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IÍIGAÍ CENTRAL RA1LR0AD. Passenger rrainii nt leave Detroit and the severa Stations 111 thisCuunty , as follows : G O I N O W E 3 T . I.eave. Mail. N. Y. Ex. .Tack.Ae. N'ight Kx Detroit, 7 SM i.M. 10 A.M. 6,15 p.M 9 30 P.M. Ynëllantl, !00 " 11.25 ' 6.M " l'I.M " ,nn Arbor, 9 20 '■ Il. " 7 05 " IJ 10 ■' Dextcr, BJM " IS. 10 p M. 7.35 " II JU ■' Chflsea, 10.10 " 12 30 " 8.00 " 11.55 " Ar.Cliicago, 10. M " 10.05 A. M The mail train goes only to Michigan City. liOING EAST. Leave. NiuhtEx. Jack. Ac. N. Y. Et, Mail. Chicas,), 6.45P.M. 6.30J.M Chelae, 8.Ï5 a m. 5.C0P. M. bextcr ' 5 " 5 4i " Ann Arbor, 6.05 A. M. "t.'ii " 3 Í3 P. M. 6.15 '■ Ypihati, 5.Í5 " 7-r.O " 4,05 " 6.40 " (Ar. Detroit, 6.45 " 9.20 " 5 15 " 8.09 " The mail train starts from Miohittap City. Traint do nut stop at stations whre figures are omittel ín the table. (ET TOBACCO- You can buy the bt grades of FINE CHEWING TOBACCO at from 50 cenis to One Dollar. SMOKING fïom fourteen to twenty cents at M UEV'ANY'S TOTïaooo AJND CIGAR STORE Sign- Red Indian. South sids nuron Btreet, a few doors from Cook's Hotel. M. DEVAXY. Ann Arbor, Dcc. 11, 1 ?G2. 883tf 13 Tublic Speakers, Vocalists,anl all others to wbora t is a necessity to have a full, cleir and melodious voioe, will find IIOOFLAKD'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL indispensable. Re.ul the advertiseraent iu another AGOOD TREE IS KNOWN BY ÏT8 FRUIT. Su La I gQOd l'hy.-ilnn ly liis Succeful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, TIIEGREAT AND CELKBRATED PinVÏCIAX OF THE THlíÜAT, LUNQS A.ND CHEST, Known all ovrr the counlr; as tbe Olebrated IN DIA N HERB DOCTOR! From South America, will br at h!s rooms, RUsSELL BOUgE, DETROIT, OnihelSth and IPth inst. ,on th same dale of and ;!.-c((Uont lïKinth iiuring IflSSand 1863, A NE T TAMnn.F.T Of the lifp, stmi.v in'l eMeoMve triveela of Dr. Lyona ian bn pro'Mirt'd lv al! whc ■l-siit: 0H9, frea of ch:.r'.'9. Dr. L will visit Aun Arbor, Jacksou.and Adrián, Mtch., as follows : Anti Arbor, Monitor HnusP. 20th, JfcClcson, Hibbrd Hou, 811 Adrián, Brackttt II use, 'Jí-l and 23d. HODfl OF Kí;aíii.ti'":n.- llie Doctor dlseenifl dieeases bytheeyes. BOt tVjerfiirc. ask o qnp4ionsnorro q lires ï.-itionts ko explain sympttima, Afflictsd, come and har your vinptoni-; and t i t e looattoa of your dise;tso explaind free of ahftpji. THe Doliólas EVlelBoriai. The diploma of membershïp of the Douglas Monument Absociation, beauttfully engravedon stt-el, ybout nine by twelve inclitíñ in dimensions is now ready for distribuiu-n to the BubstTibcist1' iho monuniiit fuod. To all pertods for wering to the Associa,tiun One Dollar or more will be sent ne of tliese Dipluraas, properly executcd. To contritulors in the sum of TWO Dollurs or more irill be furnished gratituonsly, beaides the Diploma, a beautif'ul imperial size STKEL ENGRAVIHG OF JUDOE EOUGLAS, Qll-y 17 öcbeö, p iblishc-d by Miirsh, Rowe & Co. Cootributors in the sum of one dollar will become Ufe membi-rs oí the Douglas Monument Associatiun ; ia the sum of. t-.viiüty dollars, honorary life memi ers ; and in ;he sum of one hundred dollars, Uonorary Ufe monibers of the Board of TruBtees. Loe&l receivera and solioitnrs for contributions are beinauthorizcd in theloyaj States. Pamphlets aud circulars ooatatoiog the Orgamzation, Constitution, ByÍ4TTÍ, aud the Appnal of the AsaocUtloa, wtU be sent to all wbo will forward their address. Communications should be directed to the "Samtarj D. M. Au'a, Chica g-j, ui.AH editor who will Inuri this card in their daily, weekly or tri-wcekly issues three iuonths, with an occa sional notice Q advanoe the object in view, will have