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SCHOFF & MÍLLER ! A No. 2, Franklin Elock, with themost oompU'to nsaortment of Books and Staíioneiy, PERFUMERIES, F ANC Y GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPliUS, SHADES, ROLLERS, COEDS, TASSELS, GILT COENTOES, UUUTA1NS, IIOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Eveí offercd in this Market ! and they woulJsuggost tothoscin pursuHcf.inytliingio SANTA OLA US' LLNE ihat they cao secure ft Doublé Christmas Present ! by purclmsing from tlii Mocli, ;n o.noh purchaser getf an tidüitioual prosent of Jowdry, &c. , Rangiflg invalue trom 50 ets. to $50. 46 ThpytniHt t't:it their loog experieiice in sclectïna gooda forthis market, andatrlct attentioi t,. tl of CuFtimioi-s, may eiuiile tLt--ni to a liberal abar "j Patronage, Anu Albor, Deo. 5. 1860 ÏTTtf LlFlü IIS'SUKaJXCE. The Connecticut Mutual Life Insuranco Company. Aocumukted Capital, - $3,500,000. WII.LLN.--Lr.': LIVES fot auy anjount not cxceetinft S.C-'.HJo :■■. the linie term of Life or for a term of yéêxt, on the moa t favorable ternas. N . li The Company is puroïy mutual and the pollcy folders get uil the surplus over the exact cosí of insur anee 1' ;:1 tbe öettlemeni of their premium;" ON LIFK P0UCIE3, if desired, by tnking anotefurune half the amount. beaiiug interest at alx percent, per aiinuin. Dividend are Dedared Annually! and since tlu-y r.ow aiuuunt to WFTY per cent on the preiiiinin, c:i.-li and note, and are Increa&ixtg the; may be applieit t e u'.rt'l ll.ciiotcs. The rates of premiums areaslow asiiny other responsibli' (Vmpaiiy aadtbelarge accumulated funl of $36000001aseoarelj'iavBstedta6jaDaj he seen liy refereucB to the statement made accontingto law, on file iu tho office of t he Oouuly Clerlï, at Ann Arlmr.-ÊH JAMSS GOODWIN, Preat. GutR. PiiBtPSjSecT. Fórparticnlarsapplytö JAME8 O. WATSOK. 768?1 Ageut at AnuArbvr Ulflb. Grcat Reduction in the Price of SINÖEE & CO.'S Standard Machines . Wcll known to he Ihe Rest far Minufacturing purpoae. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machino, formerly solJ at 90, redneed to 70. No. 2, of same kind of Machine, for merly sold at $100, reducod to $75. SLNGER'S LETTER A MACH INÊ Is the best Machiae in the worlá föivFamily Sewingand [.glit Manufacturlrig furpoaee; (witk Hemmer,) and beautifufly ornaaaeoted $50. 'i'ht1 Nös. ] anl S Maohtoes are of icreat capacity ind appiioation for manufacturing purpoae. ()i:r No. 3 Machiui-s are especially adaptad to all kinds of lïght and heavy L$%ther Vork, in Carriage TriniiniiüC. Boot and Shi e Staking, Harneas V;ikin,!r,etc.,etc. TLcy Are of extra sizej and ith au arm long enoogh to takt undec it aad etitch the largegt 'siae doshes. Thfire is scarcelj any part i o Trimmers3 stitchlng that cannnt be botter düue with them tha by hand ; so, too, the saving o( time und labor is ve-y grcut. Thetableof these maobines ia 24 foches long, and the shuttle wlll hold -ix times the usual quantityfof thread. Xhslarge machine wenks as fastas sninll ones. We wou ld ank for our l-cttcr A Machine, the special iittt'iition uf Vest Makers and Dresa M-ikcrs, and all those wlio vat;f Uacblnetffor UgH mana facturing purposes. They embody tliu pridciploa of tiic standard machines, makin Hkethem. thei tch.and are destined t be ae celebra ted for Family Skwing r.l lig kt d)anu&eturïng iHirpose-s as Jour standard m:ichincs are for manufactarlng purposex in general. Wtí have ahrayaon hand, UBimiitQ oii i;ks,sjï.k twist I:IXKN AWD aOTDOH ■."lllíKAD, os 8POOL3, liKST MAClilNlC 011 tl bottleB, etc etc. We mánulaoturé our onn Needls, ftfld would wam all perkjon using our machines imttobuy anyothezfi. VPe kntnv tliiit there are needleíí sold of tfiê most inferior qualüy at higher