch. lts literature has a wide range, ,and its engravings are ia the bighest style of art. $5 a year. Address W. Jff. JBidwïhl, No. 5 Beekman Street, New York. L3" The December nuujber of the Ladica' Repository has a fine portrait of th.P venerable Pool-Editor, William Güjlkx Bryant, and also a beautidil landscape. ïho tablü of contents ie euch as is always fouod ifl the Repository, refioed, elevating and inetructive, jupt suoh a literature as muy be safely placed in tho hnnds of a familv. The RepotHory is etill edited by Kev. D. W. Olark, a genia! writer and scholar. - $2.0 ayear. - Address Messrs. Poe & JIiTcneorK, Cinciprotï, Ohio. jfëS" v' liave ''LicBÍVOtl tlie Decem' ber numbOT of tho American Agriculturist, ivith uil its düpartments replete with Interest. Tliis journal is, if not tlio very best, one of the best oi its class in the eountry. Ita columns are not fillcd with long and dry Bssayü, but wilh lire paragraphs, pertaining to tho farm, orchaH, garden, stock growing, etc, eto. lts monthly oInéaP of operations " and " basket items " alone furnish moro useful information than rcany agricultura! journals of hirge pretensions. And then it is beau tifully printod on fine, whita paper, handsomuly illustratfd, and furnished nt the low prioe of 81 a yaar, or in clubs of ten for 80 cents each. Novv is tho time to subscribe. Address OaAN-OB Judd, 41 Park Eow, N. Y. - Lea"envorth, at the Post Office, is gotting up a club. J53T On Saturduy forennon last Dr. Tappan, as President of the Law Conrresa, dulivered his annual message, ind in the evening of the same day he extured before the Law Department Lipon " The relations ol Europe to the Eübellion." We hoard neither effort, out h:ive heard both highly commended. On tlie occasion of the lectuífe tha M. E. Churoh was densely erowded, and large numbers were uuaMo to get within the building, to say nothing cf getting MBÍ8, Lectcre.- On Wednesday evening, the 17th oí December, Mr, G. W. Puras wili deüver a Poem beforo tho Students' Leoture Association. Subject - " Tbalia, or a comparison of thiog, new and old." This gentleman comea with the highest reuommendations from those places where ha has delivered his Poems. j[ The Bupper given by the ladies ot the Presbyterian Church on Tuesday evening proved both a pleasant and profitubie aSair. The net proceeda were about Sl-5. Capt. R. Bkaijan, of Co. H, 14th Michigan Infantry has buen cotipelled by continued ill health to resign his commission, and has roturned to bie home in this city. Capt. B. has the reputation of beiug an excellent offioër, íLr The Merchaats of this city havo oearly unanimously signod an qgreement to close their storaa at 7 o'ciock, P. M., Saturday evcnings ezcepted, frora the 15th iuat., Monday next,"to March lat. - Wbeu understood wo tkink this arrange ment will prove satisfactory both to dealers and the public. L3 Chas. F. Bkowke. Esq., of Vanity Fair, alias " A.rtemiia Ward " of the "was figure show" notoriety, made his yecond nnnual appearaocs beforo tho Students' Lcoture Association, on Monday evening last, in Union School Hall, on which ooeasion he was greeted wilh a large and respectable audience. HÍ8 subject " Sisty minutes in África" was hurnoiously handled - Artemus ' couldii't handle a subject any otherwise - and the houso was frequently brought dpIl.


Old News
Michigan Argus