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II Ü RACE WATERS, AGE 8 T 1 3 3 3 1 r o a il iv a y , ScwYorli I'uWUl-tr ojTHi..3c niK'l Aluslc 13rks AMJ DKltfcR T.V Pianos, Melodoons. Alcxandre Orgnns Organ Accordeons, Martio's oolebrated ufidother Guitars, VioKns, Twior Viols, Violinoellos, Accordeons, Flutinas, 1 Flutee, Bifes, TriangleeClarbnetts, Timing Forks.Pipes aadHammera, Violiu Bows, best ian Strings, Bnes Instrumenta r for Bands, Piano Stools, ,. and covers, and ufl b kinds of Musical Instrumenta, a JS li. o o t 3VI xx S i o, o f rom all the publishers in UieU. H., lii-rtmi' Elunlin's, and Módera School, and all kinds of Instriiotion Book? I] for tin' abore instrumenta; Churcb Books; iliuic elegantly bouud; Alucie paper, aml all kinds ui .Music G A t t heLowest Priees. New Planos, M ilodeons, $4,r) ' w on Lrom fc30to$8Q; Aiexai I 0 vith Uve stops, $160, $300; flfteen stops, 300 and $;'.:."; a ! i toral discount to Clergymen, burches. Sabbath Soboois, Seminaries M and Ceachera. ïhe Trado upplk-ü at the usual trade iliticouflts ai Testimoniáis of lle flora ce Waters Planos aml Helodeonau Jolm Hewott, i ■ ,Kew York, wbo has had oiif of the Horacc Watera Pianos, writcsaa FoUown: - P "A frlend oí' mino wishesme topurebasea piano for ''' hor. Likos tbe one you gold me in December, ' -i My plano is becoming popular to tlila pin cc, aod I thiok I C1 in ii Intsodooe ono or two moro; they wül be mote ;■■ .- lar fch&n anv otlier make." bWe luivn two of Watera1 Pianos In uso iu i unry, ono of which haul■ ,-itil for Üiroe ui reara, aud we eau testify to their ko1 quality and f bility." - Woocl - Gregory, Monnt Qirroii, Ui. H "H, Wtftera, Ësq.-JDÉAB EhK: Hai nedf yotiï 0, Piano Fortes f ot two jeaiB past. 1 have fonad ltavrj tj superior Inelnr.nnif. ALOHZO OKAT, n, Principal Bgöoktyn H: itfhls Seminarif. ! frona you coiitlnueri to jlve eatisfaction. 1 regard it as une oí' the beM nftrunicnts in the 1 LHBB U CLARKJt', Ch&rlenlou , 1'r. 4Xbe Melüdcon lui-s aafeiy arrived. 1 fee) obliged to you Cory nur libtral discount." Rv. J. M. HcGOBUick, YarquesvilleS, C"ïhe piano wan duly reeelred. I camp InexcclWol 3 condltion, añd la rery much admirad by my nun t'amiiy. Accnpt niv wankn Por your proniptuess." EtOfBBSCT GOOPKB, Wárrenham, Bradjotd Co. Pa. "Your piano pleaes ua wel], It is the beal une in our 01 ' - TQOUaS A. Latuam. Campbellton, Ga. 'oi We are Tery nracli oblïged to you for having sach 8ne tns&oment fw $250." - Ba.vk}IIel tz Co., Búbalo Democraf. tJ "Tho Horaee Watwa Pbusosare known fts amorío the M( TOry bosi We are cnahled to speak of those tnwtni;t' ment 8 with oonfldenoe, from pononal knowledse of their ' excellent tone anl durable quality." - JV. Y. Er.angtltei. V'We can speafc of the murits of Hifi Horaee Waters pitt: anoa from personal knöwïedgè, aa hoing the retyflnesi (' quality." - Ghtixitau Intetiueencer. al liTlie Iforacé VFatera pfauMM are oi i!t of tl.e besH nml most thoróughlj sean i ■ . ra ktevtal. We havo no doubt ei thftt buyers c:ui do as wcll,porhanrt bettor, at thisthan at asy otMTttouse in the L'nion." - Advocate anti Journal. 