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MUS C. BÜFFINGTON would ic-pccnully inform thc Lndiesof Aun Albor ;md _iis vicinity iliat she haa received the fall and winier ínsíiions. MRS. C. BÜFFINGTON. Nov. 14, 1844. 3ütf. Flax Seed Wantecfi! f TBE ibseriber will pny OlNE DOLLAR in cfish for good FInx Hccd dcliveied ;it ib.': Ptore of Heckley ílieks in Ann ArLor. or C C. Waldo at P.ömiac. D. L. LA TOURETTK. Fob. lst, 1845. 41-3mTHÉ MISSES CLAJIKS' Youiig Liulies' Semïnary, ANN AUBOR, MICHIGAN. IIARY L1. CL ARK, Principal. CiiLOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. M. ],. W ALTER, Teacher of Musicon ibe Vino. BMW UKl'RMANN, Teacher of Germán nnd the Guiiav. 111 [O]) Y F.. CLARK, Teacher of Juvenile Dep-:i iiiient.F. WA IISII, Teacher of Mathematics nnd Vocal Mufic, ■ , II. F. SC ÍIOFF, Teacher of French and Clasbica. TIJlvS liisiini'ion has been inopcration sinco i rribpï ■■". in;;!). The scholnstic yegr eiülii'nriiia lor!y-cihi 'vèèkê. two ems. cotnpnsing ivo cii;uteis C;ich - iwelvc vvteeks in a (jnariur- a geneial eominnlion at the close of eaeh tcrijj - ín Februaiy and Auaist. ho lnst qunner of the present term com inc-ncoil Novo.jnbnr 25. Ti;!M-. of - For the ngljfa branch ó() lo $5 per qunrtcr. No rednetion mace lor al smee. c.vcept in case of sickness, and no pupil ü.kcn for I ese. t han a quarter. Extra cliar L'cs are made for niuaic on the Piano, with ihc hèe o' (lie nttrument, $i8.fl(l Frcnch. 3,00 Lniin, . 3,00 Drbwlnsr hnd Paiuting, 5,00 FancvWork, 3:OÍ1 Board, ingfutíipg wnshing, liglits. &c., $1,75 riör week if jiaid in advance. or $,00 per week if p;ii(l iñ close of the quarter. Parems and :unrdians are invitcd tovisitthe school ëyerv Friday. when the studies of the week rnt' reviewed - nfso scmi-monihly on VVedncsda)' ificinoon, at readitigof the weekly composiüons. naviñg purchased a henlihjr nnd commodions bmldiiitrin n plcasnnt and convenitmt prut of ihe vühnp, no pains nr expense ehall be spnrcd to facilitóle the studies and rtniier the aituaiion ol the yniiïig laïlie's profitr.ble nnd aprceable. Y'iinsr liufics dcsiroiis oí entering the school nml ]ursuin ihe regular coursc of siudy, would do wcll lo comnience at the begining of the qnnrter. Bèl'ftnhlg to t'ie íciiool nre a Library of herween ilirefi and (ui hiir.dred volumes, and Pliiosophical Appnratus. Eïeclrical Machine, Globes.. &c Scicntific lectutes are delivcred befoic the scliuol at proper inii'.rvfils. The Missès Clruk will ,èndenvor, noi only to proinote the iiïtelleciüil culture of their pupile but will altend striclly lo their moral deportment.Wiih n depp pense of religious responsibility. lic y would.givfi sucli ;i lorie lü character, as shall cndorir prnciically' jitteil Cor evciy station- yield;ig todutybui íi rm to principie. Aniong the hooks used in the school are, Abjrcronibic vn ti;e hnclle.ciual and Mornl Porers - Kime's Eleir.ents of Cruirisiv. - YVayland'fMoral Science - Newmmri Rhe'.oric- Iledge's Losic - Pr.iey's Natural Tlicology and Evidences oï Chrstianiiy - Comslock's Chemistry and Maiui:;lPhilos('i!nr - bombe s Physiology - Mrs. Lincolu's Boinny - lCaton'p Mnmial of BotanyBn -i itt's Grfr!ipiiy of tiio flcavens - Pu si. Sec onri r.n'l Tliird 1'odIís of Misiory- Mrs. Wil liüii!':; RepuMic of Americn - Pholps' Legnl Classics - P!;v!;;ii's Euclid. and I)i:vie's Algebra and Ari'hinciir - Ph'rííer's Píófúíal Philosèpliy. Tin; Miaseis