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Dr. Wm. B. Hurds' DENTAL REMEDIES, A HE ; THE BEST IN THE WORLD, IXSUBINO FIAE TEETÜ & A SWEET BREATH, i CuringToothaehe & Neuralgia, Do you wiBb tobeblessed with and admired for Pux i.y WuiTKand Sound T&kTH? Uto Dr. W. B. HUR1VS UN KI VALLE T0OTH POWI'KU, nmQttd fre fron :tcid,alkali, or auy ipjuriout subfiUnce. Price,3 cenU per box. tJ3 Beware of the onlüury cheap Tooth Fowdtri, which whtteg) but diiiitroy. Do you wish to be certain that your Biikatii is pure. aweet, au! um-ubic to hu8b;iud uï wife, lover or (Heads? EJse Pr. HURÜ'g CELEBRATÏU) MüL'TH WAL1I. Prise, 38 cents per bottlc. 'ibis astringont wash is alsn the best reutttdy in the w nM for Cankkk, Bad Iïke.vth, Gums, Sork M WXH, vtc. It has cured huudreds Do you, orynur cliiHrcn suflerfrom Tootuache? Ge Ir. HURD'S MAÖÏC TOOTUACHE DROPS. Prioe. lft ceaU pei btiiu. Are voii ftLfl!eted vith NKURALGIAf Get Ir W B HURD'S NEURALGIA I'LASThRS, The wout eifcctlra ud delightfuï rtiaody kowu. f Thoy do not fulhoro nor blister, but oothe and charm pain aay. Try them. Piice, 18 and 37 ctmU.- ilailcd on recfiit oi iricc. Do you wish a oonplOto Bet of Df.NTAL REMEDIR? and a Tkk.vtK ok l'KKKvixt; Teeth? (JetDr. HURD'8 DENTAL TREA.URY, the neatest and most vlub1e prssont that one friend can makt ti anothcr. Price, %% .Sent by muil ou rectipt of pnce. For sale at all the best stores throughout tht country. Cactiox, - Ah tbre are dealers who take adranueif of onr advc-rtiiiomentH to iinpose upon thalr custompr inft'i ior prejjarations, it is ucessavy u ïasist upon baring ivliat you cali for, and you will afcl ihb bist, tborougljr tos'.ed, and prepareil by an ex p eneneed and scientifict ]) atlst, ireasurer cf the New York State Deutist'fl jsociation, and Vico President of tlio New York City Dental Society, Addpcaa WM. B. HURD & CO , Mew York. 1K3 Br. Huïd's Doata! Remedies are for salo in Ano Arbor by Ltejiiiims : Wiuso.v, Eberbach & ('o. , and GRKNVILLS & 1'LLLtK. 8G0t( TOE OLD CORNER RENEWED! with 3eat stook:, lEWGOOm&C. FAR.MKKS' IW CASH STORE (At the old stand of Thompson & Millea.) I am uow opening a carefully SELECTED STOCK OF STAPLE DRY GOODS COXSISHNQ OF DRESS GOODS, PRINT3, BROWN él BLEACHED 3HEETING8, CASSIMERES, FLANNEIiS, &o. and everything that is kept in a Doraestic Housoi also a fioe assortraent of BOOTS $c SHOES! AND YANKEE NOT1ONS, A full stock of GROCERIES eonstantly on hand. FARMER'S PRODUCE ! Botiglit and Sold. Tbankful to old friends aud customer 'oi past favovs, I hopo to roerit a share of their patronage, by dealing justly with all. C. B. THOMPSON, (formerly with C. H. Millen & Cx) Ann Arbor, Oct. 1, 1862. 872tf 'Provïde for Yo' r Family." IC3SriCK:LS,3BOCI5:EÜ LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, IVcstcrn offlco,Knjbary Block, Randolph St., Chingo, Assets Jan. lst, 1802, $270,223,44, Policies are issued upon the live of flehtors, and for l!l busines ptirpo;en, ei(her for Hic for a term ot ■ejirs. on as favoi itUIt1 tf-i![is .-s by any othor Company.. Mi; rii il ladie niiiv Insura )■O üvcs of their )iubnil, iccorciing to a law of the State, necuring tlic amoim, of be in-ur;uicc to themselves or tlieir children, fr'e froir he claims of thcir liusbsnda' creditors ; also, nwiroq adíes can insure thcir own livea for thfl benefit of theiy hildrao or trustees. ,,n livea are issued for any uin no. exceeding Bv thé tenm "f the charter, hi Corapïny ia prohlWed pajlog mo.-e thao 7 per oeot. annually in dividend in ts capital to stockholders ; an.l it reccive Ihat urn n Interul for the ma of its capital, the surplus boing llvided among Ihe Uutual Insurers ; henee t will lyji.n-iT Vuil ii coniblöe the adfantoges ot' a Mutual Mfito ba Becurlty of a stook Company. '. i .i :■■■ premium to $40 or over a note ,y be gten for iour teerths of tho amount. Rtcs as ,IV os atiy olhergood ooropany. Now is the time of sjcure a cou(pdon:y for your imily should deith fluí', yoiir homosteait ciicumbe:4 nd busiuOüi1 involvtil. BRASirjS l.VMAN, I-reaidenV Gko F. Pnhtks.p tv. B. K. JehUtori, Ice 1 resident, anJ Manager of Vcsrn Urauch oflice, Chicago. B. B. PQND, Agent. WSr. I-EWITT, M. n., Medical Eianiiner. kyer's Cherry Pectoral,


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Michigan Argus