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G-reat Books ia iress. THFilLLÏNG INCIDEKTS OF THE GREAT REBËLUON; nu TheHeroism of our Soldierst Suilors. i 1 vol.,large 12 mo. Trice, SI. 25. Tliii eritics and the public ar l-iglit In pr}ictlnrU;r.t this witl surpau.In graphle narriilv, xcitlng Interait, a. d mtensive pc.pnlimty.all othr histories of tn r lor Ihc L'nion lts thiine wlll be heroic driog, patieiit uacrings.and halr-bn irf ' noldien ndsailors, and tiiociaenta wil1 ferm the therae of con. vcrsa'.ion ut innumerable ('resides for jrcar to cemp. II will coi.tain. nnrtdilion to lia ttining detail, til piuloonhical Annljsis of tbe Cftuses nf the Wr, by J:nv Lomitor ...oTi.iiY, LL. D , Autln.r of ■'The Kise of the Dutch Rcpublic," etc. tlic dacs ui' all the important evenl fromthe Julia Brown raid, and m accuruto .uid revined account of tlie piiuciijal Iwttlos, wlth eögraT.nga. One third tho prtcoed of allSubscrtption sent direct to ns ril! he civrn tor the Relief of DiVulilc-d goldiw, and all peraonswho wish a copy of the vork, nn.l tao to benefit the Btldie ,hold señd tlieir namo and addressatonco. Alao, anjf (ffleeror private, or person m any section of the country, haring knowloiige of a lieroic act or stirrin' incident, will obligo us bj aondlng ua an account of it, BookBclIers, Poslmistpr, nnd Canvunlng Agfftta U1 befurnishedwitTlaSubscnptionsl'rosiii.-cMs.Gn application to gt, A liberal coijimissicnsl"1" to soldiers dcslring to netas agenls In tiikingsubacriptions, II. ' THE HISTORY OF AMERICAN , UFACTURES, from 1608 tol860. By Dr. J .I.kander Pianop. 2 vuls, 8 vo. Vol I. now rearty, Vo! II. nearly ready. This is probably tlie largest and most important wor!: nuw ia the American press. We have also just pnbtished new erlition3 of tha following usefuland popular books; The Business Man's Legal Adviser ; Or, How toSaveMoney, hy (Jonducting Business uingtnlaw a expounded by the Best aad Latust , tliorities. 40U pp , fiheep. Trice SI. ■ OPPORTÜNITIES for INDUSTRY ; , or, A Thousand Chances to SUke Money. Cloth, $1 This has been republisUed in Eng! and. Every Imsini'ssmannnr! clerk shouW hare these boolis. Th.y ivill pay ihi.. bim r a hundred ibkl. Evory parnt shoulu get t'aem icr tiieir sons. AU these boots are mfiileii, postpaifl, on receipt of price. We p:iv payticubr atteution to matlins books, rappinï thiin carefutly, and will procure and fcnd, poslpnitl, ftny book anyw'lure, on receipt oí pu'uliahcr.s jrice. Adiïress FREEOLEY & CO., gGltf ' Tribune Buildings, New York. T H E HOUSE KBEPER'S NEW IUJINITUREPOLTSÍI Preparert from an improved recipe by llie ].ropric-t'r of tin ■ipoTiiicB Jonathan l'upn,:' is oertifled bj a.l the leading New Ycrk Kurniture Doalera umi FiniloKorte Malers to 00 the beat in the world for Removing Scratobea, Mark, aud DIrt. and restoring a high and glom to al kinds of VarnUhed werk. fic.iu r urm ture t' Leather. It is cheaper and bettor than amirh, dries imuuMlialely.aU'l is onsily iippüed. W.lll a picce of Capton FUaneJand aDd tiottle ut tivo ol thi Nk PouaH, a Moawkeeper can work magie uthe foraiöire of house and ksep It looking like new. Now i time td "ahinenp" ynur Tables, Chaira, Deska, i ianot, l'ictuieKrnuir-3. Carriages, otc, and mak ih"m looi 50 per cent bettcr. This l trui ec nomy. F. ir mie by lurniture Dealersn1 f'toiokce) ts gtnerally.- ITUe 2."an4 50 oents Rbottlo. Depot No. 1 Spruee st , Kew i'.ük. Spécial Ageta Wanted. Adjress, Box 1972, Kew York 1'. 0 The Hou ekoBper's New Fornitura Polish la for üalo at Ann Arbor by NEW FALL GOODS! BAGH PEERSON ITftve just opened a Choico Stock f : WÓOL, COTTON& SILK EL E E 3O S ' for Ladies' and Gentlemens Wear, tiUo n tnck of Best Famüy Groceries, ( which will be nc]d CHEAP FOR CASH. Gold, recuived at 16 per cent. prem. Sllver, " " 14 " " " Canada, " ■ 14 (' " Oíd demnnd Treasury notes, at 10 per cent. prem. BACH & riERSON. Ann Arbor, Sept. 92, If62. fiïifle Factory! Beutier &, Traver, - [9uoee8OfH to A. J SuherlanO,] }Ia!)ufat,urer8 of and Dealers ia Guns,Pistols, Ammuaition Flaslcs, Pomhes Game Bag.i, and Evcrjotlier rticle in that Line. All kinds of done at the Bhortest uotico, and iBtbebflt marniera fuil ftnortmcni alwajn K-ppt on h&n3 and made order. flESv, Sbopun Huron atreet. Ano Arbor, Uöt. 8, l?Qi. 873tf ]ow is the Time. I say, üow is the time to settle Accounts, IAM detenfa'sed for thfl next ni nebí to bring tlip unMittli'd aeeounti on m.v booki to i close. Aa rny debtfimust be pata, and ftll business gten are naklag slmil OMKÜtA, and -iiMit Bi Hl l'K'llt-, I ;t iïj CnuipLiil'il tO foliovtuit. It you can't pay the mooy duw, yon nvisi pass your jiote wilb niereai on ahorl timo, ah I h iv Uido, No ïnriTi is sn puur tii,it lio can't selth' auy lii.i'-. Lini'in;: tha Kttua, 1 ra ids tïw time for p .3 menta aboutthe Örat of OetoflSr, thai time ha goni i.v, and luit few have responded. Ko#, Ln oonclunion I Ka] to :ill 'l'-l!i) 1 .i 11 1 ,ti , 1 ;:.■ ff ilie aUove Kpecifiod tímo, you muftl ex peet a vUit frorn a proper ofheer tu tender U tast ci ! 1. M, HOGERS. Ann Arbor, October 1, 18fi2, 2m87i. üuctioneers Hotice. BYBON G1ÍEKN', liavin tpplltd for n liroiis", now hnlda bitpneli iO readfns O attent fco all callr. - badexpiui?ncL, hois posjtive he cn give good B&tisiactioa, AHcal propiptly Hended i . ChaiQM itiasou;iljl Applj at the Fcanklm Hnute ISÏBOX GBEEN. na ArlMT, Oct. 24, tf Í2, pT5i( Money to Lenci. rRiV FÜBSISH MOXEY ( reombl ioriüB ao3 ï tirgd on gpod Farm leep] ■'


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