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11 KJ IV A O Üi VV v j b K ö j 3 3 3 B r o a d w a y , N o w Y o r k Ptibltslii :r of Mutc ativl Mai Boolcs AM) l'KAl-KH O Pianos, Melodeon, Alex.imire Orgnni Orgun Accordeons, Mnrtin's celebratod undother Giiitnrs. Ví oíros, TiAior Viols, Vinlinoullus, Accordeons, Flu tinas, Flutes, Files, Trianglcs, Clari ínett, Tuniog Foi ks, Pipen andHammers, Ymlin Bowh, bostltalian Strinís, Buks Instruments for Bands, Piano Stool, and covers, nnd all kinds of Musical Instruments. Sheet 3VX ix Ö 1 o, fXQia al' the publiwluTs in the U. S., líertmi'.s Huntin'n, und Modern ohoul, and all kinfa of Inatrnetlon lluok for the above instrumente; Oliuivh Musió Booka; Huslc elegautl? bmiud; Mumc paper, and all kind ut" Music1 UctrcliAudfsa, A t t heLowest Pricès. New I I a n o a , At $m, $200, 226, $2Ö0,andUD to $800. Secoud Hiiinl Planos froia $-5 up to Sltiu: NVw tfelodeon, $15, f $60, $76,9100, and up to $200; Hecond Hand Melodeom U-, .ni ö:,o ti $80; UexnndreÓrgaus, vrith Qve Uph, $160, nlnefltop, $186 and $226; thlrleenfttop1fi,$250, $-J75 aud $800; lineen itops,$3S0 and $376: A n-r;il discount to cificiuncti, i luü'.li'-, Sul.iuii)i Sehools. f,.:;;i; ■:, ■. in-i Teacher. The lï&oe bppUed at the usual tr;iUdiscount 'IVHtliuoulnlsnf tiní Horae Waters Planos i.m! IVeloíW'OM. John Hewett, of Cftrthagp. Vett Vorfcj wii; has hü of tne Horact Waters Piano, vrritffura follomi: - "A friend of mine wtnhexme topurchasea plano r her. She Íkpa the ww jou trold mi' in Boconee, 185íi. My piano ís.béeotning [q tula pino', and 1 thiúk I can introduce 000 Ot twn more; thqy wiJl btí more popular timo Jiny oilier make." 'Vo have lwo of Waters1 ríanos n use in o'irSejninarv, one ot' which has been se vero ly (ester) for three pan. and WP can tealify to thcir ffoon tjiuitíty ainj ilurabilitv." - Wood fc Grejyory, Monvi Carrolï, ïli. '11, W"atn, Ksij. - Diujt Hik: HaTtng uiwl oneof four Piano Fortes for twoyearn pasi, i have fíinud 'II a vltv u]nrinv Ittstruinfíit. Aiosfo Ob,t, Principal fítwktyn fíriehts StmmanJ. "The liano Ï received from ynu oontloaw t glve ratififaction. I regard !t as me oTiho be Intttrumeotfl in the place.'1 lA)UBB l CtARKB. HiarUiton , Va. "llie Helodeon han (tafel; arphed. í (eel obllfreiio ynu l'ury tur ttberai dicoount.V Rev. J. lí. MtCoRMick, VarqHfSïilkS C. 'The plano was duly recelve!. ítcame in excelleol cnn.iitimi, and ím vorv nmch admirad ht inv ouiñetObf !.■ ni : v, Accpt 11 V tli:i!ikrt f(r VOUT prUlptil6S5. " - RmiRKT ConPRBí Wárt'rn'mm, ftradjoed Co. Pn. plano pleaaesi un irell. H the beul une n ow county.1'-- TnoMíts .. Latium. fttmfihcHtmi, fía. "Wt are vy much nldioi] to ymi for liavínír Reñí naefa a fvi1 in-irument for $-50." - Brask,Ukld í: Co., Pnffaht Dcmocrat. '♦The Horace Waters Piannp:iro known as-amonp the very ios ' aro cnablcl to -p'iU of lliet instrnraenta wUIi cunUdence (tova peronfi knowU-dw of tlu-ir exceifAni ton aml iiunilile uiility."- iV. Y. Eravetlift "We cm spetik if w merftü of the Horace Waters pi. anonfrom pentonal knflwlefljie, au belng the very finesi quaiijgr." - ChríglHm Intefti#enctr. "The Horace VTatew pinnos are ouilt of tfce best anl moal thorotfffhïy eaonei roateriaJ. Wehaienodoobi thai buyiT can '1' as weH.perhapü better, ui thiK-tbaii a1 anv Otherhouse ID the Onlon." - Adrocatr a-id Jountal. 