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a'O RTANTto FEMALES ( THE HEALTH AND LCFEOPWOMAK Ueontrnually inpufl f dn s nivi tnongh tonolecl or maltreat tiiose sexual In egalarittep to whid. two thinls or Uer rafc are more or lew aubjíet. ,,,, ,;. rom the ml formula wMcb. the inventor. rORMEUÜS L. CM=.EStMVN tí. D.,of New-fork, has for twenty yesrs used mCCTusfulíTÍB n extended prlTatepMCtiea- lmtneiitljr reik f e without pain, all diatarbancea of thti piriorticaJ (liscïmTEro. whether ansing fivun iclrixation or Buppreütion. Tteynct lik charta in remoTing the pain that accf.m)nnv diíRpiH or imfl&odeïate i:nr siruutsun, nd ly !Vr FluKhen, Piek ■ l lïeartache, 'Pain in the Uin. llaok aml SMe, PalpilaticD [ i of til Heorl Smtou Tremor, lv-tpric.= , .pusraq, BrokenPlcipandotner unp)wsantan Aanetom (TcU of an unnatural condition of t'np F.-ial funetioni In , the worst cao( Fluor Jlbusox Wliitos, theyireot a j spectv curp. To WIVES and MATEONS. D7.CHEE-KMAN'PPI[.I„Brc ..fTfcil ns the only saTo mojins of rentwine;Interruptef] mensti-uation, but. IiADIES MUST BKAlt I!V MI1ÏD Tkcre. ï onc fiondlliov "f tke femnle system in tphich Iht Pilh wifiol hf, laken irrlutttt producir,!; a PECULIAR RF.SIJ LT. ThtcantHtionrtferrtdto i' PVEGNANCY- the rtèult, MISCMIItlAGE. Snch is the irrtëittült trndenni nf the medicine 'o rutort the seftual fmetttmê tn a nnrmal' crmtlition, that even the reprnductive power of vaturc cnnTint rtsist U, : f direct iovs Mauve when, oud tenen they shoiild „„hc mei, W'th oneh Box,- the Price One Dollar each Bol, roiitniiiing 50 PUI'. A l'.i nphlet. to he had free nf the Ajents. Pilis trntbijmail prtimptty, uy onolosin? pnce to aiiy Airent . Sold by Druggisi's gotipral J . b K. B. HUTCHIN'OS. Propr:etor. '0 Cedar-St., New York. For Raiabj MA.TNAKD STEDBIN.S & WII.SON , and ■ÏRKN'VII.I.K St 1UI.LKR. Howard üssociatioií, PHILADELPHIA. For the rcllrf ef tkê and Dstrts?ct,d, nfftctcdtdih Vruhn and Ckronie tHaemut, nnd espec.ially for the Cnrr of Digtmeë nfllie Sexual Organr, MKUICAI. AUViCK given gratis. by the Acting SurV.M.UABI.F. RKI'ORTS on Snermaiorrlioea .and other Dtseasea of the Sexual Organs,and on the NEW (tEMEDIES eioployed in the Diepesary,Bent in se&led lettel envelopes'. fiVe of charge. Two or thrct stampa foi postageaceeptable. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN' IIOCGHTON 'Howard Association, Ko 2 S. Nmth St., Philaaipu,p. s61 See a ivoraan, in nnother column, picking Sambuci Gnipos for PrEEE's Wine. It is an admirable article, used in hospitals and by first-class families in Paria, London, and New York, in preference to oíd poi t wino. It is worth a trial, as it gives great satisfaction. pARm POH SALE. The unloii:'!v ln'. ,dl, ou len yrars time if devajd 80 Acres of Land Iti Webster, Adiohiing thi'tba farm o{ L. Boydon. The farm in W! il lenced, in a fina state oi ouU vatlou, has a frampd house, a youni; and tbritty ortharf1, nd is convtnicnt tomarkirt Terüis given ou appltoaliofl. D HKNNIKQ. Ann Arbor, Pept. lSth, ie62. 