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SPEEft'S SAMBÜCI WINE, PCI'.E, AXD FOCR TEAR.S OI.P, Of Choie Opor'o xiüit, TOR PHYSICIAN"" CSE, TOR FEMALES, WEAKLY PERSONS & INVALID3 Kverr famüy, at thla fa son, should use tli9 SAMBÜCI WINE, i Celebrated in Eurcpeforiis medicinal and bcneflcml qualitie ns a pentle ttimulnnt, Tocic. Diurt tic ond Sa , Soria, hichly esteemed by eminent phyeicjcns, uscd m - ïuropeaiTand Amerioin H'-spMnls, andby soc.e of tno rst families of Euro; e i.r.d America. AP A TON'IC, It liasno cquul, causinfcun arpeüte aüd building np J of thesystem biag ntlrely a pure wine of most aluabW fiuit. , A3 A DlCRtTTC, It impartsa healthy action to the GlandsanflKidneys, indOrlnary Organs, very beneBcialiu lTopsy, Gout.anü iheuniatic añüctioní", SPEER'S WINÍ Is tiot a m'.xturenr manufacturad artlcie, but Is pnre, ftom the juioc of the Portugal .-'ambu!!tivtod J in Non' Jr?oy.rtcommni'!iT!hyl Umiists and PbyEic;nns a poaiesainK medical pmpertlt ■ uperior to mr oth in ae, ani a.. eelJent article for all weak and debilitated persons, and the iiged nnd inflrrn, improvin the appetito, and UeneB:ing ladies and children. A I.ADIES WIN'E, 1 Beoause it will not intoxícate as otber vrine, aa it contains nu mixture of spirivsor liquors.nnd isadmired foritsrich, peculül Bator, and nntvitive proporties, impartlng a liealthy tone to l!i= digestive orgaiiE,and a " blooming, soft and healtby slcin and complexión. WE KEFEK TO A few well knoivn gentlemon and physicians, wlio have tried the Wine:- Gen. WinfleldScott.U.S. A.1 Dr. Wilion, lllhst., N. Y. ( Got Morean, N. Y. -tate Dr. Ward, Newark, N. J. Dr.J R. Cliilton,:-!. I Dr. Dmiherty, " " D. PriUt, N Y. City. Dr. Parish, Phi!ade!p!i:a Drs. Darcv and Ntoho'l, ' Nowark, N. J Anfl m.iny others too numerou to pnblish. jaarNoae g'-nuri unloss the signature of "AT.FKKt) SI'EEP., l'asxaic, N J ," is ovtr the covk of each bottle. S-MAKE OXK TEIAL GF ÏHIS WINE. For Fale by Maynaiil, Stebbln & Wllson, Ann Arbor. Trade supplied in Detrjltt by H. & L. ?IMOXEAÜ. A. SPEER, Proprietor. VINEYA.UP. Papsaic, New Jersey. OFFICE, 308 Broadway, X. Y. JOHN LA FOV, is, ?31ni6 Agent for Franceand Germany. risdonYhen dersois XXcfcXT-O tilO 13 XJ 0 151 E3 "ST E3 CRAIN DRILL, and G-rass Se cd Sower, Manufactured at Springfiold, Obio, rpHE VERY LATEST IMPP.OVEMENT, and better than 1 all others; adapted to soiving Wheat, Rye, Oats, Barley and Grasa riced. Ibt. Il has a Rotary Feeder. id. Wïil sow all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. Sd. Nevcr Lunches the Grain éth. JVever breaks the G-'ain. 5th. Sows Grass Seed broadcast bahindthe Drill. Qth. Has high wheeh and long Hoes. Ith. Has long and wide steel pointsSth. It has a Ixnd measure or Shttveyor. 9t7. It has doublé and single rank dr lis. ! 10tá, It has a self adjustlug shui of il i lelt is neatly and substantially made, There is liardly a Diiil offeredin tlio markt-t bat can hoast of more or less F1BST PREMIUMS:' ' Tbey are rTjou( as Indiacrimlnatelv bestowed a the titlo 1 of ProfeortJi wlitcb ir sometlraej npplld ta tfe "jWdiT" or boutblack,'' ?iw$ ceaseto convey tbc idea íiímerit. 'f Ti e BaokeyeDHll has been on Exbibition at quite a Dumber uf Stateand County Fair, And seeking ï favor at tb 1 ;l n Is of miy Couimittce, haa receiveU its full bare oi Premiums. TESTIMONIALS : We glve the following tamos of a few Farmers ín 1a!; vicinity wao havebougtit aU used theBuckuyeiJnU ; Godfrty Millcr, Sl. 'ï JmüI] i'oliieiau? Jacob ïremper, i( Thomas White, ' Nortliüeld. John lirokaw, " Chiihtian Kapp, " IjIwaitI lioyden, Webster. James Trca'livell, Ann Arbur, DaaielU'lhira, " " Jobs Q. Gooit, I.odi. 10. A. Marshall, " L. Ednmn s, Saline. Oeorge CrüisO3', UreuOak, Liv. Co, ' Wc are also Agents for the Ohio Reaper & Mower, acknowlejged tr he the vcry bost u use. Wo ave just iu receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Whicíi we will sell clienp. Also alargo assnrlment n G-rass Scytlaes. And the litigcst ana bost selcHcd stock of BENT STUFF FOR CARRIAGESeverbcfori! offerert B thls market. We also kscpaUrgoand full NAILS, GLASP, PUTTY, PAIKT.üa'í U3ÍSEEP OIL. A complete assortmeot of STOVES, TINWAKE, ANf' EAVE TRüUGUSalways on hanCI and put up atthe shoríust U'ttice. DON i ME.NDERFON. Asa 'jtotsr. June 98tV183 i=59tf FOR BAXrB. w. a. SAurDEüs íffors liis Homcpíeaíl T&r Sníe, Wlll be in Ann Arbor the last weeS in September, Pl'iOO LVX3. 1?G?JCCL3 Can i clt ' í1'.


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