'atT-' pianos and mclnleons challenge comparfson wiili th.' Ouest made aiiywhero in Um cmintry.'1 - Home 3 o ur'in ! 'Hornee Water1 Pian" Foclefl are nf Pull, ricli anl even toae.and pnwerful- N. Y.Mualaú beta. "O;ir friendo w il 1 find at Mr. Wutern' store the very beid aaiiorimetil of Music and of Planofl to be fouod In the Ualied StateiaBd we arfteoiw nnuthein "il iresterti fru-iuls to' nive nim a cali vbenever they go to New fort..}f-(jlrakamti Mzünzhtc Ware house 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sa b ba t h S ch ooi Bell. iOO.OOO Usced In ten Nontlis. The uaprecedented sale of thiabook Iib imluced tinpublisherto add Bome 30 new tuneitañd hymtis toita presen I ize, ithout tra charge, except on tin.' cheaji edïtion Apiong tlie ; i ;: '.!- .!- - i t i 1 11 1 tuiii's and hjmnn added Biáy be.found:- (I owgbi to lovemj motber;" UOÏU be a ffood aVM. indeed I will." These aod etgkt ofher from the Bell, were ming t the ?n-a 8chool Aanirer umi-v oï the K. Cburch at the Aoadeffiy of Muf greiit applaoae The Dell cmtaiiis neariy 200 tanea and ,and ia ono of tbe besl coHechon ever Itrsiied 1 pffee lyc; 10 per bundred. poataffe 1c; ElegAntly btrund, erabosned giltL 56c 40per lot) [t halbeen introduced Into many of the Publk 3c' .ls. The è is pubUsherl in f. mail nutnburs entittcd Anniverwiryand Suu'lav School Husic Books, Nob. 1,2, 3, k 4, in order to accoñamodate thé million; prico f '1 & 63 per hundied Ño. 5 nill Boonbe bwued.- copuneoeemeni ol anotlier book. AUo, Revival Mihic Boqsa, No, 1 V -. pric $1 fc $2 per 100. pOKtagC IC. Moro tlia.t -300,000 copien of tljp iibove bnokn havo been isstjo'l the paal ètghteen rantiths, aud the demand tsrapidly iuoreasinp Pulilishud bv HQRACE WATMRSAcfent. Sli'S Uroadway, N. V. Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 Broadway, New Vork. Voc1 "Kind Words can nevt-rdie;1' "Tl.e Angels told nu Wi" 'v;iil of the Wrst' "Thougbta of God;"' ■'Oiramebaca mv, Mountain Home;1' 'lay nreams;" ;tlnndv Cock Robin;" "'m wittt tliee Btlll;frnames;M "ï!i;-i-.;'v no darllng lifce mïne;" "Saiah J ino I-ce:" -Kver "i thee:1' "Pin „lanTiogtfoae in Porrow;" "Bifdof Beauty:" ''Home f "ur birth;" ''invtw.f Hosabel,'' and 'Wake, Iftdy, wak&.' pnce 25c eaoh. 1 JxsTin MKNT.M.- u 'Pafftoe 'lnnion, or cintring Bird Polka. 40c; "S-víhítíhl' Schottischc;" "Mirabel Schottidch:" 'Tilomas tóker'fl Schot tischo;" "Piccolomiui Polka, 86 cfrts eaoh. The abovepieoeRhavooeaatlfol VlgBete " Poli;;::" crAlbfaD W:n ry Miirch." the -rv lat ; ■'Vn-niiMi'ii;i i tonlelta Maxoki ; "Hoa : Ín 't Polfca ;' "Crinntine WaUz." aim "Imci'rs' Qua drille'Bo eaeh. "The Kt; pi of Reich'p Qundrille;" r new dance, nnd "The Hibcrninn (hiadiiHo,' Sceaeh. Many of the piecef are playcd by Baker's oelehrated orchVst rn ffitL grut applrunet Maiïed free. A larifeiotof Foroign Mustcut halt" pitce. Platino, lcfoi!pnns id Orgaus Tlie Horace Watera Ptanoa and Metodeone, for depth, pnrily ot' tone and dnrability, are unanrpawtit l'riuf." very low econd Rand Ptanoi nd Mutfidcons from $-5 t" $150. Mu-iicniid llusicr lJhutruotiond of all kinds, atthe lowest prlces. BOBACE WATERS, Agent, No. 898 Broadway, N. Y. TEari'iMOMAiJ; - ltThe Hornee Watern l'ianos are known aaamong thé very bost.' - Fvaiisrdint. "Wecitn flpPiïlï of tlieir mi'ritfl from perwonal Ijnowiedge." - Chrhtitn ïnteitigcvcer. "XotMngat tlie Fair .liapíavadgreater exccUftnce ■"- Chvrfhman . Whi.m' Pumos :u(d Molunpon-i ohaUengeeomparlnon tb the ftiiest made anywlierein tlu country.'" - Home Journal. 