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Capture Of Kingston, N. C.

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llEADUÜARÏEilS DEP I -SOKTH CAROLINA, ( KiKOSTo, N. C, Dec. 14, lbO2. ) To Major-General Halleck : I hiivtj the honor lo infortn yon tb at I ieft Newbern (r Ibis place n tlie 4th inst., but tüat.owing U the bad roads and tlie dclitjH t my traína, did nt reaoh SonthweBtCreek- fivo mileafrom tViis lown - muil the ibrenoon f tlm 13ih. The eneiny wis poeted tbere, hut, bv a heavy aitillery fire in front and a vigoroi JDfantry attack on eitber flank, I sucoeedod in foreing a pasea e, and without imich loss. ThU morniug I adviiiiri'i.l upnn tba towjn tftid found the ïnemy strongly postad at a defile thiminh a njarali borderiiig on a creek. 'j'ho yoei ion 'as so weii chosea tliftt but verv little of ourartillery could be brouiiht in ploy. The main attack was tberofore mad by th infantry, assisted by a few gtina puhed ïorward Lnto tbe roads. After :i lew bouis' bard fightinfi wo Miooeeded in diiving the enetny irorn liis powtion. We followod him rapid'y to thu river. The bridge over Iba NU8 at thw point was prepared ior firing, and vv;ib fired in six places, but wo vvero se closu báhitid tlium tbat we saved tlie bridge, The enemy retreatod preeipitately by tho Qoldsboro and PikevilbB roads - Tlieir toroewaa a out 0,000 inoii, with twenty pieces i' artillery. ThbrejuH ia we have takun Kingston, eaytured eleven pieces of artillery, taken ftur hundred to (ivo himdred prisont-ra, and found a largo amount of Quartenniwter and comruissary stores. Our loss wiil probabïy not exceed two hundred killed ai.d woundod. I am, with great respect, Vimr ohrxliput. Rervanfc.


Old News
Michigan Argus