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A CARD TO THE LIDIES. DR. DUFOÑCO'S GOLDEN riLLSEOll FEMAIaES. Inlallible in correctlng, regulating and reraoving all ob.structions, from whatever cause, and alwaya successful as a preventivo. The combinntion oí ingredients in T)r. Puponco's Goldcu Pilla Tor rcmalca are perfwtly harmless. They hnvc been osed in the private practice of Dr. Duponco ovcr COyears,and tüousnnus of ladioa can testify to their grcat and never fniling suc.ceas in almost every caseincorrectini; irre?;ularties, relievmg psiníul Bnd dlatremioi menstruation, particularly at tile ch.inge of Ufe. Frora five to ten pills will cure thnt common yet drcadrulconiplaint.the Whites Nearly every female in the land suffers fr m this complaint. Tho above Pili has permanently cured thousanda, and they ivillcure jgu if yon use thom. They can not harm you; on the contrary. they remove a!l ol'atruo.tions, re store nature to its proper channel, and invigcirnte' tho wholí sy(em. Ladles whose health will not permit an lore9a of family, wiU tind these pills a suooessful prcventive. Udies pecnliarly iltuíted, or those supposinK themselves so, shoull not use thcse Pilla during the íirst three m.ntlis, as Uiey are certain tq produce niiacnrriagt, "after whioh admpnitinp" the proprietor aasumes no responsibility, alíliough Ihcir mildness will prevent an njury to healtn. The ingredients composing thc abovc Pilla are .nado known to erery Agf nt, and thoy will tell you Ihey are safe and will perform all claimed (or (hem. Price $1 per box Sold in ANN ARDOR, by gTEBljm,, fc WII,SON. Brugglsts, W. A. Hü'Nr, Druggist. Ladios living at a, distance by sending thcm $1,QO through the Aun Arbor Tostoffice, can havo tho Pills sent (cgnfulcntially) íí mnií, to any part of the country free of poslage. 3. Jeteare of a bate caunterfeit of thete PilU. - Toa ciin buy the couiucrítit aiticlo at any price trom Ï5 to 7iconts o box fdear at tliat). Lmi lives an.t healtn are of too much valué ti be trifled with, besides beiBg Imposed upon with a worthless artcle. pieretorê, any odc offirinï you ihese Pills fnr less tlmn $1 a box, avoid tli em as yon would poison. They are bogu. N"iie aregenuine unless the name of S. D. IKïV. E is on cvery box whicta haa recently been added.on account of the PUI. being couterfeited. fcJUJJ b Yp8.laBÜ_ BLIí.3 k HEEBEJaclison, ana by one drugf ist in cveiy viüage and city in tbo United States, andby FAURAND.SIIUEIEY S; CO.. General State Agcnts, Detroitg. p UQWE, SoleProprietpr, 867yrs2 iil!w YoK' MPORTANTto FEMALES ■f J5S ■ THE HEALTH AND HFKOFWOMAJT IscontinnaMv" m peril f she i-s mad enough to neglect nr maJtreat tliose sexual iriegulatit les to which t-.vuthirds of her sex aro ni;re or tesB subject. DR. CHEESEMAN'ö PILIS, from the same formula which the inventor. Í'ORXELIUS L. CH5ESEMAN, NT. P.,of New-ïnrk, has ior twenty years used successfuüy in an extended prívate practico - immediately relieve without pain, all disturban cos of the periodical tlisciiarffo. whethor arininj!; frnm relaxntion or suppression. They act Itke a cliarm in remoring tho pains tliat acccmpnny lifticult or immoderate mfi'Struation, and nre the only safeand reHabla r&m$&yfoi Flunhe, Piek Hedaefaé, Ph.Uifl in the LotaS. Hack and Side, Palpítatíon of the Haart Nerveus Tremors, Hjaterica, ftpasms, Brofaefi Slap and nthor unplcn sant and daneerous effect s of an unnatnral condition of the sexual functions In the worst cases of Fluor Albus or Whites, they effeot a speedy enre. To ■W'IVS anti IVlATROlsrS. DR.OHKESEHN'SPHXSareofPeredaa the only safe means of ed menstri}itioa, luit. NADIES MUST BEAR J IID Thcrs is onerowduion of the f em a Ie sysiem fa which tht PW cannot ha teken ieihait productn# a PECULIAR RESÜLT. Thecnniiithn referred to i PHEQN4NCY- the result, MISCA RHIAGE. Sueh is the irresistible tendency nf the medicine tor rstors thi serva! fai-ctions to a normal cowlüio, tb at even the reproductive power of nature cnnvnt rpsist Ét. ExplirJt directions siating ichen, cndwhp.n they hon'd vot be werf, with e-ich Böx, - Lhe Price Out Dollar eack Box, r.bntainiug 50 Pilis. A valuahle Pa nphlet. to be had free of the Agents. Püs sent bij mail promptly, by eaolosing pnce to any Agent. WDïïSftLlHMl Proprietnr. 20 Ccdar-Sl., New York. For Sale 17 MAYN'AHTI STEBBIXS & WII.SQN , and 'iREKViLLE & iCLi.Lil. Howard Association, PHILADELPHIA. Ftrrthf relief of the Sicli and Dislrcsneed, ajlicledwith ViruUn and Chrnnic Mscaaei, and cspex.ially fvr Iht Cure o f Viseases nf the! OrgaM, MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, Ijy the Actijig Sur. VALUABI.F. REPOHTS on Sperma orrhoea, and other Diaeascs of the Sixn.