prices than wc harg ; for the iiest. The needies sold by us are maouïactured wipecially for our roa. bines. A bad necdlemay reader the beat machine, almost uselesê. Our custoniers may rest asMJred thatal. -nir Üranch Oflïcea are furnUhod with the Li genuineactijld " Jn case of aqtaUparohfUO, the money may b sint in postage stampf, or bank nntes.. Correspondent will pleásewrite their ñames dtetlaetly. It i all inpnrtaut that we should, ineacticase, know the Post OfiBoe, C'ounty, and State. j&9" All persons reqntring l&formatlon about SevlDg Machines, their ize} prices, workiog ofi-pacities, aud thfl j best methods of purohaainr, oan 'ibtain it by sending to ua, or ny of our Braneb, Offices fora cpy of I. M. Singer & Co.' Gazetto, Which U a bo.iutiful Pictorlal l'aper efltircly devoted to the subject- L will he$c7(t f rat is. 4. I #&■ Wfl have made the a-bove REpUCTION IN PR!CE with the twO'fpld vi.w pf benefltifig the publicandourfielvos. The public have heen swinciled by spurious machines made in imitatiou uf ours. Tne metal in thern, from the ir on casting to the amallesi peice, ta i poor quality. Their malu-rs haye npt fchfl raeana to ■!" tbelr wenk veil. Thoy a.rehld ivway in necret places t.whero it would be impossible to have at their ;. . T ■:■■ p: ■■ ;■ er mscbanicai api tfaaees. l; ís (ipij by tlinf; :i gi-t-at business, and havinVxtensive münufacturinü cstablishmoQts, that irood machines can be made ;tt moder&tprioefl, The best deaigned maohinea, HADI.Y .MADK, are always haljle to get out of oïder, and aresure to eost con.-iilerable trouble and money to keotrtbeni tttrepalre Tlie quulities to b tortked for in a Machine are J ;:-itainty oï correct aotion at al] rates of speen, siii.idit.-iiy of construction, great durabüity. andrapi'Uty of operation, wiih the lea it abor. Mdchlnea to omnblne these essentlal qnalitiefíT'tmuñt be made of the best me:al &ni finish-d to perfection. We have thoway und mei!,us,oti a grand Boale, to do this. The purbhftsers of machines, whofledaïly bread it may concern, wili tind that tbose haviiiií the aboveiiuaHties not only work wcll at n;;il au well na tin ■..■ i ■ speed ,but tast langer n thn finest posslble woikini; order. Our muiihinüH, as made by us, will earn moce mpnpy with tesa labor than auy otbers whethei in Iraitatfon of ou rs or not . In f act, they are cheapor than any pthcr machiuesHs agift. I. M. 'SÍNGER, & CO., 458 Broadway New York. 83T Detroit OQice, 58 Wootlward Avenue. (Merrill Bloeit.) 811tf M. IL GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor, BOOTS SHOES MOOHE 8i LOOMIS Are now receiving a Inrge aRsortment of Boots and Shoep and RTJBBEES! Which thpy pvopQüe to sell 50 per cent below farmer priecefor cash. llen's good Kip Boots, from $1,50 to $3,00 Men's good Thick Boots, from 2,00 to 3,00 Men's good Calf Boots, from 2,50 to 3,75 Boy's Calf, Kip and Thick Boota, 88 to 1,75 Ladies' Gaiters, frora 44 to 1,25 Ladio8' Morocco Bootees, from 75 to 1,25 Anti ftn endloss vaiiöty of Smal Shoesfrom Fancy Balinoralfi to Infanta' Creeping Slioes, We are alwoAHiiufnrturliig nll Uiitcïx of WARRANTED BOOTS & SHOES. Mens Fine Frencli Calf Boots Peggecl and Sciyed. So glve sa cali befortf pavjriiaAiaff eUftvhere. as wearo boond n"t d be undoraoM. ■EËPAIRINO DQKK ON SHoKINoni i:.i.jr M1XÍRE & LOOMIS Mnin St., An Arbor, Mioh. 820tf ana Arbor City loe House fc-r Sale Cheap. Tl 1 1: mibtcriber uft?r. U-t na-Ifl lus Ice House, wüh Strx bJo aadShed attached, hls Dwellfog House, and abiiiit %) aeren of land .'Vioiniiigttagctlier with HoraeS] Wagons, Tool?, &c. , very cheap. Butft m.:;iM propojrtioD reqaired down nnd the bal iin"'1 'Mri rem nf n on : 670WÖ Ol-IlMKNr R, IU"M1-ON.


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Michigan Argus