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Ur. Wm. B. Huras l DENTAL REMEDIES, ARE s: J THE BEST IN THE WORLD, INSUIUNG 3 FINE TEETU & A SWEET BREATH. S AND al =3 Curing Toothache & Neuralgia, aU, __ . Do you iriah to bo btessed with and admired for Pur W i.y v.iiiTKanü Sound TlfcTH? f.e Dr. W. li 11ÜRD" j DM .IVlLI.KDÏUOTH l' wurnin.ed free froú 'f , acid,iilUnli, or nuy mjuriou sub.iUuce. l'rici'.aö cent ,1 P" box. . 3, Beware of the ordinary cbeap Tooth I'owdtrfl whicb wbittn but dctroy. !' lt Do you wirth to be certain tbat your Brratd Ís pus -weel, an agreeable t'J hasbftOd or wife, lover 01 :h IriendH? Us Or. Hl'RD'.S CKUCliRA'iÜD ÜUUTE f WAtili. Price,3B cents pcrbottle. ie rS This astringcat waBh in atso the best remMy in tbc worldfur 'Cankkr, Bad Bkbath, Blkkding Guxü .Sorj, Mül-th, etc. It ha cured huudreds ti- Do you, or your children suflor from Toothachk? G n lir. HURD'd MAG1C TUuTUACilE DiiOl'S. Trice,!; Ceuta pu bottle. 't Aro you aOlictí-d with NEURALGIA? Get Dr W. R I HU.íD'S NKL'KALÜIA PL48TEB8. The most effect! ti in ti'! Utrüghtful rciuedy Unowu. j ! They do not adhe-fo nor blister, but aoothO ud charp; 'r. pain awaj. Trj tbem. Price, 18 and 37 ct?nts.w l. MaUed o rect'ipt ui j-rice. '" Doyouwisl! a complete set of DRNTAL REMEDIES and a Trkatise on I'kikrvinu Teetu? Get Dr. hL'KD'S ' DENTAL THKA-UKV, the ncattst and most valuab fc'' pnaenit thitt mm friend can uake tu anothtr. l'rice, ] .-'.■ni by mail ou receipt of pnce. iir For aale at all the beat atores throuebout the coua lt ,ry. Caction.- At? there are dealers who tAke advantagp oj our advertit'ments to imposc upou thftLr cuntomers inferior prepanttions, it is nece.ssary t insistpon bavtftfij " '; vrhat you cali for, and you wil] asriai hbst, tl.orougiy 'M , (cs!edt and prepret by an expenenced and scientific ■ Dntist, irt-anurer ff the New York State Dentist'a j. ' sociation, and Vice President of the New XT City Dea tal tfocivty. 1 e AddresB 1, ï WM. B. HÜRD & CO , Wew ïork, o t e S Dr. Hurd's Dental Remedies are for unie in Ann t rbor by Stehhiws i: Wilso.v, Ebekiuv-h 4 Co., and 1 ( ;kk. VILLi: & Ft'LLKR. SGOtf -: it 1 l TÏÏE OLD CORNER .RENEWE.D! 5 . with WEW STOCE, Í NEW GOODS, &C. - j - .. - . 1 . FARMERS' j ÏEW CASn STORE (At the old stand of Thompson & ' Mil leo.) ; I I ain no7 opening a oarefully . 0 SELECTED STOCK OF STAPLE DRY GOODS : r í . CONS1STINO OF ; DRESS GOODS, i ï ■ PRINTS, BROWN 1 BLEACHED 3HEETING8, CASSIMERES, Fl,ANÍíELS, &o. and eyerjtbing tbat is kept in a Doxncstio also a fiue assortment of BOOTS tt SHOES! AND YANKEE JVOT1ONS, A full stook of GEOCERIE8 constantly on hand. FARMER'S PliODÜCE! Boviglit and Sold, Thankful -to old friends and customers fol naat favors, I hope to ïnerit a share of tlieir patronage, by dealing justly with all. C. B. THOMPSON, (formerly with C. H. Millen & Co.) Ann Arbor, Qct. 1, 1862. 87?tf "Próvido íor r Family," KNICKEBBOCKEK UFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Western oflice,Kingsb'iry Block, Randolph St.", Chicago. Assets Jan. let, 1862, $276,22344. Polipiea rtro iêfiU upon the livrd of dfïbtora, and fof all SinlneM pujfpoei, elther for llfeor f"r .■ "rffi of rwro, n as ravorablr torms as by ny otbr r Comp.inj. " Mairicil ladlw maj Inaure tlic lires of Hieir huabimdj according to a luw of Mie Slnte.securinfr thonrooun'. of the iniurance 'o thnMlea or their chiWrcn, free frB theclttim"f thfir huRlinncls' oredlior : bo, marri.1 lailips enn insurc Iheir oun live for thu bcneftt of thei Cliilíiren or 1UM(1MB. Pollctea on Uren are issued for J not cxeccáiag Bv tho -i !i. ff ih ciinrter. thiB Tompnny ir proUWted pavininnn.i-'1111 7 l""1' nn:illy n rlivi.lendi) on its caniliil u .tuirkbolilcrs ; anï it receiven that aum in interest torön of its capital, the urplut beiag divifïoil niong the Mutual Tnsurers ; henee it wil aü; pi-nr ;ut it oombines the advantagea of a Mutual viti; ilif tMoritJ of a Stock (íompany. When the prerniutn nraounts to $40 or orer a nota my be givon for four tenths of tho amount. Ratea a low a's any olher good company. ■Now is the time nf 8,'cure a competeney for your familv shouM dcath flni". your homestcad tincuaibcred .Wlbodw-.toTOlred. ERASTUf:LYMAV(rr()sid,nt. I S.jóhnnTceVresident.iDO Manager of Wej. ern Branch oflicc, Chicago B. B..PQND. Agnt. Wit HWT.M. tv, Me.ii-il EaailBer.


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