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Unsiiiess IMrertnu. CARD5I CABDSM OAFESJ! Havinír parchase n RrGOLKf RotiBT TiMOr Card Presí.witlin fiprnssortmpnt ofOird tjj-, the AGri 'Offlceis prrpnred tn prini Onw'F of fll) khf1.1 in tlie oeatest pospiblrstvlp nnd si ■ frrp.i1 redoetrri from 'ortner pricep.inclinlirg BuirrFf Tnrdí; fornirrofa]] ivocationf iim!profssons,.Pall Wodi!in(r. uní Visitirg Crds, etc., etc. Cali give un rours orders and sec how t i -' ne Áll Losjes promptly adjustëd MERCHANTS' INSURANCE CO., OF HARTFORD, COKN. Cash Capital, " $200,000. Total Assets , Jan. lal , 1862, $237,387 05 Uabiüties, - lJOi.Q MARK H0WARD, President. E. Thos. Lobdkix, Secy. Th unlcrsigned has been appclnted Agent for the .öove rcliable Company. and will effect nsuranc gaiast lossei by tire at reasonablerates. E.B. POND. Ann Arbor,June2, 1863. 85$tf cr. "w. jsiiia-ïiT, Agent for the Phoenix Insurance Compány OF HARTFORD CT., AND THE CONWAY INS., COMPANY OF BOSTON' JIASS. Lofises Honorably adjusted and nrrroptly paid at thisAgency. Office Corner Main and Huron Street, over the atoreofBACH & Piersgn' , Ann Arbor. Ann Arbi.r, Sept. 19, 1P62. EAYMONP'g Pliotographic and Fine Art (ALICER Y No. 205 and BOT Jeiferson Avenue, DETROIT. 'botographs.LifeSiie.cnlored or plain, cabinet, imxirial Melainotypes, Inguerreotypes, Arohrotypas, itc S" CARD PIC1URKS by the Dcien nr Thou■b4- _ -09yl Surveyor# Civil Engineer. WWIíKs, Surveyur and Civil Enginxr. cintin ues to gie nhmedittte Bt'ention tci all H.rdtj s.- Official liis residence at the cornir "f Catherine and Thaverstreets. Anp Artor, 10, 1862, lj8C9 I. O. O. F. IXTASHTENAW LDKQE 8p. 9, of the Tndependenl W onlcr of Odil 'Felloirs mest at tbeir Lodg Boom, rery Friday eveninp, at 1% o'clock, K. BICHARDSÜN, N. Ö. S; Soxdheim, Sep'y. L. sTDBBS. WBOIKSALK and Ritaü Dealev in Tobacco, CigarR te., Main ■.- sign of " B,g Indiin." Franlilin Block, inn Arbor, M'chD. DkFOREST, iTTHÖLKaALl! and Retail Dealerin l.uniber, Ith, Stiin'V gles, riash, Doors, lilinds, Water Linie, (rand River 'fter, 'laster I'aria, and Kails of all sizes. A Culi i;i perfect a ortment qf the above, and all otber tiixla of bl)((dng maten.j)? constantly on hand at the fowest possible rates'on .tetroit -ircct, a few od from (he Riilrnad Pepot. Also OfWrating in thp patent Cement Rnnfme. J. M. SCOTT. l mbhottpb k PnoTor.HPH Aktists, in the roomf formerlyoecunie.lbyruvdley, over the store of Sperry t Moure Perfect satisfaction guarantced. EISDON &ÍÍENDERSON, C EALERS in HkrdmW, Stare, houat furnishinggoods, t Tin Ware &c. &8-, Ne Block, Main ïlreet. A. P. MILLS, Pritnt in Staple Dry Goods, Grocerïcs, .Boots and Mhoes aad Ready Made Clothiug, Huron Street Ann .rbor. HIIIAM. J BEAKES. TTOBXllYS: CorNSKi-i.OKS at Uw, and So'.icitorR in ? GbajMcry. Office iK City Hall Block, over yVebster k Co's Boon Store, Ann VrPor KINGSLEY & MORGAN, A TTOR.víTS, Coansellora, Solicitors, and Nutariei-Pub - lic, have Books and Ptets slowiag titles ol all lands Uthe ounty, and atteifd tocCBj'cyaiw;ji)!oller.tiDg ímand8,and to paying taxea and school interest in aiiy rt of the State. Office eastni-leofthe Square. Ann ArL , Wm. LEWITT, M. D., Pbltsicia-v ft Scri-.eo.v. Office t his residence, Novth ide of Ifuren strcet, and 2d house West of División itreet, Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER, MASCFAOTl-RERan.ldeaier in Boots and Shoes. 1 door Weit of the l'ost ' ffleo. inn Arbor, Jlich. MOORE & LOOMI8. T ixukactcrkrs anrt Jealer in Boot and Shoes, VI Phoenix Block, Main Streel, Ott_ door North of 9"bington. - M. GUITEKMAN & CO .., IXTnoLKSALE and Retail dealers and pjipufacturers of VV Ready, Importéis of Cloths, Cassi(iere, Doeskiris, &c. o. 5, ?ew Dlock, Ann Arbor. C. B. POKTER, ______ Dkntibt. Office onrper of Muin JE afc ,n,l Hurnn streets, over P. Biicn's store, iirHÉBk Ann Arlinr, Michigan. -" '"'' April, 1859, Wm. WAGNER, D kaler in Ready Made Clothing Cloths, CassimereB and V'estings, Hats, Caps, Trunks, CarpetBagB, &c. Main ti , Ann Arbor. BACH & PIERSON . Dealers ia Dry Goods, Oroceries, Hardware, BootH & Shoea, &c, Main strpet, Apn Arbor. SLAWSON & GEER, 1 rocbbs, Provisión i CominisEijn M,erchants,and deaX lerein ATJSK JjJMF, Lasd Plaste, and Plasteb of doctr Estof Cook's Hotel. C. BLISS, rviUEninCIock, Watches, Jewohy. and Fancy Goeds, J t thsign of the (Jig ?#icb , No. l' . .Phosnix Bipk J. C. WATTS. PKALKRinCloi-.ks.Watchcs, Jewclry and Silver Ware No 2_, Neiv Block, Ann Arbof. T. B. FREEMAN. I)ARD-R and Fashionable Hair Ilresser, Main Str.eet, fy Ann Arbor, Mich. Hir Fronts and Curls Lpt tastlntly on nand. SCHOFF & MILLER. rVïii.KHs in MiKcellaneous, School, and Blank Boojs Sta U tionery, Paper Hangings. &c, Main Street Ann rbor. WASirrENAwcoum bible socieh. ïpositokt of BiMob and TestaroentB at the Society 1-f prices at W. C. Voorlu-is'. CHAPÏN7WÖbD & C0. Ü7CES.OEÍ To ETJ3Nri_, o_i3r__.iiavrcte Oo MAMUFACT'THERS OF Print) _Oool_L., ANP - OOLORED MEDIUMS, hrr'IlFixs Papcr.ífcc. AA'.V ABBOK HtCH.


Old News
Michigan Argus