870m3 THE ROOTS AND THE LE AVES V1U. be for the Healii-S of the Natious. Bilde. Prof. Ij5TCXrS, TUK GREAT AND CELEBRATED .'IIVSK'IAN of th TaHOAT.LDKGS, HBART, UÏU ANK THE BLOOD, Kn.jwn all over the country as tho CKLc: IISriDI-A.IT HCBI4S DOOTOK 1 Of 282 üaperior átreet, Cleveland, Obi. Wil! visit the follomng piá'crs, vjz API'OINT.MKNTsroK 186J, 186Sandl8 I. Trof K. J. Lyona eau be coaaalted at the fuüowing places every moDtli, vil! Detroit, Hussel llciu-e, each roo-ith, 13th and 19th. Ann Arbor, -Moaitur House, each munlh, OlIi. Jackeon, il:bbarú Uuuse, i-acb inonih, '1. Adi-ian, Braofeet Boa&e, c-ach muntb 22d andSSd. Toledo, Ohio, Culhns House, saoh moutli, 8lih, S.itb, and -;ti!. HilUdale, Mii.h. , IJills-lüic House, each rmjHh, 2Tth (oldwater, Micli.. Soufnerq Micliigau House, each monlli, i?8th. Klkliart, Kikliart House, eaoh month, 29th. Boatl St. Jo. ifntel, eaoh month, 30. LapArle, [&d-, Te Garden House, each njontli 31 st. Wuoster, OU:ü, Crandell Exchange, each momh, 7th and 8;h. Maiwiic-ld, Ohio, AViler House, eaeh raonth, 9th and loih. Slt. Vernon, Kenyon Uoase, each monlh, lltll and üth. Newark, Ohio, lioltori osse, each m-nth, lGih and 14 tb, Paloeaville Obi". Cowle Ifnu-e, each pion1h,3d. . LKVI .I.ANi', OHID. RESll INJt. AN, OFFICE, 282 SUPEKiOU 8TJ8ÈET, Rast of tin.' pubüe sijnaru, oppesite the Postoffice. .i;,s !i rooath, lat. KI, 4ih,5th, cth, 15th.- Office hou ra f rom 9 A ■! . to XI M, aod from U 1'. M. to 4 1'. .M. uu ï-uii !:t from (J u 10 A. il., and 1 to 2 1J. ii. j-Miixim striuiJy adhered to- I erive such bitu is baV6 no strife, With nature #r the lwa of .'u'o. Wil h bl I iny hands I oever Muin, KorpoiBon men toease their pain. He i'í aphysician indeed, -rh ' The ludían Dbctor, .1. LYuNV, euros the fol lew lag c .. In the most obstinate auvge-s oí' thuiv existt nee, viz; Diseasen af the Throat, pungs, HeartUv&r, Storoaeh, Dropsv in the Chest, Rbeunafism, nvarafgia, l'"its. ft tItDgétckoes,aad ■■'. other nefvn.'i'U'i'angtíint'nts. Also alldiseasftiof ttie bloacl uoli at Scfofula, trjsipelfta, Cancera . Fdver dore, I.ep-osy, and all otber cinaplicated ctiruníc comijluints All forma of female diftieultïes aticnded to wlth the happiet ix'sults. It is hopcd that no one will 'leipair 01 a cure untn Uk-v bave ffiven thii ludían H ■ Medicines a íftir and faiíhful trial. ODürlng the poctor'i trnvels in Kurope, West lndles, Soutb America, and the Ünítetl Stafw, be bas Iwen die insmnncnt in God'a band-, lo reatore lo heaíth and vigor tbousands who wort. Lven tip an.l pronounced incurable by -hu moei emiiH-iii oíd hchuot physicians; nay, more, thou-ands wbu were on the vtrjje of the grave, are now living mo!.itmnntH !.. tbs ïjndi n Her O's üóctor's skill and uccessful tratment,áu4ar Uiiy exclainiing: "B'esned be Ibt day when flrst we ssw aua partook of the Indiait Kefb Doe tor 's