'I! Wat, . . I mi 1" Lttona challenge comparMou hi nnywiiAM in Tilt country." - Home a Journal c' ■Horace Waters' Piano Portea are of fulT, rich and 1 eren tone, and powerfil T, Musical Review. "Our iïït'ndswi1.] flnd at llr. Waters1 store the very fi best aasortment "f Uusie anM of Pianos to be found in o the Ünï ;1'1 urge our ïoathern and rentera ■' frienda to give him a cali whentver they go to New ■" Yoik.:1- GraJtanCs Magazine. J Warchouse 333 Bro'adway, N. Y. f Sab ba t h S ch ooi Bell, f 100,000 Issced in ten Monlhs. The uuprecedeni d sale of thíshook haa toducod the publishiT tu add icome 30 uew tunesand hymna to its pre , . i, exo pt on il"1 cheap edition- Amoog the many beautlfu] tunea and hymns added may he fuiínrl:- "I oujfht tolove my.jpoother;" "OIU be t goöd child, indeed I wil!." These and eighi olheru _ fi-om öie BelUwqre ?una"ay School Annn i gary of 1 ii ■ ' - Churoh at the Academy of Music, wilh A pi-pat applause. The Heil eortains nearly 200 tur hymostiuid ts one of the best collecttons ever is.sued, a Priofl 13c; $10porhundredipostage4eElegantly bouml, c embossèd gilt, 26c, $J0perÍ00 It hasbeeu íutroduced a lato many of the Public ScWls. ñte è' ia publlahed in smal) numbera entkled Annl' ry and Snndn-j School Busio Books, Nob. 1,2, 3f k. 4, in piïer to aceommodate tho million; ptice $2 &: $3 per o Uundred No. O will soonbe ïssaed- commentement of " another bok. AUo, Reviv;d ftlusic Books, No. 1 k ', : , Í2 per 100, postage Ie. More than 300,000 of the above books hare been insued the past 1 ■it;s, aud tlie dtmand Is rapidly lncreabiDjr. Publiahed br HORACE WATERS, Agent, W' Broadway, X. iT. Publised by Horaco Waters , No 333 Broadway, New York. l Voüftl, "Kind Wordscan neverdlo 'iThe Angels toM me so-J "WïMa of the W.-st:p' "Thoughta of God' j "Givaraebach my Mountain Home;" "liay Dreams;" "Dandy Cock Robín;" 'Tin with thee stlHietnaraess11 ■■s.,i dartlng like mine " 'Satafa .ianeUc;"1'!pr of thee;" lI'ni leftTinythee n Sorrow;" "Rird of Beauty;" "Home of our birth" "Grave of Kosabeï,'' and 'W;ii. lady, wake,,' price 25c eaeh. lNn;: HKSTAL. - ' 'Palaco Garden, or SSngtnff lïird Polka 40c; Swii ' ' ' : chotiisch;" 'T!u ■■ : ohotH :" "Piccolomini Polka, 3ö cmis eaub The above ptecen have beautifol "WelraerPollïftj" "Arabian Wai oryMarch' the very lat: 'Vaiioviaiuin Doniella Mazuiki; ■■íic.-.l; iití,' l'olka:" "Crinoline Walte,' and "Lancera' Qua driUG,"25ceaoh. "Ilie Erapire of Reich'fl QuadrtUe;" a new dance, and "The Hiberniaü Quadrille, " Sfieeaoh. i Many of these piecea are played by Baker '8 oelebrated i orchest ra with great applvuRe.41 aiïed f we. A j largelot üf ForeigD -Music at half prioe. i Pianos, Mcloilcons and Organs. Tlie Jíorace Waters Piano and Melodesins, for depth, puritv of tono and durabïUty, are unsurpaaaed. Pricea , very uw Second Fland PJanoa and Uelodeonsfrojn $25 to i $150. Uuaic and Musical ínstructlonfl of all kinds, at the lowest prices. HORACE WATERS, Agent, No. 883 Broadway, N.Y. TssnxoxiAuB; - "Tlie Horaoe Witters Planes are knuvrn asamon thovory best.' - Evangelist, ii sprnk of their meritsfroin personal knowledffo.If- Ch rist ian Inteiiigcncer. 