for warded to thrm ïmmediafely Dipiomagas Ilonorary Life Members f f this Ashociation, aUo a copy of the above I'ortrait, upc-n the recfipt by the society f fi copy of their [mper containing this annrmnceinent. W ALTER n. SCATES, Presidenti.konard W. Volk, Recxvrtar, 8ö6m3 "aTcÍRD TÖ THS LADÏES. DR. TjUPOÑCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOK FEMALES. Iufallibie in conoctlng, regulatiiig and remming all obBtructions, from whntever cau.;e, and ahvaj's successfu! as a prevutive. The combínation of ingrediente in Dr. Puponco's (iüldca Pilis for Témales are perfectly harmlfM. They have been used iu the private practice of Dr. Duponco over 30 ypars,and thouwiniiK of ladies can testify to their great and nu ver failing success ia every case ín correcting irre-ularities, rclievin painful and disiressing menstruation, particularly at the change of life, Frnm five to ten pilla will cure that common yet dreadful cmnplaint, the White Nearly evcry fcmale Ín the land RufTers frí m thli complaintThe above Pili has permanently cured thousands, and they wi II cure jou ïf you use them. They cannot harra you; on the contrary. they remove all obstrurtionH, re store nature to its proper channel, and invigorate the whole System. Ladies whose health willnot permit an increase of fjim'ily, ivill find theso pills a successful preventive. Iadion peouh'arly situated, or those supposing themselves no, should not upe these Pills during he first three months, as they are certain to produce miecanïage, "aftcr which admnniti,n" tho proirietor assumes no responsibility, although their mildness will prei-ontan injury to health. The ingrodientn compnsing the abovc Pili are diftdc known to every Agent, and Ihey will teil you they are Rafe and will perferm all ehfcfmed (or thora. Price SI per h old in VNX ARBOR, by STEBIHNS WILSON, Bruggists, W. A. 1IU.VT, Drugfftot Ladies living ai, a distnnco by pending them $1,00 through the Ano Arbor Postoffice, enn havo the Pilis sent (confnlfnlially) tJ mail, to any part of the emmtry free of poftage. NT_ lï. - Beware of n bate counterfeit of these Pills. - You can buy the counterfeit article at any pricpfrom ?5 tu 76 cents h box (denv at tliaV). Laiuhk Touf Üvcs jukI health are of too mtich val neto bo triflfd ivitb, besidea belsg Impased upen with a wnrthl.ess &rtio1e. 'I barefore, hiiv OP6 offering yon hese Pilla for loss than $1 % box, avoid them uyoawouïd poison. They arebogun. Kone aregenuiue unie."s the name of S. H. HOWK is on every bnx which has recent ly been added, on account of tlie Pills bein'' couterfeitea. old also, by K!NNE&MITH,ypMtanii. 1JLISS íí liKKÜLJackuon, flndby ono tlrticc if=t. in every villajrp anr] city in the United StatM, Midby KABBAND,BaEELEY& OJ.. General State Agent 1 1 'trioit . S. I) HOWE, SolrTropretnr. 86Tyrs2 New Vors. Al tach inent Nolico. ] OT1CE is berebf given tbat on the 24fh da? of Novenibrr, A L., cighteon huuf'rpd and Hixty-lwo, a wríl of ;itt.vlmiP ut wns isued out o. the Circuit Oonii for the Countj1 of WapMenaw, in favor of Thnmhk, pïnini iil, ngriiusi the gcods, oh&tteln, Uiidi ieatmeotfl moBPjH and elï'ect of Pett-r Scha f er and Wiliinm PcbwÜzot defeodaats. Tor the sum of tvo hun. di"pd il tA pity ebt döllara and flfty-two cents, wbfeh faid wrlt wüii ratuniable od Taesdsj tb Feeoad öajrof ■ ■' r, A, Ij.etghtücn hundred nnd slxty-two, and that it appears by the rr turn.s of the proper offlcer to Baidwxit tbat propertjh&sbeenattacbcd threon,that ucither of aid deimflants cnuld b found. THOMAS MORGAN', rialntifT. II. J. Bcakbh, AUorncy ioi Plaintiff■ '. Aon Arbor, Cecfmbn "4, lL.G Ayer's Gherry Pectoral


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