medicine," .'iitist'üctcry rpferccces of ourea wtU be gladíy and giveuïibepfiver requtred The Doctor pW4ea bi" word and iinnor, that he will la do wifie, directly ot" indireetly, ibdüce or caw any Invalld to tak e hití medicine Vithout the ability of a cure. . Lf Mude uf pxaxninatíon, wbicb la eniircly different from the factiltv. Jr. Lv(n profefl#öi to (lï.e(-rn diseaseïi by thi eyö. He therefore askii noqueattooB, nor patieatsto tplftin ymptoms. ('all one anfl oll, tnd have thp sf toptoms m. ti'l location of your ■ ii;uri d Ir e of ohai ge. poorohall bPliberally considered. jKSIJostoÜlce addres". l 26ft3. K. J. ÍA'ONP, M TV Cleveland, (ihio, Nov. 25, 1862. ly?80 The liighest market price paid for-ail PELTS Sc FURSI I fihall vU't different Io6ali(iec n ttia eounty the ccmmg frintar. and will pay t Ho HIGHEST MARKET TRICE IN CASH For all kinds o!' Hidefl and Furs. I .-hall be in this city every Satnrdar. ANSEI, OREEN,Ann Arhor Noï 25, 1S02. lm88O "Próvido for Yo r Family." I511SrlCIC33E.KOCÏ5:EÏ?, LIFE INSURANCE GGMPANY. Westt-rn office , Kiuysb-ary BlQck, Randolih Bt., Chicago. Assets Jau. let, 1802, $270,223.44. Pollcté are isaued upoD tha Htm oí dobtori,asdfbf all bastneM purpoaes, etther fr -li í o .-r Uv a. tnn oi years. on as favorable Uu dbji aa by aoy otbi c Oonvpa v.y. ■i ladics may in&ure tho Htes of tli'-ir huflbandfl, aCCOrdlng to n l;r.v oi "iiiil, of the Insurance tö theaaselves or tbeir cbild ren, nree from the claims ut thcir husbavds1 creditors: aJeo, married ■n [osare thelr own LIvm f he beoi At ui their PoUciea on lives art isucil for any sum not exeeeding 10,000. By the terrns of tbc charte?. thla Corapny [ prohibí - tod paying mOi e than 7 pr cent, nnnuatty ia dividende on ita capita) to Btockboldei In interest for the use of ita capital, the surplu I divided among the .Mutunl lMurer : henee it will appear tbat it con jetof i .Mutual with tbe eocurity nf a Stoet Gom] When the preniiotn amountw 1o $40 or over a note naay be given for foor tentbs uf the amo uut ■ Rales ae low as any oihcrguod company. IBJNnw Ia the time nf saonre a oompetency f"r voux i'amily should dealb dat, your homestead encumbered I and businese iBvolve i. ÈEASTÜS LYMAN', PreRident. Geo, P.SsinnKaf,Pïfy. B. F. JohDflon, Pioe President and Manager of stern liranch office, Ch E. B. POND, Agent. WK. EWOT, K. D., Itédlca] ExHminer. 1HE AJÏNUATi nioi'1 'ne: of the (er in .in Farmers' Firo Inurinice Com.;tn vH be heM at (lic house gf John Kucii, l.odi, Ilec, 1,1889, at lOo'clück, A. M. JOHK K0CH, Scov. Uil, N",lRC2. TO LET. THE BHICK HOUSE and Barn dow occajü hy 01ny Ilawkins, Enq., on Detroit street, Ann Arbor, posIon ftren the l-.t df April. Aleover] ituies and roomn In lïnchoz's Block to et togood iteady tetuuits ;ii b very low recttinimrt!at9 poMejssion glVen. Ioqüireof L.B. BUCHOZ. Ann itiwr.MarchfiS, ISfil. ötótf Ayers Cathartic Pilis. i


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