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A'ÏTENTION CIiOTÍÉIBRS ? JfcST received ai tho Genen 1 Depot, lor tl, sale of Clvh;(!.-s Stock. Mhclnheiy. DycSiufi's &.c. te.-, Nö. lüS). 'jffF.Tson Avenue. Det.-on, tho toüowinu hivc, wetl ffrwdj and sarqfully so!cctdd stock. v,z: 10) bbls. Sr. Domingo Logwood, Cut, 5 T.ona " ia Stick, 150 bMa. Cubi Fustic, Cut, 5 Tons '; " Suck, 50 bhta. Nic. Woorti CUipped, 5U " Li. ai VVood, 30 " Red yVprqd, ' 12) Ground Camwpod, 10 " Q,:iorc:inon Bark, 5J0 lbs. STutgalts, 10 Cuses Bsiraci of Logwood, 300 Ibs. Lne Oye, 2 Crooñs S(5nnl9ft Indigo, 300 Ibs. SumacStcijyj 3 CnsU3 M tddeK 3 Cadks Bluö Vitrioi, 5 C.isks Aliuiu 2 Barrels Red TWar. 2 Bnrrels Crcnm Tártar, 3 Carbbys A;qaá Foríis; 5 " O] Vi'riol, 3 4i -Muriatic Acid, 500 IKs. Virdigris, 53 li Block Tin, Teasels, Twine, Cpppor Ketües, all aizes, Parèoii's Sheanng Machines, Curtis' Scrovvs and Press Platea, Cr-uiks. Press Paper. Stee! Reeds, Worsied II i'.-ness.. Tenter Hooks, E nery, all No's..' Olive Oíl, - Cloihiers' Jacks, S;utinetl Worp, Clathiers' Brushes. Shuulps. l'ickers. Card Cleaners,. &c. &c. Tho abn.c. with a variety of other articles be longing to the tjrade, havo been pu.cchïnsed thi nummer by the subcribeirs from MnnuTacturer and First f {and? in the Nów York, Ihiladelphin and Boston Markets, nmi every thing linving re ccived liis persona! nsiJeciion. he can with rh utmost canliiience offjr them to. purchasers os h best "iid iiuist ron'liti' stockin the country; fino as it is his lixeti dettMui-nation (liy the iow rate ai which he will sell) 'o orevent tho necessity o our Ciothiers and M.inniV-'urcrs leaying the State to make their purchasesr Uï wouid niereh say to ihe tra;!", CALL, examine thi (joods anc ascertaiu prices before you soy you can bu cheaper any phere else. Üü is ahi irej.neil to cnntraci for CARD1NG &I VCU1NES made in tbi? State or jgflst. PIERRE TRLLER, Sigu ofthoGoïilen Mortar, 13i, JefTerson Avenue. [!7-tf.] Deiroif. . ''TO THE VÍCTOR BELONG THE SPO1LS" ALTUOUGM many preparation jn the form. of "POPULAR MEDICINES," havt been before the public, claiming to give relieJ and even cure the most invetérate disenses. yei none havo so vvell auwered he puipose as Dr. SHERMAIv'S MEDiCATED LOËNGES, Dr. Sherman's "COUGH LOZENGES" cure the most obstinate cases of Cougli in a few höurs. Th'.-y Irivecurcd alarbe number of per sons who have been giren up by thcir pliysicjnniand friends. and htöny who liave been ledueed to the verge of the grave by spiïling bloou cjnsumption and fï'ectic Fever. by their use have had the rose of hfeafïïi rèetóred to the hag gard cheek. and now live to spcak forth t!u praiöes of thia invaluuule medicine. Dr. Shermüna WORM LOZEiGES" have been pro veld Tn more thun 4ü(,U00 cases to be iníallible, iu i'uct. tlie o,nly certain Worm de stroying medicine ever discoveied. Children will eatthem when they cannot be force'd to takt any other medicine, and the benefit derived fron, tho administraron of medicine to them n tlm form is grent bcyond conceptión. 