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pHQFf1 & MIL LEU I L ON : ■':!) at tliolrold Stan I, No. 2, Franklin Block, ith thomostconipk'le aasorTmcnt of I looks and Stationery, 'EUFLTMERIES, FAN-CY GÜÜDS, VAI.L AND WINÜOW PAPERS, a ■ HADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, 'ASSELS, Glíf CORNTCES, CURTAINS, IOOK3 AND PINS, ' TEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. { Ever offered in thig Market ! ld thej wüuIiï huggt'st totlioac in pursuit cfanytbingiu ; 1A2ÍTA CLA US' L1N E tat tlu-y cim secure a i Doublé Christmas Present ! ilng flrom thls nlockj a cuch purcbaser gc-U a aüditioiml present of Jewelry, &c. , íangins; invalue trom 50 ets. to $50. i, a ., y ffy Thpytrust that thóírlong experíeace in selecting ; joils forthis'faarket, and striccatteDtxon to tha wanfs r Cui-toiners, may cjuitle tbem to a libeml sbaro oj ..bcr.Dpc. 5. 18tO 777tf L LJFJS ÍÑsÜKaJNOE. ' I ?he Connocticut Mutual Life Ins arañe a Company. iLOOumulaled Capital, - 8,500,000. p :ïTII.I.INSURi: I.IVKS foi &ny nmount not exccciUn; f' r V $10.iKK) :' : th whole tenn oflife urfor a term of Bars. nu the ibosI favorable t ■ n n - . N'.n. Che e.iiiniiiiiv Is povöly nmtual and tho policj ' oidora gét aU tb.o sur'pUjs over tUeexacteost of tí Deo It accon'.i ■'.. ■''' in tbe -s-'ttk'munt of ieir premium' ON I.UK POUCIES, f dosfred, by taking Doteforonfi balfidie amuunt, böariug iatcreat at six c' er cent, K'V amr.un. Dividends are Dedared Annuaïïyl i nd since they now amount tb rïrrr pot oent on i lio v ■ iiiiíi, an note, and are moreasing they naay 'be n pplifid to oftnOftl tlienote. jfta" ïhf rates at premiums aro&a low as anj athor roI "in::inv and tbe btrgo accuniulatert fuad of , 3,f(iü,000 is sectirely ïnvested, as may be Beeñl)j referiuri- 1 1 1 the statement made accOrdingto law, on tilo iu ■i'tbeCounty Clerk.iit Aun Arbor. ■ . JAMEÍ (OODWIX. l'rcst. ? Gur R. PirjBlFS)Sec7 . '■ ForpartleDlanapply to JAiirs c. WAtgi Tt'iyl Agent at Ann Arbor, .Miciil J 3rreat Reduction in the Price of SINGER &l CO.'S ; Standard Machines. ' Well known lo be the Beit far Mm7 ufacturing Purposes. !so. 1, Standard Sbuttlo Machine, í merly seild at 00, reducod lo S70. S'o. 2, of same kind of Machine, for inerly sold at $100, réduced to 75. i STNGER'S LETTER A MACU IN E t ti tbe bost MftcMnc i:i tho tíorlcl for Kimiïy Scfwlhg and (íght Manufacturiutf Purpoitea : (toith Hemmer,) and f j'.iiutifullv tu nainfilfil $00. The Nos. I &nd fi MacUineü are of greatcapacity and " ,ppication for manufacturing parpoes. Uujt No. ö Mftohiuoa are especiallj adaptad t all f lijílit and beavj Le%ther A'urk, In Carrlagfl ( oing, 3oo1 Harui ■.-■ UakiaL,etc.}eta. and ith ;--:i ai m Iodk enou ake it and stltcb i , Tbere s Boaroely uiy part ofa Trliflindrs1 stitchlng tmt o&noot j o botter done witta Ibemti I so, too, the j ■aving oí lime and labor ís vey sreat. Thetablöof , liem macbtnea la 21 inohes long, and tlio shuttle w!U . ioi'1 bix imefi tbe usual iuantitylof thrcad. Thelarge J uachhie worb 3 as &u i o a ama We would ask f rour ket-ter A Slacblnes, U :inlattcntiüii "f Vest Makers and Dross Makers, and íill ,bose who inesfor Hghtrnanafattttrh . toses. Thvy fia'.pi'iv Ebfl prldciples of 1 iiachlnes, naking; liketliem. tbeiutorlockt iré destined to be as celebrad r&KwiNdacd ight man ufacturing purposea asour standard uta;hincs :lvc íor nt mi ufacttt ring purpose ip genera). We liave rtlwayson hand, DBMHIkq OArGEH,Sil.K TWlaT JNEN AND CíflTONTIIRiíAD.O Si'oOi, liKST I1ACIH8 (Jll-ill xttle,etc, etc. We niannfiicture our owo Needlestand would warn all [leryous using our machines mil t buy any otherd. We i ainw thai there