Clark have Ltiffght a Young Ladics Scli'ioi for severo] vciíipíd die Ci:y of New Voi i-.. and fiie fuvni?licd wiih teslíniomáls froiñ P.t. Í l : ■ v . BciiiaiTiin Onderdonk, ü. L.. and Jnhn M. Gii;;cn. M. 1)., of New Y, rk, llw. J L. Illnke. of Jlrooklyn. tincí Mrs. ICniina VVillnrd. o! Troy. N. Y. ; aiso. rcference is made. by pcrrnisRion, tb thr folhuving gentlonun : Itt. Rcv. S. A. McCof-kiy. D. D.. Robcrt Rumycy aiu! L. B. AJisner, Efqrs., Detroit Rov. S. Ketdiam. Cemrvilir ; Rev. J. ÍJudaon, W'iiitt Pigeon , Rpv. J. P. 'Cleveland, and C'co. Keten"'jm. ña)!nlj ; l!on. Wm. R.'Delanii. Jarkson: Paul Bi Rhig. Mieiiigan Ceptue; E. ÏI. Win.-ui. Arlrian: Djíi.íc! Mi.vynn. Clinion: Gardine. Wi,.-.l.r. ?,I. 1) . I!ovv(;!]: icv. F. H. Cuinipc. GVñVd Kópids'; Re?. If. Coíolflzer. Rev. A. M. Fi.uh. S. Dentón. M D? P. Brighnm. M. D.. ion. V.'m. A. FIcichcr, l!ou. W,rr R. Thon i só'rr; E. Múnfly. T-q.. John Allen. Esq.. Goo. V. Jevi'Ctt. ï-!sq.. C'i!. Thonuis Mosoly, CarM . ds R7. Lnd', p S,aw-eri Jr.. l-'ci . l-'to Sfriinteinlrnt of Public fnéíruction, P: (.fcssoi s Whitinji. Wilünms and Houghton. oi ilic Üniversity of Ivliclnan. Ann Aibor: .T::nu:. fiirdsall and Rèv; 3ólïn ileach, Flint; Amos■-!■:!. Esq., F;nn;inton. ! The fblluwinii geiniemon. Rcv II. Colcluzer' Rev. O. C. Coiïistock. Rcv. A. M. Fitch. Rev. Mr. Ctiv'is-";. Profcsf-ovs V 'hiting and Williams, of the Ümvefsity of Miehiiran. and F. Pawycr. Jr.. In'n i-'njir'rintfüH'pnr of Public Instrnclion. hayc cpnse.ied toaet ca a cn)-nininep o! the scfiool to bf present tyhen the weekjy siu'üc? nre revicwod; bwt p?pocial!yto attend during the SPini-anrutil (;.vaniinations. A'üg'ïj-et 0. 184-1. H-itfANTI-INFLAMMATORY AND RIIEUMAT1C PL ASTER, AN cfiieieiu remedy for Rheumotism, Fevei Sores, White Swellings. Félons, P;iin o' wcakness ji ihe Hack, Jïrertsf. Side or L'inbs. íi:rrs. Bruises, Cmin-jis. Ciiüblnuis. Liver aiu' Ijfiiiig aflecüon?. Indolent Tumors. .Spinal affeciiosn. Inflamed Eyes,.&c. &■ It is uñsuspnsseci in nil Inflijminatory disensos, cilbcr Cluonic 01 Acute, ns it opern:cs liy 6qinférdcilv g'and rcdvcírlg Jní]:iii!Mion. nliaying Pain', Sweaiinij iht paris allcctcil. mul hy irs strrnp;hcnin{z nnd Anolyric propcrtiest givinjï speoJy relief. Also invalNiiii'.n ;i? au anti-nicrciiiial plnster. Price ?5 cents per Box. - For furllior particuInrs. srp circulnting Pninphlet.) For sale m Moselcy's Booket,ore, Ann Ailmr. nnd J. T. Slocking, travelling agent for Michigtn. 16-1 yTHE TRUE PAIN EXTRACTOR SALVE TAJM1CH cures hkea ciiarm all JU'llNS b) V V iirc or wnter. and cvcry esternal SÜilE. I'AJN. IiNFLAMMATION. ACIJE or ITCHING ever yet found upon ihe human í'amily, V. wliich it has been appüed. must alwnysbe sought genuine t'rom Coinsiock nn'i Co., of New. Yoil. or their auihonzed ngeiv.s. All a:e cnutioned artjnst any spurione urticlés, which may nlways bc avoided by Juiowing the onc you biiy cDirc:iVora Comstock & Co , wlio nre now ilie o.ily propi iotois and mnrtüfacfiïrers. Inquire ('orConnel's. vliich is warrnnierl 10 do all il ever vvoulo wlien cüllod by ;w.y otlie: name, or the piiceslial! he rciiiiidcd in ny cnsc if it flöeè" not picase. Tu plnoe it wilhin fcnoh of all, the price lia.been rediiced itiorc tlinn Cour .U, and s now sold tor 25rehti?. the ibrnvc! price lic-ing too èxorbiiaut. The 50 cent size now conmins font times as rnnch as the tormer, and the $1 sizt near ten limes üs mucii. No tfimily tlmt has uny tit'e to luimanity, wiil fai! to have Cwnel's Pain F.xtracior Oimmein rt'wnye nt hand. to save lile, ailscars. and reduc, álíVóny from any Burn in fivc nunutes. proviilcd they have seen il used.or will Lclieve thosf .