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ËjMk EmpirT% ; J. R. WEBSTER yL [E cSc Co„ tg JX An n Arlok'. . - - iHBPiWMI si n, wíl r i pübus rl AND Miinul'aciunTí, a New and l'un, .:■ LAW & MEDICAL UOOKS, School Books, ;"ul Miscdlancous Hooks, , fani Boois, dan " - STATIOKTBRY! thai ud ÏHudöxt Papor, Dcawiogand Hatliematicallastramonts, TY Music. Juvcuüe UbrariO, Kuvelopra, luksaud Caids. ' -" ffS. ■ _■_■ ::-_ by i' an a GOLD yíw all olher kinds of Pens and Pencis Rs Wiu-Iow Coxbtoe, Hhadefl iinil Fixture, POCKET CUTLEBYl r". AndcvfcrtliiiiRpertumimr to trad.-, n n r moro to ïï hlehtoey truuld ir.vit,' theatlention ' oftheooun . Inoonduetlngour bunncaa, we halldn allthatcnn othal n rcasonable uum,woma'i or ohlld shall liml iiiiy fault. _. We posscsB faclü ties wblch win uuable us to supply XD tmr.sli'iiHTs at Ihn Lowest Possible Figures. . Wo proposo iosell for REAOY l'AY, ata smalladvauce. expecta pruilt on our goeds, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low ■".' FIGURES. Thf L;Fm1'irkI3ook SfrORE," is ttïanned by affood 'crow,1 ]u. nd tbey will alwaya bofoandonlho "quarter deök," a U( raad; and -iiüng to aliena to all with pleuure,wko will „ell favor ílieni witli a cali. liemember the "Empire Book Storo." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. -' Ann Arbo:,S[ay,l860. 7Jj PjJ Chicago Book Trade. S The .'lace to Bty Scltoól Bcoli-n G WHOLESALE !. Book & Stationcry House. " S. C. GR1GGS & CO. ü PUBLISH Sanders Progressive Readers, Nfowly ffléotrotyped , wlth oe w and oiigino] Illutrations., O are thomosl boautlfal a well asïUe lu'stbüuks extaut. ö I. flimdera1 Alphabet-Cnrds, &te-e1 $ -CO 11. Saúdcrft'J rimary Öih'l Cliarls, 8 on 4 eards, l 5o II! Sanilero1 Prhnary Spolliog Book, lu IV. Bandera' New Speller and L)eflncr, 35 'M" V. Sande.B' Apal} llWords, So VI. Sander'i ■ mer, fixiunii) ..... }2y. VIL Snndors' Germán and Knetlish I'rituer 'ö -r VIII. Psii.;. r.' Xi-.i Firat-Rador, IS -Ni IX. Saodere' New Second Beader} Ü X. Sanders' New TblrdBeader 40 X S . S laders' Ni-w Fourth K Ier Cfi m XII. i i Kifth Reader, 75 XIII. Baaders' HighSchcol Reader 80 ■■ I XIV. Saniers' Youn I teadorj 88 '■-' XV. Sander ■ ] i'M bea XVI. Sanders' Eiocutionarj Cliart o T These naden are distlngabbed for Uieir Btrlctlypr. a1''! grmim akaracter and practlcaladaptationto the youDg. , They Bi rl with ui favor and ■ by no olaas more favorably than by l'raetic'ul Teachers nïiir who hnvc teritcd tbeir merlts in the school room. 1 Robinson's Course of Mathematica. BT.HÓRATÍO N. ROBIXSON, I.I.. I). Jj, ÏAte Professor of Matl-malio.s in the ü. S. Navy Hit; I. Robinson'fl Progreegive rrimiirv Arilbtnetio, 'l0' II. Hitljinson's Progressive Inteücctual Ariih. nm III. Robintion's Ri irritteti .with. 5 , IV. Robinson'a Progreaslre Praottoal Arith. 6 J1 v. B'i!.ii.v.i;j Kej to Practical Aritbnetic, 50 " VI. Kouinfton's Progresoive Higher Arilhmctlo, 75 P"s Vil. K iblnsoo K' v in Higher Arilbmelic, 75 m" Robinson's He KlemenUry Algebra, 75 ]X, Bfbin8on's Key to ElemeDtary Algebra, 75 .' X. Robin ;, Algebra, 1 SJ c"' XI. Roblssonfs Koy to Unlrersity A1-1 00 XII RnbiosonN Geometry and Trigoooiuetry. i ;,o " Xül Bobrnaon'sSurToyingand Navigation, 1 00 J 3üV Aoalytii I faadCooIo Sec: i l 50 pei XV : lifierential and Integral Calculusl 50 kn' X'I Hnh '„ i tai j Asi ron xv; Roblnson's Universftj 1 75 XVIII Robiusons Mathematica! Operatfons, Ï5 ol" XIX Hob;nson's Key to Algc'ura, Geometry, Sur'" veying, 4rc, 1 50 ' ronalnga FDIX BATHKMATICAX CODRSE, rimi braclng Arlthmetio and Tejfl Bool In tin UI hei kathi,o: eniatics. For oxtoiit of rosearen, facilityana ap'tnesa it" ( illwtratlos and practioal uselulness, the