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From The Fifth Mich. Cavalry

From The Fifth Mich. Cavalry image
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Oamp Copblasr, Washisotos, I. C. ) December 12, 182. $ FbiEXD Pon . ; Having rend at times letten in tho Anoua fröm tho several regimenté ftom Micliigui), I thought a few notes f rom . Iho Mounted liillos inigbt ba received by ca readers A'ith interest, and havo, as well as oircumstancus uould peimit, taken such. On Saturdny last the men wéro orderod to strike tents, whicti was dono with alacrity. The men tormed in lino and marohed to the depot, tho band playing "Tho Girl I left beliind me,'' all in good spirits, eucli Cf'tnpany'a guidon flyin, and the regimental oolora making a fino appearanoe. Starled at 11 A, M , arriving at Toledo at G P. ; M., v. hen; tho men were received bv ! the gontlemnnly Superintendent of tho rood, Mr. Oampbecl, whohad prepared cofFee for us, whioh xus mocb needed. The Xsland IIoiiso was thrown open for the men to wah o. Afïor three raasing cheers for the coffce, we cbanged ears andstarted for öleveland at 9 P. M. We got to Cleveland befon: dayligbt, the weather beiog cold, aod the wind blowing terrificálly, All along the road the people turned out, and amid waving of 'keroiiiefa eheered U9 on our way, frorn the oíd man oí eighty to the babe in arma. I wassen sioly as to tho character of tho in matee of an o!d hut oí tho charcoal burners on theOhio. Nobodywas tobe seen, hut iroin a broken pano of glass tvvo pairs of liny hands, were extended, aod though black with dirt Iheir littlo tnotions toKl woedere on our boys, and oheer after oh eer went up for tho owuors of thoso littlo hands, Arriving at Wellöville the boys got sonio water, wliiuh was badly impregnuted with Kerosene. The wells along ili': -o:ti n not being worked. The Ohio River was frozen over, uid it was with difficulty that tb ose ï w heel, uppor dook boa'.s oould steam it ihrough. Travewing tho Ohio for miles we croefied Boaver Crec-k, a tributa ry of the Ohio, vrbere was laid ip a number oí canal boata. Now at the Ardosco Oil Works in ful! blast. This was Sunday, and the men obeerved tho day by beiug very orderij? on tho road, and at stopping placea. Arriving at Pittaburg at 3 P. tl., were marched to the City Hall, hero supper was prepared, and the Huil beautifully decorated. At tho end was a krge banoer bearing the fnscription, " Pittsburg wcloomes our eountry's defenders." Changing cars we bid adieu to the "City of Smoke" at 7 I. M., amid tremeiidüits cheering. We woio tyld tl'.cy fod a ivgiu.ent about every three days in thoir Hall. Leaving Piilïburg wo passed the Alleghanies in tho night, a beautiful moonlight one. I, riding on tho platform, had a good view. Rushing through the tunnels, we pas.sed ihe tounsof Altoon:, Tyrol, and Birminghara, manufacturing places, Came to the ' Blue Juniata,". whiuli we crossed thirteen times before it empties into the Snsquehana. Iiitended to go to Harrisburg, but tlie stnall pox being thera we were switched ufl at Alaysville, arriving at '2 P. M., wnere we ehanged engines. Starting again, the road was tho most mountaiaous I ever siiw, all along the river lintil t empties into the Susqnehanna, at this junction we carne óp wüb the train Imving on the hofses, and oonnected and went on to Baltimoro at 3 P. M. The Boys at every stopping placa rushed out to gather persïmtnoDS, the first the most ol them ever saw ; thoy were troi, tbere having been irost enough to ripen them Arrived at Baltimore, nd haiu i1fF.ront oom (rom wLlmi tlie First Michigan went throngh. Thoy marebed straight to the cara in sileaco, liever stopping. We holtod, and went to dinner and supper, gbowing the diifbrenaèof the times, though it is easy tosee tbeaeeeeb" feelihg in partsoi tbe city. Tho Union Houses exhibit llaga. Our little Quarterrnaster, Sumnkk, returned tho salutes of all the girla on tho j'oad. Ilcro we found llie lGGth Penn.sylvania, all drafted men, and mighty sick of eoldiariag ; at nooo the 17th Pennsylvaniu üaValry arrived ; at 2 P. M. the 148th Pennnylvania Infantry camo in. The city is full of sol diera, about 30,000 being in and around it. Passed tho 109th Penn. at Annapolia Junction, and tho li)th IRinois. The farther wo got South the colder it seerred to get, tho.snow in the city of Washington being 4 indios deep. - We got into the city at 2 P. M., and were marched to tho " Soldiere' Relief Associaüon," where dinner was served. We were then assigned our camping grounds, and onrtonts being furnished wo pitchedthem and went to sloep, tho firèt tasto of roal camp life I ever had. Though I had plontyof bedding I was ncarly