„chavcusedic. 21. Couiilfind Street. {TT Bnsnrc. therefore. and asU foi Coínnkl'.s, d onr pbtc with DnHpy's nnriiè on u hft Kern s;,.ion. and the spunous inay nppear wiih tint nnme en it. Know, tlièreforfe thni it comes d , rfftlv ñoiu Coiiiptock & Co .. or shïin u. ,3 Ajient for Ann Arbor. Esiray. rtnAKF.N un by 'hc snbsciiber. on the 2.rth of J. Öi'ptemhor las!, in the town ol Northficld. a small cltrsiuu coloied mare, of , the pone) breed, with n stnr in tl. e forehend, suppoed to l.cnbuut 8 i 9 yoaisold. l-rnnded A. G. on the shoulde'r. Tlio owner is reqnested io prove ■property, pay charges and tnko her awav. 5 NATHANIEL SM1TH. Northfiüld, Nov. 1. 18X4. 29-8w ISÍáick Salís, WANTED by BECKLEY&HJCKS. Ann Arhor, Herwet Town. 2G WOGD ! WOODM WE want somcfrorn subscribers-iinmcdiatelv Oct 12. 1844.New Socds! KTew Gouds ir oilallGoods froniN.T. Cuy. Beaidwí fitst rni nsboriment of Sheetfngs, Cotton Ynrn Pulled Cloihs. lSrond Cloths, and other Staulé Guods, ie is just opening ;i spkmlid lol of Ricli, VVoosied Dnm.-isk Slünvls, lst qonlily. Broclm, do do K;iliyl, do (o Catiitnere, do Fnsltionr.ble Crnv'ais, Rich Bonnet Ribbons. Fashionable huud tiiiiinnngs, Velvct " ALSO. A ÜT.AVTïrVh ASSOnT.MEXT OK ÜRESS STUFFS UCH AS' Cashmerc D'JEcoase. .Mu.slin DeLaine, Parissenncs. Robroy Plaid, Prints of everydesöripfion, Plain, blnck Alapacn, figtred, blacft Alnpmi' Plairi". coloretl Alapncn, fijjored, col'd Alopacn. l'liiid, and Chnngenble Alnpncn. 'J'lic underbigned hns in nddiiion to a firat' rale ássorinunt of Slappe öpd Fancy Dry Goods'a clioice lot of Teas ana Coffee. for fainily art!' Als o, a lar ge lot of Gecze Feathers, Paper Hang ings and Travelling Baskets. his Stock is well suiied 10 boih city nnd country nade. Conntiy peoplenïe invited to cnll and look and sacsfy themsglves iliat his siock wil bèar cömparisón ëitlièr in qunüiy or piice witl any other in the western c uniiy. W. A. RAYMOND. ]-48 Jeficrson Avenue. Detioit, Oct. 14. 1R44. 24 tfAIWAYS ON HAWBr S T I U-IE stibscriLer has reMct&L -L moved his Shop to Main Vt j yVeet Pf)üsile H. BeckffC $s$ÈiÈi M'8 ric' Store, whero m e )ílft ')e may be found ready tu jSt-S-V 1 H''i wa't uPon n" 'Í at niay giv tíiíWHnvingjust receivad direct i'ioin New Yoiiv an eleant suick ot' aiul Fancy Anieles,' wlñch he miencle to sel Loioar thnn has ever been eold west of BüfTal for RcudijPaij Oi.y. Anong wlich irmy bo fouml n fjood nssortiiirni of Cold nnd CYninion VVnicIi Keys, Gold Finger Rines nnd Bosom Pins. Guuid Clmins. Silver Ten and Tr.ble Spoohs Sugnr Ton ge. Binier Knives. Silver 1'eiKil cases, Silvcr and Comniun Thimblcs, Silver Spéctacles. Germán, do. Sieel, do. Hair Rnishcp. Clnlhos. do. Too;li. du. Laiher, do. Fine ilüzors ruid Poi'Kct Knives, Fine Shars and Scissoféj'Lniffer Boxes. Rí'jsor Strops, Walleits. PuiSf-s. Violinsand Bowf, Fluies. Violin :ind B;iS3 ..Viol St -ings, Chironet Reeds. Percussion Cnp8, Pocket Pisiols. Bnttaimia Candlesticltp. Watelie?, Lener Sinnipe. Sieel Pens nndj Tweezcrs, Snui}' and Tobacco Boxes, Fine1 Cornos. Drossinír, do. Pide. ÖV. Back. do, Shell, lo. iXcctiicR nnd C;:ses. Wièr t'aints, TojWatceSi Kul Dulls, a grent vnriety ol' Toys too liutritiVoiis to inernion. Bead, Nec-klaces, Voucy Boxcp. A-c. Ac Gi.ocks nnd Watch;:s of every descriplioft repuired and wanuiitcd; also. Jeivelry repniredoiv stion noüce. calvin russ, N. B. Cash taid for OLD GOLD AND SILVER. C.B. Ann Arbor, Oct. 24. 