are ncedles sold f tité most inferior ■ iiaiiitj at bigher pricea than re charge for tbe beet. uho nco'ílf s solíi by us are manufacture! aspecially for , ui hul hiñes. A badnecdUmaij rm& tin btsL machine Intost usekss. Oor cnstomorfl naay ttbatabour Brancli ■ rurñiabed witb " genuine acti3 " In case of Bxnall parohases tli; mooey muy bfl sent in tosUgt staniji-s or bank notes. pondents will pleanewrlte tbeirnamosítetlDety. i la :ill inpnrtani tbal we sbonld, incacii, inow tlie Post Office, County, and Stat, AH pevon8 rofluíríng informatíonatboutSewing rlacbínes, tnelt alze, prtoe#, worklog o&paeitiea, aud the ).'- i KQetiiodjB pf pui pbasing, can obtatn it by Bonding to i-, cr;iny uf our liranch Offices íor a copy of [. M. Singer & Co.'s Gazetto, Whioh ís a bcauliful Piptorial l'apcrentiii'ly Jevotod to he BuBject- It will be serntgratis. 4-WMll.nv.Mr.:i.(.1!.eai!uv.-líKDlrCTHlNINTHI('I-o with the two-1'nlfl vlew oí benofiting tbe public :"i sel ves. Th'fi pnbHÈ have bien swinaled by spurioas maíbinec made Lo unitatlonoj oars. The metal Intheni, 'rom the iron oaeting to the sroallest peice, i-v i poot tu.di'y. Tbeír uaadma barre not th naeans tü do their irorfi: weil. Thry are 1h1 ft ifay In secret placas, whei e it wouKl be mpO8sible to have at their eommand the propir mecbanlcal appltances. ii sonly By doing a great miinc- . and 'ni ?InjextenirtTe maninaoinring OêtaWisb aenta, that nood machines can be made at moderatpnces, The bost deslgned machines, BADLY UADEfare ojit pf prdor, and are aura io o st considerable troubloand moneyto keepthom Inrepaire The (jnalit es to be Looked for in Uaenine an : ct tainty ot' coxroot actü n :ii til ratea pf Bpeed, niniplioity f coostruction, greal durtlblUty, iftdrapidíty of operatïon, with Ihe least labor! Machinéis to combine these öftsentla) qoalltles, mnst be ronde of tne bost metal . dd liüili' i to perfect Ion. We, havo the way auü meaos, ón a graml soale, to do tfii-'. The purchasors of machines, whosedaUy lrcal it may concern , "'11 and tbat those navingthe aboTeq uftlittes mol only irork well at rapld oa wcll aa ulow raten oí speed ,[but last longer In tli fineíi póssible workingorder. Our machinen, as made by us, will eam more money with less labor tban atíy others whetner m Initation of cursor not, Infact, they areclicaiier tlian any otbfir macbineaasngiit. I. M, SÍNGER & CO., 458 Broiulway NéwTolík. 4G Detroit Office, 58 Woodward Avenue, (Merrill Blbck.) Slltf M. IL GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. BOOTS 'L SHOES MOüHE & LOOMES Ajo n"iv reeetrug a large assorlment of Boots auiï Shots and K, XJ B B E PI S i Wbich titfy propü-o lo soll 00 per cení below farmer pr ices for cash. Hen's goud Kip Boots, from $1,50 to $3,00 Men's gooü Thiek Boots, from 2,00 to 3,00 Men's good Calf Boots, from 3,50 to 3,75 Boy's Calf, Kip and Thick Boots, 88 to 1,75 Ladiee' Gaitera, írom 44 to 1,26 Ladie8' Jlorocco Bootees, from 75 to 1,25 And an emlless varlety of Smul i-hoos from Fancy Bnlnjpralö to Iufunts' Creeplng Sboos, We nrc alsoniauufoctuiliiK alt klmls of WARRANTED BOOTS & SHOES. Mens Fine Frenen Calf JJoots l'egged anti Sewed. iiKa c&Ubftfoco purehasïng oIbpttI] . ■- . ■ 'buund nnt to 1C undersolij. gUKI'Aliil.NiJ DUNK 1'.Ï XOTlCE.jr BÏOORE Sc LOOMIS Main Pt., Ann Arlci-, Mich. P20tf Rnn Arbor City Ice Houce for Salo Cheap. 'Í1IIR íubscriber újftrí T"r salo bi itli StaI !.'..- : :■..■■'■■'■ Ü ■ iljout 90 guurea oL Land .-.■Juiairi'c, lgptllftr Kitii WjigniiB. Tools, kc. . Buta UC.M proportlon i . ■■ nd thi b3anee cao remaio 'jm tinif. CLEMENT ::. THOMPSON.


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Michigan Argus