autlior ofthis y, series isurpftKsed hy no matheinatical v.ritcr iu thiH kn' cnniitrv. Thls serien has beun recominonded 'v_lho bi-Kt j U&tuematlof&iiB In all soctlons ol the country'. Ha . bei Gray's Series of Botanics, six books. j llitcbcock's School Anatomy and Püysiw', ology, SI. tin Hitehcock's Gcology, onc book. Well'a Grammars, two books wi N ell's Scientifio Series, iiiclucling Cbeinch istry, Pliilosophy, etc, Three books. Wilson's Series ot' Histories, five books. wo Pasquelle'a French Series, eïght books. ",." WooJbury's Germán Sorios, tcVon books. '■ Bryant & Strattou's Series of Book-keepïï ing, three books. all Spencerian System of I'cnmauship, niue "' books. 'll of And .iluny odiir Valuable Uooks. ra es: Ih: Wholesale Dealers and lïetail "■ cliasers co Will flnd at onr store over Foor Thousand dUFeront ftrnl Holes of Btationery, and Tkree Hundred Thou.-yiiiU 'olq1 amofl ot books", from which to mako thir tclfction, ' conprislnd an asmrtmer.t notrivaled by anyuthvr book , housu iu tho DnJted Platos. S. C. GEIGGS & CO. Are Special AjrenU for Messrs. Ilarper & Bro's Publications. " D. Appleton & Co's " " & Field's " _ " Gould & Lincoln'a " " J. B; Lippinoott & Co's " AnA fumlÁ mil Ibetr Booka al Bastera irires for c-,i.-'.. Note Pajpers, Letter Papers, and Cap Papers, Blank Books, Pass Books, And all kilfit of BTATIOXERY, at the lowest prieta. StiATBS bj tho dozen ot caso. i t5(T-.siku. 'i-is:mil travclers Tisiting Ciiicno will And 1 it intert-.stini; tti [jngor f'ir :m hour nnii.1 the [ntenninablfi pUes of Uteraturoat39 andel LbJu tretít. S. C. GRiGG-S & Co. Agents "Wanted. #aï Por itll eostly and raloable Bubscript!on V7ork, or nnv aoblo wrrk imnn Religión, Wtorature, Sdence. or Art, Addres tí. C. üÜIGtiö & CO. - , PLEASE REJTEHBEB Tlmt tliero s no boofcstore Eq thisoonnir; fcotplaga letltr or extensin ai wrtue&t tha is always fouad 3 at 89 and 41Lak& street. REMEMBER. . Tliat Public or PriratO Libra ríos can bo BnppUed with rirbt-clas Standard Works 'nyS.C.G. &Co. oponbettor ■ ternas tbftD to scnrl East ao pay Ireigbt Q tKB-Westorn Literary nnd Professional men, Teachers, SeholarB in all dep&rtments of of the world of letten. . lf ftre inviti'i] to ; 9 and -il Lake Btraet tiioir plaoê of . iiui ij. momontsof leisure. S. C. O-RIGGS& CO.( I Wbolcsale and Retafl Booksellers anil Stetlonera Tl 9 I il Lako Street, Cbleagö. 8. c. PBIQOfl 842miï E. I. ja.Ní-kx. I B ■t „ I NoV is the Tixne. i I say, üow is the time to settle Accounts. 1 T AM '1't'Tin'nr-il ffjr the nfxt six weeks to brlnf; "tin1 i tiiinPltU'tl Hccounts on mi bookfl tu.a oIufo, Ah my fiebtsmutt be paíd, and all bus mon are jftking short oredltSt and sh orí Reitlnnents, I ana oonffoeHed to follow sult. 1 you eapM pa ihv mooey down, you a' must pass yoac note wilh intffreet n shori timo, as I - Sodo. Ho ni, in li so poor that ho can 't settle any 1 tipte, Ihirini; the soanoD, 1 Rhade the time fot p oaèots nj abuutihc fiit of 0 ■-■ by, and tat féw bavo responded. conclusión I yay to J all ■! . , : ii.' ;.ii .l li.-ii of the abo re sprciiipd timo, yon most expoota ?islt tfOm a pconer Qfflcex to "' tendei the last iii. y M. ROGERSAnn Arbor, Octobor V), 18G2, 2m87i. Auotioneers Notice. 1 T)VI!ON' CREEN, bavin,' applied f..r a lioens, (iov Í3 hold8 hlmsoll in rondlnosD i" attond to all calis - - Hiivini; liad expei ■ ■ i (otl sathfaotlon. Al! calta promptïjr attended to. Charges '6 leasonable. Appljr at the Franklin Hou q. liïF.dN' GREEN Ann Arbr, Oct. 2t. IStó. 8T5tf „ Money to Lcnd. "f r ft,X IVBNISII HO!il ? "n reaaonale t(.rm. an,l 1 luii time 0] ' v ■ ' E, "v. 1TOH Aun Aiboí, July 32, ISiK.


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