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ï am Bound tor m i. GÜITERMAN &CO'S!Ï o E (ai Dispute tlie fact if you enn, It takea the T AILOÍI nfter all to give f appcaiance to tbc onter man. cr tic) If you wlsh to appenr well Vuu must aceoriliugly Dresi Wel!. ' are Go to ET. Gutterman &, Co's., Thero you will find things oxuotly SO. Th. S0NDHEI2Í alwi.ys ready to take an your mensure, n(i, GUITERMAN will sell you Goocs th with great pleasure, p At figures LOWER than you will find in :he State, Li,' 'J'ake lieed - call eauly, elae you are ' too LATE. Í ti 110 The inddcejíbnts are now groator than an. Our you will find obliging and -1 clever. ";; th. We will show you ffood CLOTIIING "". of our own oettino cp, Filiing our Store from Bottom to rop. L'a STUDENTS eöpeciaüy will find it to do TH KIR ADVANTAOE, For it tukes but LITTLE MONEY to repleotsh. 1500 0VERC3ATS of Oioth, Braver, and Bear, J Warranted for ahuost evor to wer. í ' COATS of Cloth and Oasaimero of our own impohtat:í:'. Porwarded through our Nsw York relations. From England, Belgium, Germany and Franca, Such :is you can stand up in, or WSiR, at the dance. Fants ! Paute ! ! Pañis ! ! ! Fanoy CASSIMERE3 and DOESKIN oí everv grilde, We sell them from ONE DOLLAR up lü EIOIIT. VEÍTS, ElC, of every dcsrription, You will find it so without h'cüon, FursWhing appahels From SHIRTto UMBRELLAS. Thia in all we nay noir, Therefore wf make our bow. Yours truly, ever so. GÜITKllMAN. & Co., y ■ . ■ ■ -■■-- ■:■■.. ? ■■■BK! ■■ ■- ■■■'■: ■-.'■ ■ iitHStiíJil -'i--e?. :o Xj, x m si Woulrl take tbis method of rnforming his ol] frlends and patrous and all othei-3 who roay favor turn with (heit patronage, ttat he has greatly en'.argcd his Stock and Assortineui ! and baving adoptad the CASH SYSTEM EOTII IN BÜYING &SELLIN6 is prepared to sell Gooiis at JF "3 L■: 3 13L 11O FriceGí, '9 stock oonakti m part ol ciic following: jf- AMKIUCAX ANT) QTHÏK (x, Watchesl JjK Tbe Clebratcd IsáJ SETHTHOMAS ULOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setts GOLD GHAINS, TABLE AND POCKET OUTLÊ11Y I Pazors, Phear. Foisnrsnn1 Brnptie", ROühKS 1'LAÏi.D WaKE, the best in mnrket Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPER nnl EKVEXOPE8, Musical Instruments, Strifígs Sf Books for Instruments, of Gold, SUver, Sltcl, and Pla'.ed, KiA PERISCOPIO GLASS, a supeiior fcrticle. Torsons havin? difllult watches to fit witli f can be acconjoduted, as my stock in l;tr aiii1. comE, S. Particular attontion to ths of all kinds oí tine Watchcs, such as Making and Setting ne'w Jewelp, l'hiionf, SiuJJ's, awi C'jlindcrs. Aho clocks, ac TEw-EXi-sr ' np.itly rep&lrsd and warrantcd, at his tAd stauiltatt Ride of Main Sttet. C, BLISS. Ann rhor, Sp. ÍS, 1M PSCtt , "icÊlclTi cËT" TWOTLTi rrfipocifuUv sttannncc tn n] rav fomer cuítciri' vs in I iritn'l-i lut I sli-.ll flll roy 'cl during tha cutninü aintfr. n I wouH be glad to furnisb iBK IC1C during the mob I83. , . On account of mv men golng cff ti war anu I me.apd varionfl tiilflculütfti I was obl'geji tu 1i latinp i Ice vi', gona a sl ri rime sooner th.m I r I huiü lo ba able lo aui'pij' al!; - and witbas , ML'Cll ICE AS TI1EY MAY WANT, I will foirisfamüiw! with SO lts por Aar. I 40h :iíí.it! ■.?: Dnrinjth'a ly n'Un i .nilwlftiiciirfseasonattl.lSOpBi liotel", ShIoob nd Botober -ii. ps 11 be furninhed a btretofure, at '-0 cis per 100 l!-i. 678w(j XT I'. THOMPSON. 1862. lees. MEW FALL OS! ïtm openinf, a ppiendirt stock of Tcw Goods for the rdeat O. 52. MILÏiBWS t'dsm? asía s, Ana A:b. l Spt :nbor IS, 1BS3 Ta" __- - T Demand Treasury Notcs Tor whioh v:c jiajr {ê H. GTJTTÍiFÍIAr ■■C, Ar.n 4tb(ii Oo( br 3 !


Old News
Michigan Argus