'J'hey havt nover been k lown to fait. Dr. Shc-rnian's "CAMPHOR LOZEXGES," relieve Headache, Nervous Sick-headache. Pa! pitation of ihe Hoart. und sickness i.n a ver few minutes. Dr. Shenvun's ';POOit MANS PLASTER" is acknowledged by all wlio have ever used it tn be tlie bes: strengtiiening l'iasier in the world and a soveceiga conicdy for painsand the back, loros, side, breas', neck, limbs. joints, rhcumatism, u:nb.igo, ic. Bo cn-eíu to procure the above and ai! other medicines oí Maynard'Sy and you will bc snre there wi!l be no jnistakeinsquantuy or chnvc. VV. S. & J. SV. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, Fttruaryó. 7844. 41To Clothicre, Ülas&uítecturers and iTferchamts. THE sulsiriber is nnw -recciving at lus stores. 168 and 190 Jtf&rsen Avenue, Detroit, ihe following enrifuüy and weü seleeted stock of Dye Woous, Dte ÖTU'iscnd Woolen Max OKaCTÜREr's VÍíCHWKKT. 55 tons Fusüe. Cuba, Tobasen, Tampico ano' Carthagenn. 10 lons Logwood, Campeach, St Domingo and Hunuunis, 6 tons .Nicaragua. Bonair, Coro, Hache and Linin, 3 tons Canj-w'ood, vcry choice, 180 barrels Logwood. cut and ground, ]3J ' F-ustic, " " 1U0 " Red Wooc's. " " láO " Camsvood, iS il 10 " . QnerecUron Bark, 45 " Alluin, A'Z ': Copperas, 30 " Blue Vnriol, 2d '' Madilcr. Oaibie, ind Du'.ch erop, 3 Crear Ttsricr, ' 2 " Nütgalls. 3 casee Indigo, Bengal, and Gua tuiKiln. 2 { ' ga " ext. Lowood, 2 ' Grain Tinr 300 pounds. Verdigris, )5 Carboys Oil Vifriol. Spirits Sea-Sahsand N'uric Acid,ALSO. Copper Kett'es and Cloihiers' Sccw?, Tenter Jiooks, Jacks nnd Brushes. Press Papers, Canl Clcaiiers, Weawrs-' Sliears, Njpjiera nnd Bui ting Iroña, Comb piates, Pjekers and Bübbins. "Wire, Worsted and Cotton Haniess. Sieel and Cane Reeds, Broad Power. Hand Loorns and Ely Shuttles.. Siecl and Copper Mails, Emery. Pxi8or,8' Shenri-ngMaciiines, 4t 6, and 9 bindes. Allen' s doublé and single Carding Machines. Machine Cards, Leicester, The ab'jve goods have been recently purclias ed from ihe importers and nianuf.iciurers, Kxa.usivEi.ï kor cash, and will be sold ai the New. York jobbers' prices, adding transportaron only; and n consequencc of the decline on many of ihe American ïnanufactured anieles. will, in many enses, be sold at fikten peu cent less THAS VP.icKs. Thirtcen years experience in the Dye VYond business enabieithe eubscriber to say to his customers ihat he is prepared'at all times to warrakt hts goodso' superior quality. THEO. 11. "RISTON. Dye Wood and Dye Stuff Wareliouse 183 and 100 Jefferson Avenue, Dciroit. The Arbor Journal, Ypailanii Semine Pontiac G;i7.ette, Flint Democrat, AiJrian Expomor, Marshall Siatesman. Courier an Rfipubltcan, GazettP. Michignn City (In.) at1( ihKnquirer, London, (Canada.) will eacli pub lish abavc notico insidc, to the nnmunt o Uree dollars, and sendcepy of' notice w-ith bilt io iub8criber for ptvymena. 17-tf.JEROME M. TREADWELL, ATTORNEY AN'U OCM'NSKLLOR AT LAW, And General' Land1 Agent,. WILL attend to the sale and exchange of Lands, payment of Taxes. nnd redemptton of Landa sjUI for T.-ixes in t ackson and ndjolning counties, exáininatíon of Titles, C'onvpyp.ncing. and all business pertaining to Real Estáte. Office in the Coiirt House. Jiekson, Michigan. 17-if.


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