710tf LOOMIS & THIPP, Succt:dsorR to Cliapin & Loomis.niidCiijpin, Tripp A Loomit THRahovp flrm of Lnmnfo .V Tript' haring purchnei tti ptitírc interejít nf the fornirr ooiup&u:8 wil coctlnui tlie bilulnpiu :il the.oM irtnni!; wherá they rill hr rcnflv, "it tlit'sli'irtost iidticc, to lili JiH orilerR in th line of Castings and Machiuery, in tlie moet workmanliku (banner, and on n libera berma a any ottier ahöp in the State. Among the vari ouii arHclennanaimotuVed by ub, we would enumeróle STEAM KNCtINKS of all klnda; Mili Gearing uprl Kixturos, nroufthtand cast. all the variouM ejiHtiiiifs for mal.ii.L; and répaliteg Elorse Powers & ThreekinjK Machines Btfh ns are ai prèaeritjOi'baTefonnerlybeenia um in thlf part of thi'Stato, hr well iis all the varinns kinds of matingf nnd mncnine vrork oaljedforby farniert aqd rrjechanics inihis sectüni of thf nonn ry of alï the vfi.'iouH patti rus. up In slzeaand prlce, will be kep oonstanUj op the most nmdt-rn and iniproved stylrs. Thankfu! for fwmcr patronnt' to the ol.l Brnu, e wmld a continuanoo from oM rrii"ids,;tn:l a triiil by all wishiiur foranytliiog nour lineof iitisim w LOOMIS .V THIIM'. Anti Arbnr,Mav 18th, 1859. . 697tf THIlESHIXa MACHÍN tS. P VTKNTKI AND UANUFACTÜRED BV N ichols & Sheppard, tiattie Creek, Xtiïh Improvedfor the Season of 1862 In this Sepafator thegTufn iHcparutcd from thn stmw 1V incan ni liruncltiifífi í, that toss tlm straw up and down wlih aaudden inoiion l'rom th time It leave the cylinder antll it pauses to tfaeeimker, and the train falis througb a b)ttoni made ot 'statu, cU-ar frmn toe Rtrav. The purtii oontalniLg thee ftngers nnd the lilii nain boünuMtre amdo to víbrate ut wing backwhrd aod Rr waid. wiiif.h works tw Htrftw to the stacei nd the gratntfl tb e uevea llie upenority (jf this machina ov;t all othéra oonaiatn in tt l-ii'cr M-iHtiontion of Grain ironiStraw, Great nlmplicltj, h;ivnjí na pieken or besten to slog up, and Iei inachincry Ünin any other niach.nt; quw ma He. CireatcaDftcitv, n it :11 nol waste when crowdeo. Perfect cleancr, Inivin;? l.irgcr si-ives than aii nther. !::isy drait, butler eOnstTUOted, simple" and durable. Pennsylvania Iron Ilorse Puwer. Wiirranted to he the best liarse l'ower in use. Made with wood 01 inn; as p referí ed Karincr-' and Tlireshers of Michigan l We offer you the HK-T MÁ'MIINK IN l'sK. Betfer than r'i t-', Halln jp'owlerville, or any.niiichÍDc built on their principien f vou intend bu-inj? a macline ttf any Kind pet a pampblet of na qv our Affcut. and satify yotirít-lf.- Í';iQ]ihlet sentfree. Cali ai)d vc, or ad Iress MCÜOI ííSHEIM'AIM), fnrk, Michigan. Or M. RO'ÍRRS, or MYRON' KASIÍ( Ageiitu. Aun Albor; arL V. Wakkma.v, agent, Uuxter. 830m3 Ayer's Cathartic Pilis.


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Michigan Argus