1 'Nothlng at the Fair vlisplayed greater excMIence ■"- Waters' Pianos and MsloAeona ehaUengeooxoparliton with tbc (mes t made aoywlu'reiu the couui,ry.I'-tMrti Jounut. KW LOOMIS & TRIPF, Chapín fe Looins,andCbapin, Tripp A Loomií TEffiabove firm of toomi & Trlpp having pnrcbasM the rntire Interest "f the former compMii' coutimie tlio buainox at theold stuml, ivlicio they will bo renily, on the shortmit notice, to üllallotderi in tlu Castingsand Machinery, n the most workmanliko manncr, aml on as Hbora term' n any other abop in the State. Ammis the vaii oua artiolewnanufacturea bv 11. we woald enwnorate STEAM ENGINES of .11 kinds; Min Gsarlng a::d Fisturss, wrovshtand cast; all the various oastlnga fot maling and repalrlng llorse Powers & Thresbing Macliines Bnch as are at present, or bavf fin-merly boen in i:se in ïhü part r tbeState, as wel) as all the rarlous kinds ol oastingt and msobine rort ealladfacb; farmers uJ iDL'cliaiiii's iiiilils seetloti of the óountry. of all the va.-ious paUcrns, up in sizca and pvices. will be kei'tcoustanlly on haul,got the must modern and improved itcylen. TbankTul for former patronage tothoold firms, w ttouUI solicit a continoance fcom old frionds.and atri&l bv all wtóhiog for any thing in our line of bnstnm. LÜOMIS k THiri'. Ann Arbor.May 18th, 1S59. Bíítí ÏHRESHING MACHÍN ES. i'TK-n:n and man; pactured by Nichols & Sheppard, Battie Crcck, Micli. i Improved for the Season of 1862 In thla Sopafatbr ihe gjain Isaoparated from the strr-w by mef of üfttBgUugërs, that tos tho tja w hji ftnd down wilh aBDdden motlon frmn the limt it Icavo the eylindei untll it pasaeato Uiestacker, aml tin rain falls throwga a bottofa mado of slats, olear ftrom tho itraw.. Tii.' i'iiris oontainicg tbE ■ -1 liiit grain bottomara mude to vibratu rr swing baokward and forw:t;-.l. whlch works tl"' straw to the staókei and the ■ klntothe liere. The anperiority of this macblne uvt-r all othevn consista In iM Porfeot eratlontlon of Orln iromStrav, 1 Qteat BhnnUdty, havlng i plétora 'r beate 10 elo ■ v,p, and lejs maobinoty tlyn aiiy othcr maehuu no male. I Di.-atcaDKdty, asit will r.dt tUt whon ormv.l-l. l'urfict íleaner, having largn aeiTea than any othcr, l'iioy dralt , botti-r oomtructed, slmpli :iud lUu-ablc. Pcnnsylvanirt Iron Ilovse Power. ■■ Vammted tobo tho best Hrse Pw iü Mfli with wiuxi oí Son Crame a prefeyied Farmorí and Thrcshera ol Michigan I We níler yon the BEST MACHINE IN' ÜSE. Botter than PI U IIiiU's fowlorvillo, r anv nrihine built ':i t'.ifir pi tncip e I If you latend iiajiiiï a machine of any I-.ím.i gel a pajcphlet of US or our Agent, I yoartelf)ramphlot sent fcee. Cali and ee, or ad.l 1 NICHOI 3 & -nKiTAr.n, Battie '■■ '' 'i. . Michigan. ()r M. RO!5Ï313, or MV::iiN KAS1I, A-rn. Arbor;or I. V. '.i;i:m.x, agent, Dexter. 830m3 1 Ayer's Cathartic Pilis


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