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Annnal Report Of The Surgeon-general

Annnal Report Of The Surgeon-general image
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burgeon-General líammond's report to the Secretary of War oontaina many items of interest, The appropriations and fuuds of the medical departmeat for the year havo been $2,445,894,85, and the expenses have been $2,371,113 19. The SurgeouGeneral is unuble to present now the dctniled report of siokaess and niürtality in the artny, but hopea to do so iu time for a supplement. He givct, hnwever, the number of patients in all the general hospitals at latest ad viees. The number of patients is 58,715. The number of general huspituls is 150. During the year, the report says the health of tlio army has been good the imrauuity from disease being due to excellent hygienic arrangements. At present the medical department has charge of 90,000 patients Just after the battle of ' Autietam tlie number was 120,000. - ! The report adds "that this largo number could be provided for without some cases of uunecessaty sufforing occurring, would perhaps be too much to expect, but I must cominead the Medical Corps, both of the regular and volunteer service, for the fiuthful aud efficiënt manner in which thcir duties have been performed." The report then paya a high compliment to the Sauitary Commission, and the Surgeon General says that from eb servation at home aud abroad, he is satfied that "never before were the siek and wounded of aay army so walJjOared for as those who have suffered for their oountrv n the preseut rebellion." The Surgeon General rooommeuds as a matter of importance the establishment of a permanent hospital and ambulance corps fonned upon the basis of two men to each company in service, orgaur'ed into oompanies of oue hundred prívales, with ono captaiD, two lieutenants, four sergeants and eight corporals to each company. An iucrease of the medical corps, both regular and volunteer, is recommended as absolutely necessary - The regular corps should be iucreased by tweuty surgeons aud forty assistant surgeons. Au increaso iu the numbor of medical cadets, and the institution of a medical inspecting corps are recommend ed. The ieport recommends that the service age of recruits be fixed by law at twenty yeara. A:iiong other racommonáations are the following : A new regulation for matrona to do the washing in hospitals. An army medical school attached to sorne leadiug hospital. Au inereaao in ilie number of medical sxore keepers. The charging of the medical department with the planning and ereating of medical buildings. Independent transportaron for the medical department. A chango in the method of carrying the cartridge box. Tha establishment of a permanent home for those who have been disabled iu the service of the country.


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