frozen, tho niglits beiog intensely cold, but the days üke our Lidian sumincr. Our camp is on tbo banks of the Liltle Potomac, a tribulary of the celebruted river of tbat nnme, and about IJ miles from tlio capítol. It is a splendid plaoe, on good dry land. Our rnen aro all well, and in good spirits, and would be very oontented if tliey wero provided vvith good pvovisiona, vvhich I am very sorry tliey don't get, and tho wav I have to tako it is a' caution, many ol the men thinking I can help it. I wish I oould, This city is f uil of soldier?, and tho "order " publisiicd soma time ego forbidding officers and men going down to town is "played out," for oiné ten you meet aro soldier. I went down to-day, and saw coming into camp two regimenta of cavalry and artillery. There are about -250,000;?) men in and around Washington. As far as (ho eyeoan traco we seo lines of tents, a:d ihe bnoniinp; "f oannon rernitids onc oí "tho acoounts wo road of.'1 L teil yon it is military. I liko it first rute. I went to Uio Capital, and iu tho Sonate Charnber, sat in ' Old Zack's" sent, nnd in tho House I s:uv Hon IJ. F. GjUnger ircni the gallery. I wisli I had sonio time t spend in sight'-soeing bul bein in " thu army pi lbo Lord " Í ean't. I think I oever saw a moro beau til ui building, even in Europe. I went up to the White House, but baving nu oartls exoept my old painiing busioesa otes Ihonght I would nut Küiid oiM in to '■ Oid Abe;" so vnt tiot farther tlnn the lobby, and looked into tho ki tuben windows. You bavo nll n ad so mucli of tho city it is nood less for me to tiy ;md describe thu public buildings ia and around. I did not seo any ono from Ann Arbor excopt Oscau Idb. He rodo over irom the otlier ido of tho river, whtro the lst Cav;ilry is atatiunod ; ha is going home. Wc aro marobihg orders to Fairfax OourÉ House, and 1 don't know vchat minuto we tnnv have to start; tho news from Frecluiiuksburg now beiug very favorable, 1 don't care how Boou. You may expeet to hear from me again, if you thiok tliis worth publisbing. I must finish this, as t is near roll ca'l, and tbü light must be pat out. COMMISSARY. ty Tho leolure of Prof. Tkn Buook, on Saturday ovening last, was very slimly atteöded, and -ve do not imagine Ihat tho Soldiers' Aid Society will be al!o to relieve the wants of niany suffv ering soldiere wilh its share of the proceods. 'i he leotúre, however, desurved a hearing fnnn moro than tho average lectura judienou. Tbe subjoct, " Tho Drama of the PaeeioiTE"," is out of tho usual line of locture themes, and its clesciiptions of tliis religious festival of tho Bavaiians Rere both new and intoresting. - - The lecture ia to bo repeatod this (Priday) evening in tho Baptist Church, Admis.sion fret. We hope that he inay get a large audienoe. GF ïho Sabbath School of the Con. i gi'egatiooal ehureh had a festivo 1 oiing olí Monday eveniug. Kocitations, tiinging, enting, etc , eaoh reeeived a duo ]oi-t ion of aüention, and young ;ii;d o'd nport having eiijoyed themselves hugely. f,'-" The entire RepubJicnn press of tbs S'.-ito luis declurud in favor of the re-ekotioo of Zack Chakdlks to tho United States Senate, und if the Boveral journaKs represent thé views of the Republicau membdrs ol the LegisIsture olect, we may espect that tho SUit'3 vvill havo to eüdure hiin another six yoafö. The attention ol our democratie friends B invtted to the address of tl. e Democratie State Central ComroiMee, to befound on ourfirat page. Kead it, and act accordingly. JE Sooreíary Smitii lias been appointed to the vacant Indiana judgeship, and has tendered his resignation as the head o{ the Interior Department. Ilis suocessor has not beon natmed. J&ST n Saturday aíternoon last, Eüvvaud, bod of Edwakd IL Joiixson, of thifl city, ned about 10 years, wlnle skating n Sinolair's mili pond, n Httle distaneo above tho dam, broke throngh the ice ;md was diowiied. Èis body was reeoverd on Sunday moroing, and the fuiioru! tooit plaue on 'J'iiesdny uftenionn, at the Biiptist churcb. - This is a warning to the Iarge nunibere of boys we daily meet with skiiles cm ihcir arm-J. 2;" The Legwlaturo of this State wil! cor.vene in regular session, on Wednesdav, Jnnunry 7th. The Senate wil! stand 18 Republicana, and 14 Demácrate ; thu House 63 Republicana 37 Democrats. jS jLT The Now Eoglaoders had a verv pleasant gat hor ing on the occasion of thèir anniversary on.Mondr.y evening last. We were unable to bo present, but have heard no rabera spaak in warm tonus of the dinner eerved np by Ghkoeoky, ntine host of the Monitor, and also oí tho alter-dinner xercises. - Wlion next they meet again may we be there.


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