% Organs,and nn thi NF.W Rf.nlEDIKS employcd in the Difipensary, sent in sealed lettff envelónos, fíee nf charge. T-o or thret stamp feu . acceptable. Addres, Dr. J. SKILL1N HOUGHTON', Howard Aasociation, No 2 S. Xinth St., Philadelpliia.'Pa. 860j-l 8S@ See a woman, in another column, picking Sambuci Grnpcs for Sfekr's Wine. It is an admirable artiele, used in hoapitals and by first-class families in Paris, Londpn, una New York, ín preferente to old port wine. It is worth a trial, as it give9 great satisfaotion. THE TCOOTS AND THE LE AVES WILL be for the Hoalii.g of the Nations. BibU. irof. n. ar. IjYokts, THE GREAT AND CEXT5BRATED PHVSIC1AN of the THKOAT.LUNGS. IIKAUT, LIVI'.P. AXD THE BLOOD, Known all over tli e country as the CF.LERRATI'D TJÏIDTA.JSr HEKB DOCTOR I Of 2 Superior ritreet, Cleveland, Ohio. W;I1 visit Ihe following places, viz APPOisiMian oa i8$2, xscsami jsei. Prof R. J. Lyons can be consulted at the frllowing places every muntli, viz: Detroit, Hussel House, each month, IStli anj 19th. Ann Arbir. Monitor Hous, ench monlh, Qih. Jackscn, ilibbarti House, tacli raonth, il, Adrián, Brjtcket House, each munth 'J2Ú and23d. Tuleilo, üliio.Culhns Huuse,euch inouth, 2ith, SJth, anilSlitli. Hülsdale, ilich. , Hillstlale IIousp, each month, 27th. Colüwater, ich., tíuutnem Michigan iiouse, each monlh, 28th. Kikhart. Klkhirt House, each month , 29th. South Bend, lnd., St. Ju. Hutcl, each nionth, 30. Lapnrte, ïnd., Tee Oarden House, each rannth 31st. Wiioster, Uhio, Crandell Exchange, each month, 7th andeih. MmfleM) Ohio, Wiler House, eich month, 9th and lOth. ML. Vernon, Kenyon Ilouse, each montii, llth and 12th. Newark, Ohio, Holton House, each mcnlh, 13th and 14 th, Painesville, Ohio, Cowles Tlnuse, each month, 2d. ( ■l.i-vi LAND, OHIO. RLSII'KNSK ANÜ OFFICE, 282 SUPEKJÜR STEEET, Rast of the public square, oppoaite the PoKtufitc. Office daya each raouth, 1-it. bd, 4ih,5Ui, bth, lálh.- Office hours from 9 A H. to 12 M, and from 2 P. M. to 4 1'. M. OnSaatey from 9 tolOA. M.,apd 1 to 2 P. M. jB"Maxims strictly aiihertid to- I Rive sucli balm ;ts have no strife, Wiih nature or the las Of Üfe. Witli blood my huaüs I never ütaiiij Nor poiBon men toease their jjajp. IJe is a pkydcian indeed, who Cu The Indian Her. Doctor, Et. J. IA'üNe?, euros the fol lowing comp laints ín the must obütinato stages of tlieir existeijce, vi% Diseaseft of the Th roa t, Lunjs, Hart, Liter, Stomach, Dropsy intheCliest, Rbeumatfsm, Ntanilgiu, Fits, or Falling Sickiiess, and all other nervua ArRQgenaeiitS. Also ii 11 liiseasei of the blood, such a.s Scrulula, hrysipeliis, Cancera, Fever rioren, Lepruisy, and aU other complicated phrooic conapUints All forms of leinale difiiculties attenderl to with the happicst results. IL is hoped that no one will despair of a cure until they have given the Indian Herb Oóotor'a Medicines a fair and faiibful tiial. gl'uring tho Doctoré travel n Europe, West Indits, South .Ameiica. and the United States, he haa been the iusininieut in Oodi hand. to restore to hoaltU ;tnd rigor tlnmsands who were givon up ;in'l proaouneed incurable by ibe most eminent old school physicians; nay, more, thon-ands whü were on th? yerge of the grave, art1 oow living moLumnnts to the ludinn Ucrb's Dootor's dklll and auccessfu 1 treitmcnt,andare daily exclainiing: "B'essed be the da j wben fir&t ie saw and partook of the Indian Herb Doctor's medicine." atisl'actory refcrencesof cures wilï be gladly and cheorfully givcn n Imnevür requlri '1The Doctor plodgea his word and honor, that he will ÍS do wifMjdírectljr Or indirectly, induce or eaufte any iiivalid to take his medicine without Ihe strungest probabílity of a cure. ilude üf examination, which is otirely different froin the faoulty. Dr Lyon professoi to diseern diseases by the cye. ll(t tlirefure ;isks noquestions, nor doeshe reqtiire patientto ex pin in symptomn. Cafl one and all, tnd have tjipsympioms ;m locatiou of yoiir disease explained fren of c.hargo. IThe poorshall bf liberally considered. jqÈS-Postofflo.p artdress, box 26fi;ï. K, J. LYONS. M P. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 25, 1862. Iy83ö HIDES, H1DES. The highest market . prico paid for all kintls of PELTS Sc TTTIRSi I ehall vts't different localtvies jn this county the coming winter, and will pay (lif HIGHEST MARKET PRICE -IN CASH For all kmds qï Hides and Furs. I tshall be in tbia city every Saturday. a . „ - , ANSEL GREKN. AnnArbor Noy 2i, 1S62. lm880 Oyal Picture Frames AU.3IZBS,STTU5E aod PRICE3 just recoivid a,vi fcrsale chcapat QHOFF & MILLER'S. 1360.Dec.25. v80tf Ayer's Ague Cur#.


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