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8PLUÍl'S SAMBÜCI WÏNE, URE, AND FOUR YEAR3 OLD, Of CUoiee Oporío xi'ruit, FÖR PHYSICIANF' USF., FOR FEMALES. WEAKLY'PERSnNS & INTALIDS (fifi Kvery fatnily, at tilia scason, should ase tho SAMBUC1 WIME, Celebrated in Eurppe for " medicinal and beneflcial qualitie a a gentle Wimulopt, Torio. Diurctic and u dcriflc, higlily e.-tecmod by eminent pliysicians, used in European and American Hospilals, and by orne of tlie first fasíilie of Evirope aad America. AS A TONIC, It lmsoo equal.Musingan appetite and building up oí the system heing ntirely a pure üvine of a mot valuablu fruit. AS A DIUIU.TI0, It imparta a healthy action to the Glands and Kidr.eys, and Urinary Organs, -very benedciai in Dropsy, Gout, and Rheumatic atfeptions. SPEER'S WINE Isnot a nsixlureor manufacturad article, but apure, Trom tliejuiceof the Portugal í'ambucusgr&pe.cnHivateii in New Jfrsey . recommended by C nemists and Pliyeicians a possessiug medical prnperti b superior to anv other ' Wine in uso. and au excellent article for all weak and dcbilitated persons, and the aged and inflrm, improvinj the appvtite, and bonefi:ing ladies and children. A LADIES WIHB, Becauso it ivill not ictoicíite as other wine, as lt ontains no mixture of pirita or liquors, and is atlmireO oritsrich, peculiar ílavor, and nutritive properties, mpartlng a lieaühy tone to the digeRlive orgnns.and a looming, soft and healthy skin and complexión. WE REFER TQ I few well known gentlemen andphysicians, who have ried the Wine: - 3en. WiníieldScntt, U.S. A. Dr. Wilfon, llth 8t., N. Y. Sov. Morean, N.Y. stale Dr. War.l, Nevrark, H. J, ir.J.R. Chüton.N. Y.City. Ilr. Uougherty, " " 3. Parker, N Y. City. Dr. Parish, Philadelpliia. Drs. Parcy nnd NichoU, Kevark, S. J I tn'l many otilen too nnmerous to publish. Ê.Jwvwr, jC-N'one fíonuine unless the aignature of ALFKKU gl'KKR, Taasaic.N. J.," is over the cork of each bottle. O-MAKE OXE TMAL OF THIS WINB. For Sale by Mnynnrd, Stebblns & Wilson, Ann Arbor. Trade aupplied in Detroit by H. & L. SIMOKEAU. A. SPEER, EropTietcw. VINF.YARP. Passaic, New Jersey. OFFICE, S08 P.roadway, N. Y. JOHNLAFOV, Pan, 834m6 Agent forFranceand Germapy. RIS DOrTÍ HËN DERBOiN 1 CRAIN DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufactured al Springfie'.d, Obio. rpHE VEKY I.ATEST IMPROVEMF.NT, and better than i. all othcrs; adapted to soiviug Wheat, Bye, Oats, Barley and Grasa Seed. Ist. It has a Bntary Feeder. 2d. Wiil sow all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. Sd. liever h,unches the Grain êth. Never breaks the G'rain. 5th. fiows Grass Seed broadeast hehindthe Drill. &t,h. Kas high wlieels and long Hoes. 7th. JTas long and wide steel points. Sth. lt has a land neasure or Surveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and dngle rank drills. Oíh. lt ha$ a sel adjusting sliut off t is neatly and substantialty made. There is hardly a Drill offered in the market but can oast of more or less FJIÏST PEEMIUMS? 'hey nre about as indiscriminntel}' bestowed a5 the titlt f " Professor," which is sometiraeí üppliod tP tl 'jiddler" or l bootblack.'' Tbey cease to coavey the dea oï tycrit. The Buckeye Drill has betn on Eshibition at quite a number of Ütateand Couatjr Fairs, ml without seeking avor at thfl hands of any Coraipittee, haa received its ull aliare of Premiums, TESTIMONIALS : We gire tlie fo'lowiíjj? pames of a few Farmtrs in th'a vicinity wao hare bough,t aftd used thc Buckeye Drill : Godfrey MUlcr, Scío. Jacob Pollieraus " Jaqob Trom per, ct Thomas White, Nortlifteld, John Brokfcw, Christian Kapp, u Edwvrd Hoy den, Webster. James Treadvyell, . ADnArbor, Daniel Ü' Hará, " " John ii. Cook, Lodi. O. A. Marshall, " L. Ldmon 's, Saline, George Cropsey, Green Oak, Liv.Co. We are also Ageuts for tho Ohio Roapcr & Mowers acknowledged tobe the vcry best in use. ■ "We are just in receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Whicli we will sell Ciieap. Also alargeaasortmput o Orass Scytlies, And the largest and best setarted stock of BENT STTJï1!1 FOR CAKRIAf!E3cver bcfore offbred in tbis m.'irkct. We aiso kpop alarge and full NAILS, GLASS, PüTTY, PAIPÍT, ana UN S EED OIL, A completo asaortment of STOVES, TINWAEE, AND EAVE TROUGHSalwaj-s on hand and put up at the shortetït nottce. RISDON & HENDKRSO5. Ann Avbor,.Juno33th. 186.2 i?69ti FOE SALE. W. S. SAUNDERS cffers his Homestead For Snle. Wil! be in Ann Arbor the last woek in September, Prioo cwolsS Toyixxsi CV" kc fjbtahícd hi eaUmg at th;s Ofet


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