1844. '2S-r. M."&y." 7AVIBSÖN7 TTAVL now on Imnd a conipieie assortnient of FJ1LL AND WINTER DRY GOODS,. GROCERJES, SHELF-HJiPI) WARE, $-C. tJC. wliich tbey will'sell chenp for ready pny. The higbest mnrket priee pnid at all tiriiee lor Pork and. all otber kinds of proilnce. Ann Arbor, Lowèr Town. Nov. 20. 1S44. Hl YcIeyan ISooks! f B U'IE Subscribe ís liave just rcceived a pood? 3 snpply of Weskyan Botks from the Dtpnsilory ai y.ew Yok. Those wishijí purcbase will pleaso cali and examine for iliemselves. BF.CKLEY & HICKS. Ann Arb,ir,Lower Town. Dec. 6. 1844. 33-fiwCAK'T BE 'BEAT! IVEWB ÖOT, SHOE .fi;"D LEA THE II STORE, Ann Arbor, Lower Tovm. m= Q FELCH has removed jp"Tj O o his establishment from p. - t líe 'Upper to the Lowcr Village. iVo. 4; Ihiron Clock, 'feJ J&pzj'p, wíl ere lie hulo's luniBc-ll ia jtèWÊ 4BË&S!; ïeadiness 'o 'clrcss tlie "i-njfcyiL " ' dcr.t'intiivgs" ol ' every Man, IPsielK Woman and Child who will' sS givc hiin a cali. in the ncotest, and host mnnnerthat crn be done in MichiganLEATHER. mul FIN DIK of all kiud coiislnnily on hand. WANTED, Cui-k and Hif'cs, in r.ny quantilifs. lor which '.he liihest prices will be given. (CTLet none pinchase uniil thcy have cuüed at Felch's: No. 4. Huron Block. Ann Arbor. May 4, ÏS44. 3-ly Reödy Made Clothingü! THE LAltGLST and best assüiiinent ot ready 'rngde clothing 2 er befoie ofiered in thi Siate now opening, and for rale. Wholesale or Iletoil, at the Clothing Emporiuin ol ihe subscribers, consisting in part of plain and fancy Benver, Pilot, Broad Cloilis and othcr styles of Over Coats. Tweed Cassirnere, Eeaver, Pilot, Domestic Cloih, ünion Ccssimere end tíaiinetl Frock and ]3iiiiniss Coats. , Fine. l'lain nnd Fnncy Cassimere, BIe and Black Broad Cloth, Twceds and other styles of Plain and fnncy Silk and Silk Vclvot. ooien Velvet Merino. S.-,(in and Cassimere ostp, &c. &c. &c. togethcr with a very large stock ot common lo'w priced Over Coat?. Bnsinoss Coats, Pantnloons and Vcsis. such as blue ond DlncK Plushing, Sniinet, Keniucky Jcnns, Common f weedsf &c. &c. Also. nn cxtensne assortment ol Hosiery. Stocks, Scaris, Handkcrchiefc, Collars. Lnmb's Wopl and Mermo Drnwers and Shirts. Ci.mfor.ers, Glovce, &c. &c n 1 of willbesold very low for Cash. Thcy wou.d re.pcctiully nvitc all in want of ready made aiiimentsto cali and CNamine tlfeir stock beloro purchnsingelscwhere, ísit has been seketed witi great care in ihe Eusiern mnrkcis. and manulacUued in the latè'sf stvlcs and mnsl dürnWê mnnner. UALLOCK & RAYMOND. Corner of Jerferson and Avenues Detroit Oct. 10. 1844. 3m2f) Ten Oollars Kcward. LOST on the IJ th inst probably . betweeaCrancs nnd Coons in the vicinny ofl lymcuth n small, black Moiocco Pockei I?ook, cunmining nbnut .$50.00 bnnk notes, on Canadn.Any iierson findinjr 'he same onci lenving u "t ihc office of the SÏgnal ol Liberty ehall reeeive the above rcwnrd. TI. K. KEAMKY. Ann Arhor Doe, 12,-3644. ■____Jg_ WHOLESAU,ANDKKETAil Ann Arbor, Lowcr TownJDccMiJS JV' Grass Sccdi WANTEDby & Ann Albor, Lower Towr). _ TO any amount wanted by „q BECKLEY & HICK.V Ann Arbort Lower Town.


Signal of Liberty
Old News